Let You Join the Army to Quit Internet Addiction, but You Create the Matrix

Chapter 91


From 10% to 1%, we have everything, and the prices are clearly marked.

Chen Ming decisively chose the one that increased physical fitness by 1%, which cost 15,000 points.

Although he felt sad, Chen Ming was reluctant to let the wolf catch the child.

After the purchase, Chen Ming suddenly felt that his blood and energy became much more abundant.

It was as if I had drunk a tonic soup and I couldn't wait to run a few five-kilometer armed cross-country runs to vent my feelings.

However, after doing all this, Chen Ming was not satisfied.

Physical fitness is only the most basic standard for special forces.

At best, it can only help you pass the test, but it is far from enough to become the best.

Thinking about it, Chen Ming searched for fighting techniques again.

He spent another 15,000 points to purchase master-level fighting skills.

At the moment of payment, Chen Ming felt that something suddenly appeared in his mind, and there were also some changes in his body.

This change is not visible to the naked eye.

It was like forcing Chen Ming to have a 'subconscious' reaction.

Before, if someone punched Chen Ming, Chen Ming would mostly dodge and look for another opportunity.

But if someone attacks him now, Chen Ming will subconsciously block the attack and then fight back.

After purchasing this, Chen Ming felt relieved.

With master-level fighting skills, at least you don’t have to worry about being hit and not being able to fight back.

Finally, Chen Ming gritted his teeth and typed "special forces military skills" into the search box.

With 20,000 points, he purchased the special forces military skills with perfect proficiency.

After finishing all this, Chen Ming breathed a sigh of satisfaction.

Looking at the points pool with only more than 20,000 left, I suddenly felt a little distressed.

During the period before and after the Chinese New Year, as LOL became popular in the Red Star Tournament, Chen Ming would earn a lot of points every rest day.

I managed to accumulate 70,000 points with great difficulty, but I squandered most of them in one go.

Chen Ming sighed sincerely, the points he had accumulated in this life were just like the money from his previous life, they could not be saved.

However, no matter how sad he felt, if Chen Ming were given another choice, he would buy it without hesitation.

Joining the special forces is like entering a den of wolves. As a little sheep, I would not be able to gain a foothold if I did not have some ability.

If they are easily controlled, it will be difficult to protect themselves, let alone promote the informationization reform of special forces.

In a place like the special forces, if one's hard power is not strong, even if one is appointed by the military chief, he will still be suppressed and despised.

Just as Gengzhi expected, the car drove for about three hours and finally stopped at a military base at the foot of a mountain.

Standing in front of this military base, Chen Ming felt a heavy sense of oppression.

The soldiers standing guard at the door were all wearing starry sky camouflage combat uniforms, holding Type 95 rifles in their hands, and their eyes were as sharp as eagles.

Gengzhi took Chen Ming through the heavily guarded gate.

In the base, you can see teams undergoing special training along the way.

Compared with their special training, Chen Ming felt that the new recruits' training was really just playing house.

Things like mud wrestling, extreme tactical training, and weight training.

They all came for real, with their necks stiff and shouting loudly, their veins clearly visible.

Looking at this enthusiastic appearance, it gives people a feeling of being full of vigor and vitality.

Passing by the soldiers in training, the two men finally came to an office in the base.

The playful smile that Gengzhi had in the car was gone, and all his laziness was taken away in an instant.

At this moment, Chen Ming felt like he had become a different person, with an indescribable aura about him.

He raised his hand, knocked heavily on the door, and then stood straight at the door.

"Report!" he shouted.

The voice is loud, decisive and majestic.

"Come in."

There was a sound coming from inside the room.

Gengzhi pushed open the office door and led Chen Ming in.

There was only one person in the office at this time. He sat at the desk and looked at the two of them quietly.

Chen Ming saw his shoulder straps. He was a colonel and looked a little weathered. But beneath his weathered eyes, there was a kind of excitement that Chen Ming couldn't describe.

Like a dormant tiger, he seems to be harmless, but once he opens his claws, he can hunt all prey in front of him.

Gengzhi brought Chen Ming to the colonel and saluted him.

"Captain, I've got the person."

The colonel nodded and waved his hand, saying, "You go out first and call your squadron leader over."

"Yes!" Gengzhi responded and walked out of the office.

The colonel stood up, looked Chen Ming up and down, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Hello, Comrade Chen Ming, my name is Miao Feng, and I'm the captain of our Feilong Special Forces."

He looked at Chen Ming and said very kindly.

Chen Ming stood up straight and saluted solemnly, "Hello, Comrade Captain."

Miao Feng smiled and waved his hand, letting him finish his ceremony.

"The chief's intention has been conveyed to us, and I understand it."

Miao Feng looked at Chen Ming, his hazy eyes showing no emotion.

He went on to say: "But I think there is no rush for the informationization reform of our army."

Chen Ming frowned as he listened to his words, wondering if this person also doesn't support the transformation

If the captain of the special forces does not support the transformation, it will be difficult for you to complete the mission.

Miao Feng ignored what Chen Ming was thinking, and continued:

"When you first arrive, you will be assigned to our first squadron and eat, live and train with the soldiers in the squadron."

"First, get used to it for a week. After a week, when you have a good understanding of everything, we can discuss the transformation together."

"You should also inspect the actual situation of our troops this week, and then consider where to promote the informationization reform of our troops."

Miao Feng had a smile on his face as he spoke, showing neither too much enthusiasm nor the slightest contempt.

After hearing what he said, Chen Ming understood.

The captain did not oppose the transformation, but he was unwilling to take command and do things in a drastic manner.

Instead, he wanted to kill his own arrogance first.

Otherwise, he would rely on the orders of the military and start to give orders and act arrogantly.

A week of special forces training is a life-threatening thing for many ordinary soldiers.

Maybe he'll run away before the first day is over.

Miao Feng was planning to let Chen Ming experience how terrifying the special forces were.

Tell him not to be so arrogant when he directs the transformation later.

And this week was exactly the time he gave Chen Ming a warning.

However, Chen Ming himself is also confident, and he is not afraid if the other party wants to intimidate him.

I also used this week to respond to him directly. Although I was transferred from the Information Department, I was not powerless.

I was sent by my superiors to handle the transformation, so I have to do it well.

When it comes to transformation, you have to listen to me!

Although he thought so in his heart, Chen Ming would not be so stupid as to say it out loud.

He smiled and said to Miao Feng: "The commander is very thoughtful. It is normal to adapt to the environment. I don't even know the situation of a unit, so how can I talk about reform? I am willing to adapt to a week of training."

After listening to Chen Ming's words, Miao Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be fine if Chen Ming is willing. If he shamelessly refuses to do it and directly demands to do the task, it would be a headache for him.

After all, Chen Ming had a mission from his superiors.

To put it in a more bureaucratic way, he is the imperial envoy.

It is a bit difficult for me, a local official, to suppress others.

"That's good." Miao Feng nodded with a smile.

After he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door, and at the same time a very strong voice came: