Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 24


I seem to have heard the name Su Qun somewhere, but I can't remember it.

Only an hour left before boarding. Li Chuan walked slowly, and everyone walked slowly with him. Only Su Qun pushed the luggage cart piled high to check in.

After passing the security check, we waited at the boarding gate for a while before we heard the announcement that we were ready to board. Through the terminal's huge glass windows, I could see a Boeing 737-900 parked outside the gate. Along the way, the two bosses, one on the left and the other on the right, kept whispering to Li Chuan. The rest of them kept a sensible distance from them. Our tickets are all business class. Everyone knows that the main task of this mission is to make up for it. As long as the company wins the bid, it will be worth any price. Passengers have already started to board the plane one after another, but the CG people are standing still, because Mr. Jiang is still talking to Li Chuan with his head down. Foreign companies have the same strict hierarchy as state-owned companies. General staff will not go over the boss to board the plane first. Aware of this, Mr. Jiang waved to us, indicating that we can go first. So everyone filed in. I dragged my suitcase and headed towards the ticket gate. When I passed Lichuan, the suitcase suddenly shook, as if it was dragged over someone's feet.

I looked up, and the "certain person" seemed to be Li Chuan. Then I looked down to see which instep my box was pressing on. If it's the right foot, I need to apologize. If it is the left foot, there is no need for it, and there is no feeling for the opposite leg. I don't even want to say a word of apology.

Can't see anything. Passers-by saw my hesitation. When you meet someone who is still disabled, you don’t even want to say sorry, is it plausible? Would a word with two syllables choke me to death? After hesitating, he was about to open his mouth when he said two words first: "No."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Then he held his head high, dragged his luggage, and walked away from him like a peacock.

When I got to the cabin, I was stopped again: "Miss, the suitcase exceeds the limit. Please stay here, and we will haul it for you."


The air in the cabin was warm and somewhat stuffy. I sat in the back row, facing the aisle. Beside him is Xiao Huang from the design department. Although I have been in CG for more than three months, I have only interacted with a few translators, and basically turned a blind eye to other people. That Xiao Huang, I only spoke less than three words to him, not even his full name. So I smiled at him and pulled out my M3 player and plugged my ears.

My stomach has been churning since takeoff. In fact, I am not airsick, maybe I drank too much alcohol, or I ate too much undigestible beef while chatting with Emma. In short, I sat on the seat and vomited into the paper bag first, and then hid in the toilet and vomited, throwing up the river and the sea, and vomited all the gall. Then, too lazy to come out, I just sat on the toilet lid and panted like a dead fish. During the two-hour flight, I vomited for a full hour. When I got back to my seat, I realized why I vomited—it turned out to be menstruation.

When I was seventeen, my menstrual cycle was normal, four days a month, no more, no less. More relaxed and happy than the female peers I know. After the age of seventeen, my menstruation was disordered, not only the sun was not accurate, but also violent, especially in the first two days. Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps—the textbook side effects—I had them all. There are always seven or eight days in a month when there is no recovery.

It's certainly not the scariest thing.

The scariest thing was that I didn't bring a sanitary napkin, but instead wore a beige tube skirt that tightly wrapped my buttocks. At first I was too busy vomiting, but I didn't realize that my lower body was already red and wet. Sitting now, I can feel blood clots falling down in groups. I was too scared to move, let alone get up. I had to recite my escape curse silently in my heart: OK, OK, OK. Whenever I encounter embarrassment, I have to recite my "OK Sutra" ten times, hoping for blessings from the gods and turning evil into good fortune.

In the end, the plane landed. In the end, nothing is OK. The entire cabin is full of men I don't know very well. I want to ask Xiao Huang to lend me his suit, and look at his figure, even if I put it on, it can't cover it. Just as he hesitated and couldn't speak, all the business class guests left one after another. Only I was sitting still. A row of stewardesses standing at the door saying goodbye to passengers all looked at me strangely.

Then, I vaguely saw Li Chuan and another person—probably Su Qun—walking at the end and leaving the cabin.

As we were walking, Li Chuan suddenly stopped and looked back at me. Then, he walked straight up to me. He was about to open his mouth, but I preempted him: "Li Chuan."


"Take off your clothes."

"which one?"


Without a word, he took off his coat and handed it to me. I didn't see it clearly before, I thought it was a coat, but it was actually a black windbreaker, medium length and light material. I stood up and put on my windbreaker, followed him out of the cabin silently with my head down. He didn't ask, and I didn't explain.

His aura surrounded me again. First, the lavender on the collar, and then the faint scent of trees in the cuffs, which is the smell of drawing pencils he likes to use. Tentacles of memory crawled all over his body at this moment. It turned out that he still used that pencil. Fortunately, I still can't see his face clearly. It's good if you can't see clearly, in this life, you will never be tempted by him again.

When I got out of the airport and came to the hotel, I took a quick shower as soon as I entered the room, soaked the horrible skirt in the water and rubbed it for a long time before rubbing off the blood. Li Chuan's windbreaker can only be dry-cleaned, so I hand it to the service desk downstairs and fill in his room number.

