Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 33


A random search on the Internet shows that the price of my laptop is more than 10,000 yuan. This is the latest model this year, and the second-hand price is not low. The money I earned during those two weeks of hard work in translation wasted in an instant. That's not what worries me the most. All my documents are stored in the computer: 90% of them are the company's planning proposals, bidding documents, and all my translation drafts; my own index, thesaurus, and my favorite e-books; translations downloaded from the Internet Software blah blah blah.

During lunch, I ran into Li Chuan at the door of the restaurant, and he actually asked, "How is the computer? Can it still be used?"

"It's out of play, it's completely broken."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I want to buy a second-hand one. I just don't know what to do with the documents in it."

"You go buy me a sandwich, and I'll help you get the files out."

I trotted all the way into my office and handed him the computer that was still dripping: "Please."

I bought a box of salad, a tuna sandwich, and two bottles of mineral water. Knock on the door and enter Li Chuan's office.

This is my first time visiting Li Chuan's office. Tang Xiaowei, Li Chuan's secretary, sat in the room he entered. Tang Xiaowei was originally President Jiang's secretary, but when Li Chuan was appointed by the headquarters, Jiang Haotian gave up his secretary on the same day. Tang Xiaowei was originally a confidential secretary in Beijing's administrative organs. She looks very cute, handles affairs well, and is very silent. She never attended the gossip lunches of our translation team. In order to avoid us, every lunch is deliberately late for half an hour.

"Hi, Xiaoqiu!"

"I'm looking for Mr. Wang. My computer is broken, please help me get the files out."

"Go ahead, he's taking apart the computer. I just went out and bought him a bunch of screwdrivers."

"sorry to bother you."

"You're welcome."

I went into the back room. Li Chuan's office is exactly the same as Emma's description, very spacious, with a set of white sofas in the middle, cushioned on a diamond-shaped craft carpet; there are several rooms inside, which are lounges, bathrooms and toilets specially decorated for him.

My computer has been disassembled for him, and the parts are placed on the huge desk by category. Li Chuan was screwing a certain part with a screwdriver. Seeing me, he put down the tools in his hand, stood up, took the sandwich from my hand, and thanked him. Then he pointed to the sofa and said, "Please sit down."

Then, he pressed a button on the telephone and said, "Xiao Wei, I still need a Philips T6 screwdriver. If you can't find a T6, you need an H000, the one with three zeros. Xiao Ding from the drafting department It might be there. Can you borrow it for me?"

I stared blankly at him, not remembering that Li Chuan knew how to fix computers.

"Can the files be retrieved?"

"It's all on the hard drive. I'll remove the hard drive and install it in another computer. That's it."

Sounds simple enough. I swallowed, a little anxious: "Do you need another computer? I haven't bought one yet. A manuscript has been translated more than half, and it will be handed in today."

"Is there any special, uncommon software installed on your computer?"

"I do a lot of notes with Endnotes, an older version of 8.0."

"OK, now I'll tell you what I'm going to do."

I stared at him with wide eyes.

"First, I'll remove your hard drive.

"Second, I removed my own hard drive.

"Third, put your hard drive into my computer; put my hard drive into an external hard drive.

"Fourth, turn on My Computer, start it with Linux, and read the files on your hard drive.

"Fifth, I will copy some files from my hard drive to your hard drive. If everything goes well, I will unplug my hard drive and restart, and you will be able to use your own files on my computer.

I took a bite of spinach and said, "I can't use Linux."

"The hard disk can only be booted with Linux. When you use it, it has already become indos."

"But if I use your computer, what do you use?"

"I'm buying a new one. I've ordered it and it will be delivered tomorrow."

He ate the sandwich in two bites, and Xiaowei sent the screwdriver. He worked for more than an hour, restarted the computer, and there was a blue screen.

"Oops," he said, "have to download some programs."

I sat aside and ate a salad quietly, watching him concentrate on it for more than two hours, and finally saw all my files on the screen. And it's all open.

"It's ready to use now." He closed the computer and handed it to me.

Li Chuan's computer is a powerful one, but a bit heavy.

