Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 30


This phenomenon has been going on for a week about my eyes swollen into big walnuts. Believe it or not, my official explanation was that I had been stung in the eye by some kind of poisonous bug. I never eat in restaurants lest I be the laughing stock of good people. If I have to go out, I put on sunglasses and wrap a scarf around my head to wrap myself up tightly. If I have to talk, I try to look enthusiastic: "Hi! Xiao Ding, I just went out to eat Wankeng Fish Soup from the restaurant next door. Do you want to go together next time?"—Of course he won't. There is a family with a mouth and an elderly person, and they don’t eat the free three meals in a high-end hotel, and pay for the small stove by themselves? No ay. I met Su Qun in the corridor, and I called him, pretending to be affectionate: "Mr. Su, do you want to go to the mall? Buy some souvenirs and bring them back to your wife? I know the way well, and I'll accompany you!" He glanced at his face Wedding ring, waved his hand: "Thank you for your concern, I'm too busy to go." If I meet Li Chuan in the corridor, I turn my head and leave. Seeing him less angry, I will live a few more years.

During this week, the CG staff finally submitted all the documents before the deadline. René's model is also fully finished. Originally, he still expected me to take him to Yandang Mountain, and when he saw Li Chuan's gloomy face and my big walnut, he was too scared to mention it. It was Ji Chuan who took him to play for two days, and brought me a few packs of winter rice candy when he came back. That evening, René knocked on my door and gave me a small model in a glass case. When I saw it, it was Li Chuan's "pebble", made of glass and steel wire, with a small light bulb embedded in it, and the light came out dimly, very realistic and beautiful.

"Annie, this is for you, do you like it?"

"I like it very much, thank you."

"Annie, listen to me, Alex didn't mean to offend you." - It turned out that he came here to smooth things over for Li Chuan.

"René, it seems that you know, don't you? Tell me, why did he offend me?"

"You ask him himself. Quickly ask, he will leave as soon as the presentation is over tomorrow."

"If he doesn't leave, he will stay in Beijing."

René looked at me with a look of disbelief: "How could it be, the ticket is already bought."

"If you don't believe me, ask him."

René's expression suddenly became serious: "You asked him to stay?"


"Can you change your mind? Li Chuan must go back to Switzerland!"


He hesitated to speak: "If you want to do good for Alex, let him go back to Switzerland. You can go to Switzerland to see him, I will pay for the plane ticket, and live in my house, no matter how long you want to stay."

I was guessing what he said, and after a while, I nodded: "Okay, I can persuade Li Chuan to return to Switzerland. But, you have to tell me what happened to him?"

"I can't tell you." He hung his head dejectedly. "If you're doing Alex well, let him go back. — that's all I can say."

"René," I said, "you knew me before you came to Wenzhou?"

"I know Leo, Leo is Alex's brother - yes, I know you. I have seen your picture, big one, hanging in Alex's bedroom. You are Alex's first girlfriend. Alex is getting to know you It was Virgin before. We laughed at him every day. Anne, can I invite you to Zurich? I live very close to Alex. We can go skiing together in winter. Have you ever seen Alex ski? He skates on one leg Better than a man with two legs."

No, I was moved. Woo...

"But Li Chuan said that he doesn't want me anymore." Tears welled up in my eyes again, "I'm not going to Switzerland anymore. However, I can help you persuade him to go back. Anyway... I see him here every day, but he doesn't care Me, I'm more sad."

"Don't! Don't be sad! It's okay, everything will be fine. Trust God!" René hugged me with open arms and comforted me.

I raised my head and saw Li Chuan walking out of the room.

I withdrew my hand from René's embrace and whispered, "René, Li Chuan is watching us."

René stuck out her tongue and made a face at me: "It's over, Alex is going to settle accounts with me."

