Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 45


Maybe it's the wrong number.

I have a little doubt that it is Li Chuan. Hold the phone in your hand and wait.

A full hour passed, and the phone never rang again.

I don't know why, but my heart beats faster and faster. Although this was most likely a call from Li Chuan, I told myself not to answer it.

I've given him three months and we're done.

Li Chuan, do you know how difficult it is for me to end all this

Could it be that for a phone call, everything starts again

After another ten minutes, there was still no movement. I became anxious for no reason, my heart was beating wildly, and I was restless. Finally, I couldn't help but dialed the number back.

Li Chuan, I will give you one last chance. the last time!

As long as you want me to come back, even if it's just a look, I'll come back!

The bell rang three times, but no one answered. I was furious and wondered if someone was maliciously harassing me. Immediately afterwards, enter the automatic message box, Chinese, English, French, German, repeating the same sentence:

"Hi, I'm Wang Lichuan, I'm not convenient to answer the phone right now, please leave a message if you have anything to do."

Magnetic midrange, full of charm.

Well, it's him.

I hang up the phone and dial again. After dialing ten times in a row, it was finally connected.

There was a noisy voice over there, and a thick male voice said loudly into the microphone: "Who are you?"

"I'm looking for Mr. Wang Lichuan! Who are you?"

"I don't know who Wang Lichuan is," the man said, "I only know that there is a drunk man whose phone keeps ringing. He is your friend!"

"Drunk...drunk?!" My head suddenly grew bigger, "Where are you? This person is my friend, a very important friend! Please tell me your address!"

"Wolf Joy Bar, the one on H Street, you know?"

Why don't you know? It's near the coffee shop where I met Li Chuan for the first time. Ji Huan was a frequent visitor there, and Li Chuan used to go there often.

"I know I know!"

"Come and pick him up quickly. It looks like he's quite drunk."

Li Chuan must not drink alcohol, not even a single drop, otherwise his life may be in danger. This is what René and Ji Chuan told me repeatedly. I was so frightened that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. Grabbed the handbag, rushed out the gate, forgot to bring crutches, and almost fell. I went to the street to hail a taxi. As soon as I entered the car door, I gave the driver two hundred yuan and asked him to wait for me outside the door when I arrived at Langhuan.

Under my frantic urging, the driver arrived at Langhuan within fifteen minutes.

The bar is not big, the lights are dim, the voices are muffled, and people come and go. All men, old and young, even the waiters are men. The drumbeat of the front band covered everything, and there was a student-like singer who sang an old and sad English love song with a solid alto. Many people gathered around and applauded him.

The waiter led me to find Li Chuan in a corner near the wall. He was lying on the table with a small glass of wine beside him, with an olive in the middle.

I asked the waiter, "How much wine is in this glass? Did he drink it all?"

The waiter shook his head: "This is a martini. It's not strong, and it's not much. When it was brought to him, there was only so much. He took a sip at most."

Li Chuan has a good capacity for alcohol, so he will never get drunk after just one sip. But Li Chuan lay on the table, motionless, as if he was really drunk.

I gently pushed him, and whispered in his ear: "Li Chuan, Li Chuan!"

He didn't wake up.

I pushed hard again, and he suddenly raised his head, his eyes scattered.

"Li Chuan?"

He opened his eyes slightly and looked at me in a daze, as if he didn't recognize me.

I patted his face and touched his forehead. It was a little hot, but it was not considered a fever: "Li Chuan, Li Chuan, what's wrong with you?"

Li Chuan continued to ignore me, and lay down on the table again. But the waiter at the side said: "This is the case with drunk people. You can take him home and drink some strong tea to sober up."

"No, he didn't even finish a glass of wine, how could he be drunk?"

"He came here to find friends, he doesn't have to just drink the wine in his glass... he must be drunk, I'm 99% sure."

I took the wax torch from another table and waved it in front of Li Chuan. He was sweating, profusely. I shook his hand, which was wet. I pushed him again, and he suddenly started talking, babbling, French mixed with German... several languages, all messed up.

"I said I was drunk, I was talking drunk." The waiter said from the side.