"Great! Thank you!" I was about to leave with my computer in my hand.

"Wait." He stopped me, "Give me back Mia."

Remember that cat!

"Since you love Mia so much why did you give it to René?"

"Who said I gave it to him? It's just a temporary foster care!"

"OK, I'll show you Mia for an hour."

"One hour, are you kidding me? I fixed your computer for three hours. Not an hour, at least a week."

"Two hours."

"Three hours."

"Deal. You come over this weekend. Mia is at my house."

He hesitated for a moment and said, "Can't you bring it to me?"

"No, if I give it to you, I can't get it back."

"… All right."

I gave him the address: "Come at nine o'clock."

Emma comes to see me when I get off work. Give me three pink cards.

"Be free on the weekend."

"No time in the morning."

"Not in the morning, but at two o'clock in the afternoon, I'll let you meet three people. The first two were introduced by me, male, and the last one was introduced by Mingming, female. You can meet them. The conditions are good."

I open the card:

first slide:

Name: Chen Jiuzhou

Age: 32

Occupation: General Manager of Feixing Enterprise.

Degree: Master.

the second one:

Name: Ai Song

Age: 29

Occupation: Associate Researcher of a certain Academy of Sciences

Education: Ph.D.

The third one:

Name: Su Xin

Age: 24

Occupation: Professional writer

Education: Bachelor

Emma kept saying to "care" about me. As the eldest sister, she took it as her bounden duty to introduce someone to me. Although she mentioned it to me several times, I didn't take it seriously. After scanning the card at a glance, I smelled a mischievous smell.

"Why are there girls?"

"He's such a good guy. He doesn't fall in love. He obviously suspects that you have sexual problems. He told you to try this. He looks good and is quite interesting. The other two people, one is my acquaintance, the other is my younger brother, There is nothing to say about character. How about it, sister, I will treat you well."

"Let's talk about it next time..."

"Hey, how many times is this the next time? At least give your sister some face. I just ask you to focus on my brother. It's all right, two o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday. One person for half an hour, anyway, you're going to clubs, It’s all about finding someone to talk to, it won’t tire you. Starbucks on K Street, you know, it’s there. I told them, stick a red chopstick in your head.”


"Hatever. Just don't let my pigeons go!"

I nodded and put the card into the pouch. Say to myself, Move on. Then, my cell phone rang. Watching Emma enter the elevator, I turned on my phone to check the number, it was Xiao Guan.



"Long time no hearing from you. How are you?"

"Didn't I just send you an email not long ago?"

"Are you referring to the words 'remittance received'?"

"What's up?"

"Are you free on Saturday? I'll treat you to dinner."

"No time."

"There is a Yunnan restaurant near the company. The rice noodles are delicious. I have eaten there a few times."

"I'm sorry, I'm now a vegetarian, and I only eat vegetarian dishes."

"No problem, next to Lingbao Temple, there is a bitter gourd master who cooks good vegetarian dishes."

"But… "

"Six o'clock in the evening. See you at the gate of Lingbao Temple."

What else do I want to say, the phone is already hung up—this is Xiao Guan's style. He arranges everything and never listens to what others say.

I looked at my watch, I made an appointment with all the people just now on Saturday, it seems that Saturday is still a few days away.

Today is Friday.

I canceled all activities on Friday night, including yoga and dinner with white water amateurs.

I found the beauty card Emma gave me and went to the spa for a facial. Miss Spa trimmed my eyebrows. I went to the hair salon to get the oil done, and spent more than two hours. Finally, I made my long hair black and shiny, and the quality was as good as Rejoice's advertisement. When I got home, I lit a few scented candles, painted the bathroom white, and kept the house spotless. No dark circles, I went to bed early. Then, I woke up early again. After taking a shower, it was still dark outside the window. I looked at the clock, it was just five o'clock.

I sit on the bed and do yoga. I had breakfast at six o'clock. After breakfast, it was all right. I took a bath for Mia and dried her with a hair dryer. At seven o'clock, I carried Mia outside for a walk. Seriously, the mornings have never felt so long.

