Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 17


Kunming is known as the city of spring, but in fact it is still very cold in winter, not the kind of cold in the north, but cold and humid.

Li Chuan and I wore exactly the same clothes: a gray turtleneck sweater, jeans, sneakers, and a dark blue trench coat. Li Chuan said, with this kind of attire, they look like a couple when they walk on the road. In fact, apart from the cane in his hand, Li Chuan looks like a model in a perfume advertisement in any clothes he wears. And I, walking on the street, admiring myself in front of the glass, boasting that I have two parts of beauty, compared with Li Chuan, I am too ordinary. I'm not ashamed to go with him.

Because he was worried that allergies would cause skin infection, Li Chuan did not wear a prosthetic under my begging. He planned our day's schedule on his ckberry: go to Guandu Ancient Town to eat small pot rice noodles in the morning, go shopping, go to Daguanlou and Lianhua Park after returning from his aunt's house, and climb the West Mountain if he has the strength; go to Jinmafang and Tuofeng Bar in the evening Drink, go to LD to eat rice noodles. ——This is one of Li Chuan’s characteristics: every morning after washing up, the first thing to do is to write a “To do list” and check his various plans from time to time: weekly plan, monthly plan, One-year plan, five-year plan, I think I am a person who can arrange time very well. Another characteristic of him is that he likes to be lazy when learning Chinese. For example, on the road, if he sees a sign in English, even if it is in pinyin, he will not memorize Chinese. I asked him, what is LD

"Old Yunnan flavor!" He said proudly, feeling more Yunnan than me, I was speechless for a while.

My aunt looked at me with a large vegetable basket on her shoulders, with a complicated expression on her face. Uncle just smiled indifferently, I know he is easier to deal with. The remaining two cousins and brother-in-law stood by and watched. Doudou, a little boy, looks around.

"Auntie, this is Wang Lichuan. My..." I licked my lips, "Friend."

Li Chuan nodded slightly: "Auntie, hello."

It has to be said that at this time Li Chuan had deep eyes, a reserved demeanor, a noble demeanor, and frank speech, which gave people a compelling force and pressure.

My aunt looked at him for a long time, nodded, but didn't answer. It was my uncle who said, "Understood, you girl made a big fuss with your father because of him. Run away from home on New Year's Eve."

I nodded with a thick skin: "Uncle, I bought the glutinous rice tea you like." First find the soft ones and break them one by one.

"Oh, I need you to pay again." The uncle said with a smile, regardless of the aunt's ashen face. It seemed that he wanted to say a few more words to ease the atmosphere, but just as he was about to open his mouth, his aunt interrupted him abruptly: "Xiaoqiu, it's very cold outside, go sit at home." She instructed her cousin-in-law: "Xiao Gao, help Xiaoqiu raise the temperature." Download something."

In her words, there was no intention of inviting Li Chuan at all. My neck stiffened immediately, and I stretched out my arms to hold Li Chuan and said, "No, Auntie. Li Chuan and I have something to do, come back another day."

Since my mother passed away, my aunt has had special authority in our family. Dad often regards her as a shadow of my mother, and treats her with affection and respect. However, I rode a bicycle for ten hours and ran out from Gejiu, not to let Li Chuan stand in front of my aunt and endure the humiliation!

Li Chuan gently twisted my hand, and said flatly: "Xiaoqiu, I finally came to Kunming, I should visit my aunt. I will pick you up in the afternoon." Then, he calmly smiled at everyone, Say: "Happy New Year." After that, let go of my hand and walk to my car. At some point, the driver quietly stood up and opened the door for him.

At this moment, my uncle suddenly said loudly: "Wait, Mr. Wang. It's rare to come to Kunming, please come up and have a cup of tea with Xiaoqiu."

Sister Zhuzhu took the opportunity to say: "Yes, yes, we bought a lot of vegetables, let's have a light meal together!"

My aunt glared at the two goofy people. Sister Minmin even took my hand and dragged me and Li Chuan home.

We walked to the door of the dormitory together, and my aunt looked at Li Chuan and said, "Mr. Wang, it's hard to go upstairs, do you need help?"

"No need, Auntie." Li Chuan said, "You go first."