I took the model and closed the door. Sure enough, Li Chuan and René were arguing in French in the corridor. It’s super depressing, why didn’t Erwait choose French just because of the gamble back then? However, if I really learned French, Li Chuan would quarrel in German, I still can't understand.

I huddled in my room and prepared the translation materials for tomorrow. After a week of expert review, it is believed that many consensuses have been reached on the reconstruction plan of C urban area. Who among the last four finalists will win the bid depends to a large extent on the bid evaluation meeting at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. At the meeting, representatives of each design company will make a presentation and answer questions for the last 30 minutes. Then, leave the meeting, and the expert panel will conduct a final review to determine the final candidate for this target.

The 30-minute statement was written by Li Chuan himself in English, and then I translated it into Chinese. I modified some words and sentences to make the full text read closer to spoken language, more poetic, and more in line with Chinese aesthetic habits. Li Chuan once received special recitation training, and claimed that he had been an announcer for the school radio station. He is best at reciting Shakespeare. He can read whatever he has on hand, whether it is a product brochure, news headlines, or business reports. When we lived together, he used to do this to amuse me, reading the instructions of Niuhuang Jiedu Pills in English with a medieval accent, making me roll on the floor laughing. Our communication work is all carried out in emails, and I keep my promise to maintain a "colleague" relationship with him. Li Chuan's emails sometimes include "take care," in an attempt to show some human touch, while my emails are neither signed nor signed, just discussing the matter without any extra words.

The final presentation comes as soon as it is said.

Li Chuan's statement came last. Prior to this, many people were horrified and impressed by Tian Xiaogang's dazzling "imperial" design. As a full-time translator, I was arranged to sit next to Li Chuan, in case the judges asked questions that he could not understand. I heard Li Chuan say in a calm and clear voice: "... CG has always advocated a durable and value-preserving modern architectural style. Our design is faithful to the rationality and diversification of the structure, and it is combined with the local characteristics. It is not about decoration. The part expresses the short-lived post-modern taste, and does not rely on creating passion to impress the audience. In the design concept, we have integrated the Taoist idea of returning to simplicity, and seek the reproduction of Chinese classical spirit in the artistic conception of landscape poetry.… "

Li Chuan memorized the Chinese I wrote word for word, and I believe that everyone present was moved by his ups and downs and eloquent explanations. I sat on the stage and kept observing Tian Xiaogang's expression. In fact, laymen like me can hear the main problem of Tian Xiaogang's design. He put a lot of effort into the look of the theater, making it look brilliant and stunning in daylight. But Li Chuan put his main attention on the lighting. Theater events are, after all, nocturnal. While Li Chuan was explaining, he dimmed the indoor lights. René's model shines brightly under the illumination of dozens of small spotlights, like a fairyland, which fully embodies the night effect that Li Chuan wants.

Next is Q&A time. The first few questions are easy. I almost didn't need to translate, Li Chuan explained everything in simple Chinese. Immediately afterwards, one of the judges asked: "Mr. Wang, what kind of Taoist thought and landscape spirit does your C City Theater, that is, this oval building, embody?"

This judge is known as the "killer" in the architectural circles. He has a high reputation in the industry, but has always been known for his harshness. He once posed a big problem to the first declarant—that is, Tian Xiaogang of Jiayuan International—which made him silent for two minutes on the spot, and then began to respond after two minutes. The answer was not satisfactory.

I heard Li Chuan say: "Mr. Judge, this oval plan is the inspiration I found in the poems of the Eastern Jin Dynasty landscape poet Xie Lingyun."

His expression was completely calm, but I could hear a hint of worry in his voice. He was evidently worried that this man would dwell too much on the subject. After all, Li Chuan grew up abroad. After all, everyone knows that he is unlikely to know too much ancient Chinese poetry. Especially Xie's poems are known for their simplicity, obscurity, allusions and diction.

"Then, Mr. Wang, which one of Xie Lingyun's poems inspired you?" The "killer" looked at him with a half-smile and asked.

