Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 43



Out of breath, I said hello, my chest was heaving violently, and I couldn't answer for a long time.

Li Chuan patiently waited for my breathing to gradually become steady, his eyes moved to my forehead, and he frowned: "What happened? Your head is bleeding."

"Oh?" I stroked Liu Hai away, touched my forehead, and sure enough there was a big bulge. There were a few sticky drops of blood on his hands.

"Stay still," he said, "I'll see."

The breath of peppermint hit my face, and the cold fingertips touched my forehead. My heart, which had been calm just now, jumped at double speed.

"Where did it hit?"

"Hitted against the wall."

His expression was serious at first, but after hearing this, he couldn't help laughing: "Bump into the wall? Why?" As he spoke, he took out a thin sealed pouch from his wallet, tore it open, and took out a A ball of wet cotton, "This is used to clean the wound, it will hurt a little."

"Oh!" I yelled, his hand shook, and the cotton fell to the ground. Then, he looked at me nervously: "Does it hurt?"

"A little… "

"Then I'll be gentle." He went to his wallet again, took out the second ball of cotton, wiped the wound for me, found another band-aid, and stuck it on for me. Li Chuan is very good at taking care of himself, and always has a Band-Aid on his body. It was like that when I knew him.

Then, Li Chuan wanted to bend down to pick up the cotton that fell on the ground, but I quickly picked it up for him and threw it into the trash can.

"Is the collision serious? Do you want to see a doctor?" His slender fingers continued to touch the top of my head, testing other injuries, like an old monk who was ordained, "Don't have a concussion."

I really want to answer that the collision was very heavy, please accompany me to see a doctor. After thinking about it, it was only a few drops of blood, which is too exaggerated.

"It's okay." I straightened my hair and tilted my head to look at him, "When did you come back?"

"This morning."

Li Chuan looked thinner than when I saw him in Switzerland, and his face was pale. strangeness. Generally speaking, people's illnesses get better the more they are raised. Li Chuan was hospitalized for three months, did nothing, recuperated every day, and his family was so rich, how could they not afford nutritional supplements? Why is she still getting thinner and thinner day by day, and her cheekbones are getting higher and higher.

"Come back alone?"

"René is here too. He is currently writing a book about ancient Chinese architecture, and he is going to Beijing to check information."

"René teaches at the university?"


We stood together on the steps, not talking, each thinking about his own thoughts. After a while, I asked, "Li Chuan, didn't you come by car?"

"No." He said, "I'm waiting for my driver. I guess there's a traffic jam."

"I have a car, why don't I take you home."

"no thank you."

"Come on, are you being polite to me?"

"Sorry, there's something else," he said, "Next time."

"It's nothing else, you just don't want to be with me, right?" I said softly, with resentful eyes.

He was wearing a pure black windbreaker, which was slim and fit. His hair was stiff, black, and a little wet, and matched with his thin and well-defined face, he was cool and airy.

He didn't answer, it was the default.

So quickly, everything is back to the beginning. Li Chuan's style, even if you don't want to get used to it!

I turned my head and walked away.

After all, Li Chuan's return is like the sun returning to the solar system.

I, who have always only rotated, suddenly slipped into the orbit of revolution. There is wind, rain and gravity, and everything returns to normal.

When I go to work the next day, I feel refreshed. Because I had to translate an important contract, I didn't drive for fear of wasting energy, so I took a taxi to the company.

As soon as I arrived in the lobby, colleagues I didn't know very well greeted me enthusiastically. A dance last night, although it won't make the city and the country, at least it made me a star.

"Hey, Xiaoqiu, good morning! Chacha!"

"Chacha! Xiaoqiu, yesterday was so explosive, why did you run away after jumping to High? It made your boyfriend look for you everywhere."

"Oh... I'm in a hurry, I'm going home." As soon as I put the bag away in the office, I quickly called Ai Song.

There was a ring over there and he answered: "Xiaoqiu."