Aside from the provocation in her voice, Auntie is actually telling the truth. She lives on the seventh floor, and the stairs are narrow and steep, and the corners of each floor are full of sundries. It's just that ordinary people have to change their bodies constantly when they go upstairs to pass. It’s this kind of house. If my uncle hadn’t been qualified as a model worker, he wouldn’t have been able to get it.

My family is familiar with the way, only heard a few clicks, and my aunt and the others disappeared. I was left to accompany Li Chuan, step by step, slowly go up. On the third floor, Li Chuan leaned against the wall and took a short rest. He said, "Don't keep standing behind me. If I fall, won't you fall with me?"

I said, "I just want to follow you. If you fall, I can still stop you."

He didn't say any more, and tapped the stairs with his crutches, motioning for me to go up first. I had no choice but to go ahead of him. Continue to walk up with him. When I got to the sixth floor, I saw that his shoelaces were a little loose, and I was about to bend down and tie them for him. He stopped me: "It doesn't matter, I will do it myself."

"Steal this from me too?" I gave him a blank look. Three times, five divisions and two divisions, the knot was pulled tightly.

"The last time you made such a line, I had to cut it with scissors." He muttered.

I stood up and asked, "You didn't even throw away those shoes, did you?"

"Not really."

Well, this man never takes money for money, so why should I compete with him.

When we reached the seventh floor, my aunt's family had already entered the house, only my uncle was still guarding the door and pulling the swing door for us. Li Chuan quickly stepped forward and pulled the door, and I squeezed into the room through his chest. Then, he entered the door, took off the windbreaker for me, and handed it to Minmin together with his own. His disabled appearance can be seen in front of everyone. I saw Minmin's body startled slightly. The others were trying their best to hide their surprised gazes.

"Sit here, Li Chuan." I pointed to the only single sofa with armrests in the living room, and led him there without any explanation. In fact, it was my aunt's special seat, and she always liked to sit there, knitting a sweater and watching TV. Unexpectedly, Li Chuan quickly sensed the special nature of that seat, and refused to sit on it: "I'll just sit on that chair." After speaking, he went straight to a wooden chair and sat down.

The cousin handed out tea one by one.

The aunt took a sip of tea and asked, "When did Mr. Wang come to Kunming?"

"The plane this morning." I said for him.

"How old is Mr. Wang?" She glanced at me and asked again.

"twenty five."

"You're chasing after my Xiaoqiu, you're pretty tight."

"Don't dare to take it, the stupid bird will fly first." Said that this person does not understand Chinese, but the reaction was quite quick.

"Puchi", my cousin and I laughed together and almost spit out the tea.

"Mr. Wang... Li Chuan, is that right? Where do you study? Are you classmates with Xiaoqiu?" Uncle asked.

"Hey, you old fool. One is seventeen and the other is twenty-five. He is eight years older than our Xiaoqiu. How could he be a classmate?" Aunt scolded him.

"Aren't I also eight years older than you? Eight years old is good, auspicious." Uncle argued unconvinced.

Li Chuan said: "I have already graduated, and now I am doing architectural design in Beijing."

My aunt nodded: "Architectural design is a good career. Mr. Wang, where is your home?"

Start checking accounts.

"Well... Beijing."

"Beijing? Houses in Beijing are very expensive! Xiaoyan's mother came back from her last visit and said that a simple two-bedroom apartment can only be sold for one million yuan. Tell me, how much does a Beijinger earn a month to be a house slave?"

"Auntie, Li Chuan is in Beijing with a good income." I kept her mouth shut with a few words.

"You know, when two people are together, money is not the most important thing." The aunt changed the subject, "The important thing is that a man must know how to be responsible."

There was something in the words, Li Chuan remained silent, as if humbly accepting the education of the organization.

"Mr. Wang, you are twenty-five years old. You should find a girl of your age to be your friend. Xiaoqiu has just entered college and hasn't started anything yet. She looks and thinks like a high school student. She has no judgment, Wang Sir, you must help her."


"When adults talk, children don't interrupt." The aunt made a serious face.

Li Chuan avoided the important point and said lightly: "Auntie, Xiaoqiu is both capable and assertive, and has a strong ability to live independently. I don't think I need to help her with anything."