In short, you have to get rid of people first. I said, "I've ordered a taxi, can I trouble you to help me get him into the car?"

"He... hasn't paid the bill yet."

"How much? I'll pay."

"I'll check it out."

After a minute, he came over and said, "I'm sorry, he is a VI customer and uses an annual card. You don't have to pay for him."

After finishing speaking, he went to call two big security guards, and sent Li Chuan to the rental with his arms and legs.

"Miss, where are you going?" the driver asked.

“Swiss Hotel Hong Kong Olympic Center.”

The car drove steadily, but Li Chuan's appearance became more and more strange. He had been talking nonsense at first, but gradually began to pant quickly, and gradually, he could not speak, only the sound of heavy and labored breathing remained.

I knocked hard on the back of the driver's seat and yelled at him, "Uncle! No more going to the Swissotel! He...he's dying! Go to the hospital right away! The sooner the better!"

"The nearest hospital is Xiehe." The driver looked back at us and felt that the situation was serious: "Don't be alcohol poisoning, it will kill you!"

My heart was beating wildly, and I hugged Li Chuan tightly. Muttering, calling his name over and over again: "Li Chuan, Li Chuan, Li Chuan..."

He was limp, leaning against me helplessly like a baby.

I tested his breath with my hand. Very hasty, very strenuous.

At this moment, I thought of someone, so I quickly called René on my cell phone.

The phone rang once and got through.


"René! Something happened to Li Chuan, something is wrong with him, I am sending him to the hospital for emergency treatment, come here quickly! Come here quickly!"

"Is Li Chuan at your place? I'm looking for him everywhere! Which hospital?"


"Annie, stay calm, I'll be right there."

When he arrived at the hospital, Li Chuan was completely unconscious.

A group of people sent him to the emergency room for rescue. The leader was a middle-aged doctor, who was very capable. He quickly checked his body and ordered his subordinates: "Acute respiratory failure. Do endotracheal intubation immediately and put on a ventilator."

After saying this, I was stopped by a nurse. She asked me about Li Chuan's medical history, and I told her everything I knew, acute pneumonia, severe anemia, blood type, vomiting... She gave me a bunch of forms. , asking me to fill in.

My legs were weak and my whole body trembled involuntarily. A few years ago, the scene of his father's critical illness resurfaced before his eyes. Leaning on crutches, I retreated to the wall, panting nervously.

Undecided, the door of the emergency room opened suddenly, and the middle-aged doctor called out, "Which one is Xie Xiaoqiu?"

I rushed over and replied, "I... it's me..."

"I'm Dr. Ni. Excuse me, what is your relationship with the patient?"

"Female... girlfriend."

"It's like this. We just intubated the patient and put him on a ventilator. When we took a chest X-ray to confirm the position of the intubation, we found that he had an implanted central venous catheter in his chest and his unilateral lung tissue was irregular. All these It’s not in the medical history you wrote, how much do you know about his condition?”

I'm dumbfounded. Stutteringly asked: "What implanted... catheter? I... I don't know his medical history. He won't tell me."

"Sorry, I don't have time to explain now. Does he have any other family members?"

"Yes, yes, it's a foreigner, heading here! I'll call right away!"

I took out my mobile phone and was about to dial, when I saw René running in from the door, sweating profusely. I waved to him and shouted: "René! Come here! This doctor needs to know Li Chuan's medical history!"

René eagerly asked me in English: "So...does the doctor understand English?"

"I'm a translator, you say, I'll translate."

"Yes, yes, I'm confused."

"Alex is Osteosaa Phase 2."

Oh my god, which pot can’t be opened and which pot can be lifted. In fact, I have memorized medical vocabulary many years ago. After I entered CG, my mind was filled with architectural vocabulary, and I couldn’t turn around for a while. Fortunately, I still know how to analyze the root words. "Osteo" is bone, and "Saa" is malignant sarcoma. What do they refer to together

Seeing my hesitation, René added: "one Cancer (translation: bone cancer)."

My body shook violently, and the crutch fell to the ground with a "dang", and he supported me in time: "Are you okay?"

