Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 27


I curled up in the closet and listened to Roxette for more than three times, falling asleep. Looking through the crack of the door, Li Chuan was sitting on the bed, turned on the computer, and turned on two huge monitors, listening to music while concentrating on drawing pictures.

The whole room, except for Roxette, is the click of a mouse. Gradually, Roxette disappeared, replaced by light music, spa style, with natural birds and waterfalls.

Tired. What should I do! This man has no intention of falling asleep. But I myself was too sleepy to keep my eyes open.

I plan to take a nap first to recharge my spirits, and when he falls asleep in the middle of the night, I will get up and sneak away. I sat against the wall, hugged his shirt, and soon fell asleep.

I fell asleep because I believed that Li Chuan would definitely take a bath before going to sleep. The sound of the shower water will definitely wake me up. However, the sound of water did not wake me up. I slept deeply and had a beautiful dream. I dreamed that Li Chuan carried me to the bed, and then kissed me lightly. I grabbed his collar and said, "No, do it again!" He refused at first, and then said, "You promise me to quit smoking, and I will do it again." I patted my chest boldly: "I promise you !"

He leaned down and kissed me tenderly, his fingers were cold, touching my face, very lingering, very focused, for a long time, he would not let go. Then he asked, "Is it enough?" I couldn't help reaching out to hug him, but he grabbed my hand, stuffed it into the blanket, and said, "Go to sleep." I said, "I'm falling asleep, I I'm dreaming." He smiled, with a faint smile, with a hint of helplessness: "Then, let's have a good dream."

As a memory, Li Chuan is full of vitality in my mind, and it will jump out at any time, interfering with my normal life. This is a difficulty that I have been unable to overcome for six years. I haven't studied Freud, and I don't understand why some memories can be dead and can be buried for decades without surfacing; some memories are alive, floating on the surface of water like oil, and cannot sink no matter how much they are stirred. ... Li Chuan is my Titanic, but also my iceberg. He walked and threw a stone into the sky, and that stone was me.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, I was woken up by an alarm clock. Look at your watch: time: seven forty-five.

Character: Xie Xiaoqiu.

location... location...

Mr. Wang Lichuan's bed.

I rubbed my eyes and rubbed my eyes and rubbed my eyes again and couldn't believe it was real!

No, do it again!

Time: seven forty-six.

Character: Xie Xiaoqiu.


Li Chuan's bed.

It must be his bed. Although every bedroom in the hotel looks similar, Li Chuan's room has a very high standard. Although there are few furniture inside, everything is very luxurious. If this is not enough to explain the problem, there are two mobile stands on both sides of the bed, one on the left and one on the right, each with a huge Apple monitor!

I'm still wearing yesterday's clothes, and I'm still holding his shirt—my lipstick and eye shadow on the crumpled white shirt. I found my socks at the foot of the bed, rolled out of bed, and scouted around. The room was empty and quiet. I searched for Li Chuan's computer, wanting to complete the unfinished business of yesterday, but found that it was no longer there, and Li Chuan took it away.

I took a long breath and went to the bathroom to wash my face seriously with hot water. Li Chuan hadn't left for a long time, and his toothbrush was still dripping water. The fog in the bathroom has not cleared yet. I straighten my clothes and hair and look like I'm working. He deliberately held two copies of "Wenzhou City Chronicle" in his arms, and checked the time: it was five past eight.

At this time, all CG people are meeting in the conference room. No one dares to be late except me.

I listened outside the door, but there was no movement. The coast is clear. (Translation: No one nearby.) So I opened the door calmly and walked back to my room calmly. I took a clean shower and redressed, changing into a lavender cardigan and a gray plaid skirt. Then I went to the restaurant to have my first breakfast in Wenzhou.

The meeting just ended and everyone from CG was in the dining room.

Li Chuan, the two bosses and the two guests who arrived last night were holding coffee and talking at the bar.

To get coffee, you must pass by the bar. I smiled politely at the guests and didn't go up to greet them. After pouring the coffee, I was about to get the cake from the table next to me, when Mr. Jiang stopped me suddenly: "Annie, come here!"

I stopped, turned around, and walked forward slowly. — Mencius said: "If you talk about a great man, you will despise him, and don't look at him as majestic."

"This is Mr. Wang Jichuan, Mr. Wang's elder brother."

