Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 35


I stood under the roof and called him through the heavy rain: "Li Chuan! Li Chuan! Why are you still here?"

"You get in the car first."

He opened the car door and fastened my seat belt. I saw that his whole body was wet and his hair was dripping, so I couldn't help feeling a little worried. On such a cold day, he wears a woolen coat, the kind that leaks everywhere, and it must not be waterproof.

He returned to the driver's seat wet, closed the door, turned on the heater, and asked, "Aren't you drenched?"

My bag is waterproof and big. I kept holding it on my head: "No. Why are you still here? Didn't you go?"

"I went to the store to buy a few boxes of cat food, and I just passed by here when I came back. I saw you waving. I didn't know you were looking for a taxi. I thought you had something to ask me." As he spoke, he sneezed unpreparedly. After he said Excuse me Before, I hurriedly handed him the tissue.

The rain was so heavy that the road could not be seen clearly, and the windshield wipers scraped the windows rhythmically.

"Take off your wet clothes." I took out a towel beside him and wiped his head. "Don't catch a cold."

"It's okay." He said, "How's it going? All the people you want to meet are here? Did you catch anyone?"

"Uh... you care so much about my happiness and future?" My voice suddenly turned a little bitter.

"Yes, let's report quickly."

"... one of them looks okay."

"The doctor, right?"

"how do you know?"


"He's good-looking," I said. "Of course that doesn't matter. What matters is that I think he's quite honest and frank."

After being stabbed, someone was embarrassed for a moment, then quickly changed the subject: "Do you want me to take you home, or do you have somewhere else to go?"

"Can you take me to the restaurant, I'm hungry."

He slowed down and turned to look at me: "You're dating two men, and no one treats you to dinner?"


"Would you like coffee?"


I waited for Li Chuan to make a comment, but he looked directly at the heavy rain in front of him: "There is a Yunnan restaurant ahead, do you want to go?"

My stomach is unusually hungry, so I nodded quickly.

After parking the car, Li Chuan sent me to the entrance of the restaurant, and then unexpectedly said, "Go in and eat by yourself."

I looked at him in a daze, completely dumbfounded. No way, Li Chuan, who has always been a gentleman, wouldn't be so eager to get rid of it, right? Li Chuan accompanied me to the restaurant, there was no reason to send people to the gate, turn around and leave... Besides, I am already very obedient and cooperative, right? I have moved on with practical actions, right

Although I understand what he means very well, I still have to confirm it cheekily: "You—won't you go in with me?"

"No," he said, "you eat by yourself."

"I treat you, okay?" My words were completely lacking in confidence, my voice trembled, and the despair on my face was clearly revealed.

"I have something else to do." He said indifferently.

At this moment, it would be too rude for me to say anything to keep you. Li Chuan has broken up with me again and again, who is he showing this reluctance? Even I look down on myself.

At this moment, I lost all my appetite and even felt like vomiting.

I forced a smile: "Then you go back quickly."

"Goodbye." I heard him press the key in his hand, and the car started by remote control not far away.


There is a bus stop across the street, just a few stops to go home. Seeing Li Chuan turn around and get into the car, I didn't go into the restaurant, but walked into the rain with big strides.

At that moment, my mind was blank, I just wanted to move forward, keep moving forward, hoping that the heavy rain would extinguish my anger.

Walking to the end of the street, I felt a little dazed, the car was going back and forth in the rain, Li Chuan's words were still in my ears: "No, you can eat slowly... I still have something to do..."

I looked at the sky, it was pale in the rain. Why is it still winter? It snowed all night yesterday, but today it has turned into rain. The ground is dirty and the sewage is flowing. It would be great if it was snow, white and everything is clean.

I continued to walk forward and heard several sudden brakes. Then, my arm was suddenly grabbed tightly, and my body was forced to turn around.

In the heavy rain, I saw a face, a little familiar and a little strange, and I was frightened by the frightened eyes on the face.

"Xiaoqiu, where are you going?"

Li Chuan can't walk fast, let alone run, I don't know how he caught up with me.

Seeing that I didn't respond, he shook my body and almost shouted: "There is a red light ahead, what do you want?"

"Let me go!" I shook his hand vigorously, "Let me go! I want to go home!"

His hands were like iron tongs, and he couldn't shake them off. Instead, I was hugged by him: "Don't do anything stupid! If you want to go home, I will take you home."

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" I struggled to break free, but found that I couldn't move. He hugged me tighter and tighter, almost suffocating me.

"How many times do you want me to say that? Huh? Xiaoqiu? It's over! Let it go! (Translation: Everything is over, let it go!)"