"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, I was in a hurry yesterday, so I left before I could say goodbye to you."

"Is there anything wrong?" His voice didn't sound like he cared at all.


"That's good." He said, "The spring outing we organize next Friday, can you come and cover it?"

"Spring outing? Is it far away?"

"It's in Xiangshan Park." He sighed. "The wife of the chairman of the trade union is at the newspaper office, and she has invited a group of female reporters and editors, saying that she wants to have a social activity with the young people in the office. Touring mountains and rivers, eating and drinking, and Game guessing or something."

"Guessing riddles? Is that also called a game?"

"Why isn't it a game? I can guess riddles."

"That... well... I will try my best to cooperate." I begged him to cover last night, but then left without saying goodbye, I was really embarrassed.

"Thank you, I'll treat you to vegetarian hot pot some other day." He was very happy, and said, "Tonight's Latin dance class, do you want to go?"

"Go, why not go."

"See you tonight, then."


I picked up the line, ran to the mailbox of the administrative office to check the emails, and found a heavy package stuffed inside, with a lot of German written on the outside, I weighed it, and it was the chocolate biscuits that Li Chuan promised to bring me. I took it and was about to leave when I met Emma.

"Ah, what is this good thing?"

"Chocolate Cookies."

"The meeting is divided in half."


I opened the package and there were several packages inside. I slipped Emma two packs. She looked at the packaging and said with a smile, "Hey, you're not small, it's a gift from Li Chuan!"

I was startled: "How do you know?"

"This is a biscuit from Zurich. My second language is German."

"I begged him, I really like this kind of biscuits." I looked at her with lingering fear. Emmat can gossip, she can see the clues of everything, and she has to get to the bottom of things.

Sure enough, Emma looked at me repeatedly: "Seeing that you are usually silent, you can actually ask him to bring things. I love chocolate so much, and I have known him for so many years, I didn't dare to open my mouth."

"It's just a trick for him to care for his subordinates and win people's hearts, that's all." I slandered without changing my face.

"Hey, don't say that, destroying the beauty of Li Chuan in my heart." Emma put her hands on her heart like a nympho, "I saw him at the gate just now. He is so handsome. When I got excited, I forgot Greetings. I tried to chase him into the elevator, but not only failed to catch up, but I almost got stuck with one foot. As a result, I closed the door and left my shoes in the elevator! I was so embarrassed. Waited for a few minutes below, Li Chuan actually followed the elevator down again and gave me shoes. He even said he was sorry and didn’t have time to block the door for me. He is really polite and personable.”

I sighed and thought to myself, if you really fell in love with him, it would be more than embarrassing, the whole self-torture would be worse than the white-haired girl.

The regular meeting was held at ten o'clock, and sure enough, Li Chuan was sitting next to Mr. Jiang. Mr. Jiang, on behalf of all the staff of the company, welcomed Mr. Li Chuan back to Beijing to preside over the follow-up design of the Wenzhou project. Due to health reasons, Mr. Li Chuan can only work for three hours a day. I hope that everyone can solve their problems within the scope of his working hours as much as possible, and don't disturb his rest during non-working hours. When it was Li Chuan's turn, Li Chuan only said one sentence:

"Thank you. At 6:30 tonight, at Huixianlou Seafood Restaurant, I invite everyone to dinner. Welcome to bring your family."

The girls in the translation team were all crazy.

The restaurant on the 18th floor of Xianglai Building opens on time at 12:00 noon. I took a plate of salad and a bowl of stewed tofu with eggplant. Joined the gossip round table of the translation team.

As expected, today's topic is Li Chuan.

"Li Chuan's tie today is so pretty, it's obviously dark red, why does it shine when viewed from a distance?"

"I think his corduroy suit looks handsome today. After studying it for a long time, I don't know what it is made of."

"Hey, I'm thinking about what to order tonight. The abalone in Huixianlou is the best. I've been there twice and I can't bear to order it."

