Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 19


The next day, Li Chuan didn't call me. In the evening, I called him, but no one answered. I stayed up all night, full of ominous premonitions.

On the third day, early in the morning, he called to explain: "I'm sorry, there are a lot of things in the company these two days. I'm too busy to return your call. I'll pick you up for dinner at noon today, okay?" It's an apology, sounds more like Don Se to me. His voice was calm and calm like a pool of stagnant water, and my heart was already covered with a deep chill.

I thought he was going to take me to some restaurant for dinner as usual. Unexpectedly, he took me back to Longjing Garden. The floor-to-ceiling windows of the apartment are open, the sun is shining brightly, and the spring breeze blows the blue curtains.

"You sit and rest." He went to the kitchen and took out an apron, "Today I will be the chef and grill salmon for you." Obviously, he had already bought the dishes in advance. He made his best clam soup and mixed it with a swiss salad. Then, with a drizzle of olive oil in the pan, the salmon was pan-fried until medium-rare, and then baked in the oven. Li Chuan rarely cooks, but as long as he cooks, everything is exquisite.

I looked at the spring light outside the window, and looked into the distance. After a while, I came back to my senses and found that the tree-lined outside the window was actually a garden.

"Hey, I've lived here for so long, why didn't I find out that you have a pretty big roof garden? It's also full of flowers?" In his house, we basically didn't do anything else except make love. I'm a little afraid of heights, Li Chuan never opens the window.

"Don't go out when I'm not around, and be careful not to fall from the roof," he said.

The dish was ready quickly, and he divided the salmon into two portions, poured sauce on it, and piled it with salad. Red and green, it looks great on a plate.

I cut the salmon open with a knife and fork and put it in my mouth piece by piece.

"Are you busy with homework recently?"

"It's fine. Not busy."

"Did you do well on the final exam?"

"The second place in the whole grade, so I didn't get the scholarship. The Hongyu bonus is only awarded to the first place in the grade." The first place is Feng Jinger. I still have a gap with her. It's not too bad, I did try my best.

Li Chuan didn't say anything. He knew that I was very strong academically. Then he ate in silence. Me too.

After a while, I finally asked, "Did you get that call?"

He was slightly taken aback: "What phone call?"

"The call you were waiting for."


"It's a very troublesome thing, isn't it?" I sat next to him, took his hand, put it on my lips, and kissed it gently.


"Everything will work out. Be happy, won't you?"


We went into the bedroom together. He won't let me turn on the light. I then lit two candles by the bed. He unbuttoned my clothes and kissed me tenderly. Every time we have sex, we are very happy, because Li Chuan will be very careful to please me. But today he acted violently and daringly, almost breaking me into pieces. During the whole process, he was very attentive and didn't say anything.

A drop of water fell on my face, I opened my eyes to look at him, but he buried his head in my arms. The drop of water slowly flowed down and flowed to my lips, and I licked it lightly. Salty.

Li Chuan's body is actually very weak. Sometimes, he needs to spend several times the effort of ordinary people to do some things that seem simple to us. I stroked his disabled body in the dark, feeling only pity in my heart. By candlelight, he propped himself up on his arms, looking very helpless. After the passion, he has been holding me tightly, looking very nostalgic. Finally, he let go of me and said softly, "I'm going to take a shower."

Wait until I finish grooming. He was dressed up, with the car keys in his hand: "You have classes in the afternoon, right? I'll take you back."

From afternoon to night, I held the new phone he bought me, with the volume and vibration turned up to the maximum. However, I did not receive a call from him.

Until the next afternoon, the phone finally rang. I quickly answered: "Hi."

"It's me, Li Chuan. Where are you?"

"I'm in the bedroom."

"Come down for a while, okay?" His voice was extraordinarily calm, without any emotion, "I'm at the old place, the parking lot."

I have walked the road to the principal's building thousands of times, and today I feel the wind is blowing. In the distance, I saw Li Chuan. A pure black suit, a light gray shirt, a blue tie with a glow, pale and slender hands, and a dark cane. He kept looking at me without any expression in his eyes.

The parking lot is very empty, and the winter jasmine is full of small slopes.

I took a deep breath, pretended to be relaxed, and said "hi" to him.

He looked at me, lowered his head, as if he had made up his mind, then raised his head and said, "Xiaoqiu, I'm here to say goodbye to you."

My heart aches. But I pulled myself together and nodded with a forced smile: "What time is the flight?"

"quarter past five."

"I'll see you off." I looked at my watch, only two hours before departure. It takes at least an hour to get to the airport from here. Li Chuan will prepare in advance for everything, and never stays busy till the last moment. This is definitely not his style.

"No, just say goodbye here." My long hair was disheveled by the wind. He raised his hand and brushed a strand of hair from my forehead behind my ear.

I smiled and tried my best to hide the anxiety in my heart: "Alright. When will you come back? I'll pick you up."

He looked at me, silent. After a while, he said, "Xiaoqiu. I won't be coming back. Please forgive me."

I stood there blankly, my mind went blank, and the tears began to pour out uncontrollably.

Li Chuan never knew what it would be like when I cried. Because I never cried in front of him. He took a deep breath and looked at me silently, his eyes were empty, almost cold, returning to the way I had seen him for the first time. At that time, Li Chuan seldom smiled, and sat alone by the window drinking coffee, repelling people thousands of miles away, as cold as an iceberg.

I asked him aloud, "Why? What happened? Did I do something wrong?"

In an instant, his eyes flickered, passing a ray of complicated emotions, as if he wanted to say something, but he hesitated to speak. He resumed his calm tone: "You are right in nothing." After a pause, he added: "It's better that you don't know."