"It's not over! (Translation: It's not over!) People all over the world can say over to me, my mother is over, my father is over, you! Wang Lichuan! I will give you everything I have Now, you can't, you can't... you can easily overtake me like this!"

"I kno it's not easy. lease, ork on it! (Translation: I know it's not easy. Please, please do your best!)"

"No! Why? Why have you refused to tell me the truth for so many years? In your heart, am I that fragile? Will I faint if I know the truth? Is there any truth more important than my six years of youth? You Speak! Speak! Why? Why?"

He wouldn't let me go, I kicked him, I punched him, I pinched him, I hit him with my bag and then I ran away in the rain.

Over is over.

I took a full week off from work. Lying at home alone, neither eating nor drinking, like a dead man. I unplug the phone, turn off the phone, lethargic during the day and insomnia at night. Feeling dark and disheartened. Mia walks around me, and the room smells of decay. On Saturday, the cats had run out of food, and I got up listlessly to go shopping. I went to the store to eat a bowl of lunch. With some strength, I looked at the schedule posted on the wall and went to the gymnasium. The people in the yoga class saw me coming and greeted me warmly, and mothers asked me about my weight loss experience.

"Why lose weight? I'm not fat!" I was not in a good mood when I spoke.

"Don't lie to me, okay, your chin is so sharp. Xiaoqiu, don't be so hard on yourself. Last time Xiao Ma ate a tomato slimming meal and lost eight pounds in five days. Then he got sick on the sixth day and stayed for a month. , not to mention all the weight back, and five pounds more. You listen to your sister, don’t bring such things, and lose weight slowly.”

I sneered, I haven't seen you for a week, this group of people bullied me when I was young, and made fun of me. So, I weighed myself in full view. Then he fell silent. I really underestimated the lethality of love, and I lost ten pounds, no wonder my body is as light as a swallow.

On Monday, I went to work on time, and my colleagues greeted me one after another. I said I had a cold, but it wasn't serious, and I was afraid of infecting everyone, so I didn't come. Everyone didn't ask too much, because I have always worked a lot of overtime, and it's normal to take a break.

We had lunch at noon, but we didn't see Li Chuan.

Then, I discovered that Tang Xiaowei, who never gossips, joined the gossip team of the translation team.

"Hey, Xiaoqiu, why have you become so thin after not seeing you for a few days?" Emma said with a smile, "Are you a vegetarian? I met Xiao Guan on Monday, and I mentioned you in front of him, and he looked so angry that he was going to die." .I hasten to tell you that you are sick."

I was stunned, and then secretly took a breath of air. Xiao Guan made an appointment with me on Saturday, at Lingbao Temple at seven o'clock, see you there. I actually forgot all about it! Quickly explained: "Well, he came to me for something, I didn't go because I caught a cold, and I forgot to inform him, probably because of this."

"What? How dare you release Xiao Guan's pigeons?!" Emma was delighted, "Hahahaha! Mr. Xiao is arrogant, please fool him a few more times to relieve us."

I smiled wryly and ate the salad by myself. Actually, it's not considered fooling me, didn't I tell him that I'm not free? He hung up the phone without letting me finish talking. Where is the date here? It's about the same as dating yourself.

I asked Xiaowei: "Why are you so free today, so free to join our gossip?"

Before Xiaowei could open her mouth, Emma answered for her: "Xiaowei is just taking it easy this week. Li Chuan, like you, hasn't come for a whole week. Xiaowei has nothing to do and plays poker online every day. We just advised her, Although Mr. Jiang has a new secretary, even if Li Chuan returns to Switzerland, she won't be fired. Not to mention, our translation team needs one, why don't you apply for a transfer, and let's digest it internally."

My heart trembled slightly, and I said, "Li Chuan didn't come? Why?"

"I don't know." Xiao Wei frowned, "Are you saying it's ridiculous? I'm a secretary, and oss doesn't go to work for a week. I don't know why."

"Is there no sign at all?" I asked. "Isn't it likely?"

"Signs...of course there are!" Xiao Wei said, "On Thursday, Mr. Wang's brother came suddenly and took several rolls of drawings from his office. Then, I heard from Xiao Tang that Mr. Jiang and Mr. Zhang Zhou Wuyi went to Switzerland and has not come back yet. So... I don’t know what happened to the Swiss headquarters. I believe Mr. Wang must have gone to Switzerland with them.”

"No way? Could it be that Mr. Li Chuan didn't send you an email?" Mingming said beside him, "Boss left without leaving any instructions to the secretary. It's been a few days. It's unreasonable!"