I shook hands with him: "Hi, Mr. Wang. I'm Annie, and I'm Mr. Li Chuan's translator."

"Hello, Annie." His palms were hot, and he shook them hard.

The two brothers look alike. However, Ji Chuan's outline is softer than Li Chuan's, and his stature is slightly taller than Li Chuan's. In comparison, I still think Li Chuan looks better, with more defined outlines and more rigid lines. He is a little more unruly than Ji Chuan.

Standing beside Ji Chuan was a foreigner with chestnut hair and deep eyes, about his age. I think he looks like an Englishman rather than a Frenchman. His face is very thin and long, and his chest is high at any time. He is a bit like the earl before his disfigurement in "The English Patient".

"This is Mr. René Dubois." Ji Chuan introduced.

"Hello, Mr. Du... Bois. I'm Anne."

Dubois, that name is a mouthful. Ji Chuan's French pronunciation is fast and light, and I am a little nervous.

That's not what makes me nervous. I'm afraid of the French kiss on the face. I am a Chinese woman, neither traditional nor conservative, but stick to principles and only be generous to the men I like. Once I went to a classmate's house to play, and her boyfriend was French. When we met, she slapped my face twice, which made me blush.

"Ah... Anne, hello! Please call me René, from Paris. So, the second e is the second." His handshake was affectionate. But there is a lot of hair on the back of the hand. He can also speak Chinese. However, he stuttered and spoke strangely.


He can handle it in Chinese. Next, René speaks English to me. His English is fluent and elegant, but with a distinct French accent.

"Alex said you would take me to Yandang Mountain."


I have never heard of this name.

He froze for a moment, then turned to look at Li Chuan. Li Chuan lowered his head to drink his coffee, then looked up at me. After a long time, he spit out two words: "Middle name."

Li Chuan is very traditional. For some unknown reason, perhaps because he has been in China for a long time, he doesn't like to use English names, so he always calls himself "Li Chuan". So it didn't occur to me that he also had a middle name.

I kept a professional smile: "I've never been to Yandang Mountain, so I'd be happy to go with you. I heard that you can get there in an hour by car."

"Can you ride a bicycle?"

"I can."

"How about going by bike? It can reduce air pollution."

"no problem."

"Annie, breakfast is over there, do you want me to serve you coffee?" The Frenchman was very attentive.

"Thank you, no need."

René walks me to the table, pulls out the chair, and I sit down. —Actually, every time we go out to eat, Li Chuan helps me open the door, take off my coat, and pull out the chair. I've done it countless times and I'm not used to it.

The breakfast on the table is mainly Western style, such as cakes and bread. I can't pronounce the names of many things. René said to Li Chuan again: "Alex, Leo, I'm going to the scene soon, do you want to eat some strawberry muffins first?"

The two brothers also sat down and each brought a plate.

"Of course you have to eat some. The muffins are too sweet, so Li Chuan doesn't want to eat them." As Ji Chuan said, he took a muffin from Li Chuan's plate to his side. Throwing him a piece of dark bread casually: "Eat this couscous, it is nutritious."

Li Chuan's taste is actually very picky, he definitely doesn't want to eat coarse wheat bread. Sure enough, he frowned, stood up, and went to the side salad bar to fill up half a plate of fruit. As soon as he sat back, René held a fork, poked his head over, looked at the fruit on the plate, and shook his head: "Well... this one is not good, this one is not good, you don't want to eat this one, and this grape is too sweet. This one is not good .This KII is good and has many vitamins." He forked half of the fruit from Li Chuan's plate into his own mouth.

... What kind of people are these people? I feel depressed for Li Chuan.

Next, Li Chuan took out a small steamed bun from the nearby plate, and just about to open his mouth, René quickly snatched it away: "God, it must be pork! I'll check it out." After finishing speaking, he broke the steamed stuffed bun. Open, sniffed it, and nodded: "Sure enough. Alex, you never eat pork. Right? You like to eat buns. I'll ask the waiter to see if there are any vegetables."

Seeing these two people "encircle and suppress" Li Chuan, one on the left and the other on the right, I feel like going crazy for him. First, Li Chuan is not a baby. Second, Li Chuan can eat pork. He ate so many pork dumplings at my aunt's house that time, and he kept saying it was delicious.

"No need," Li Chuan stopped him, and picked up the piece of coarse wheat bread, "I'll just eat this, that's fine."