I shook my head. René underestimated me too. How dare I faint at a time like this

Gathering my mind, I translated to the doctor: "The patient once suffered from bone cancer, Osteosaa, stage II." I repeated the English, Xiehe is the best hospital in Beijing, and the doctors here should be familiar with medical English.

"Alex was diagnosed with bone cancer at the age of seventeen, and underwent amputation and chemotherapy. At the age of twenty-five, he found lung metastases and underwent a lobectomy." René continued.

I was translating numbly, like a condemned prisoner listening to the final sentence.

"After three years of chemotherapy, the cancer was temporarily under control and there was no recurrence." He paused, glanced at me, and said, "However, during the chemotherapy, the doctor found that his white blood cells decreased and his immunity decreased. Later, the red blood cells It also gradually decreased, and the symptoms of anemia were obvious."

Translating to this point, the doctor already knew most of it, and asked, "Is it MDS?"

I don't know what MDS is, I looked at René, René obviously knew the word, he nodded: "Yes."

"Which type?"


The doctor looked solemn, pulled me aside, handed me a piece of paper, and said in a deep voice: "The patient's condition is very dangerous, you must be mentally prepared. This is a critical illness notice, please sign it."

After speaking, he went back to the emergency room.

When I took the paper, I felt like stars were popping up, and I couldn't read the words clearly for a long time. I rubbed my eyes and forced myself to read:

medical crisis notice

Diagnosis: septic shock, acute respiratory failure.

Dear patients and families:

Hello, your family members are currently being treated in our hospital. They are currently in serious condition and may deteriorate further and become life-threatening at any time. We hereby inform you. Please understand and actively cooperate with the emergency treatment of the hospital. Even so, we will still take effective measures to actively treat you. If you have other requirements, please tell the doctor immediately after you receive this notice.

Signature of patient or family member:

Signed by the doctor who explained the condition: Ni Yongkang

I translated the notice to René line by line. René smiled wryly, saying that Li Chuan was critically ill like this not once or twice. The nerves of their family members and friends, except for the elderly, have been tempered very strong.

I fell on the chair in the waiting room, trembling constantly, and was so shocked that I couldn't speak a word for a long time.

René has been hugging me tightly, comforting me in broken Chinese: "Alex will be fine, Alex is blessed with great fortune, and will be fine."

I stared at the faint lights in the emergency room and prayed silently in my heart.

In any case, the waiting was terrible, and every sound from inside terrified me. The wall clock on the door moved silently, and each pointer was a sword, stabbing at me.

After waiting for a long time, almost half a century, the pointer on the wall told me that only ten minutes had passed.

Noticing that my body was still shaking, René went to buy a bottle of juice and handed me a sip, saying it would relieve stress.

I glanced at him with cold sweat, my nerves were so tense that I was about to break. I shook my head and refused, not wanting to drink anything. I even felt that my stomach was churning constantly, and I felt like vomiting.

To distract myself, I took a deep breath and poked René, who was reciting some scripture in vague French:

"Hey, René, please tell me more about Li Chuan's illness."

He came back to his senses and asked back, "Haven't you heard enough of what you just said? Are you not afraid?"

"Not enough. You said a lot of jargon, and I half understood it." I said, "So, Li Chuan's leg was not caused by a car accident?"

"I found it in a car accident." René said, "That year Li Chuan's mother drove him to go shopping, and there was a car accident on the way. His mother died, and his thigh was slightly injured, but it didn't heal for a long time. The pain was excruciating, and then bone cancer was discovered. It was malignant. At that time, the doctor said that the condition was too serious, and there was no chance even if surgery was performed. So conservative chemotherapy was carried out.”


"At that time, everyone thought that Alex had only a few months to live, and the family was very sad. Unexpectedly, after chemotherapy, Alex's condition improved rapidly. So his father took him to the United States to see a famous doctor. .The famous doctor thought there was still a chance to make a bold operation attempt. Therefore, Alex performed a high amputation. After the operation, chemotherapy continued and he recovered very well. There was no recurrence for eight years. During these years, even the doctors told us , Alex’s cancer has been cured. Although walking is inconvenient, he can live like an ordinary person without worrying about death all day long.”

