Let You Join the Army to Quit Internet Addiction, but You Create the Matrix

Chapter 84


[Lonely and in collusion]

[Walking alone and gaining enlightenment]


The clear singing voice, the pleasant accompaniment, and the subtitles of the "Uncommon Characters" MV jumping on the big screen behind him.

Everyone was immersed in the singing that filled the entire hall.

Chen Ming had considered carefully before choosing the song "Uncommon Characters".

First of all, I am familiar with this song.

Before Chen Ming was reborn, this song was popular on Tik Tok for a while.

When it was at its peak, there were even ten videos, eight of which were soundtracks of rare Chinese characters.

Even if he didn't deliberately memorize the lines, he could still hum the general idea. What's more, before his rebirth, Chen Ming would often order this song when he went to KTV, so he could be said to be very familiar with it.

Secondly, the lyrics of this song are also a highlight, many of which are rare characters that have been passed down in Longguo since ancient times.

The lyrics spread the profound culture of Dragon Country, which satisfied the older generation.

The song's accompaniment is fiery and pleasant, catering to young people.

Therefore, this song is suitable for all ages, and even older leaders will nod their heads when they hear it.

In order to help people understand these characters, Chen Ming even bought the animated MV of "Uncommon Characters" in the system mall.

When singing along with the lyrics, people can also know the words.

After the song was sung, the whole room cheered and applauded.

Everyone said it sounded good.

It was obvious that they were all very happy with the song.

Chen Ming bowed to express his gratitude, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and glanced at Tang Xinyi in the audience.

At this time, Tang Xinyi was also clapping, completely forgetting that Chen Ming had just played a trick on her.

Because she was really satisfied with this song.

After finishing the song, Chen Ming went backstage to retrieve the USB drive and then returned to his original position.

"You can do it, kid!"

As soon as Chen Ming sat down, Tang Xinyi slapped him hard on the back of his head, causing Chen Ming's head to hurt for a while.

Tang Xinyi immediately gave him a thumbs up.

Rewards and punishments are given at the same time.

Chen Ming touched the back of his head that was slapped, raised his eyebrows, and snorted: "Of course, I'm Chen Ming, an all-around warrior!"

Tang Xinyi rolled her eyes at him and said, "I praised you for being fat, but you're still panting."

The party lasted until nine o'clock in the evening. After it ended, Tang Xinyi packed a meal and took it back to her colleague on duty.

Everyone got on the car that had been waiting at the entrance of the brigade and returned to the Information Department.

Back in the Information Department dormitory, everyone sat comfortably in their seats.

Although it was a happy day, they were also exhausted.

Chen Ming's body was greatly strengthened by the system, so he did not feel tired doing this kind of work.

The four of them sat on chairs and chatted about the customs of celebrating the New Year in their hometowns and about the troubles they had gotten into during the New Year when they were at home.

While chatting, there was deep longing in everyone's eyes.

Who wouldn’t miss home after being out for so long

As we chatted, time passed by unknowingly.

"It will be three minutes until twelve o'clock." Lin Guang looked at the alarm clock and said to a few people.

When the clock strikes twelve, this year is gone forever.

Everyone stood up, walked to the balcony one after another, and looked into the distance.

As twelve o'clock approached, a flash of light like thunder suddenly appeared in the distant sky.

But it was not thunder; it was people setting off fireworks in the distant city celebrating the New Year.

They were far away and could only vaguely see some light.

In this era, fireworks are still allowed.

The four of them looked at each other and smiled.

"Happy New Year." Chen Ming spoke first.

"Happy New Year." The three of them responded at the same time.

The next morning, at seven o'clock, Chen Ming and Chang Heng got up sadly.

Xiong Dahe and Lin Guang were still sleeping soundly in bed.

Chen Ming and Chang Heng are on day shift today.

After they finished washing up, they went to the cafeteria together to buy two buns and rushed to the computer room.

On the way, a truck passed by and the comrades sitting on the truck waved goodbye to them with sunny smiles.

They were going to the brigade headquarters to participate in a garden party.

The military’s garden party is similar to the New Year’s Day party in school.

Various games will be organized and the soldiers can choose to participate freely.

If you can get a place, you can also get a small prize.

Some military dependents who are invited to visit the military camp can also participate in this kind of activity.

Very lively.

In order to take the military families into consideration, the games in the garden party are generally not too difficult.

The main thing is to be happy.

“I want to go too…”

Chen Ming looked at his comrades on the truck and said from the bottom of his heart.

This is his first year as a soldier and he has never experienced this kind of activity.

Chang Heng smiled bitterly: "Don't complain, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, and we will hold it almost every year."

The two of them ate buns all the way to the Information Department to change shifts.

After changing shifts, the two sat in front of their computers, not knowing what to do.

There is not much to do during normal duty hours. Basically, I just maintain the system occasionally, or take quick defense when the system is invaded.

But this new system has just been upgraded and requires little maintenance.

As for the system being hacked, it basically does not happen.

Even if someone invaded, who could break into the system that Chen Ming had just upgraded

So when they are on duty on weekdays, they like to bring some things that can relieve boredom.

Chen Ming connected the intranet system to the background and quietly opened WeChat.

I was feeling a bit depressed at first because I couldn't go to the garden party.

But when he opened WeChat and saw 99+ chat records in the WeChat group, he was stunned.

When I opened it, I saw that many comrades in the brigade were sending New Year emoticons.

We had a great time chatting.

Chen Ming looked at the popular WeChat, somewhat puzzled, and asked in a text message: "On the first day of the Lunar New Year, why don't you go to the garden party and go to the computer room instead?"

As soon as Chen Ming sent the message, someone responded immediately.

"I've been a veteran for eight years. The fair has only the same few activities over and over again. I was tired of it by the third year."

“Why not come to the computer room and play a few games to relax while you have some free time? Besides, this game is so fun now, it’s much more interesting than that activity.

"Who wants to attend a garden party except for the uninformed recruits?"

Looking at the veteran's reply, Chen Ming was stunned.

Suddenly, I felt like I was pierced by an arrow aimed at the "new recruit's egg".

After the veteran who claimed to have been in the army for eight years finished speaking, the following soldiers immediately formed a formation:

"My four years."

"My six years."

"Five years."

One by one, they reported their military service.