"No. There really isn't a single one! But the emails sent to him have already blown up my mailbox. I reported to Mr. Jiang, and Mr. Jiang said that all emails sent to Mr. Wang, overseas, are all forarded to Wang Jichuan, and those from China Give him all forard. It is estimated that his mailbox has exploded now."

"Explode? How can there be so many? Xiaowei, are you exaggerating?" Emma was terrified.

"Why didn't it blow up? There are at least two hundred emails sent every day, including English, French, German, and Chinese. For a long time, I thought that Mr. Wang's main job in the office was to answer emails."

I didn't listen to what was said later. All I could hear was my own heartbeat.

Back in the office, I opened MSN, and I saw that neither Li Chuan nor René was online. I immediately sent a message to René: "René, I heard that Li Chuan has returned to Switzerland? Is there anything wrong with him?"

All afternoon I was out of my mind, waiting for René's reply. However, his head portrait - that naughty orange - is always gray.

When I got home from get off work, I sat blankly in front of the screen, opened MSN, opened the online music channel, went to Jinjiang, opened a book of nonsensical romance, stared at the screen, and waited for René’s reply.

During this time, I went to the toilet once.

I kept watch until two o'clock in the night, and no one paid any attention to me. I continued to wait incognito, but the heads of Emma, Mingming, Xiao Guan, and others were always on, and I didn't know who I was busy chatting with.

In fact, when I think about it, my life in the past six years was really not interesting. It's not that I can't afford a computer, nor can I afford broadband. These necessary devices for translators can be achieved by saving money. However, I just can't bring myself to chat with people. Talking to anyone on the Internet, only for more than half an hour, if others are not annoying, I will be annoying myself.

At three o'clock in the morning, there was no news. I lay in bed and finally fell asleep.

That night, I had the scariest dream I've ever had in my life. I dreamed that Li Chuan was lying in the emergency room, his whole body was covered with tubes, he kept vomiting blood, blood was all over the pillow and quilt, and a group of doctors in white, holding scalpels, stood indifferently beside his bed ,like a statue. I was separated from the glass door, and through the shadow of the lamp, I saw blood dripping down Li Chuan's fingers. His body convulsed in pain, he struggled to sit up, and was pressed down by someone. Then, he suddenly raised his head. , yelling at me with a bloody face: "Help me!"

Woke up at five o'clock in the morning, outside the window was the quiet moonlight. I touched my forehead and found myself in a cold sweat. Then, I took a deep breath! very nice! real! Just a dream! ... all is not true!

After careful consideration, I realized that the situation in my dream was just some combinations in the TV series "The Story of the Emergency Room", and it was like a replica of a certain medical horror movie. But, but, what are these omens!

I climbed back to the desk and turned on the computer, and finally saw an orange prompt flashing at the bottom of the screen.

Dear René!

I couldn't wait to open the display box: "Yes, and No."

It took me a while to understand that this was a simple answer to my question: Yes, Li Chuan returned to Switzerland. No, he's fine.

Strange, in my impression, René has always talked a lot. Why was his answer so simple this time? Could it be that Li Chuan fell out with him because of Mia and the scarf? Did Li Chuan threaten him not to let him talk to me anymore

I want to continue asking him, but Juzi's profile picture is dim, and René has already gone offline.

I suddenly remembered that when I met Li Chuan on Saturday, he handed me some canned cat food and said that it was Mia's favorite brand. I opened my shopping bag and found the invoice. The time for issuing tickets is 3:32 p.m.

I came out of the cafe at three forty. He thought that Li Chuan had been waiting for me outside since he saw the rain was getting heavier.

So, in the rain, it was really a "chance encounter".

Li Chuan's body has never been weak. When I met him, seven or eight years had passed since the car accident. Apart from the inconvenience caused to his movement and the fact that he had to take bone-enhancing pills, Li Chuan paid great attention to exercising his body. He does yoga, swims, lifts weights and does pull-ups in his home gym every day. As long as he is free, every evening, he takes me for a walk in the park downstairs. After walking so far, I feel tired even after walking, but he still has to move forward. I think Li Chuan's physique is fine. And, didn't René also say he was fine? Li Chuan's return to Switzerland must be on business, very urgent and important. Besides, President Jiang and President Zhang followed suit, didn't they

The sun is coming out.

I think I should not worry too much.