René looked at me with a smile: "Annie, what do you eat?"

I hastened to say, "Bread of semolina."

During the dinner, in order to take care of me, everyone spoke English. Li Chuan ate the bread in silence. On the contrary, Ji Chuan and René were very enthusiastic and kept talking to me. Ask about Yandang Mountain, Wenzhou's climate, human customs, and local news. The French are really good at striking up a conversation.

I don't care, chatting with them is all about practicing oral English. After chatting for more than half an hour, Li Chuan stood up first, took out his ckberry, and checked the "to do list": "Ji Chuan, accompany me to the scene. René, I have sent someone to buy materials for making models , Paper knives, candles, various glues, and paper of various thicknesses are all ready-made. You have a starting point. By the way, in my design, there are several curved walls, which may be troublesome to make. What are you going to do? Do?"

"Could it not be curved?" René teased from the side.


"Is there any paper thicker than 1.5 cm?"


"Leave it to me, I have a solution. Last time Leo designed a melon-shaped chair, I made it, right, Leo?"

"You are a genius. Just a little bit stupider than Li Chuan."

"Hey, I'm hD. Okay!"

"Anyone who works in architecture should read hD only if they are idiots." This time, the two brothers said in unison.

"That's because I'm not short of money! That's not good, you two are together and deal with me, it's very unkind. Leo won't go to the scene, stay and help me."

"No, Leo wants to help me draw. You do it by yourself, and I'll find someone for you."

"Well then, Alex, you owe me a favor."

"What do you owe? Last time... and... last year... and... three years ago..."

"Okay, Alex, you don't owe me a favor. Next time I lose a bet in Las Vegas, you can just lend me the money."

"Speaking of this... You haven't paid back the money you borrowed from me last time. How many years has it been?"

"Leo said he paid it for me. Leo, didn't he?"

"Hmm... The matter between us brothers is easy to talk about. Right, Li Chuan?" Ji Chuan patted Li Chuan's shoulder with a smile.

René suddenly turned her head and said to me: "Annie, do you like playing with paper heads? You can do it for me, okay?"

"Your assistant is Xiao Ding from the drawing department." Li Chuan said, "Annie is going to translate the design instructions I wrote today."

"Then remember to give me the explanation." I said businesslike.

"It has been sent to your mailbox."

"I can't open the CAD software, can you print it for me?"

"Well, bring your computer and I'll install CAD for you."

"It's not good, staring at the screen for too long will hurt your eyes." - My computer hides too many secrets, and I'm worried that Li Chuan will take advantage of this time to take my hard drive back.

"That's it. That's good. The picture is on my desk. It's a blue paper tube. I'm going to the scene now, and you can get it yourself."

I spread my hands together: "How do I get it? I don't have a room card."

He was about to leave, but stopped again, raising his eyebrows: "No room card? How come?"

I had no choice but to cheat: "How can I have your room card?"

Li Chuan glared at me: "Don't you have a spare room card?"

"Already paid..."

"Come with me." His face was already so gloomy that it couldn't be more gloomy.

There is a canteen right outside the restaurant. Thinking of the heavy work today, my craving for cigarettes came again.

"Wait, I'm going to the commissary."

"I go with you."

Li Chuan followed me all the way to the counter of the canteen. The waiter sells me cigarettes every time and knows me quite well.

"Morning! Is it still the old brand? One pack or two packs?"

I thought about it and thought about it. Then, finally, I asked, "Do you have any quit sugar?"

"No. Drugstores only sell it."

I didn't speak, ready to give up. Unexpectedly, Li Chuan, who was standing on the side, asked, "Where is the nearest pharmacy?"

"Go out to the right, pass the park and then turn left, and walk along that 'nostalgic street' for fifteen minutes. There is a big Tongji Hall."

I quickly said: "It's too far away, let's talk about it tomorrow. Otherwise, you can give me a bag first—"

Someone glared at me.

"Sanitary napkins." I hurriedly finished speaking.

After leaving the canteen, Li Chuan said to me, "Are you interested in taking a walk with me?"

I looked at him in surprise, so kindly invited! Is there a pie in the sky? This is not Li Chuan's style!

I glanced at his legs and asked, "Can you take a walk?"

"It's not very far."

"Excuse me... what is the nature of this walk? The nature of work?"

"Yes. Would you like to?"