It's a pity he doesn't know that my aunt and my dad are best friends. She has always been an unswerving implementer of my dad's will. Otherwise, my dad, such a stubborn old man, would not respect her much. When my brother wanted to spend the summer vacation at his aunt's house, he actually wanted to watch "The Legend of Condor Heroes". My dad told me that not only did my younger brother not watch "Sculpture of God" during the summer vacation, he even didn't watch "News Network".

"Speaking of the ability to live independently," my aunt took out her trump card: "Mr. Wang still needs someone to take care of his physical condition. We parents, how can we rest assured that we will entrust a seventeen-year-old girl to you?"

I have never hated my aunt since I was a child. I kind of hate her because of that statement. I began to gnaw my nails irritably—whenever I was angry and had nowhere to vent, I subconsciously wanted to bite myself.

Li Chuan took my hand away. After a moment of silence, he said, "Auntie, in life, good and bad are unpredictable. I don't need Xiao Qiu to take care of me. I will take good care of Xiao Qiu. Please rest assured."

He spoke without changing his expression, neither humble nor overbearing. The aunt opened her mouth, but she had nothing to say, so she winked at the uncle and asked him to speak.

Uncle pondered for a moment, then said, "Li Chuan, do you like dumplings? We are making dumplings today. Zhuzhu's mother, go and chop vegetables."

Taking advantage of his aunt rushing towards the kitchen, his uncle patted Li Chuan on the shoulder: "Don't mind, your aunt is usually kind."

Li Chuan smiled faintly: "Well, what my aunt said is also the truth."

From the moment I entered the door, I have been trying to find a reason to escape with Li Chuan. But when my cousin-in-law in Shanghai heard that Li Chuan was doing architecture, he immediately chatted with him: "Mr. Wang is doing architectural design? I work in Hongdu Real Estate, and I know people in this industry very well. You What company do you work for?"

"It's a Swiss firm, CG Architects."

"I've heard of it. Mr. Wang must be very good at foreign languages. I'm not familiar with the situation in Beijing, but Shanghai has its branch with a very good reputation in the industry. Its appearance and garden design are particularly famous. It's just that the business is too busy, and we take money There are two foreign designers in the Shanghai branch who are very good, but unfortunately neither of them can speak Chinese, and they need to hire a professional interpreter, which costs 500 yuan an hour." My uncle turned to look at me and said: "At that time, Xiaoqiu found out that her major was English, but the boss was not happy about it. Look, learning English well can make a lot of money!"

"Now the Beijing headquarters has hired a few local designers from China, who are quite excellent, and the communication will be much easier. By the way, what exactly does my brother-in-law do in the real estate industry?"

"Planning, the manager of the planning department." He handed over a business card, "We will have difficulty finding designers in Shanghai in the future, can we come to Beijing to find you?"

"No problem. I'm sorry I didn't bring my business card. This is my phone number. Mr. Fang from your company, I met once in Beijing and had dinner together."

"Which Mr. Fang?"

"Fang Yuanhua."

"That's the general manager."


"It turns out that Mr. Wang has so many contacts." The brother-in-law looked at him with a smile on his face, and the word "like" was clearly written on his face.

Sister Zhuzhu's boyfriend is also surnamed Wang, Wang Yumin, and he and Zhuzhu work in the same real estate company. Yumin, like Zhuzhu, only attended overnight college. Later, he got a job and earned money, and then he took a postgraduate degree program at Yunnan University. This kind of class is easy to enroll and the tuition fee is high, but there is no degree certificate after graduation, only a diploma, so it is not too formal. My aunt was not happy, and she always disagreed with them. At the beginning, my aunt tried her best to introduce Zhuzhu, a son of her colleague who graduated from Tsinghua University. This is Yumin's first visit to the house, carrying a lot of expensive gifts, and looks quite nervous. Unexpectedly, Wang Lichuan appeared on the way and became the main target of his aunt, distracting her attention, and Yumin just breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Wang, it just so happens that I'm in Jiahua Hongjing, which is also a real estate company. I'm in sales, and I also sell personal insurance in my spare time."

"Really?" Li Chuan said, "Why don't I buy insurance for Xiaoqiu from you. She walks on the street and gets lost all the time."