I only heard Li Chuan reply: "Everyone, don't laugh. I am a foreigner. Although I have worked hard to learn Chinese, my Chinese level has not yet reached a sufficient level to comprehend all the subtleties of Chinese classical poetry. Therefore, in order to better complete the For this design, I asked my translator, Ms. Xie, to translate Xie Lingyun's poems into English. Believe me, Xie Lingyun's poems are beautiful even if they are read in English. I remember I got them in these two lines inspiration:

Cliffs are steep, mountain ridges

croded together,

Inds ind around, sandbars are

joined one after another.

hite clouds embrace the secluded rocks,

Green bamboos charm the clear ripples. (The exquisite English translations of Xie Lingyun’s poems here are based on the translations of the famous American sinologist Stephen Oen. Chinese name: Mr. Yuwen Suo’an.)

I think the descriptions in the first two sentences are very suitable for the geographical situation of C City in Wenzhou, and the latter sentence directly inspired my design. After that, he turned to me and said: "Miss Xie has a deep knowledge of ancient Chinese poetry. I invite her to tell you the original Chinese text." "

Grandma's, a piece of hot potato, just threw it into my hand!

I stood up, bulging out my walnut eyes, and smiled at everyone: "The poem recited by Mr. Wang is from Xie Lingyun's "Guo Shi Ning Shu". . The white clouds embrace the secluded stones, and the green and charming clear ripples. "

Li Chuan took my words and continued: "Thank you, Miss Xie. I designed exactly this kind of secluded stone with a smooth gray surface that can reflect the clouds in the sky. At the same time, it is also a tribute to Xie Lingyun, a landscape poet who wrote such a famous line in Wenzhou as "spring grass grows in ponds, and willows turn into songbirds."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone applauded! I saw Tian Xiaogang's face turned black.

After all the presenters finished speaking, everyone retreated to the side hall to wait for the final result.

Fifteen minutes later, the chairman of the judging panel, Xie Heyang, came out of the gate and held Li Chuan's hand: "Mr. Wang, the jury voted unanimously to approve the CG design. Congratulations."

The result was within everyone's expectations. Li Chuan smiled and shook hands with him. I followed Li Chuan closely all the time, for fear that Director Xie's "Wenzhou" mandarin Li Chuan would not understand.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Xie Heyang sent Li Chuan all the way out of the gate. At the gate, he suddenly said, "Mr. Wang, have you been to Nanxi?"

"Never been."

"I was born in the ancient town of Heyang in Nanxi. I am a descendant of Xie Lingyun, so I am very kind to your plan. Of course, my personal opinion cannot influence the vote of experts. However, your statement allows us to experience Chinese civilization again. Timeless charm."

"Director Xie, I am also a descendant of China, and I am very proud of the culture of my ancestors."

We can't even imagine what happened next. Xie Heyang said: "At the dinner that day, thank you for taking care of my mother. She still thinks about you."

"Your... mother?"

"My mother's surname is Hua, she is a retired professor of the Academy of Fine Arts." That old lady with dentures!

Li Chuan accepted everyone's congratulations in the car, and said humbly that it was the result of everyone's joint efforts.

When he returned to the hotel, he came to thank me specifically, saying that my translator had helped him a lot. To send me a special bonus. I thought about it, and suddenly asked: "I have translated so many thank you poems, why is this one so impressive to you?"

He was slightly taken aback, and said, "Because you rarely make spelling mistakes, only this one, you misspelled a word."

I use ord to automatically spell check. Only when there is no red line will the document be sent to him. So, unconvinced, I crossed my arms, puffed out my eyes and said, "Really? It's unlikely. Which word is misspelled?"

"'Ripples (ripples)' you wrote 'Nipples (nipples)'. It made me wonder for a long time, what is the relationship between that bamboo and Nipples."

I was embarrassed: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" How could I make such a low-level mistake? !

"Impossible," he said, "you've always been out of your mind."