Then, I collapsed on the bed, exhausted as if all the bones in my body had been pulled out. After turning off the lights, I tossed and turned silently facing the moonlight, tossing and turning for several hours, unable to fall asleep. So I got up and took a sleeping pill, and now I fell asleep soundly. When I woke up, it was already noon, and my eyes were dark, like a panda.

Missed breakfast, missed lunch, and more importantly, missed morning meetings.

When I met Xiao Huang in the corridor, he specifically asked, "Annie, have you recovered from your cold?"

"What cold?"

"You didn't come to the meeting in the morning. Mr. Zhang asked what happened. Mr. Wang said that you caught a cold on the plane, so he lent you clothes."

"It's not a cold, it's just... a cold. Mr. Zhang won't be angry, right?"

"How come, everyone sees you airsick and knows you're not feeling well."

"What was said at the meeting?"

"Well... due to the leakage of the plan, most of the design drawings need to be overthrown and remade. The two most important buildings are designed by Mr. Wang. The building type and interior design will also be greatly changed. However, the key part of the interior design has been invited to Mr. Wang My brother drew a sketch."

"elder brother?"

"That's Wang Jichuan, a famous interior designer. The two brothers are very busy people. If they didn't make trouble, they wouldn't be able to hire them."

I thought about it and asked, "What about me? What am I doing?"

I have always wondered why Li Chuan's Chinese is so good, and Mr. Jiang and Mr. Zhang's English are not bad. They work together, why do they need a translator. But thinking of Zhu Bixuan in the past, it seems to be a custom.

"After the bidding, there will be some talks with local employers. Mr. Wang is not sure about the accent of Wenzhou people, so he will only speak English at that time, and everything will be translated by you. In addition, Mr. Wang needs some history, culture and ecology of Wenzhou City It is up to you to look up information on this, and then translate it for him.”

I was guilty of missing the meeting, so I hurried to see Mr. Zhang immediately. The task he gave me was exactly the same as Xiao Huang said.

"Then do I need to see Mr. Wang immediately?" I asked.

"He went to the construction site to take pictures, and it is estimated that he will go there for a day. Time is a bit tight, you can go to him with the information of Wenzhou after dinner, okay?"

"Okay, I'll go to the library to find materials."

"Mr. Wang only needs these two books at present." Zhang Shaohua handed me a note. On the note are his characters, in traditional characters: "Wenzhou City Chronicle", "Yongjia County Chronicle".

I suddenly thought, although Li Chuan is an architect, I know very little about his profession. As a man, Li Chuan, I know every inch of his skin. But what about Li Chuan as a designer? Will there be a different temper? Different personality

Eager to make amends, I went to get a pair of glasses as quickly as possible, and deliberately ordered a purple frame to make my face look more serious, professional, and old-fashioned. "Wenzhou City Chronicle" is available in Xinhua Bookstore, three thick volumes, I bought it without any hassle. I found "Yongjia County Chronicles" in the library, I borrowed it out, and copied it from beginning to end.

No wonder Li Chuan only needs these two books, they add up to more than 3,000 pages.

I have been looking up the dictionary all afternoon. "Wenzhou Chronicles" already has a lot of new words, and "Yongjia County Chronicles" is an ancient prose from the Daoguang period, and I searched it hard.

In the evening, my mind couldn't turn anymore, so I went to the garden downstairs to smoke. I smoked one, but was not satisfied, so I smoked another. It was getting dark gradually.

I saw a car driving to the door of the hotel, Li Chuan and Su Qun got out of the car.

He saw me, lowered his head and whispered something to Su Qun, and then walked towards me.

I pretended not to see him and continued smoking. It wasn't until he stood motionless in front of me that he raised his head.

It's been six years.

Li Chuan didn't change much, except that he became thinner. He didn't even change his hairstyle. The problem is, Li Chuan's model face is thinner and cooler. In my opinion, he is even better looking than he was six years ago. It doesn't matter if I think about it, the hatred in my eyes gradually softens.

I quickly corrected my emotions: "Mr. Wang."

"Did Zhang Shaohua tell you that I want to see you tonight?" He said, his tone was very displeased, even arrogant.

"Didn't you say it was after dinner?"

"I've already had dinner."

"I have not eaten."

"When did you learn to smoke?"

"none of your business?"

Turns out he was angry about it. He looked at me with dark eyes. I looked at him, expressionless.

"I'll give you an hour to eat. At eight o'clock, come to me with your information!" The last sentence was vicious.

I sneered, folded my arms, and lit some cigarette ash into the air: "Okay, Mr. Wang."

I pulled my hair up, tied it in a bun at the back, and inserted a flower-painted hairpin. Holding three copies of "Wenzhou Chronicles" and a stack of photocopied materials, "dongdongdong" knocked on Li Chuan's door.

From the first second he opened the door to see me, Li Chuan frowned. Just because I called him "President Wang" again.

"Mr. Wang, I have found all the information you want. I don't know what you want to know more about?" My words were full of service spirit.

