Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 38


Early on Saturday morning, Ai Song called to confirm whether I would attend the institute's dinner.

Anyway, it is to move on. Although Ai Song is a celibate, it is not a bad idea to use him as a practice.

I was very forthright and cooperative on the phone: "Okay! No problem! Do you have any requirements for my image? Do you like ladylike, pure, capable, or too young?"

"... Can you make so many images?"

"Of course. I cooperate with you!"

"Then - lady type. To deal with middle-aged and elderly people, be more traditional for now."

"Which style do you want? Lady or Xiaojiabiyu? Modern or classic?"

"Everyone is ladylike, classic."

What a quick decision and what a taste.

"What time?"

"Seven o'clock at night, okay?"

"Be sure to be there on time."

"How did you come here? I can reimburse the taxi fare."

"I drive myself."

"Do you have a car?"


In view of past experience, I didn't wear any of the clothes, handbags, shoes, and watches that Li Chuan bought for me. So as not to cause unnecessary sensation among fashion-loving ladies. I was wearing a plain sweater, a formal suit skirt, a ponytail, and a blood jade bracelet on my hand.

Ai Song was waiting for me at the gate of the research institute, and saw me walking towards him unsteadily in 8cm high heels, with a terrified look on my face.

He looked at me from head to toe, and his face was a little red. I asked him, "Where is the party?"

"The dance hall on the second floor of the institute."

"What? Your institute also has a ballroom?"

"We're human too, and we need entertainment too, right?" His expression recovered, and he added, "Would you like to take a break in my office? Take your coat off?"

"You have your own office? Aren't you a PhD student?"

"I'm a researcher, and I lead students."

"So, you are a scientist?"

"It's about science, family or something. It's not a question." He was very humble and led me to his office. I took off my coat and followed him to the second floor. On the bulletin board in the corridor, there is a recent scientific report: "Time symmetry of quantum fields in infinite space... Dark energy... Chiral symmetry in atomic nuclei... Supersymmetry and string theory... Field theory methods and critical phenomena..."

I couldn't help but stop.

"Are you interested in this? The report is free, you can come and listen."

I shook my head: "I'm not interested in physics, I just think these topics are very interesting to read."

He looked at me, wondering: "What does it feel like?"

"Don't you think these topics are sexy? Supersymmetry...chords...dark energy...fields...criticality..."

"Pfft—" someone sprayed.

The ballroom on the second floor is actually converted from a conference room, so one wall is a blackboard. It seemed that not long after the meeting ended, there were still a lot of formulas on the blackboard. I remembered that when CG wanted to engage in entertainment programs, they always hired special personnel for special shows, and the little secretaries in the administration department were extremely busy. Scientists, by contrast, really don't pay much attention to detail. Ai Song quietly told me: "If someone asks, just say that we have been talking for three months. If you ask about marriage, just say that you are still young, and think about it after you have had enough fun."


"The lady in the blue plaid dress is our office director and union president. She cares most about my 'happiness'."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it for you."

"The old man in the gray jacket is a famous senior. It's not easy to catch him. Stay away from him."

"no problem."

"do you drink?"

"Drink. I'm here for things like wine, vegetables, cakes, and desserts. Besides accompanying you, my main purpose here is to eat."

He thought I was joking, but I actually picked up the plate, went to the dining table and filled a plate full of various snacks for myself, and ate it with relish. No way, Ai Song poured a glass of wine and stood beside me to accompany me. Seeing that I was only focused on eating, he couldn't help but said, "Xiaoqiu, we need to talk a little bit."

"Oh! I'm sorry, I just thought about eating. Well, let's talk, what are we talking about?"

"Even if you don't want to talk about it, you have to pretend to know me well."

I looked at him frantically and asked, "What does it look like to know you well? How do I know?"

"It's too late, the union chairman is here."

Sure enough, the office director and trade union chairman came straight to us with a caring smile on his face.