"How dare you take this kind of tricky business from your family. If Mr. Wang really wants to buy it, he should go to Ping An Insurance." Yumin said with a smile, "Because the elder brother-in-law just said that Mr. Wang's company is headquartered in Switzerland, and our company has A major shareholder is from a multinational investment company in Switzerland, also called CG, I wonder if it has anything to do with your company?"

Li Chuan said: "It is related. Our firm belongs to this investment company."

Yumin sighed, and said: "Our company has been affected by policies in the past two years, and its performance has not been good. I heard that CG has the intention to withdraw its shares. The rumors have come, and I don't know if it is true. Mr. Wang, Beijing, have you heard of it? ? If that’s the case, it’s better for Zhuzhu and I to slip away as soon as possible.”

Li Chuan shook his head: "I haven't heard of it. CG has a lot of investments in China, but I don't know which one. How about it, if the rumors are true, give me a call. Can I help you find a solution?"

"Then really please." Yu Min asked for Li Chuan's phone number.

"Small things."

As we were talking about standing still, my aunt came back from the kitchen with a sullen face. My uncle saw it and said to us in a high voice:

"Li Chuan, our Xiaoqiu is the champion of the college entrance examination in the old city, and the total score is also among the top in Yunnan Province. Her father has high hopes for her. You young people, you should not affect your studies because of falling in love."

"Uncle, Li Chuan often helps me with foreign language tutoring. He also helps me correct my homework." I quickly argued, "I have no relatives in Beijing, and he is always there to help me when I have difficulties."

The purpose of my remark is to impress my aunt. Back then, my aunt married to Kunming from Gejiu. Although my uncle was a worker, his parents were both cadres in the factory. Her mother-in-law strongly opposed the marriage and did not show up until the wedding. My aunt was alone and helpless, and it was a long and depressing time.

Sure enough, my aunt's expression softened a little, she glanced at me and said, "Mr. Wang, I heard that Xiaoqiu is going back to Kunming this time. Did you buy her a plane ticket?"

"… yes."

"Flying such an expensive plane at such a young age, aren't you afraid of killing her?"

"Auntie, Xiaoqiu queued for two days and two nights, but couldn't buy a train ticket. I think she is too tired, and I want her to sit more comfortably."

"Hey, you really love my Xiaoqiu." My aunt handed me an apron and called me, "Xiaoqiu, come and help me chop vegetables." Usually, there are two daughters here, so my aunt would not call me for such a thing. I do. I knew she was going to take the opportunity to educate me again.

Li Chuan quickly snatched the apron over: "Auntie, let me chop vegetables for you. I chop vegetables better than Xiaoqiu."

"Ouch," my aunt smiled, "Looking at your outfit, I know you were spoiled and spoiled since you were a child, and you can also chop vegetables."

"My cooking skills are really good, if you don't believe me, ask Xiaoqiu."

"Yeah, if mixing salad and cooking potato soup is also called cooking." I said with my arms crossed.

Li Chuan leaned over and whispered in my ear: "I'm attacking one by one, you have to cooperate with me."

"However, Auntie, Li Chuan's skill in chopping vegetables is really amazing. Let him chop all the vegetables for today."

"Oh, you child is really ignorant. You are a guest." My aunt said something to me, and when she turned around, she found that Li Chuan had already entered the kitchen.

Li Chuan and I cut up all the ingredients for my aunt, and helped my aunt prepare the stuffing, and we all sat in the living room to make dumplings. It turns out that my cousin-in-law is from Shenyang. Wang Yumin is from Henan, and everyone loves to eat dumplings. Everyone packs and chats.

After a while, Doudou, the eldest cousin's youngest son, raised his hand and asked a question: "Uncle Wang, why does everyone have two legs, but you only have one? Where is your other leg?"

I believe that everyone here, including me, wants to know the answer, but no one is embarrassed to ask because of politeness. Now someone finally asked, but everyone showed embarrassment on their faces.

I quickly answered for him: "Well, Doudou, that's a good question. It's like this: Once Uncle Wang was swimming in the sea, and he swam farther and farther. Unexpectedly, he encountered a big shark. He took a sip and took his shark. One leg was bitten off and swallowed. So now he has only one leg left."

I think this answer is very good, with a fairy tale color.

Doudou scratched her head and thought for a while, then asked, "Uncle Wang, is this true?"