He led me to the reception room, where there was a circle of sofas, he pointed to one of them, and asked me to sit down: "You can put the book on the coffee table." His voice finally softened, but he was immediately caught by me A word angered.

"Yes! President Wang!"

He held back his breath and said in a harmonious voice, "I bought a Coke, do you want a drink?"

Before, cola was my favorite drink. But I shook my head and said, "Thank you, I won't drink."

"Then what would you like to drink? I have coffee, milk and tea here."

"If it's not troublesome, I'd like to drink coffee and milk tea."

He was startled: "Coffee milk tea?"

"Just put all these things together, add sugar, two pieces."

He went to make coffee, he went to make tea, he went to find milk and sugar...

Wang Lichuan, this time, I want you to get to know me, Xie Xiaoqiu!

Finally, he brought me a glass of something dark.

"I'm sorry, but I've run out of milk; I don't have any sugar. You just have to drink it."

Two flakes of yellow-yellow stuff were soaked in the black stuff. I pointed to it and said, "What is this?"

"Lemon," he Shi Shiran sat across from me, and put his cane on the coffee table, "I heard that it can quit smoking and lose weight."

I know it's sarcasm. I weigh a lot less than I did six years ago. In addition to dry skin, dull complexion, flat figure, and two obvious dark circles, my development has been on the reverse line for six years. This fully demonstrates the harm of falling in love to the body. In addition, I also suspected that I was addicted to eating Wuji Baifeng Wan. Because of irregular menstruation, I ate bottle after bottle. Now as long as I see small black beans, I want to pour them into my mouth immediately.

"Thank you." I took a sip and almost spat it out. It is bitter, astringent, and sour, even worse than traditional Chinese medicine.

He took out a notebook wrapped in soft leather and a pencil from the table, and asked, "Start working now, okay?"


"Please read the contents of "Wenzhou City Chronicle" to me, please?"

I opened the book and read: "General Catalogue, Volume 1. Preface, General Cases, Summary, Memorabilia."

He interrupted me: "Sorry, I haven't been to China for a long time, and I have forgotten most of the Chinese, please translate it into English."

His Chinese is a bit blunt compared to six years ago. The sentences are still coherent, but he will hesitate when encountering uncertain pronunciation, but the situation is not as serious as he said.

I changed to English: "The main content of the first volume is to establish geography, society, people, urban construction, transportation, post and telecommunications. The second volume is regional economy, industry, agriculture, commerce, finance, and economic management; the second volume is about parties and associations, government affairs, military affairs , Textbook, Series, Index. Each volume also has details.”

He wrote down a few lines in his notebook and said, "The first volume is the most important. You can look it up and see if there is anything about the natural environment."

I flicked through the book: "Yes. Geology, landforms, climate, hydrology, soil, natural resources, natural disasters."

"Chapter by chapter."

I looked at him, annoyed. It's really a pot that doesn't open. I spent the whole afternoon looking up new words in these chapters! I smoked two cigarettes, which made me die two days earlier, and it was also because I looked up the words in these chapters!

"The basement of Wenzhou's geological structure is composed of the Hexi Group of the Upper Paleozoic and the Fengping-level metamorphic rock series of the Lower Jurassic. According to the basic point of view of the multi-cycle trough theory, the first-order structural unit of the basement structure is the South China Caledonian Fold system; the second level is the southeastern Zhejiang fold belt; the third level is the Wenzhou-Linhai depression... "

"Wenzhou City is a rigid geological body composed of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous volcanic-intrusive rocks, and fault structures are the main structural traces.

Wenzhou is located on the southeast coast of Eurasia. It has a mid-subtropical humid monsoon climate with long summers and short winters. The average annual precipitation is 1500-1800 mm. "

I interpreted the original text for nearly an hour, my eyes stared, my menstrual blood continued, and my lower abdomen hurt unbearably.

And he, sitting leisurely, took notes briskly.

I couldn't help asking: "My translator, do you understand me?"

"It's okay. I can guess what I don't understand."

"You... how do you guess?"

"I'm in this business, just give me a few key words." He looked up at me with bright eyes.

I swallowed: "I need to go to the bathroom."

"Go out this door and go left."

"I mean, the bathroom in my own room."

"There is a restroom here." He said, "Wouldn't it be too troublesome to come and go?"

"I don't know how to use the handicapped restroom." I began to argue. How could he throw a woman's things in his bathroom

"The restroom for the disabled is the most convenient restroom in the world." His voice was quiet and calm.

I jumped up from the sofa in a rage, only to see his eyes fall on the place where I had been sitting just now—the pure white sofa was covered with blood.

I was ashamed and angry: "Wang Lichuan! You! Tell me, why do you want me to sit on this sofa! You are sick! You are crazy!" I rushed back to my room with a flushed face, and took out a huge book. "Far Eastern Chinese-English Dictionary", rushing to his room again, throwing it in front of him: "I quit! Check it yourself!"

I went back to my room, made myself a hot water bottle, hugged it, took a sleeping pill, and went to sleep.