In an instant, all the links of the story were linked one by one in my memory: "Six years ago, Li Chuan suddenly left me. Is it because his health deteriorated again?"

René nodded: "Li Chuan will go back to the hospital for routine checkups every six months. When he returned to Switzerland that year, he was found to have metastasized cancer to the lungs. You know, the survival rate of bone cancer with lung metastases is very low. A death sentence was pronounced. He said, you were in love at the time, and you were only seventeen years old. He couldn't bear to tell you, for fear that you would be sad. He didn't want you to see him suffer, and he would rather you hate him for the rest of your life. So, he made up his mind Leaving you."

I gritted my teeth to keep myself from sobbing: "Then he...did those five years...did he have a hard time?"

René sighed and nodded: "The doctor performed a lobectomy on the metastatic lesion, and then he went through three years of chemotherapy. He was so thin that he lost all his hair. He was so weak that he couldn't even stand up. None. Seriously, he's completely changed. Even if you saw him, you wouldn't recognize him. The side effects of chemotherapy are terrible, and besides, he has bone pain and phantom limb pain. A few times, it is too painful , he wanted to die, but he was afraid that his father and grandparents would be sad. In short... If it weren't for your email in those three years, I really don't know how he survived."

Before I knew it, my face was full of tears: "Then why didn't he reply to my letter? At least I can persuade him, talk to him, and feel relieved for him!"

"What Alex has made up his mind to, will not change." René sighed: "Alex's will is extremely strong, otherwise he would not have been able to fight cancer for so many years. Annie, you are ready, when he wakes up, Knowing that you've figured it out, he still won't change his mind, and he'll still ask you to go."

I looked at René, took a breath, and continued to ask, "René, what is MDS?"

"Myelodysstic Syndrome (translation: myelodysplastic syndrome)." He said, "is a hematopoietic dysfunction caused by abnormal proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic cells. I don't know how to translate it in Chinese."

"Hematopoietic dysfunction?" I still don't understand.

"Simply put, it is a very refractory anemia. It may be caused by Alex's long-term chemotherapy. The disease has a 30% chance of turning into acute leukemia. So Alex's immunity is particularly low , Life requires special care. Any infection or bleeding may lead to death."

I remembered that time when Li Chuan jumped off the trash can, his arm was bleeding. After his brother found out, he scolded him like crazy.

"So Li Chuan has to take medicine every day? The medicine that makes him vomit?"

"Yes. He takes a medicine every morning to prevent osteoporosis. Because bone cancer and chemotherapy have changed his bone quality, he is prone to fractures. He also takes another medicine on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals every day. Plant medicine, excrete iron."

I think René's knowledge of these terms puts medical students to shame.

"Exhaust iron? Why do you need to excrete iron?"

"In order to treat MDS, Alex needs regular blood transfusions. Long-term blood transfusions can lead to iron overload in the body. In order to prevent iron poisoning, Alex needs to take iron depletion drugs. This drug is called Deferasirox, which is very irritating to the stomach and digestive tract. Eat It’s easy to get nauseous and vomit after taking it.” He sighed again, “Alex doesn’t want you to know that he has MDS, because you have hemosickness, and he needs blood tests and transfusions every now and then, once a week in serious cases.”

"Is there no way to completely cure it?" I asked anxiously, thinking of all the tragic TV series I had watched before, "Blood Doubt" and the like, "For example, bone marrow transplantation or something? Doesn't he have an older brother?"

"Bone marrow transplantation pays attention to the matching of HLA sites. Ji Chuan is willing to donate bone marrow, but his bone marrow is not suitable. Even if transplanted, the success rate is very low. Alex has applied for bone marrow transplantation, but so far, I haven’t found an ideal match.” Maybe because I was tired of asking, René looked at his nose and heart, and focused on his thumb.

I signed the critical illness notice. I saw a man in his sixties, with silver hair all over his head, hurrying towards the emergency room, wearing a white coat as he walked. René stood up and greeted him: "Dr. Gong!"

That person seemed familiar, and when I looked closely, I suddenly remembered that he was the old man who drank coffee with Li Chuan in the coffee shop a few years ago. I still remembered that Li Chuan called him Mr. Gong.