"Director Hong, let me introduce you. This is Xie Xiaoqiu, my friend. Xiaoqiu, this is Director Hong, the chairman of our labor union."

I gracefully stepped forward and shook hands with her: "Hello, Director Hong."

The director looked at me, then looked at Ai Song, and said with a smile, "Xiao Ai, you have done a good job of keeping secrets. It turns out that you have such a generous and beautiful girlfriend, and everyone in our office is worried about you. Xiao Ai Qiu, where do you work?"

"I work as an interpreter for an architectural design company."

"Translation? What a great job! Our Xiaoai is the only handsome man in our institute. When you first came here, Xiaoai, how much start-up fund did the institute give you? Xiaoqiu, Xiaoai is the one we introduced Senior talent, the house has been allocated before the person arrives. You are absolutely right to follow him." The director almost printed out his own words and posted them in the marriage column of the newspaper.

It's hard for me to answer this question, so I can only smile shyly to express my approval. Looking back at Ai Song, he looked a little embarrassed.

"Xiao Qiu, have you ever been to Xiao Ai's house?"

"… not yet."

"Xiao Ai's father, Lao Ai, is called 'Gong Ai' and is an academician. He studied in Germany in his early years and speaks fluent German." She pointed to the old man in the gray jacket and pouted: "Then, he is here There. Xiaoai, don't you take Xiaoqiu to see your father?"

"Well, let's go after eating."

Ai Song quietly pulled me aside, and said in a low voice: "My parents are there. I originally wanted to avoid them while there were too many people, but it seemed that I couldn't avoid them. You can go over and fool them later, okay." No?"

"It's okay to fool others, but it's not good to fool your parents?"

"They are the ones who push me the hardest. They are your main targets. I just didn't expect them to come today."

"Since you have sent a message, I will fool you." I said cheerfully.

"My father is very strict. His students are all afraid of him. Be careful."

The big guy I fooled for the first time was President Liu of our university. I still remember that Li Chuan was the instigator, so I specially wrote a very formal proposal in English for this. Later, the school really increased the water supply time of the tap water. I didn't go into it, and I don't know if it has something to do with my proposal. My second main target of fooling is my master tutor. The old man likes to make jokes. He fools me when he sees me. I always ask strange questions to fool him in class. Sometimes he can annoy him so much that he wants to hit me with a blackboard brush. . The third time I fooled the person was Xiao Guan, not a big shot, but also a young entrepreneur with considerable achievements in the industry. During the interview, I felt that I was a little bit fooling him. cadre.

There was only one person, and I tried to fool him, but it was a pity that he was defeated after all the battles, and that person was Li Chuan.

With a smile on my face, I followed Ai Song through the crowd and came to his parents.

"Dad, Mom. This is Xie Xiaoqiu."

Both old men looked to be over sixty years old. Ai Song's father is more serious, but his mother is quite kind. She said: "You are Xiaoqiu? Emma's colleague, right?"

I was taken aback, not expecting that they knew me.

"Yes. Miss Emma is in the office next door to mine."

"Emma talked about you. She said that your English is very good. It is a talent specially recruited by the boss of their company."

"That... Miss Emma boasted."

The old lady smiled and said: "Our family Ai Song is very pitiful. After seven or eight years of studying abroad and postdoctoral tossing, he finally stabilized. Xiaoqiu, when will you have time to come to our house to play? I can cook well. For you to eat."

"Hey... this..." I lowered my head and poked Ai Song with my finger.

Ai Song said: "Don't worry. Xiaoqiu is busy with work and often travels. It will take a while. Parents, let's talk to my mentor."

Ai Song pulled me through the dense crowd and slipped out of the gate.

"Leaving so soon?" I was unhappy, "I haven't eaten anything yet!"

"Think about eating! What's so delicious here? How about eating mutton skewers. Go back and eat, your task is complete!" Ai Song took my sleeve, and walked to the office at a faster pace. As he walked, he muttered: "I hate this kind of occasion the most! I don't like socializing the most! If I didn't have to have an explanation with this group of people today, I wouldn't come here!"

