Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 14


I put all my energy into the last two exams. In the meantime, I still went to work in a cafe. Every night when I return to my dormitory, what awaits me are still two full bottles of boiling water. I thought An An was being lazy again and asked Xiu Yue to do it for me, but An An said that Feng Jinger carried the water for me.

I know that Feng Jing'er seldom carries water herself, Lu Jie always carries her water.

I went to thank her before she left for her evening self-study, and she looked tired: "Hey, why are you polite. You come back so late every day, and it's cold, how can you do without hot water." I said, then Thank you Lu Jie for me.

"Don't thank the wrong person! Lu Jie participated in a GRE improvement class. Wherever he is free, I still carry his water." She laughed. In my heart, Feng Jing'er has always been complacent, but for some reason, her smile today is a bit desolate: "We have always wanted to invite Li Chuan to dinner, but he refused to show his face. The application letter he changed for Lu Jie was quite useful Yes, letters from several schools. We chose the University of Chicago, and they promised to waive part of the tuition fees. You know, schools like the University of Chicago rarely offer tuition waivers to undergraduates. Lu Jie has relatives abroad who can vouch for him. Now, everything is in order, only the admission notice is left."

"Isn't this what everyone wants, everyone is happy?" I was happy for her.

"Yes." Her tone was light.

"What about you, what are you going to do?"

"I'm planning to take the TOEFL too. It's just that I don't have any reliable relatives in foreign countries, and my major is English. I can't be as competitive as Lu Jie. It may not be easy to go abroad."

"Let Lu Jie figure out a way. If he is already abroad, it shouldn't be difficult to get you out." Actually, I don't know what going abroad is like. To me, this kind of thing is as far away as a dream . So I can only make random suggestions.

"We're not married, we don't have a name or a relationship, and he can't help much...Let's talk about it."

This is what it's like to talk to someone you don't have a relationship with, hesitating, hiding your head and showing your tail, and speaking insincerely. I have never had any friendship with Feng Jinger, and I was terrified to thank her for carrying water for me. Besides, it was Li Chuan who helped her, and it had nothing to do with me, so I dare not take it upon me to accept her favor. So as soon as I finished talking with her, I immediately went out to the canteen to buy two thermos bottles, and I would carry four bottles of water at a time at noon, so that I didn't have to owe favors.

The story of Li Chuan buying me a coat, after Xiao Rui's vivid explanation, spread throughout the dormitories on this floor. I became the heroine of some kind of fairy tale. The two most popular versions are: A, I am just Xiaomi who was adopted by a rich man, and I take it seriously, but in fact, he is just greedy for novelty and playing for fun. , I worked as a young lady in an entertainment city after school, and in order to earn extra money, I fell in love with a lot of money. The English Department and the Music Department are notorious in our university, because once the police acted suddenly and arrested more than 20 prostitutes in a dance hall, seven of them were college students, and all of them were expelled from the school. One of the girls couldn't bear the humiliation, she hanged herself and died in a dormitory on our floor.

What kind of world is this? When people hear good people, they doubt it, and when they hear people evil, they believe it. Gossip is like a tiger, and everyone is full of murderous intentions.

It's true that I'm only seventeen years old, but I don't think I have to wait until I'm thirty-seven years old to really understand men and Li Chuan.

Except for the two days of the exam, Li Chuan called me every other day. It can be seen that he is very busy. He has to visit the construction site, have dinner with others, prepare materials, and modify drawings. The effect of long-distance calls on the mobile phone is not good, and the speech is intermittent. The most common sentence between the two of us is: "What did you just say? Say it again, I didn't hear clearly." In addition, I was worried that the phone bill would be too expensive, so I refused to say more , greeted each other a few words and then closed the line.

After the exam, I slept soundly in the dormitory for a few days, then went to the train station to line up to buy a ticket back to Yunnan. When it comes to the Spring Festival travel rush, there is a long queue at the ticket window. The train station starts selling tickets at eight o'clock every day until five o'clock in the afternoon. Usually, the tickets for the day are sold out in less than ten minutes as soon as the window door is opened. On the first day, I didn't know the details, and I didn't buy anything when I went there at nine o'clock in the morning. After inquiring, those who bought the tickets were all queued all night that night. The crowds at the station aroused my homesickness. I immediately went back to the dormitory to get enough water and dry food, and took the "Moon and Sixpence" that Xiu Yue gave me, and joined the rush of queuing.

I waited in line all night, and finally made it to dawn when the ticket gate opened. The people in front of me all wanted to buy several tickets. It was only ten or so before it was my turn, and the small window clicked. turned off. A blank piece of paper was hung up: "Today's tickets are sold out." I hurriedly learned from an uncle who bought a ticket. He said: "How can one day be enough? I have been waiting for three days. I almost didn't buy anything today!"