Went out for breakfast. I walk along the side street. The air in the early morning was very cold, and the scattered pedestrians were all wrapped in coats. I passed by a small Taoist temple, and there were a few fortune-telling old men sitting at the door. One of them was wearing a robe, with his eyes closed, long hair hanging down his shoulders, his face was dirty, and his head was raised high, like a nobleman from the Qing Dynasty.

I have never believed in gods, but whenever there are important junctures, exams or interviews, I will go in to burn incense and pay homage to Buddha's feet temporarily. In fact, it is just to relieve the tension of the mind. However, when I walked past that old man, he suddenly spoke:

"Girl, stay."

My steps stopped inexplicably.

"How about a fortune-telling? It only costs ten yuan."

"No, I don't really believe that."

"You have a bloodbath. Don't want to hear about it?"

He slowly turned his face to me, opened his eyes suddenly, blinked, and looked at the Zenith with difficulty. The eyeballs are white. It turns out that he is blind.

I gave him fifty yuan: "I don't count mine. There is one life, please count it."

"I do palmistry, I also push the four pillars, and I do divination. Which one do you want?"

"He's not here, give you four pillars."

I reported Li Chuan's birthday, and he was born in the early hours of the morning. I also reported my birthday.

"What does he have to do with you?"

"Boy friend."

"What do you want to ask? Marriage? Wealth? Health? Children and grandchildren?"

"Everything. Tell me everything you know."

"Let me say one thing first, it doesn't work, you take the fifty yuan."

"Say it."

"This person, when he was seventeen, suffered a bloody disaster."

I stared at him blankly, feeling a little weak in my legs.

"That's right, isn't it?" The old man fumbled and put fifty yuan into his pocket.

"Then what about him... now?"

"It's not good now," he said.

"What... called 'bad'?" I looked at him nervously.

"Girl, you still don't want to be with him, it will only increase your troubles." He said slowly.


"You two are in harmony with each other. It's very strong. The lethal kind."

I couldn't help but lose my voice: "What? Xiangke? Who's going to kill whom?"

"He is the life of water, you are the life of earth. Turk conquers water. This year is the year of earth, Saturn follows the fate, and the white tiger starts. It is his calamity year. His foundation is too weak and your life is strong. Don't go looking for him. .”

shocked. It turned out to be a mismatch. No wonder. The first time I saw him, I spilled coffee on him. Last week the two of us fought first in bed and then in the rain. Li Chuan must have been injured.

I didn't dare to ask any more questions, so I hurriedly said, "Look, sir, is there a way to avoid it?"

"How? Didn't I say? Don't be with him. Together, you will hurt him. "

"... Oh, is this the only way?"

"Go and buy a piece of jade to ward off evil spirits. The white one should have bloodstains on it." He said, "After you buy it, put it in your bosom first, take it off after thirty days, and put it on for him."

"So I can be with him, is it?" I asked persistently.

"No, no. Exorcising evil spirits can only resolve some of it. But for his future and safety, you should not be together, and there will be no good results." The old man kept shaking his head, "Girl, you are still young, find someone else , you really beat Ketak too fiercely."

"Really? No way? I'm not fierce at all... I'm willing to serve him." I cried out mournfully.

The old man closed his eyes and sat back, the old monk fell into samadhi.

I ran wildly and was hit! I didn't go to work all morning, and went shopping in various ancient jade markets. Finally, in an ancient jade specialty store, I saw a small white jade ward off evil spirits from the Qing Dynasty. The asking price was 6,300, and I swiped the card without even thinking about it.

I have never bought myself expensive jewelry. Besides the watch, the most expensive piece of jewelry on my body is a pair of ruby earrings that Li Chuan gave me six years ago. I seem to have never given Li Chuan anything. real. It has always been Li Chuan who gave: money, books, clothes, handbags, homework for me, paper corrections for me, everything has always been paid by him. No wonder my classmates called me a sugar daddy. I never knit a scarf for him. What a shame. As soon as I got the evil spirit in my hand, I immediately put it in my arms. Then, I said to myself, I have never believed in superstitions, so I firmly do not believe in horoscopes! Firmly don't believe that I will defeat Li Chuan! Also, I bought two large wooden bracelets at the two dollar store. Isn't wood restraining soil and soil restraining water? Let me beat myself off the head office with wood first!

Thirty-seven days have passed, and I haven't heard any news about Li Chuan.

René never texted me any more.

On the contrary, CG issued an announcement regarding this matter: because there are two European design projects that need to be completed, Mr. Wang Lichuan will temporarily return to Zurich to work for several months. Jiang Haotian will temporarily preside over the follow-up design of Wenzhou City C renovation.