In six years, this is the first time I've seriously watched The Dawn of Dawn. The light red morning glow fills the sky, the red sun floats in the clouds, the sun shines on the cold air of deep winter, and the city is transpired in white mist.

Li Chuan was always on time.

He gave me a box of chocolates when he opened the door. Then, seeing that I was only wearing socks, he took off his coat and stooped to take off his shoes. As soon as I bent down, I remembered something, straightened up again, and I fell down. I grabbed him and said, "What's the matter?"

He leaned on the wall with one hand, lowered his head and panted slightly: "I'm a little dizzy."

"Is it anemia?"

He nods.

"Don't take off your shoes, stand still, I'll find you a chair."

I rushed to the living room and took a chair, and he sat down: "I'm fine. The snow outside has just melted, and there's a lot of mud on the ground." He still had to bend over.

I hold him down: "I'll do it."

"No need." He gently pushed my hand away and took off his shoes.

The entrance is short and the living room is small.

"Hi Mia!"

Mia, the real spirit, ran over after hearing the voice, arched her waist and rubbed against his legs, with an affectionate look.

I picked up Mia and handed it to Li Chuan. He held up a pair of her little paws, teasing her, stroking her, happy and affectionate, I watched from the side, a little jealous.

"Mind if I speak French to it?"


"Okay. Anyway, I'm afraid she can understand Chinese now." He smiled brightly. Really, I have never seen him smile like this in front of me after returning from Wenzhou.

"Look, she likes to scratch her like this." He scratched the cat's forehead with his fingers, and Mia tilted her head back in enjoyment, taking the opportunity to yawn.

"Her longest yawn lasted fifty-seven seconds!"


"She can also do somersaults. Up to twenty-four in a row at a time. That's it. Mia, show Xiaoqiu!" He whistled, and Mia actually did a few rolls on the spot. I was angry and wanted to laugh at the same time.

"Hmm... Mia is so lazy, Xiaoqiu must have fed you too much, why did you turn over so many?" He sat on the sofa, frowning and scolding her.

"Would you like something to drink?" I took the opportunity to ask.

"Water will do. Thanks."

Super depressed, it seems that Li Chuan came here with a clear purpose. I just want to see Mia, I just want to talk to Mia. Standing next to me is a big living person, with willow leaf eyebrows, almond eyes, long hair hanging down the shoulders, and looking like a fairy, but he doesn't seem to see it at all.

I brought him some water, and I said, "Grand Architect, how is my house furnished?"

In fact, my furniture is very simple, the most valuable one is probably the sofa that Li Chuan is sitting on. The leather ones are green, a bit hard, and a bit tall, which is what Li Chuan likes.

He stood up, walked to the door, looked at it from an angle, and nodded: "Well, not bad. Let me guess, it's ohemian (Bohemia), right?" Li Chuan still has a habit. He rarely picks my faults unless I let him. For example, every time I hand over my translation to him, he keeps it, makes few changes, and never calls back. For example, I used to speak English with him, and he did not correct the pronunciation of many words incorrectly. But I said it on other occasions, only to wake up after being scolded by my seniors. I remember one time, when the stress of a word was pronounced wrong, he only whispered to me in private: "The stress of this word should be on the second syllable. But it doesn't matter, I can understand you when you pronounce it this way. ’—this was his harshest criticism. So talking with him is actually more comfortable.

"Can you see that?"

"That's what I do."

"Aren't you an architect?"

"I also do interior design, not much and not as famous as my brother."

"Give me some advice, I want to make it look better."

"Do you really want to listen?"


"Turn the sofa 90 degrees and lean to this side. This table, move to the right and lean against the wall. The vase is placed on the table. This floor lamp can be placed here. There are so many books in the bookshelf, the armchair should be placed Next to the bookshelf, you can sit and read books at any time, isn’t it more convenient? Also, the four lanterns on the ceiling are too far apart and do not respond to each other. It’s better to have two groups, the light is concentrated, and Not messy."

I tied my hair with a rubber band and said to him, "Sit in the bedroom and stay with Mia, and I'll move the furniture."