I belong to this kind of person: taking pleasure in suffering, fighting more and more bravely. I went to the canteen and bought a cup of Nescafe instant coffee, drank it all in one gulp, took out a towel and toothbrush, went to the toilet to wash up, and then went back to the ticket gate full of energy and started a new round of queuing. During the ten minutes when I went to the toilet, there were more than 20 fellow villagers standing in front of me.

While I was in line, I had finished reading The Moon and Sixpence. On the last few pages of the book, with a bookmark in between, there is a passage of lyrics:

all these years alone

The wind and the rain also go

There have been tears and faults

remember what to hold on to

Only after I have loved you will I understand

will be lonely and will look back

I have a dream and always have you in my heart

Xiu Yue wrote good calligraphy and was the first place in our college calligraphy competition. He also worked part-time, and wanted to go to the coffee shop when he was part-time, but unfortunately no one wanted him, so he had to go to the university for the elderly to teach calligraphy. Alas, he sighed, saying that the enthusiasm of the elderly for learning is really high, and he hopes that one day he can learn something, not for money, for a living, or for anything.

Besides Faye Wong, I like Zhou Huajian. I actually like the song "Friends" very much, but Xiu Yue copied it to me in lower case so solemnly, which made me feel well-intentioned. Although I am young, I am not interested in secretive student-style romances. I remember once watching the Japanese drama "Love Letter" with my brothers in room 301. For several hours, everyone watched with tears and sighs, only I was indifferent. Only a man with no guts would do such a deliberate thing. Love is ongoing, not past tense. It's an imperative sentence, not an exclamation sentence.

The intense incandescent lights in the train station illuminate the hall twenty-four hours a day, making me feel like I've gone to space and lost day and night. In the afternoon, I ate a steamed bun, asked the uncle behind me to watch the seat for me, and took a nap on a chair next to me. In the evening, my energy was so low that I had to drink coffee desperately. The uncle saw that I was dressed as a student and asked, "Student, where is your home? Is it Kunming?"


"Isn't it necessary to transfer to a car after getting off the train?"


"A trip back and forth will cost a few hundred yuan more, right?"


"Why did you run so far to go to school?"

"No way, the grades are too good!" I joked.

He was about to talk down when my cell phone rang. Looking at the time, it was already half past nine in the evening, and another day had passed.

"Hi, Xiao Qiu," Li Chuan said, "Have you slept yet?"

"No, I'm studying by myself last night." I didn't want to tell him about buying the ticket, so as not to worry him. At this time, the station announced: "Train No. 1394 from Chengdu to Beijing has arrived, stop at five platforms, stop at five platforms."

"It's so noisy, is this a place for evening self-study?" He really doubted at that end.

I quickly changed the topic: "Hey, how are you? Are you busy today?"

"It's okay. I handed in the last batch of drawings today, but Xiao Zhang's computer has a virus, and I spent the whole afternoon restoring his data. Now I can basically breathe a sigh of relief."

The broadcast sounded again, and it was a missing person revelation: "Tao Xiaohua's parents, please wait at the station security office after hearing the broadcast. Your son is looking for you."

I quickly asked, "Who is Xiao Zhang?"

"My house type consultant."

"Hey, Li Chuan, do you have milk where you live?"

"No. But there is a shopping mall not far away. I have bought several bottles and put them in the refrigerator."

"Don't buy too much at one time, pay attention to the date of manufacture. You can't drink expired milk."


At this moment, the radio at the station rang again, and he finally said, "Xiao Qiu, where are you?"

"Train station. Line up for tickets."

"It's so late, are tickets still on sale?"

"No tickets are sold, but I have to queue up, otherwise I won't be able to buy them tomorrow morning."

"What?" he said. "An all-night line?"

"What are you afraid of? I often watch all-night movies. Moreover, I have a very good book in my hand, and the time is quickly passed."

"Xiaoqiu," he said, "you go back to school now. I'll call the secretary right away and book a plane ticket for you."

"Don't!" I yelled, "I've been queuing for two all-nighters, and it's almost time for me. I'm in a hurry with whoever makes me fall short!"

"If you insist on taking the train, I'll ask my secretary to book a train ticket for you."

"Where can I book now, even standing tickets are gone."

"Can't make an order? I don't believe it." He said, "Let me try it, okay? It's going to Kunming, isn't it?"

"OK," I got annoyed, "Student Li Chuan, stop. I don't want you to spend money for me. Buying tickets is my business. Also," I remembered the 8,000 yuan coat, and added One sentence, "You are not allowed to buy me more than 50 yuan in the future!"

"The train to Kunming takes thirty-nine hours, and the plane only takes three and a half hours." He ignored me at all and surfed the Internet while making calls.