Emma was the only one who said, "Li Chuan is very sick this time, even walking is strenuous."

Xiao Wei was the happiest because she was transferred back to Li Chuan's office.

"I also feel that Mr. Wang's body has not fully recovered," Xiaowei said. "He went back to his office after the regular meeting and never came out again. I called him several times, but he didn't answer. You Look, I haven't seen him out for lunch yet."

My face changed slightly: "Could something happen?"

"I don't know." Xiaowei shook her head, "If I don't get permission, I can't just go in his office."

I stood up and said, "I happen to have an interpreter for a contract and I want to find him, let me go and have a look."

Everyone stared at me strangely.

"What's the matter?" I said, "You have also seen that he is very ill. What if he passes out in his own room?"

"You go? It's inappropriate. Maybe he's just resting in his bedroom. It's better to inform Mr. Jiang."

"That's right. Back then, Zhu Bixuan and Li Chuan cooperated so well, and Li Chuan didn't see any color towards her, so you shouldn't go."

"I'll take a look, it's all right." I walked away.

He went to the twentieth floor and knocked on the door of Li Chuan's office. After knocking a dozen times, no one answered. No matter what happens, I push the door open and enter.

There was no one in the office, it was empty. There was a sour smell in the air.

Then I heard the sound of vomiting, the painful, horrible vomiting.

I rushed to the bathroom, and saw Li Chuan kneeling on the toilet, throwing up all over the place. His face was ashen, and his lips were colorless.

I knelt down and hugged him from behind: "Li Chuan..."

He didn't care about me, he continued to retch and his body convulsed constantly. I don't know how long he's been throwing up, I just know it's going to be hard for him to maintain this kneeling position with a prosthetic.

"Drink saliva and rinse your mouth." I tried my best to look calm.

He kept his head buried, took the mineral water I handed him, took half a sip, did not know which nerve was triggered, and began to vomit again. The stomach has long since emptied, except for some mucus. I supported him vigorously, patted his back with my hands, and asked loudly, "Are you feeling better? Don't stand up now, or you will get dizzy if you stand up suddenly. Let's just sit on the ground for a while."

Li Chuan leaned against me helplessly, with half of his body limp. At first, he tried to support himself with his hands, but finally lost all his strength.

I held him and sat on the bathroom floor for almost fifteen minutes. I was a little afraid that Li Chuan would get angry because of this. Li Chuan never wanted me to see him in a panic. After a while, he finally had the strength to speak: "Take a cane, please—"

I picked up the cane and handed it to him.

He stood up with difficulty and went to the sink to wash his face. He took out another medicine bottle and swallowed a pill. Sitting on the single sofa opposite, he asked, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"No... nothing... just worried..." I was frightened, and couldn't help stammering, "Did you eat anything bad?"


"I'll take you to the doctor." I reached into my pocket for the car keys and suddenly remembered that I didn't drive this morning.

"No, not going anywhere." He looked at me impatiently, "Don't stand in front of me!"

I said to myself, don't be angry, I'm not angry, I'm not angry, I will never be angry.

I found a chair and sat down, and said softly, "You don't have to go to the hospital, I'll stay with you here. I can call an ambulance if anything happens."

He gave me a cold look and said, "If this is the case, why don't you go downstairs and buy me a glass of juice."

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away." I ran downstairs in a hurry, bought a glass of tropical juice that Li Chuan always liked to drink, and when I returned to the office, I found that Xiaowei was already sitting there. She stopped me and said, "Mr. Wang is resting, and no one has been seen."

"That's right, he asked me to buy him a glass of juice."

"Leave the juice to me," Xiaowei repeated politely, "Mr. Wang specially ordered, and no one will be seen."

Under Xiaowei's suspicious eyes, I went back to my office in embarrassment, eating biscuits, sulking, and having to do the translation at hand.

At six o'clock, I leave work on time. The elevator door dinged open.