Tang Xiaowei, Li Chuan's secretary, was temporarily transferred to the translation team, and had lunch with us every day, and finally got to know us well.

For me, the days without Li Chuan were peaceful. I took advantage of this time to buy a Dongfeng Peugeot 206 with a loan, and the down payment was only 15,000. My driver's license was tested in the same office as Jiutong and Tang Yulian. Once I finished flipping through a difficult auction introduction, I wanted to change my mind and rest. Yulian said, it's better to go to driving school with her, and the two of them will learn together, and the tuition fee will be discounted. At that time, I didn't think about buying a car. I just felt that it was a bit annoying to take the bus every day, so I paid the money. I am naturally interested in mechanical things, and I passed the road test once.

I was the last person in the translation team to buy a car, and I bought the cheapest and most popular brand. Emma laughed like hell, saying that driving this kind of car is too frustrating, and it would be better to take the bus. Emma's Toyota was given by one of her boyfriends, and she asked for it half-heartedly. Later, that boyfriend fell in love with another woman, gave her a better car, and made Emma mad for a month. I didn't see her change the car after that, and she still drove. Emma said wait for the next man to give me a Mercedes before changing it.

I devote my spare time to my passion for driving. Every day after get off work, I drive around and walk around the streets and alleys of the capital. In the middle of February, CG won the bid for several projects, and my work suddenly became extremely busy, with a large number of documents to be translated. I worked day and night, and one day, I just got home and turned on my computer, and found an orange message on MSN.

Click to open it, it is René.

"How are you, Annie?"

"I'm fine, and you?"

"Fine, thanks. Can you give Alex a call today?"

I have always had a premonition that Li Chuan returned to Switzerland this time because he wanted to avoid me on purpose. Therefore, I was very self-conscious and never contacted him for more than forty days.

"René, I'm over with him."

"XXXXXXXXXXXX, this is his phone number, you can call it or not. I have something to do."

The little orange flashed and turned gray.

My brain is not fully awake yet, but my hands are already moving—dialing.

The phone rang three times and someone answered. It's a woman's voice, German. I don't understand a single word, except for the well-known "Gutten Tucker".

I had to speak English very slowly: "Excuse me, can I speak to Mr. Wang Lichuan?"

The other party replied in a very blunt English: "Wait a moment."

Then, ten seconds later, there was another woman's voice, the English was still very blunt, but she spoke more clearly: "Mr. Wang is not convenient to answer the phone, may I ask who are you?"

"I... Annie, calling from China."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Wang is awake. I'll ask him if he can answer the phone."

About two minutes later, a very soft greeting came from the other end of the phone: "Hi."

"Hi, Li Chuan, it's me."

For some reason, when I heard his voice, my tears couldn't stop streaming down my face.

"Hello, Xiaoqiu." His voice was weak, without strength, almost inaudible.

"Li Chuan—what's wrong with you? Are you sick?" I choked up, "Don't lie to me, this must be a hospital."

"It's acute pneumonia," he said. "It's much better."

"I'm sorry—I made you rain... I'm sorry..." I sobbed, incoherently speaking on the phone, saying sorry over and over again.

"Don't talk nonsense, it has nothing to do with the rain." He seemed to have said other comforting words, but my crying was too loud and completely drowned out his voice.

"Li Chuan, are you still coming back?"

"...Of course, I promised you."

"Then I'll call you every day until you come back."

"Forgive me...Xiaoqiu."

"I'm moving on, really. I eat with that doctor every week."

"Well—that's about the same." He coughed lowly.

"Is someone taking care of you in the hospital? Are you eating well? Is someone helping you shower and change clothes?"

"In addition to the people in the hospital, I also have three special nurses by my side, a nutritionist, a chef, and a physiotherapist, all hired by my dad." He chuckled, "Don't worry."

"Mia likes to eat the canned food you bought. It's so expensive, what should I do? When you come back, let her follow you."

"Keep it if you like it. I'll provide the canned food."

He started coughing again, and then, he put the phone away, and after a while, said, "I'll bring you chocolates when I get back, what kind do you want?"


"It's a chocolate chip cookie, not pure chocolate."

"I like cookies."


"Li Chuan, I love you!"

"You—cough cough. Here we go again." His long sigh came from the other end.

"Li Chuan, I love you! Have a good rest! Goodbye!"

I looked at the calendar, today is Valentine's Day. yeah!

The war between me and Li Chuan has been completely wiped out on the regular battlefield, and now it has turned into a guerrilla state. Therefore, we must adhere to Mao Zedong's sixteen-character policy: When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we attack; when the enemy retreats, we pursue.