"Do you know how many human traffickers there are at the train station? All the female graduate students were sold to the ravines."

"No means no."

I switch off the cord. Li Chuan's attitude of not taking money seriously offended me. Li Chuan, you are rich, you can do anything, right? I don't want your money!

I picked a Faye Wong song from my Walkman. I especially like Faye Wong, she is so leisurely, so lazy, so well-organized, so free-wheeling, she expresses every bit of a woman's mood and lust. I waited boredly in Faye Wong's singing. Nothing to do but watch The Moon and Sixpence again until dawn. Then I found that I hated Maugham—the author of this book—more and more. The uncle from Kunming yawned and said to me, "Little girl, tell me what good book you are reading. Uncle, I am really sleepy."

"Uncle, read this paragraph, is it right?"

I explained to him: "If a woman loves you, she won't be satisfied unless she has your soul in her possession. Because women are weak, they have a very strong desire to dominate. It is not reconciled to completely control you. Women are narrow-minded, and they are very disgusted with abstract things that she cannot understand. They are full of material things in their minds, so they are very jealous of spirit and ideals. The soul of a man is in the farthest part of the universe. The place where the woman roams around, but the woman wants to confine it in the account book of the family income and expenditure.... As a person who falls in love, the difference between a man and a woman is that a woman can fall in love all day and all night, while a man can only fall in love. To be able to do this kind of thing from time to time."

"Oh my god, that's too reasonable, my wife is like this. What kind of book is this, it's all in my heart! Have you finished reading it, let me read it?" The uncle was crying explain.

"Is this sexist?" I looked at him angrily, depressed.

The train station is very good, providing hot water 24 hours a day. At dawn, I went to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and made myself another cup of coffee. In the toilet, I looked in the mirror and saw that I was unkempt, my skin was dull and faintly blue, like a female ghost in a chat room.

It was half past seven when I came back. Turning on the phone, it showed six missed calls, all of which were the number of one person—Li Chuan.

The uncle also raised his spirits and read today's "People's Daily".

"Girl, let's say something to refresh uncle. By the way, aren't you from the English department? Read me an English poem."

I was startled when I saw him carrying a big bag of luggage: "Uncle likes poetry!"

"Can't tell, I'm actually an accountant!"

"Then let me recite two poems for you." I spoke English first, and then recited a famous translation to him:

"Valentine's Day is tomorrow, I have to wake up early,

Freshen up and come to your window to be your lover.

He got out of bed and put on his clothes, and he opened the door.

She went in as a girl and came out as a woman. "

The uncle laughed and said that the girl really has you, which is quite funny.

I got excited and recited another paragraph to him:

"Zhang San and Li Si are walking all over the street,

Who is your lover

Felt hat on head and stick in hand,

Wear a pair of straw sandals. "

The uncle laughed even harder, and said, "Girl, you are a god, you can recite poems. You must be him who recites!"

He pointed at my back.

I turned around and saw a handsome man standing not far from me.

Wearing a hat and holding a cane, but no straw sandals.

The uncle said, "Hey, girl, to give uncle a lot of knowledge, who wrote that poem? It's so interesting? Just listen to you and I will write it down. Next time, I will tell people it as a joke."

I didn't open my mouth, and heard a familiar voice answer for me.


Li Chuan.

Looking at Li Chuan's appearance, I felt a little guilty. He was wearing a casual shirt and a straw hat, and he looked like he had just returned from a vacation in Hawaii. I don't know if it's my illusion, but even though Li Chuan is handicapped, he always looks bright and radiant. I stared blankly at him and didn't speak for a long time, as if I walked into another time and space.

"Why... came back so soon?" I asked. He obviously took an early flight today.

"Call you and turn off the phone." He said coldly, "Do you know how anxious I am?"

"No way… "

"Are you going to sleep here for the past two days?" He glanced around and saw a messy group of people huddled together. A rural elder sister-in-law is picking her teeth in front of the mirror, while another daughter-in-law bares her breasts and breastfeeds her child without any scruples.

"It's just a few naps." I said, "queuing is much easier than taking exams."

"You wait, I'll buy you breakfast." He put down his bag and got away to leave.

"Hey, why don't you line up for me, and I'll go buy it. The terrain here is complicated." I stopped him. The station is so chaotic, and there are no facilities for the disabled. Everyone is dragging their luggage on the way. If they hit him, he will be in trouble.

"How about we go eat together?" He walked up to a sister-in-law in line ahead of me and asked her to look after me for me. The sister-in-law stared at him without blinking, nodded desperately, almost fainted in a nympho.

I smiled wryly in my heart, Brother Li Chuan, please don't discharge, okay

He took me, took the elevator to the second floor, found a cafe, and ordered a dessert. I said to the waiter, "Excuse me, the bitterest coffee."

