Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 47


I pulled out the electronic key and gently opened the door.

Six years ago, I took care of Li Chuan in this room, and I still remember the colors of the pillow and quilt cover. Everything is still so familiar.

Li Chuan lay quietly in the middle of the bed, covered with a light green blanket. Xiao Mu scrubbed him very clean, his face was lifeless, his eyes were slightly closed, but not completely closed. It seems that it is unable to open it, but it has to pass through a gap to take another look at the world.

A ray of sunlight fell on his forehead, and his pale skin was almost holy. There was a trace of a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if caught in a good memory.

Li Chuan was still so beautiful and handsome, even in his last moments.

I knelt down in front of his bed, took his hand, and called "Li Chuan" several times, but he didn't respond.

I couldn't help crying.

Mr. Gong listened to his breathing, and pressed the pulse on his neck. He lifted the blanket, and I saw that there were bruises on Li Chuan's body caused by subcutaneous bleeding.

"Li Chuan, it's me, Xiao Qiu!" I put his hand on my face and stroked it lightly, my hand was quickly wet with tears, "Wake up! I beg you to wake up!"

Mr. Gong pulled me aside and patted my shoulder, half comforting half warning: "His life is hanging by a thread, and he has lost the will to fight. At this time, you should try to encourage him."

I nod tearfully.

"You can say what he wants to hear most. Make him happy and reassure him."

I gently put my mouth close to his ear, and called softly: "Li Chuan, I am here! Don't leave me... I beg you, don't leave me... I will never force you again! Don't worry, wait." You are better, I will move on right away. I will leave Beijing, I will go to other cities, I will not call you, and I will not come to you again. This time is the truth, I will do what I say, Never change again! Promise me that you will work hard to live on, okay?"

At that moment, I felt that he listened to my words.

Because his eyelids finally moved slightly.

The flat car for rescuing patients came in.

The accompanying doctor said: "The ambulance is downstairs, and the hospital has been prepared according to your requirements. How is the patient's condition?"

"Severe dehydration, hypovolemic shock, and respiratory failure. I suspect hemothorax and acute renal failure. Immediately after arriving at the hospital, take a chest X-ray and draw blood. First, give him 500 ml of normal saline to expand the volume. Please inform the hospital to prepare a full Four units each of red blood cells and platelets. I have to intubate on site, and prepare the breathing air bag for manual ventilation." Dr. Gong is indeed a famous doctor, calm and orderly in times of crisis. The accompanying doctor hurriedly left.

After the disinfection procedure started, Dr. Gong asked Ji Chuan and me to escape outside the door.

After a while, the door slammed open. With a trachea inserted, Li Chuan was pushed into the elevator by the medical staff, and the ambulance rushed to the hospital like lightning. I, Ji Chuan, René, and the two bosses, Jiang and Zhang, followed closely.

This time, Li Chuan stayed in the ICU for a full seventeen days. Dr. Gong was right. Due to coagulation dysfunction, he suffered from pulmonary hemorrhage, resulting in massive hemothorax. He was given a chest tube. After the ventilator was removed, the chest tube still could not be removed, and the chest tube was still inserted. Every day, pink blood flowed out of the tube, and I trembled with pain when I breathed. The more so, the more the doctor should encourage him to cough and take a deep breath in order to expel the sputum and blood clots in the lungs as soon as possible. Seeing Li Chuan in so much pain, I asked the doctor to inject him with morphine or pethidine. The doctor said that these painkillers will inhibit breathing and cannot be used.

During that time, even my hair was thinning. Every time I hold Li Chuan's hand, I can feel his pain, my body is convulsed, and cold sweat is all over my body. Even the side of me trembled.

After waking up, Li Chuan didn't talk to anyone, including me, as if his consciousness had left him. He is lethargic most of the time, wakes up when he is in pain, and ignores anyone who tells him.

He would hold my hand when I was asleep. He held it tightly at all times, as if it was his own hand. If you gently stroke his head with ten fingers, he will fall asleep quickly, like a baby.

One month later, Li Chuan improved slightly, and Ji Chuan insisted on sending him back to Zurich for treatment and recuperation, after all, the doctors there were more familiar with his condition. Before leaving, Mr. Gong told me frankly that Li Chuan's body had collapsed more than half after the two rescue efforts, and his health was rapidly deteriorating. If a bone marrow transplant is not performed in time, the outlook is very grim.

I didn't say goodbye to Li Chuan when he left for Zurich. Ji Chuan asked me to go with them, but I didn't agree.

I keep my word. Move on.

Facts have proved that it is more beneficial for Li Chuan to recuperate when I am not around. He was critically ill for me three times in a row and I couldn't let that happen again.

I went back to Beijing and continued to drag my luggage, went to Kunming to find a small translation company, and continued to do my job.

Everything finally disappeared.

I feel happy and deeply grateful to God.

After all, the people I love are still alive.