Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 42


After returning to Beijing, I only received one call from Li Chuan, asking me if I arrived safely within a few minutes. After that, I never received any calls from Li Chuan again. I never called him again.

I still miss him and feel helpless. Let it be.

When I came back from Switzerland, I suddenly lost track of everything. Li Chuan's life is very important, and my own life is also very important. All in all, I want to live a full life, not a walking dead.

I started "dividing into small pieces" again, resumed the "vegetarian" activity once a week, and learned how to cook vegetarian food with Nangong Liuru. I print various recipes on the Internet every day, buy vegetables and cook them according to the recipes. If they feel delicious, I will perform on the spot and recommend them to everyone. The biggest advantage of participating in this kind of association is that you can meet some people who come together because of the same hobby, and they are not interested in your private life, and have no intention of contacting you at other times. In other words, these people, like netizens, exist only when they meet them, and they are zero at other times.

Before I knew it, another month passed, and Ai Song quietly entered my life. By the time I realized this, it was already a bit late. For example, I dance Cha Cha three times a week, each time for an hour, and Ai Song is my dance partner. Under the guidance of Coach Ding, the two of us cooperated harmoniously and made rapid progress, becoming the model students of this class.

The rhythm of Latin dance is changeable, combining rigidity and softness, and subtle syncopation is often used to drive passion. When I dance, I forget everything, and my brain turns from blank to excited under the beat of music. Then, I began to imagine that my opponent was Li Chuan, and a provocative look appeared on his face. I smiled very charmingly and danced very intoxicated. After dancing, forget about everything.

Ai Song is a lovely boy, but he is not my cup of tea. Unlike Li Chuan, he doesn't have the word "romantic" in his bones. For example, one evening, I met Ai Song at the gate of the gymnasium. I just said, "Today's sunset is so beautiful." Said... this is just an illusion brought to us by the rotation of the earth."

After hearing this, I was stunned, and the good mood of the day was gone. Then, he handed me a slender paper tube: "This is the telescope I made, which can see the moon, and I will give you one."

"Oh, thank you!"

I took the heavy paper tube and looked around: "Can you make it yourself? Where did you buy the lenses?"

"Grind it yourself."

"Did you grind it yourself? Where did you get the glass?"

"Unnecessary spectacle lenses, glass bottle bottoms, light bulbs. Sand them with fine sandpaper, then polish them with toothpaste."

Very patient. However, even a fool knows how long it takes to do this. Then, I was a little nervous: "Well... you gave me this, is there any other meaning?"

"No. I stepped on your feet too many times this week. It's a small compensation, and it's also a chance to do science popularization work." He looked down at the floor.

I grinned: "Then I'll be disrespectful, it's better to be ashamed of it."

"You're welcome."

For the next three weeks, I picked up a brochure that was in dire need of translation in order to make some extra money. So I didn't go to Latin dance class. When I arrived at the company, Emma came to run on me: "Oh, my little brother asked me to ask you, why don't you go to the gym?"

"I took on some work and worked as an interpreter at home every day."

"My big doctor has never been so active towards anyone. He rode across half of the city three times a week to see you."


"Mingming said, she called you to ask, but you didn't answer, and you don't have an answering machine at home. There are a few men who want to introduce you, and ask if you want to meet?"

"Ah... this... well, not for now. I've been too busy recently, so I'll talk about it next time."

In other words, the relationship between colleagues is really difficult, they are too enthusiastic, you have to be ignorant of flattery, let alone wait to see them. Besides, I'm not very old, twenty-four years old is not considered a leftover woman, is it? Emma is not married herself, so why are you forcing me so hard

Emma held my face this time, and her eyelashes almost touched my forehead: "Xiaoqiu, listen to my sister's words, choose as soon as you are young, and there will be no such shop after passing this village. In front of your eyes!"

"Aren't you in such a hurry? Sister Emma!"

"You don't want to go to my house. My mother knows that you are not serious. I got a few more for my brother. Hurry up! I know you used to know big money. What's so good about big money? Poor character and low moral bottom line, Otherwise, you won’t be able to earn that money, right? He can give you money, and he can also give money to others. Xiaomi has a lot of mistresses, and following him is a troubled life. A scholar like my brother is innocent and has a bright future. Yuanda, although he is not very rich, he has everything. What's more, he will watch over you and live alone. How wonderful! How about calling him to the party this Friday! If you don't call He, I also called him here as a family member. She clearly said that she would bring two friends over, both of whom have backgrounds and are usually chosen from thousands of people. It is not you who love them, but they who love you. Cut, obviously Is there any mistake? Our Xie Xiaoqiu is not an ordinary character."

Qi Mei raises the case, can it be used like this? I admit, I was a little confused by what Emma said.

Back at the office, I quickly called Ai Song: "SOS! Our company has a big party this Friday, with food and drink in the front and a dance in the back. Come and save me!"

Over there, he hesitated: "No, my student will defend on Friday."

"It's six o'clock in the evening!"

"After the defense, it's a teacher appreciation banquet. Tell me, can I not go?"

I yelled: "Ai Song, last time you asked me to go, did I have anything to say? Did I cooperate well? When it's my turn, just do it!"

He thought for a moment and said, "Okay. Do you have any requests?"

"It's fine when people come! Eat with me first, then dance with me, be intimate!"