The man stopped, nodded at me, and spoke English directly to René: "How is it? Rescue?"

"Well," René said, "it's septic shock, acute respiratory failure."

"Is it caused by a respiratory infection?"

"Maybe. He had a bad cough during this period of time. I asked him to go to the hospital, but he refused and got angry at me. I guess he was in a bad mood."

"I'll go in and have a look first." After speaking, he went to the emergency room.

I asked René who this guy was.

"Oh, he is Professor Gong Qixian from Xiehe Hospital, a famous oncologist. He is Li Chuan's attending doctor in Beijing. Li Chuan's father had a heart attack in China before, and Professor Gong saved his life. That's why we have formed a lot of friendship. Deep friendship. After you called me just now, I immediately called him and asked him to come over. He is very familiar with Li Chuan's condition—"

Just as he was speaking, the door of the emergency room opened suddenly, and Gong Qixian walked out.

René and I jumped up from the chair at the same time: "How is it?"

"The condition is temporarily stable. He has been sent to the ICU for further observation. Li Chuan is currently relying on a ventilator to maintain his breathing, and blood pressure drugs to maintain his blood pressure. In order to be put on the ventilator, we used sedatives, so he is still unconscious. — This time Fortunately, it was delivered in time, otherwise my life would have been confessed."

René and I changed our clothes, put on masks, went through strict disinfection procedures, and entered the ICU ward together. Sure enough, it was exactly as I had dreamed, Li Chuan was half lying down, his face was pale, his eyes were closed tightly, his whole body was full of tubes.

"You can accompany him, but don't move him or touch him. There will be a special nurse to take care of him. I suggest you sit down for a while and leave, and come back tomorrow. Anyway, he won't be awake unless the ventilator is removed, you guys I can't help you at all." He pointed to the two sofas beside him and motioned for us to sit down, "I still have a patient on the second floor, come back later, call me if there is something urgent."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, René looked at my legs and finally asked, "Annie, what's wrong with your legs?"

"I had a car accident. I broke a bone. Li Chuan didn't tell you, did he?"

"No." René said, "No wonder he was in a bad mood during this period, as if he had taken gunpowder. He dragged me to the bar every night. He couldn't drink, so he just sat in the bar in a daze and didn't talk all night long. Later, when I wanted to read materials, I didn’t accompany him anymore, and he often went by himself.”

"I know," I sighed, "his heart is bitter—he's too good at torturing himself."

Only one companion is allowed in the ICU ward, and René said to me: "Your injury is not fully recovered, why don't we all go back and see him again tomorrow morning."

"René, you go back first. I'll stay here for a while. Every time I see Li Chuan, Li Chuan tells me to go. Now, let me accompany him properly."

I sat beside Li Chuan until dawn. Actually, I have nothing to worry about. Nurses came to see him every ten minutes, checking on his fluids and urination. Nasogastric feeding was given every three hours. Every two hours, he will turn over for him. Li Chuan's mouth was half-closed, and a 40-centimeter-long hose was inserted from his mouth to the bottom of his trachea. With the support of the ventilator, his chest rose and fell slowly. I saw a doctor come in, check him up, put another tube of almost the same length in, and suck it up periodically. Li Chuan on the bed seemed unconscious of such a painful procedure. He just lay quietly, his skin was so pale that it was almost transparent, even emitting a faint blue light.

It took me a long time to realize that the blue light actually came from the monitor on the ventilator, and the numbers on it were constantly beating, very vivid and cheerful, like a cartoon. This night, my eyes looked at Li Chuan almost without blinking. Watching him lie there like a wax figure, the signs of life seem to disappear. I couldn't help but run my gloved hands lightly through his hair and his face every hour to make sure he was alive and well.

At five o'clock in the morning, that doctor Gong came in and said to me, "You'd better go back and have a rest, or at least eat something. There is a restaurant on the second floor."

I smiled at him: "No, I'm not hungry."