Yuanjia Road was narrow, and there stood Li Chuan in suits and leather shoes, well-dressed, with faint CK perfume on his body. Apart from his pale face, he looked leisurely and unrestrained, like a man who is about to go to Qionglin banquet.

With a cold face, I walked into the elevator.

"Off work?" He actually started talking.

"..." I looked at the wall.

"Will you go to Huixian Tower for dinner later?"

"..." I looked at the floor.

With a "dang", the elevator stopped suddenly, and he pressed the "emergency stop button".

I glared at him.

"I'm sorry, it's my bad attitude this afternoon, please forgive me." Li Chuan is especially good at apologizing, and every time he apologizes, he seems very sincere. But I was still very angry and ignored him.


"I drank all the juice you bought. If you don't believe me, there's still a little half left. I'll drink it at night." He let go of his cane, took out a glass bottle from his satchel, and shook it in front of me.

As expected, only half of the red juice was left. I looked at him, dumbfounded. Finally said: "You vomit like that at noon, can you still eat seafood at night?"

"I only eat when I vomit. I will eat twice as much at night and eat all the vomit." The corners of his mouth raised slightly, with a hint of amused smile.

"Li Chuan, it seems that your illness is not fully recovered, you should rest for a few more days before returning to work."

"I slept through the afternoon," he said, "and you can rest at work."

I couldn't help looking up at him. Li Chuan's mentality is really strong, he vomited to death at noon, he looked like a tyrant at the end of the day, but at night, his energy and temper returned.

"I didn't drive here, can I take your car to Huixian Tower?"

"Okay." Maybe because he felt that the behavior of repaying kindness with grievances in the afternoon was too much, his tone became soothing.

"Can you give me René's number?" I took advantage of it.


"I want to invite him to dinner."

"Bring your mobile phone here, I'll lose to you." He knew that I had a bad memory and couldn't remember more than five numbers within a second.

I handed him the phone and he saved the number.

I took the opportunity to say, "Put in your number too, it will be convenient to find you in case there is anything to do."

He returned the phone to me: "Forget mine, you won't find me for anything."

I was angry, looked at him, rolled my eyes for a long time and couldn't speak.

He pressed a button, and the elevator slowly descended.

I accompanied Li Chuan to the gate slowly, the driver was already waiting for him there.

In a very spacious German car, Li Chuan opened the door for me and let me sit in first, then he sat in by himself and put his walking stick aside. His whole body glowed with a cool fragrance.

"I asked Xiaowei to order a vegetarian dish for you alone." He said, "Have you changed back to vegetarianism?"

"Contributing to the world environment."

He chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I always thought that you can change everything these years, but the habit of eating will definitely not change."

"Have I changed a lot?"

He looked back at me: "No, you haven't changed a thing. How I wish you had changed a little."

"What about you? Have you changed?"

"What do you think?"

"You haven't changed anything, except that you have become farther and farther away from me."

We fell into silence, and Huixian Tower will arrive soon.

Except for individual employees in the drafting department and the administrative department, almost everyone in CG has a car. The few secretaries who didn't have a car followed Mr. Jiang and Mr. Zhang's car. Probably because of the abalone to eat, almost everyone informed their family members. As soon as he got to the door, Li Chuan was stopped by the two bosses waiting there to speak. I saw Ai Song and Emma in the inner hall of the restaurant, so I hurried up to say hello.

"Hey, I'm a bit regretful. If I had known about abalone, I would have changed to a vegetarian diet a few months later." I said with a smile.

"Li Chuan just knows how to take care of women. He knows that the ladies in our translation team are all seafood lovers. If he likes himself, he can eat spaghetti. Xiao Qiu, you can sit with us at the table!" Because Li Chuan Picked up Emma's shoes once, and Emma spared no effort to praise him today.

"Of course, I'll ask where the vegetarian dishes are."

"Let me ask. Ladies, please sit down. Let the boys do the errands." Ai Song asked for us politely.