"...How intimate? Kiss in public?"

"Kiss is big. Follow my instructions then."

On Friday night I drove to pick up Eisson. Ai Song said that he had to attend the teacher appreciation banquet, but he could leave early. When I went to pick him up, the party had already started, and Ai Song drank a little wine, his face turned red. However, I can see that he is trying to cooperate with me. He was dressed very formally, with a pure black suit and a tie with a classical pattern, looking chic, calm and heroic. I deliberately wore an embroidered shirt and a plaid skirt, which actually didn't match the atmosphere of the party. However, I miss my girlhood, and I have a deep nostalgia for plaid skirts.

The party is held in the restaurant. For western food, a special chef was hired from the big hotel to roast beef. The company ordered vegetarian food at Lingbao Temple just for me. Ai Song and I appeared at the entrance of the hall at the same time, and everyone looked at us with strange eyes. Only Emma made a "V" to me from a distance. We fetched food with plates and followed the crowd. Ai Song seemed at ease and at ease. People kept talking to him, and he introduced himself very freely. Said to be friends with me. After saying the word "friend", he smiled mysteriously again, letting everyone understand what "friend" meant.

With Ai Song taking care of everything, I concentrate on eating, drinking, and chatting with idlers. We were already late, dinner was over in a while, and the rest of the time was for the dance.

Ai Song and I danced the first dance, the slow four kind. Ai Song's dancing is really good, and he is very skilled in all kinds of dance steps. Then, I was constantly invited by other male colleagues, and the third and fourth were quickly skipped. After the intermission, when the music played again, it was actually Cha Cha.

Ai Song said: "I must dance with you, and show you the results of my intensive training in the past few weeks."

"Then don't blame me for stepping on your foot, because I won't let you this time."

We jumped on the dance floor. Ai Song's movements are in place, even a little too unrestrained. I have always kept a low profile in such semi-public and semi-private occasions. Unlike Emma, I never took the initiative to talk to or make friends with the company's leaders. It's not because I know that CG is Li Chuan's company, so I don't pay attention to the bosses. Rather, I always thought that Li Chuan and I worked in completely different industries. As a translator, I abide by my own rules and code of conduct, taking care to maintain my professional image. I felt a little embarrassed when Ai Song jumped like this, so I kept timidly dealing with him. After two minutes, the rhythm became faster and faster, and Ai Song suddenly became passionate, chasing and locking me, and kept saying "e on!"

I smelled alcohol in the car, interrogated Ai Song, he said he only drank a little, he must be making a fool of himself now. There was a gap between us, and he whispered in my ear: "Xiaoqiu, don't you just dance the fan dance with me?" I ignored him and continued to deal with it, and the spectators applauded.

God, what is that song, why is it so long!

Ai Song followed me closely, trying his best, begging and teasing eyes.

I thought of going for a run in the park every morning and seeing old ladies waddling and dancing with their fans. In his eyes, this is my image.

Go all out and dance.

I also started to twist my waist, and took out the set that I performed in school. Everyone saw that I finally came to the spirit, and the applause was doubled immediately.

Jumping and dancing, we were the only ones left on the dance floor. Everyone stopped, surrounded us in a circle, and clapped together to make ideas for us. The musicians also cooperated very well. After the dance music was played once, it started again from the beginning without a half-second pause.

I stepped on a quick dance step, and everything around me was moving at a high speed. Colorful lights, sprinkled down like raindrops. In a trance, my gaze crossed the crowd and stayed in a corner in the distance.

I'm not sure, but there was someone sitting there quietly.

The man looked at me quietly, his eyes focused and sad. There was a faint smile on her face, beautiful and desolate.

My breathing stopped suddenly.

At this moment, I was hit hard by Ai Song, I staggered and almost fell down.

Ai Song grabbed me and asked in panic, "Are you okay?"

"'s nothing." I was still in shock, and followed the rhythm to perfunctory. When I looked back, the figure had been blocked by the crowd.

After another round, I looked over the shoulders of several people to the corner again, and the figures were gone.

I dropped Ai Song and chased him out.

The elevator doors are closed. Only the number flashing on the door can be seen:

Sixteen, fifteen, fourteen...

When you reach the bottom floor, the elevator will slowly climb back. If there are people inside, there will be more pauses. Impatient, I rushed to the safety stairs, three steps in parallel, and ran down quickly.

Since I came to CG, there have been no fire alarms. So I never walked down this gray, marble brick safety staircase.

Someone had obviously cleaned it every day, and the wooden railings were spotless. At first, I just went down very fast, as if I was racing the elevator. Later, I simply held on to the escalator with one hand, and seeing that there were still a few steps left to the next floor, I jumped down in one step. This just proves that after years of unremitting physical training, my skills are extremely agile. But when I got to the last floor, I was still careless. I wanted to jump one more step, but I couldn't stand firmly. With a "bang", my head hit the wall. Knocking made me dizzy, and Venus burst out. Regardless of these, I opened the heavy iron door, rushed out of the hall, and looked around for that figure.

There are only bright street lights and passing cars in front of the door.

I stood on the steps, bent over tiredly, put my arms on my knees, panting heavily.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind me:

"Hi, Xiaoqiu."

The sound was like a bullet piercing my heart, and my body shook suddenly.

He straightened up, turned around, and saw Li Chuan standing in the shadows.