He was startled: "Are you going to move now?"

I nodded: "Yes."

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"No hurry. You don't talk to me anyway, and besides, there's not much furniture." I stared at him blankly, with sarcasm on my face.

He understood what I said, and was a little embarrassed: "You move, I'll help you."

"I don't want your help." I dare to ask him to carry things even if he is so tall that he is about to faint.

However, it's really slow to have no one to help move things. Outside the door, there were many uncle migrant workers sitting on the street waiting for work. I am embarrassed to invite others. Lest Li Chuan think that I dislike his poor health. Gritting his teeth, he dragged the sofa, moved the table, moved the wires, and hung the lantern. Li Chuan sat on the chair, finally stopped looking at Mia, and looked at me nervously.

"Xiaoqiu, can you turn off the switch?"

"Do you want to close it?"

"It's safer to turn it off."

"It's dark in the room when it's turned off."

"It's daytime."

"This is the first floor."

don't close. Just don't close. Just let Dian Dian kill me, let's see if you, Wang Lichuan, still look at me!

"Why do you want to live on the first floor?" He suddenly said, "You said before that you don't like the first floor the least, and the higher the floor, the better."

"There is no elevator in this building, so it is inconvenient to go up and down."

"You are not disabled."

Speechless... I admit that I have watched too many Hollywood movies, and I always dream that one day Li Chuan will knock on my door with a bouquet of flowers, then kneel down in front of me, and say to me affectionately: "Xie Xiaoqiu, Will you marry me?" Of course I couldn't let him climb a few floors with a cane, and then kneel down when he was about to pass out.

I tossed up and down in the living room for nearly two hours, and finally rearranged the room according to his intention. Then, sit back and admire the fruits of your labor. Well, that's not bad. It really is a master. Just give me some guidance, the living room now looks dense and well-balanced, and the colors are harmonious, completely changed.

"Hey, Li Chuan, what kind of style is this? It's very oriental. It doesn't look like Bohemia!"

"There are many kinds of Bohemia, such as Dandy, Nouveau, Gyspsy, and eat. Your kind is Zen. Hang the string of beads beside your bed on the lantern, and it will be more like it."

That bead was a souvenir from the bar called "The Bohemia." Send a few strings to regular customers during the holidays. I saved up a big box. I hung the beads on the lantern. The beads are made of ceramics. When people walk from below, they walk fast. When the wind blows, there will be drips.

He pointed to a huge long-necked vase in the corner and asked me: "This vase is very beautiful. Do you have anything to put in it?"

The vase was a gift from a friend of mine. It is as tall as half a person, too big and too deep. I really can't think of any flowers that can still show their heads after being put in, so it has always been so empty.


"You can go outside to pick up some dead branches, peel off the bark, and repair it. It will look nice on display."



There is a forest behind the community. I went out in my overcoat and picked up a lot of dead branches. Li Chuan helped me pick out a few branches, and went to the kitchen to find a knife to peel off the bark for me. I was afraid he would get hurt. let him do it. I peeled off the branches with a knife, cut off the remaining branches with scissors, and put them in a vase. Sure enough, it smelled like withered vines, old trees and faint crows.

After moving the furniture, my face was dusty; after pruning the branches, my nails were all black. Last night's grooming was all in vain. I was about to wash my face when I found Li Chuan had stood up. He stroked the kitten, looked at his watch, and said, "Three hours are up, I have to leave. Thank you for letting me see Mia."

Three hours? Did three hours pass so quickly? Why don't you feel anything? On second thought, isn't it? It takes two hours to clean the room, half an hour to pick up branches, and half an hour to peel branches. I, a pig, add up to three hours

However, Li Chuan had already put down Mia and walked towards the door. As if not daring to bother me too much.

I suddenly yelled, "Wait!"

I didn't expect that I had such a loud voice, and the beads on the top of my head were rattled by my voice.

He looked back at me.

My face was flushed, and I said, ""—I mean, are you coming to see Mia? Can't you sit with me a little longer? But I hesitated for a long time and couldn't speak.