He looked at me for a long time, and sighed: "Xiaoqiu, I'm convinced of you."

"My team is almost there, really! I can definitely get a ticket today. It's a great sense of accomplishment!"

"If you still can't buy a ticket today, you have to listen to me and go back by plane." He said with a straight face.

"No!" I leaned on him with my mouth stiff, but my whole body was as soft as a piece of noodles. He put his arms around me and whispered, "Should we pay attention to the influence in public places?"

"Why do you always smell good all over your body?" His chin was pressed against my forehead, and a faint fragrance overflowed from his collar.

"It smells like shaving water."

"What is the scent?" I said in a daze.

"Lavender (lavender). How do you say it in Chinese?"

"There is a very classic name: Du Ruo. Isn't it very beautiful?"

"Well, I learned another new word. How can I learn so much with you!" He scratched my nose.

"Do you read Shakespeare, too?"

"I even read books like "Reminiscence of Things Past", which shows that my literary accomplishment is very deep." He said in a strange tone.

"Then I'll tell you another passage, and see if you know the source." I played tricks, holding my Beijing accent, "Listen, 'I saw that he was in a hurry, and I planned to rush him in the first place. I didn't want him to be pretty. A smiling face, just snuggle; soft and sweet words, just say; tender feelings of pity, just post them. The heart fires a little bit first, and the love and desire are also one.' "

The warm breath blew on his neck, and he blushed a little: "This is a sentence in yellow."

"Scholars and beautiful ladies, are they comparable to Shakespeare?"

"That's right, why don't we just 'cloud and rain' tonight?" He finally ignored the influence and kissed me lightly. I taught him the word "cloud and rain". I didn't expect him to remember it so quickly.

"Smug you."

After breakfast, we went back to the queue together. This time it was finally my turn to buy a ticket: "Miss, please give me a K471 to Kunming."

"K471 is sold out, only T61, air-conditioned express."

"Okay, I want a hard seat."

"There is no hard seat." There is an expressionless face in the window, "There is a hard sleeper, middle berth, 5 yuan. Soft sleeper, lower berth, 890 yuan.".

Shengsheng is 200 yuan more expensive than a hard seat, I am hesitant.

"Do you want it, you?" The conductor was impatient, "If you don't want it, I'll give it to the next one."

"Yes, yes." I went to take out my wallet, touched it, and broke out in a cold sweat.

"My wallet!" I almost cried, "My wallet is gone!"

-I remembered. When I went to wash my face in the morning, I was bumped by a small man. The man left in a hurry without apologizing.

Li Chuan stood beside me, looked at me and smiled, with a hint of revenge in his smile: "Miss Xie, did you lose your wallet?"

"It was stolen!" I glared at him.

"So, do you want me to buy this ticket?"

"You lend me money, and I will pay you back."

Li Chuan went to the window and said to the waitress, "I'm sorry, miss, I'm sorry for taking up your time. That's right, she lost her wallet and can't buy a ticket."

The young lady even smiled at him: "It's okay, how about it, it's not easy to line up. Let her go home to get the money and come back again. I'll leave one for her? What do you think?"

"That's kind of you, thank you, but no need, we'll find another way." He dragged me out of the line. Take out your phone and dial:

"Su Qun? It's me, Wang Lichuan. I need a round-trip ticket to Kunming. We leave tomorrow.


"It's not me, the name is Xie Xiaoqiu. 'Xie' for thank you, 'small' for size, and 'Qiu' for autumn.

"What cabin do I fly in, what cabin does she fly in.

"The return time will be decided within two months.

"ID number?"

I gave him my ID number and he repeated it on the phone.

"Excuse me, can you send someone to deliver the ticket to my house this afternoon, please

"You don't have to go up, just hand it over to the security.

"Yes, I'm coming back temporarily to do some errands and return to Xiamen tomorrow afternoon.


He reeled in and looked at me.

I'm still looking for my wallet, groping here and there until I'm sure it's lost.

"How much money did you lose?" he asked.

"I won't tell you."

"Money is something outside of the body, as long as people don't lose it." He hugged my shoulder vigorously as a comfort.

We took a taxi back to school, I took the bank card to withdraw the money again, packed my luggage as quickly as possible and went back to Longjing Garden with him.

I fell asleep on the taxi. When I arrived at Longjing Garden, I barely woke up, was dragged into the elevator by Li Chuan, and fell on his bed impatiently.

"Li Chuan, I'm sleepy. If you want to make things happen, you can do it yourself." I said with my eyelids stretched.

He took off my shoes and clothes one by one and tucked me under the covers.

"Sleep well, I will take you to the airport tomorrow." His voice was infinitely gentle.