"No! You tell me! I want to know! I have a right to know!" I yelled at him angrily.

He held my hand tightly, kissed my forehead vigorously: "I left you a letter in the apartment. After reading that letter, please, as quickly as possible, forget me .” Then, he let go of me and opened the car door with such a resolute attitude. However, at the moment when he got into the car, he suddenly turned his head, finally there was a trace of pain in his eyes. He said, "Goodbye, Xiaoqiu. Take care."

"No! Li Chuan! I love you! Don't leave me! Please! Don't leave me!" I cried bitterly.

His car sped away.

I stood there motionless.

I don't know if it's raining or I'm crying. Is it the leaves shaking, or am I trembling.

I took a taxi to Longjing Garden. Take the key, swipe the card, get on the elevator, and enter the house.

Everything is there, furniture, electrical appliances, kitchenware, antiques and crafts on display. Everything inside is gone, everything that belongs to Li Chuan has disappeared. His clothes, drawings, wheelchair, toothbrush, books, even pencils and erasers for drawing, shampoo for bathing, cotton swabs for applying medicine, razors for shaving, and slippers in the shoe cabinet. Gone are the photos hanging on the wall—our group photo.

So clean, so thorough, it was as if he had never lived here.

On the coffee table, lay a thin white envelope quietly. I opened it and was even more disappointed. A blank piece of paper with a name: "Chen Dongcun" and a phone number written on it.

I called on my mobile phone, and a man's voice came from the phone: "Hello."

"I'm looking for Mr. Chen Dongcun."

"I am. Who are you?"

"My surname is Xie, Xie Xiaoqiu."

The man immediately said: "Miss Xie, this is Chen Dongcun Law Firm, and I am a lawyer from Chen Dongcun. Mr. Wang Lichuan has entrusted us with two matters. Miss Xie, is it convenient for you now? Can you come to our place?" A trip? Or, you tell me your address, and I will come over with the documents to show you in person."

I asked in a cold tone: "What is it, what documents? Can you give me an overview on the phone first?"

"That's right. Mr. Wang has transferred his two apartments in Longjing Garden, No. 5001 and No. 4901, to your name. He has signed all the transfer documents. You only need to come here with your ID card to sign With a few words, you can receive these two properties. Mr. Wang said that these two properties are his gifts, and you can dispose of them as you like. You can live in yourself or sell others. In addition, Mr. Wang also said that at any time, if If you need money, please call us too."

I secretly smiled bitterly. This is Li Chuan's style, whether he is present or not, he will always "take care" of me.

"Miss Xie, are you still on the phone?" On the other end, Attorney Chen was waiting for my answer.


"Then, Miss Xie, when is it convenient for you to come over and go through the transfer procedures?"

"Mr. Chen, please tell Wang Lichuan." I said, "Thank you for his kindness. I won't ask for anything from him!"

"Miss Xie, please listen to me—"

I hung up the phone and left Longjing Garden as quickly as possible.

Today, April 1st, is April Fool's Day.

"Hi Lichuan,

The results of the midterm exam came out. I did well in the exam, and even scored 86 points in the worst intensive reading test. How do you like it? At noon, An An and I went to a small shop at the North Gate to eat beef ramen. I put a lot of cilantro. It tastes so good. In the evening, I go to evening self-study and bring a cup of strong tea. I finished reading the last "Dragon Babu" there. Yes, I don't study hard and want to take a rest. Xiaoqiu. "

"Hi Lichuan,

I email you almost every day, do you read it? School days are boring. I still work part-time at that coffee shop. Remember Ye Jingwen? Once, you left a notebook with her. Now I ask her and she won't give it. I'm kind of jealous of her. You left me with nothing. Today I met Professor Feng Jieliang in the department. He is Feng Jinger's father. I don't like Feng Jinger very much, but her father is very kind and funny. Probably because of studying Lawrence.

Dinner is my own solution. One cucumber, two spiced tea eggs. There are so many people smoking in Internet cafes. I'm going to study by myself. Xiaoqiu. "

"Hi Lichuan,

It has been four full months without any news from you. You are so determined. I dream every night that I have new emails in my inbox. It doesn't matter, I think, I just need to treat 'Hi Lichuan' as "My dear diary (translation: dear diary)". Keeping a diary is a good habit, isn't it? Maybe I will become a celebrity in the future, and people will use this to study me. I have taken seven courses this semester. My classmates said I was crazy. I'm not crazy, because I finally got the Hongyu scholarship, and I don't have to work anymore, so I can spend more time on my studies. The bad thing is that a music department moved in to the dormitory next door to us, and we opened the windows every night to practice. We're all going crazy with her. When will this midnight singing end? Xiaoqiu. "

"Hi Lichuan,

It's April 1st again, April Fool's Day. Remember the day we broke up? You can't hide it from me, because there is clearly pain in your eyes. You never hurt me, if you have to hurt, it must be out of deeper kindness. Well, this is the sad memory. One day, I had a terrible nightmare, dreaming that you were suffering. That night, I ran to an Internet cafe in the middle of the night and used Google to look up your name for the first time. Fortunately, there is no bad news about the famous architect Wang Lichuan. Obviously, you have not participated in any public activities. I was thinking, you left Beijing suddenly, what about your projects in China? However, it seems that your company is still in Beijing and continues to do business. Oh, these are not things I can worry about. I just hope you are doing well. Xiaoqiu.

Also, don’t think that the Xiaoqiu you read in the email is the real Xiaoqiu. The real Xiaoqiu has changed so much that you may not even recognize her. But, Li Chuan, will you change? You won't, will you? You are the eternal love in my heart. "