The translators in the translation team either brought their husbands and children, or their boyfriends. Emma brought a Mr. Su, and it is said that they have been talking for a month. Ai Song ordered the waiter and sat down next to me.

I took a sip of tea and saw Li Chuan sitting at another table a little far away from me.

After serving the dishes, the waiter brought everyone a cup of Longjing abalone. Next to me is stewed tofu with winter melon. The vegetarian dishes Xiaowei ordered for me were fragrant and spicy, and I ate them with gusto. I glanced at this group of seafood lovers, eating abalone and lobster with relish, even Ai Song was no exception. Then, Lisa's husband in the German group took the lead in talking about dirty jokes:

"It's said that when I was studying in country M, naked running was popular. A seventy-year-old woman also wanted to try it. A group of old men were playing chess, and the old woman ran past them naked. One old man said: 'It's outrageous! Such wrinkled clothes are not ironed, and the two pockets are still turned outside."

The young ladies laughed wildly, but I was absent-minded and lost interest.

Ai Song observed me silently, as if aware of my depression, and asked me if I would like to go to the observatory to look at the stars recently. I said that there are too many translation tasks, and I can't spare time for a while.

While the cups were being served, I saw that Li Chuan had been eating very politely, as if his appetite had recovered. Everyone is drinking, but no one persuades him to drink. My heart gradually relaxed, and I felt that Ai Song had been left out in the cold, so I vigorously asked him for popular science knowledge. After Ai Song told me a lot of stories about sunspots, particles, and quantum, he introduced to me his favorite popular science "Adventures in the Physical World", saying that he read that book no less than a hundred times when he was a child. Finally, he established his dream of becoming a scientist in the future.

"What's your favorite book?" he asked.

"A Dream of Red Mansions."

I am a liberal arts student, and books are my favorite topic of conversation. Li Chuan and I used to lie on the bed and chat about our favorite books: "On the Road", "Steppenwolf", Shakespeare's tragedies and comedies... We talked too much sleep. Alas, staying in bed for too long has forced Li Chuan, who majored in science and engineering, into an avant-garde young man of literature and art.

"I haven't read A Dream of Red Mansions."

"Have you read Romance of the Three Kingdoms?"

"No. I've seen TV shows."

"Besides physics books, which thicker books have you read?"

"Does "Einstein's Biography" count? It's quite thick, with more than six hundred pages."

I looked at him and almost choked on the eggplant in my throat. How can people be so different!

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Li Chuan in the distance. He was getting up, said something politely to the people around him, and walked slowly towards the back door.

I went to the restroom once before being seated. The first-class restaurant and the bathroom are also first-class. Flowers are placed on the marble countertops, the scented candles are faint, and they are spotless. There are toilets and changing rooms for the disabled.

After nearly thirty minutes, Li Chuan did not come back.

I made an excuse to go to the bathroom and went to the back hall, where a waiter happened to be standing there.

"I'm sorry, sir, can I trouble you?"

"Miss, can I help you with anything?" the waiter asked me very politely.

"A colleague of mine has been in poor health recently and often faints easily. He went to the bathroom and didn't come back for 30 minutes. Could you please go in and check for me? Is there something wrong?"

"You wait."

I told him about Li Chuan's appearance. He opened the door and went in, and came out quickly: "The gentleman probably drank too much and vomited badly. I asked him if he wanted to help, and he said no."

It seems that people often get drunk and vomit in the restaurant, and the waiter has a familiar look on his face.

"Is there anyone else in the bathroom?" I asked again.


"Could you do me a favor?" I handed him fifty dollars, "Please look after him for me. If he can't walk, please help him. If the situation is serious, I have to send him to the hospital."


I kept guarding the door of the bathroom, remembering that we went to the Kunststuben for dinner in Zurich, halfway through the meal he also went to the bathroom, it took a long time. When I came back, I never touched the knife and fork again. I guess he was throwing up then, but he just wouldn't let me know.