I heard myself yelling at him, "You killed everything in me! Ho could you do that?"

He stopped, looked at me intently, hesitated to speak, and then, he came to me and was about to speak, but I interrupted aggressively: "Now! You are not allowed to speak! Wang Lichuan, Kiss me right no!"

He looked at me, shocked. All I could hear was my own rapid breathing.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoqiu." He opened his arms to me, hugged me vigorously, and murmured in my ear, "I'm the one who's sorry for you."

"Don't say sorry, there is no sorry between us. Kiss me! lease!"

However, he only kissed me lightly on the eyelid, tenderly, symbolically, comfortingly. His love, once so generous, is now so stingy, and my heart breaks again.

"You must move on."


"Remember your oath."

"No!" I said loudly, "You go! You go back to Switzerland! Never come back! I will never see you again!"

"You asked me to come back!"

"Yes, I want you back, I want your people, real people, not your ghost!"

Whenever he gets hurt, he goes silent. I saw a starlight flash from the depths of his eyes, and then quickly disappeared.

His eyes are very deep, like a deep pool under a waterfall, bottomless, and even his own soul is deeply buried in it. But my shadow emerged from his dark pupils like a ghost, with a bit of madness and hatred.

Right now, really, I want to strangle him, and I want to strangle myself.

"If I die tomorrow, today, today, will you treat me like this?"

He didn't speak. Just grabbed my hand and placed it on the left side of his body.

I stretched out my five fingers, and they were attached to the leg that was originally his, but now it was a cold, hard artificial limb like a starfish.

"I'm not alive, never have been. Xiaoqiu, do you love so deeply? Isn't six years enough for you to get out?"

"Not enough, not even a thousand years! If I don't come out, why should I come out!"

"Can you grow up a bit? In your life, there are some things that must be left, must be lost, let it go!"

"I don't want to lose you!"

"Yes, you are afraid of losing me, but you have already lost me. You have to face this ending," he said, "when you read the best book, meet the most handsome man, or arrive at a The most beautiful city. You say to yourself that you have seen the best things in the world, and that you will live with them for the rest of your life. But, after a while, something new happens, and you read another A better book, a more handsome man, a more beautiful city. A new life begins."

He continued, with a cruel smile on his lips: "Don't be afraid of the ending. The ending is just an illusion. Every ending means a new beginning."

"No! Don't quibble with me! Me and you, there is only a beginning, no end. There will never be an end. If there must be an end, there is only one end, and that is that we live happily together!"

"You are so damaged!" He twisted my shoulders and growled, "You silly woman! Why didn't you listen to my advice? What's in your head? Water? Straw? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! "

"I'm just stupid, you just know!"

He was panting all the time, very angry, and flushed with anger.

"OK," he let go of his hand: "As long as you promise me to move on, I can do anything."

"Kiss me, make love with me! No!"

He took a deep breath and sighed deeply.

We looked at each other silently, our eyes staring nervously at each other.

Almost a century later, he said, "Turn off the lights. Stupid oman!"

We made love silently in the dark. Li Chuan's body was very weak, but I became violent due to anger. I pinched his hand tightly, not allowing him to move, and if I resisted a little, I scratched him and scratched him. He scolded me in French, and I scolded him in Yunnan dialect. We are like two trapped animals fighting on the bed. I felt guiltily that this was the first time I bullied Li Chuan, who was a disabled person. At the end, I heard Li Chuan sigh in the darkness, he grabbed my hand, trying to stop me: "Are you making love with me? Or are you killing me?" (Translation: Are you making love with me? Or are you killing me? murdering me?)



"You are stupid!"

In the end, we lay exhausted on the bed, babbling indiscriminately.

Everything fell into pieces. I don't know if I'm victorious or completely defeated by him. I only know that my face is full of tears, tears and sweat mixed together, all dripping on his body. He turned over, gently stroked my face, and kissed me tenderly and lingeringly as before. Calling my name over and over again, Xiaoqiu, Xiaoqiu, Xiaoqiu...

Then he said:

"You must move on."