Growing up, I didn't really trust machines. I listened carefully to the sound of the ventilator, suspecting that it might malfunction and stop supplying Li Chuan with oxygen. He also wondered if the 40cm hose would be blocked, suffocating Li Chuan. I observe the number of drips, afraid that it will be too fast, and also afraid that it will be too slow. Every time the buzzer rang, I rushed to the nurses at the first speed, which made them annoy me a little...

Li Chuan lay in the ICU for a total of seven days. The blood pressure began to stabilize on the third day, and the doctor withdrew the booster drugs. On the seventh day, his breathing function improved, and the ventilator was removed. Once the sedative was stopped, Li Chuan soon regained consciousness. But he couldn't speak for a while. Seeing me, my fingertips moved slightly, and I held him tightly.

I stayed with Li Chuan for seven days and seven nights, except for eating and going to the bathroom, I never left the ICU, and I slept less than three hours a day, always napping on the sofa. René came to see me during the day and thought I was unreasonable. He said that Li Chuan had nurses for everything in Switzerland, and his family members and relatives just took turns to visit him and talk with him. Everyone was very busy, and it was common for Li Chuan to be hospitalized. After seeing the patients, everyone went about their business. No one is like me, who stays by the bed day and night, every step of the way. He said I was just worrying and wasting my time.

"This is called 'Chinese-style concern', do you understand?" I snapped a sentence.

"So I come to see you every day. I don't think Alex needs me to see you, you do." René teased.

I asked René, did Ji Chuan know that Li Chuan was sick again? René shook his head: "I dare not tell Ji Chuan, that tyrant. If he knew that Alex was lying in the ICU again, he would definitely take him back to Zurich and put him under house arrest immediately. The two brothers are going to have a big fight again. Everyone used to Still facing Li Chuan, this time it will definitely not happen, the whole family will declare war on Alex."

I was confused: "Why?"

"You silly mandarin ducks, for you, Alex announced to the whole family that he decided not to return to Switzerland. He said that he himself was short of time and would like to die in China and be buried in Beijing. He has already chosen a grave site, even I have thought about the words on the tombstone." René closed his eyes, as if there was a coffin in front of him, and then said in a pastor's voice, "Wang Lichuan is sleeping here. Born in Switzerland, studied in the United States, and fell in love with a Chinese girl , so, die in China. Amen."

As if to match René's plot, Li Chuan on the bed remained motionless, with his eyes closed, calm and serene.

I am infinitely sad.

When he woke up, Li Chuan was very weak and could not speak much. Although no ventilator is needed, oxygen is still needed. Nurses bustled around him. With my legs crossed, I sat on the sofa beside me and continued to doze off.

About an hour later, a patient was sent into the ICU, moaning loudly, which woke me up.

Opening his eyes, he saw the nurse was helping Li Chuan turn over. His skin was so pale and lifeless, and all kinds of tubes were wrapped around his body, he seemed to be wrapped in a mess. After turning over, the nurse wiped the compressed parts of his body with petroleum jelly. I went over to straighten the bed, and assisted the nurse to stuff a few pillows behind Li Chuan's back.

At this moment, Li Chuan suddenly opened his mouth and whispered something to the nurse, but the nurse couldn't hear him clearly, so he said it again, and the nurse left. We looked at each other without speaking for a moment.

After a while, he said: "So, you are, my family member," in a soft, hoarse voice, with accents on almost every word, "Since hen?"

I didn't expect Li Chuan to be so aggressive as soon as he opened his eyes, and I was suddenly at a loss for words.

"Didn't you say that you are leaving Beijing?" He said out of breath, "Why haven't you left yet?"

"Can you say a few words less?" I was in no mood and had no courage to argue with the patient who had just been rescued.

The head nurse came and said to me in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Ms. Xie. This patient said that you are not his family member and asked you to leave the ICU immediately."

I stood up, so angry that I almost wanted to pinch him. I felt a burst of blackness in front of my eyes, and my body couldn't help shaking.

The head nurse supported me in time and handed over the crutches beside me. I was so angry that my hands were trembling, I picked up the handbag on the sofa, and put my watch, mobile phone, keys, and cups on the bedside cabinet into the bag.