Li Chuan shook his head: "Of course not. Doudou, she was joking with you. The situation is like this: when I was young, Uncle Wang and his parents went to the forest to play together. Dad told Uncle Wang that when you go out, you have to follow your parents all the time. I couldn't leave half a step away. But Uncle Wang was too naughty and didn't listen to his parents. He left them to climb the mountain without authorization. As a result, he lost his way and met a big grizzly bear. The big grizzly bear opened its bloody mouth and clicked. He bit off Uncle Wang's leg. So, your Uncle Wang only has one leg. Doudou, tell me, what lesson do you want to learn from this story?"

Doudou said pitifully: "You must obey your parents when you go out, and you must not act without authorization, otherwise a grizzly bear will come and bite off your leg."

"That's right." Li Chuan patted his head and boasted, "What a smart boy!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and laughed together.

The dumplings have already been made to the amount of two pots, I pulled Li Chuan to stand up: "Everyone continue to make dumplings, Li Chuan and I are in charge of cooking the dumplings."

Li Chuan followed me into the kitchen, bent down to find the big pot for cooking dumplings. When he stood up, I stretched out my arms and gently encircled him, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to come up with me. You're tired."

"It's okay." Seeing my guilty face, he touched my face: "You still love me, knowing that I am more comfortable standing than sitting."

It took us over an hour to cook all the dumplings. My aunt was very happy and cooked five more dishes, including a big fish. In the end, everyone staggered cups and plates, and the host and guest had a great time, having lunch together happily. During this period, Li Chuan worked very hard to eat the dumplings, and also tried his best to play games with Doudou. We left my aunt's house in the farewell of everyone. Before leaving, my aunt actually felt sorry for Li Chuan, and insisted on giving me a pack of American ginseng. It is said that this child was born handsome, he was well-bred, and he earned a lot of money, but no matter how weak he looked, did he need to drink some ginseng tonic frequently.

After leaving the gate of the community, we had just sat in the car when Li Chuan's cell phone rang.

"elder brother.




"I sent a New Year's card to Dad, but he didn't receive it

"All right.

"Didn't you say to go back to Zurich in February? I won't be free before February.

"Grandma is in the hospital

"That's good. I really don't have time for the last ten days. I have three pictures to be due. I'm going to Shenyang. Also, the tender in Xiamen has already been won, and I have to hold a meeting with the investor. There are a lot of things to do. Completion I will come back immediately after that, try to come back for three days.

"A week? Well, a week is more difficult. I'll go for it.

"By the way, I want to ask you something. Do you invest in Jiahua Hongjing

"I heard that you want to withdraw your shares

"Nothing? Well. If that's the case, you call me ahead. I have two people there and need to arrange a place to go.

"Who? Chen Shenglin? I don't know him. Isn't your general manager surnamed Meng

"Change? Who do you like to change? I don't even know each other. You can ask him to contact me.

"The design of the gymnasium was handed in last week, and Jim didn't tell you? It was so urgent that I vomited blood and drew it for you. Don't bother me this month.

"Thank you. Say hello to grandpa and grandma for me.

Reel up. He looked at me, and I pursed my lips and smiled: "You two brothers have such a good relationship."

"Aren't you the same as your brother?"

"How old are you, brother?"

"Two years old."

"I was thinking, what does your brother look like? Will he be exactly like you?"

"Well, we are very similar, and besides, he has one more leg than me, and is more handsome."


"He's gay. My dad doesn't know it yet, and he'd be pissed off when he found out."

"You foreigners are open anyway."

"Just finished eating dumplings at your aunt's house, and now you call me a foreigner." He was angry.

"Well, you are from Yunnan." I held his hand and put it in my palm. The car drove forward slowly, and I asked, "Where are we going now?"

"It's been an afternoon. According to the original plan, go to Golden Horse Square, drink at the Hump Bar first, and then go to LD."

"I can't take it anymore. Could you please tell me the old Yunnan flavor? I didn't realize it for a long time!"

"It's LD. It's said in the advertisement, LD, taste and eat."

After saying this, he suddenly hugged me hard.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm sorry," he said softly in my ear, "if I hadn't been disabled, you wouldn't have suffered so much for me." After a pause, he said again: "I don't like your dad. How can he scold me? It's all right, but he can't hit you.—don't tell me he didn't hit you in the face."