Twenty minutes later, the door finally opened, and Li Chuan walked out with his head down.

Seeing me, I didn't speak. Sitting directly next to me on the couch.

"Li Chuan, you have to go back to rest, or go to the hospital."

"Can you get me a glass of water?" he said miserably.

I brought a bottle of mineral water and poured him a small glass. He took out the anti-emetic pills from his pocket, tried to swallow a sip of water, and before he finished swallowing, he threw up the pills together with a "wow". I just stood in front of him and vomited all over me.

I close my eyes. Although this is Li Chuan's leftover. Yu Li is just Yu Li, not beautiful at all.

"I'm sorry..." He reached into his pocket for the handkerchief. I stopped him, pressed him on the sofa, and handed him a glass of water: "Take your medicine and sit still."

I took off my coat, went to the restaurant to find his driver, and quietly explained to Mr. Jiang. The driver took out the wheelchair from the back seat and sent Li Chuan to the car.

I called René on the way and asked if I needed to take Li Chuan to the hospital. He said no need, let us take him back to the hotel. The car stopped at the Swissotel Gangao Center on the East Second Ring Road, and René was already waiting for us downstairs.

Together we sent the comatose Li Chuan back to the bedroom. René helped him into his pajamas. Li Chuan fell asleep in a daze.

"Didn't you say you only work three hours a day?" Back in the living room, René asked me, "Why did Alex go all day?"

"Maybe today is the first day and he doesn't want to leave too early?"

René was distractedly pacing up and down the living room with a cup of coffee.

"René, why does Li Chuan always want to vomit? He vomited twice today."

"Alex has to take a medicine every day, and that medicine is very irritating to the stomach, so he always feels like vomiting. In addition, he gets tired easily and feels sleepy at every turn."

I thought of the white pill he used to take every morning: "Is that the bone-strengthening pill?"


"Can I not take that medicine?"

"No. But he can take hernergan again."


"An antiemetic drug. It also has side effects. It will lower blood pressure, and he is prone to fainting."

I took a breath: "Then doesn't he want to vomit every day? Can't eat every day?"

René smiled wryly: "You're right. Alex is quite stubborn. He vomited, vomited, and ate countless times a day, so he doesn't look very thin, does he? Otherwise, he would have become a bone spirit."

"René," I said, "I'm not at ease with Li Chuan like this, I have to stay here with him tonight."

"It's… Alex won't agree."

"Alex is asleep."

René thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll leave him to you. I'll go to the next door to read the materials. If you need something, you can knock on the door."

After sending him to the door, I asked again: "It seems that Li Chuan's illness is not much better at all. Why did you go back to Beijing? Wouldn't it be better to stay in Switzerland? There are many things in Beijing, and he can't rest. The medical condition is probably not good enough." Can't keep up."

"The whole family opposed him coming, but Li Chuan insisted on coming."

sin. Li Chuan came back to keep his promise. But, this fool, the promise shouldn't be more important than the person who made the promise!

I hurriedly said, "Then I'll persuade him."

He looked at me, and suddenly sighed: "No need to persuade, Anne. Li Chuan doesn't plan to go back to Switzerland. He said he likes Beijing and will stay here forever."

When he said this, his voice trembled slightly. I wanted to say something, but finally said nothing and closed the door.

Li Chuan fell asleep, frowning, curled up, very quiet.

I looked at my watch, it was not yet eight o'clock, he usually didn't go to bed until twelve o'clock before. I went to the bathroom and took a hot towel and wiped his face. He moved, rolled over, and fell asleep again.

Li Chuan loves cleanliness very much. To him, going to bed without taking a shower is simply unimaginable, not to mention he vomited twice today. I went to the bathroom to change a towel, unbuttoned his pajamas, and gently wiped his body. He lay motionless, frowning, tired, weak, breathing slowly. Sometimes, his fingers would shake a few times suddenly. Sometimes, it is the eyelashes that tremble, as if about to wake up, but after all, the strength is exhausted, and the eyes are closed heavily. His calf was always cold, and it took me a long time to warm it up with a hot towel.