He returned to his office, put on his coat, and prepared to leave. Seeing the regret on my face, Ai Song suddenly suggested: "There is an astronomical telescope upstairs, do you want to see it? The clarity is good today, and you can see some beautiful nebulae."

I'm interested in this: "Can you see the moon? Craters or something."

"That...we're all tired of watching it."

We went to the roof together. Ai Song adjusted the telescope and found a good location: "Then, this is the moon! Craters with a diameter of more than 80 centimeters can be seen."

Hmm... not very bright, very lonely craters, one after another, without a little bit of life. There is no white rabbit, and there is no Chang'e. I think of ancient poems about the moon one by one. Tonight, the white moon is the hometown of Ming people. There are joys and sorrows. Feel!

He turned to look at Ai Song. He asked me, "Does it look good?"

"It's beautiful, but it's not as bright as I imagined. I always thought the sky was colorful. Maybe I've seen too many Van Gogh's paintings. The sky turned out to be black and white."

"The sky is colored," he said. Then, he went to adjust the telescope.

"This is the Ang star cluster in Taurus. It is very bright. It is 400 light-years away from us and can be seen with the naked eye."

"The Beehive Cluster in Cancer is mainly composed of red giants and white dwarfs."

"This is M13 in Hercules, the brightest globular cluster in the northern hemisphere, 25,000 light-years away."

M13 is purple, it looks like a firework, so beautiful.

I couldn't help asking: "So, the M13 we see now is the M13 from 25,000 years ago?"

"Well... that's it." He explained, "In the 1970s, Cornell University used the world's largest radio telescope to send a three-minute interstellar telegram to this M13. The energy contained in the radio wave is the world's largest. Ten times the total power generated, the signal is ten million times brighter than the sun when viewed in the direction of the radio waves."

Passed out, that's how it is with scientists, listening to numbers every day!

"Why do you send a telegram, and who do you send it to?"

"Scientists want to explore the response of life in outer space. This is actually an 'Earth Business Card'. I remember there are a dozen sentences on it, the last sentence is: We live on the third planet in the solar system, with a distance of 305 meters The radio telescope greets you."

"My God, how long will it take this beam to reach M13?"

"Twenty-five thousand and one hundred years. Hehe, by then, we will all be dead."

When I got home, I called Li Chuan: "Hey, Li Chuan, I saw a globular star cluster today!"

"Really?" He was also in good spirits, "I never knew you liked astronomy."

"It's 25,100 light-years away from us! That's so far!"


"The stars are so beautiful. When I see them, I know that human beings are so small and the time of human life is so short!"

"Well, you have a lot of thoughts today." Li Chuan actively began to guide me, "You should look at the stars in the night sky more, so that you won't be troubled by the affection of your children."

But I came to the opposite conclusion: "I love you, Li Chuan! If you are an evanescent wave, I am M13! I am waiting for you there!"

"..." Someone was speechless for a moment.

"Li Chuan, speak up."

"You are such an idiot and brainless woman, what do you want me to say?"

"All in all, I've been with you for the rest of my life. I've spent my whole life with you. I've been lingering until the end. Even if you're sick and only have a handful of hair left, you still have to be with me!" As soon as the words came out, I I thought, why are these words so familiar? It seems to be... It seems to be... Wei Xiaobao said it.

Over there, after a long pause, a sigh came: "Xiaoqiu, if I knew you were so stubborn, I might as well have died six years ago..."

"Wang Lichuan! You dare to threaten me! You are not allowed to mention death! As long as you dare to die, I will jump off the building immediately! Let's see who dies first!"

I was still yelling and found that the phone had turned into a busy tone.

Someone hung up.

I know, I overdid it again. Because from then on, Li Chuan never answered my calls again. Even René and Ji Chuan dare not talk to me. I'm really not ordinary tough.