The head nurse couldn't help explaining to me: "Mr. Wang, you may not know much about the situation. You were sent to the emergency department by this lady. She kept watch over you for seven days and nights, barely sleeping. You said, she is not a family member. She pointed to an old man lying in the opposite room, her voice agitated, "Did you see that old man? All three of his sons are here, in front of the hospital bed, arguing over the medical bills, and finally stamping their feet After a quarter of an hour, they were all gone. They are really relatives, do you think they are family members?"

Li Chuan was unmoved, staring straight at the ceiling, panting heavily: "I want her... to leave immediately."

His face twitched in pain. The buzzer beeped suddenly. A group of nurses rushed in, led by the doctor on duty.

The head nurse quickly said to me: "Miss Xie, the patient is not in a good mood, and the condition is not good, you should avoid it."

After all, I was pulled out of the ICU without any explanation.

An hour later, the head nurse came out. Seeing that I was still guarding the door and did not sit down, I leaned on my crutches and stretched my neck to look in, smiling wryly and shaking my head.

"How is he? Are you okay?" I asked quickly.

"Temporarily out of danger. We have transferred him to the general ward. You'd better go home and rest, at least get a good night's sleep."

"Which ward?" I asked.


"I'll go take a look." I walked away.

"Alas—" the head nurse sighed again from behind.

407 is a single isolation ward.

I walked in quietly, thinking that Li Chuan was asleep. Unexpectedly, he opened his eyes and quickly spotted me.

After a moment of hesitation, I went up and touched his forehead lightly.

"Hi—" My heart was so distressed that I didn't care about being angry, and my voice was unknowingly gentle, "Do you feel better?"

He opened his mouth and said a few words, but I couldn't hear them clearly, so I put my ears in front of him.

He said, "Go back to... sleep."

After all, I still miss me, my heart warmed slightly, and my eye sockets turned red: "I'm not going anywhere, I'm just staying here with you."

"I have a… nurse."

"I know."

A flash of pain flashed out of nowhere, he gritted his teeth hard, rolled up his body, clutched the bed sheet tightly with his hands, and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Are you uncomfortable?" I looked at him nervously, "I'll call the doctor."

"No… "

He panted shortly, as if he was blocked by phlegm, wanted to cough, but couldn't cough, his chest neighed, and his face flushed suddenly.

I rushed out to call the nurse, and the nurse came in and raised the back of the bed, half hugged him, and gently patted his back to help him expel phlegm. After tossing and tossing for more than ten minutes, he was exhausted and fell asleep drowsily.

I was already exhausted, seeing him as weak and helpless as a baby at the mercy of others, as if something might happen at any time. I was anxious and scared for a while, and I didn't feel sleepy at all. I went to the restaurant on the second floor to eat something and drank a cup of piping hot coffee. When I came back, I saw René in the ward. Standing beside him was a young man in his twenties, wearing the clothes of a nurse.

"René, who is this?" I asked while holding my coffee, pointing at the young man without regard for politeness.

"Mr. Jiang Haotian introduced a nurse called Xiao Mu. He took care of his father when he was seriously ill. He was very professional and careful. I was afraid that the nurses would be too busy. Besides, Alex was not easy to take care of when he was sick, and he had a bad temper. Awkward. Leo and his dad got into a lot of trouble when we were in Zurich. Only his grandpa came over and yelled at him sometimes, and it worked.”

I smile. This description completely fits Li Chuan's impression in my mind. Li Chuan didn't want anyone to see his weakness, especially me. In this respect, he is extremely stubborn, as I have learned many times.

"Hi, Xiaoqiu, your dark circles are too scary, go home and sleep for a while. I'm here, come back tomorrow."

I shook my head resolutely: "I don't worry, I won't go anywhere, just stay here."

"You haven't slept well for seven days and seven nights." René observed my face, "Bie Lichuan's illness has recovered, but you have collapsed."

"It's not that I don't want to sleep, but if something unexpected happens..." My voice trembled unconsciously, "I won't forgive myself!"

René thought for a while and said, "Let's do this. There is a family room outside the ICU room, so go there and rest."

"René," I said suddenly, "I need to take a shower."