"Very willing. Who wouldn't want to get close to the boss? Which way to go?"

"Go right. Pass the park and go left, 'Retro Street.'"

Going out to the right is the park. We pass through the center of the park. The park is very lively. Some danced swords, some boxed, some danced, some practiced kung fu, some drank tea, and some walked birds. Everyone is enjoying life.

"Is the design note long?" I asked. Since this is a working walk, I'll just have to talk about work.

"Not long, about a dozen pages."

"If you need it urgently, I'll finish it in the afternoon and give it to you in the evening."

"It's not in a hurry, just give it to me tomorrow."

"Then, when do you think I will accompany René to Yandang Mountain?"

"When his model is almost finished, you can start. Go by car, two days, is it enough?"

"Didn't you say you were riding a bicycle?"

"Don't listen to him. The mountain road is not safe, I will ask the driver to take you."

"You don't want to go?"

"Do not have time."

I still wanted to find something to say, but he stopped talking, tapped his cane, and concentrated on walking.

I smiled wryly in my heart. In fact, my request is not high, Li Chuan walks with me, even if I don't say a word, I am satisfied.

Walking through the grass in the park, we turn left. The street on the left is called "Nostalgic Street" because there are many shops selling second-hand vinyl records and playing old songs all day long.

"Why are you here? Want to buy a record?"

"Look around, and buy a few of the good ones."

"Then I've chosen for you."


We passed by a small shop, and I chose a photo of Teresa Teng: "Boss, let's put this one aside, isn't it scratched?"

Putting the CD into the machine, Teresa Teng sang profusely: "I smile when I see you, your elegant demeanor is so beautiful. With you, I will never worry..."

"Boss, I still want this one, Zheng Jun."

The record player sang lively again: "She seems to be as cold as ice and she makes you lose your way. In fact, she is psychologically lonely and full of joyful dreams..."

No matter what song was playing on the record player, Li Chuan's expression seemed to be attending a funeral. For this kind of person, he had to use his trump card. I brought out the extremely sensational Trisha Yearood:

"ithout you

There'd be no sun in my sky

There ould be no love in my life

There ould be no orld left for me... "

This time, someone finally spoke, in lukewarm English: "Could you stop it? (Translation: Are you finished?)"

What a wooden man, nothing to play! fail! Pay the bill! Put a stack of CDs into a plastic bag and carry it by yourself. Then, I followed him forward in a daze, and within five minutes, he stopped suddenly at the door of a shop. I looked up and saw the words "Tongjitang" written on it.

"Li Chuan, are you buying medicine? What kind of medicine are you buying? Tell me I'll go buy it, don't make mistakes." I picked up a shopping basket and found that the pharmacy here is a bit like a supermarket, with medicines neatly placed in rows In the shelves, there are actually cosmetics.

"You buy yours, I buy mine."

We each carried a basket, went in, and disappeared into the crowd. I found the Wuji Baifeng Pills I wanted, plus a bottle of moisturizer and a bottle of facial cleanser, and paid at the front desk. Li Chuan followed behind me. There were many black boxes in his basket, and a big "NO" was written on each box.

After I paid the bill, I looked back at him: "What is this?"

"Quit smoking candy." He added, "Auspicious Tongbao card."

"Don't scare me, so many boxes?"

"Six boxes for a course of treatment, and you don't have to buy them again within eight weeks. Two pills at a time, eat sugar when you want to smoke, and drink plenty of water."

"Are you concerned about my health, or work needs?"

"It has nothing to do with your health. Whether you like smoking or not is none of my business."

I froze.

"But I don't want to smell smoke because I don't want to get lung cancer," he said coldly. "To work for me, you have to quit smoking. It's a job requirement."

I don't say anything.

He checked out and hired a taxi: "Let's go back by car."

"You can continue to walk!"

"I'm tired."

I was speechless all the way. When I arrived at the hotel, I saw Ji Chuan chatting with the waiter at the door. When he saw us coming in, he smiled and said, "Where have you been? You said you were going to the scene, and I was waiting here for nothing."

I smiled politely.

Li Chuan handed a bag of smoking cessation lozenges to me.

In front of them, I casually threw the entire plastic bag into the trash can next to it. Then, I said calmly, "Wang Lichuan, just fire me. See if I will starve to death." After I finished speaking, I rolled my eyes and walked away.