Let You Join the Army to Quit Internet Addiction, but You Create the Matrix

Chapter 93


Chen Ming stood there, confused.

When a team leader leads a team for training, who is their team leader

Lei Rui didn’t tell him just now.

Just when Chen Ming was at a loss as to what to do.

Gengzhi, who went to the Information Department to pick him up, came over with four teammates.

He patted Chen Ming on the shoulder and said, "You are lucky to be assigned to our group. I am the team leader."

After that, he introduced the four teammates behind him: "These four are Zhao Ligong, Qian Jianjun, Sun Aiguo, and Li Fuxing."

When Chen Ming heard the name, he was immediately happy.

These names are easy to remember: Zhao, Qian, Sun, and Li, representing meritorious service, building the army, patriotism, and rejuvenation.

The probability of this combination being assigned to the same team is almost like winning the lottery.

Chen Ming took the initiative to go up and shake hands with them, "Hello, please take care of me."

Zhao Ligong smiled and said, "Brother, I heard that you came to our army to gild your skills?"

Hearing his words, several of his comrades around him also showed strange smiles, raised their chins, looked at Chen Ming, and looked forward to his embarrassment.

Chen Ming was not embarrassed. He laughed and said, "It can't be considered gold plating. After all, I have never seen anyone gild gold, right?"

Hearing this, everyone laughed.

Chen Ming's words imply that he is a piece of gold and does not need gilding.

Everyone 24 looked at Chen Ming and wondered, who gave you the courage to be so arrogant in the special forces

Even the team leader Gengzhi couldn't help but say: "You are really shameless, but I like it."

He looked at Chen Ming with narrowed eyes.

Everyone looked at Chen Ming and couldn't help but narrow their eyes.

There is a long time to go, and they have plenty of time to test the authenticity of this gold.

"Okay, we're going to start training. As for your piece of gold..."

Gengzhi looked up and down at Chen Ming's military uniform, his face hesitant.

Training usually involves wearing combat uniforms.

But without the squadron leader's permission, he didn't dare to take Chen Ming back to the dormitory to change.

He also wouldn't believe that the squadron leader, who was always so careful, would ignore such a problem.

Since he brought Chen Ming, who was wearing casual clothes, and directly asked the team leader to organize the training without making any other arrangements.

It seems that they deliberately made Chen Ming wear regular clothes for training, as if they wanted to play a trick on him.

Chen Ming saw the hesitation on Gengzhi's face and said, "It's okay. The uniform can be washed if it gets dirty. There's no problem wearing it for training."

As he spoke, Chen Ming threw the bag on his body to a cleaner place.

Gengzhi felt a little curious when he saw Chen Ming so eager to try.

Is this guy a fool? Not afraid at all

The training of the special forces would make even the top soldiers of an ordinary company tremble with fear.

How dare you be so excited when you come from a government agency

Gengzhi thought to himself.

However, since Chen Ming has already expressed his opinion, he, as the team leader, will not say anything.

He followed everyone to the starting line of the 400-meter obstacle race.

Chen Ming looked at the soldiers who were training all around him, as well as the four teammates beside him, and turned to Geng Zhi and said:

"Team leader, do me a favor and time me. I'll try to see how many seconds I can break."

When Chen Ming spoke, he deliberately raised his voice.

Aren’t you all waiting to see me make a fool of myself

Then I will show you my strength!

At this moment, he was deliberately attracting other people's attention.

He wants to use his physical strength to scare them!

Sure enough, as soon as the voice came out, many eyes turned over.

Even Lei Rui, who had been standing at the edge of the venue, narrowed his eyes and glanced at Chen Ming.

Gengzhi was also stunned when he saw him at the starting line, getting ready.

I thought to myself, this kid is really ostentatious.

But... do you think this is still in the recruit company

He had read Chen Ming's information and knew that Chen Ming's physical fitness and marksmanship were very good, and he was the undisputed number one in the recruit company.

But this is Special Forces!

In other companies, you can still show off your power.

But in the special forces, you still want to act like this, don't you underestimate us? !

Who among those who can enter here is not the vanguard among the vanguards of each company

And you, kid, have been working in a government agency for a few months, so your physical fitness must be not as good as before, right

Although he was unhappy, Gengzhi still took out the stopwatch.

Many people stopped what they were doing, waiting to see the joke of this guy who got in through the back door and got gilded by the gold.

Gengzhi put his finger on the start button of the stopwatch and shouted loudly: "Three, two, one, go!"

Gengzhi shouted and pressed the stopwatch button at the same time.

As soon as Chen Ming uttered the word "run", his legs moved instantly.

In an instant, everyone seemed to see a cheetah chasing its prey, suddenly jumping out at such a speed that everyone was dumbfounded.

The 400-meter obstacle race had a 1-meter straight run at the beginning, and Chen Ming passed it at the fastest speed.

Next comes turning, crossing 3-step piles, crossing trenches, crossing low walls, passing high board platforms, climbing horizontal ladders, passing single-plank bridges, climbing high walls, and crawling through low-pile nets.

At this moment, Chen Ming was as fast as the wind, looking at the obstacles in front of him.

In his mind, the 'Perfect Level Special Forces Military Skill Proficiency' that he had purchased with 20,000 points was frantically calculating for him.

Faced with every obstacle, the brain will come up with all the optimal solutions.

All obstacles can be completed in a very short time.

At this moment, he did not look like a new recruit at all. Instead, he looked more like a special forces soldier who had been tempered on this track.

He seemed extremely familiar with every obstacle on the track.

Everyone stopped to watch his solo performance, and some were so shocked that they forgot to breathe.

Then we turned back and passed the 100-meter obstacle.

At this point, Chen Ming still felt plenty of strength and did not show any signs of exhaustion.

The last 1 meter sprint in a straight line.

Chen Ming’s speed is even faster than at the beginning!

Just like an arrow shot from a bow, it sprinted madly on this 100-meter-long straight track.

The wind whistled in his ears and he moved quickly forward against the wall of wind.

Focus your eyes and treat everything outside as if it is nothing. The only goal is the destination!

At this moment, everyone only felt that his figure became very blurry during the sprint, and the speed was so fast that even the eyes could hardly catch it!

Finally, Chen Ming took the last leap and crossed the finish line!

At the same time, Gengzhi pressed the stopwatch in his hand.

The scrolling time above finally stopped at one minute and twenty-three seconds!

Gengzhi looked down at the time on the stopwatch in his hand and was stunned.

He couldn't believe his eyes. He rubbed them hard and then took a closer look.

It’s definitely one minute and twenty-three seconds!

At this moment, his heart was as shocked as thunder.

You know, the highest record of the entire army is only one minute and twenty-four seconds!

And after that person finished the race, no matter how much he practiced, he could never catch up with his original record!

This record that had been maintained for a long time was broken by Chen Ming, who had just joined the special forces for less than an hour!

What’s even more terrible is that Chen Ming was running in his casual clothes!

More than a hundred people in the entire venue stared at Chen Ming blankly.