After finishing everything, I turned the bedside lamp to the darkest, held his hand, and stared at him silently in a dim light. Li Chuan fell into a deeper sleep, and his frown relaxed. His face was unusually calm, with a hint of a smile, as if he was having a good dream.

At three o'clock in the morning, Li Chuan started tossing and turning on the bed. I ran to the living room to pour milk, and when I came back, he had opened his eyes.

He looked at me, then at the clock, took the milk, and asked in surprise, "Xiaoqiu, why are you still here?"

"I'm afraid you'll still vomit, so I'll stay with you here."

He looked up and looked around: "I... threw up again?"

"No, you have been asleep and slept well. Don't drink the milk too fast, and be careful to spit it out again."

He sat up, unable to sit still, and had to prop himself up on one arm. I found a pillow and put it under his waist.

"Have you... been here all this time?"


Then, he asked something that made me laugh and cry: "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, just sit down."

"What time did we get back?"

"Eight o'clock."

"It's three o'clock in the morning. What have you been sitting for seven hours?"

"Of course I did something else." I smiled slyly.

He quickly reached under the quilt and was relieved to find himself fully clothed.

I looked at him and smiled without speaking. He found that his underwear had been changed, and said embarrassedly: "You took advantage of the situation."

"You threw up twice today, you must want to change into clean clothes and go to bed, right?" I put my face in front of him, shaking my head.

He drank the milk in two or three gulps, regained his energy, and lifted the quilt to get up and get dressed.

While wearing it, he asked: "Did you have dinner afterward?"

"No. I'm hungry right now."

"I'm hungry too."

He got dressed and put on his watch: "Let's go downstairs for supper, and I'll take you home after we're done."


We took the elevator out and found a restaurant that was open 24 hours.

Li Chuan could only drink porridge, so he ordered fish porridge. I ordered a vegetarian set, plus a potato soup.

We were all hungry and each ate for ten minutes without talking. It can be seen that Li Chuan's appetite is not good, and it takes a long time to swallow a bite. But he ate very hard, sending spoonful after spoonful to his mouth. After a while, he finally ate half of the bowl, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and was ready to speak. I quickly stopped him: "Stop talking, Li Chuan. I know what you want to say."

"What do I want to say, you tell me."

"You want to say," I imitated his tone: "Xiaoqiu, you have to move on. I think the young man sitting with you today looks good. You have a lot of fun with him. You should develop well."


"I'm sick like this now, and you've seen it too. It's not that I don't want you, I really can't help it."


"How many times have I told you that life cannot be fooled by a momentary beauty."


"Don't come to me in the future. Even if you see me dead, don't worry about me. I have nothing to do with you." I took a bite of the fruit and said, "Is that what you want to talk about?"

Li Chuan looked at me and said flatly, "Since you know everything, I won't say anything."

"Li Chuan, if you are in good health now, nothing will happen. If you let me go, I will let you go. I have passed one five years, can't I live another five years? But, you are sick. Although I don't know what disease you have, but as long as you are still sick, I will never leave, and I will never stand by. Because you are too important to me. If you are not tired, you can say those words repeatedly. In short, My left ear goes in and my right ear goes out." I licked my lips and smiled: "For me, love is a gift. It doesn't mean you have it if you can give it. It means you have it if you give it. gone."

When he heard this, Li Chuan kept his head down, and his hands trembled slightly.

Afterwards, he drove me home without saying a word.

When I got to the apartment, I took a deep breath and said, "Li Chuan, go back to Switzerland. Don't stay here."


"Your illness is not cured at all. There are many people here, your immunity is low, and the chance of infection is greater."

"Didn't you say that I have nothing to do with you?" He sneered, "Why do you care about my illness and whereabouts?"