Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 48


Three years have passed.

The Qiushui Translation Agency where I work is on the second floor of a commercial and residential building. There are a total of ten regular employees, and the rest are all temporary contracts. My salary is only half of that in Beijing. It is said that it is still relatively high in Kunming. I rented an apartment in a community near my unit. One bedroom and one living room, quite big, the rent is neither too cheap nor too expensive.

After Li Chuan returned to Switzerland, I decided to transfer my love for him to supporting the disabled and cancer patients in the motherland. As soon as I get paid every month, I donate 500 yuan to the foundation for the disabled and 500 yuan to the cancer foundation, completely anonymously. So even though I'm a high earner, my life is far from extravagant and just so-so. The benefits of a translation agency are far from comparable to Jiutong or CG, but the intensity of the work is comparable. There is no free lunch at noon. I sometimes eat boxed lunches, sometimes instant noodles, rarely go to restaurants, and try to save as much as possible.

Probably because I ate too much instant noodles, coupled with busy work and irregular life, I had a massive stomach hemorrhage once and was hospitalized for 12 days. Xiaodong was studying for a Ph.D. in medical school, and came back to see me after hearing the news, took care of me for five days, and was driven back to Guangdong by me.

I kept my promise and never took the initiative to call Li Chuan. Li Chuan would occasionally call me, sometimes by email, usually once every two or three months. For birthdays, he sends chocolate chip cookies. There will also be a special call to greet you during the New Year and holidays. In short, we are still friends.

He doesn't talk much about his situation, which is about good and bad.

In the second year after going to Switzerland, Li Chuan finally found a suitable match, and immediately went to the United States for a bone marrow transplant. It turned out to be a whole bunch of complications, and there were no calls for seven months. I asked him later how it was and he said it was better but not very stable. Having been ill for so long, he had grown to trust his body less. Even the best times will suddenly go bad. In addition to cooperating with treatment, you can't expect too much.

Li Chuan is like a balloon in my hand, even if it has flown to the clouds, even if it is too far away to see the color clearly, if I yank it lightly, it will still be there. Between me and him, it can become very cold, it can become very hot, and it can also become lukewarm, but that thread will never stop.

Occasionally he would repeat the old tune: "What about you? Have you moved on? Do you have a new boyfriend?"

I dismissed the question casually: "Since I promised you to move on, I will keep my promise. Why are you asking so many questions? I won't tell you, just to give you pleasure."

Love such a person, love for ten years. My own heart was pushed off the cliff twice. I just want the rest of my life to be peaceful and peaceful, never to mention the word "love" again.

Being single is fine. Be free and unrestrained.

I spent my birthday this year in the hospital. Xiaodong bought me a big cake, we ate half of it, and shared the rest with the patients.

It's funny to say that when Xiaodong came to see me in the hospital, he was quite dissatisfied with my current situation. The next day, I went out and bought some fashionable clothes for me: "Sister, when you are twenty-seven, wear twenty-seven-year-old clothes, okay? Don't look like you are thirty-seven years old. Also, Get your hair done too. Don’t be short-haired, half-male. Well, I smoke too much, so make up your mind to quit.”

This is family. Loved ones are cute and nagging. Xiaodong also added one more, domineering. I am so poor that I insist on giving me two thousand yuan. The porridge made was so unpalatable that I had to force myself to eat it with a smile. After staying for five days, I just want him to leave quickly.

After leaving the hospital and returning home, he received a lot of messages from Li Chuan.

One said: "Xiaoqiu, happy birthday! I sent you a gift, did you receive it? I hope you like it."

Another one said: "Xiaoqiu, are you on a business trip? Why hasn't anyone answered the phone for seven days in a row? Not even email?"

My answering machine can only record 20 messages, and it is full at once.

After all, I am a patient, so I still can't hold my breath. I smiled wryly and deleted all the messages.

I went to work the first day after leaving the hospital. I am in the English department and I am very active in my work. Many jobs in translation agencies are piece-based. The more translations, the more year-end bonuses, so I work hard to earn money.

After a busy day, I rode my bike home. It was raining outside, and the corridor was very dark. I saw a person standing there quietly. His figure was very familiar.

"Hi, Xiaoqiu."

I was startled, clapped my hands, the voice control light came on, and looked at him.

Li Chuan was still so charming. His chin is clean-shaven and a little thin, but he is much stronger and looks much better than when he left Kunming. He was on crutches and had a medium-sized suitcase beside him.

I stared blankly at him, seemingly unreal, and felt a little numb in my brain. He smiled at me, and I was a little lost again.

After Li Chuan left me, my life was very chaotic, and it seemed to return to the original state.

Seeing that I remained silent, Li Chuan said, "I'm sorry, I didn't inform you in advance. I couldn't find you. I thought something happened to you. I called the translation agency. They said that you were hospitalized with stomach bleeding."

"Oh. It's ready." I said.

"When did you leave the hospital?"


"You go to work after you get out of the hospital? A whole day?"


The raincoat was still dripping with water.

"Take off the raincoat." He said softly, and then helped me take off the raincoat from the top of my head.

The voice-activated lights went dark again, and I had to stomp my feet.

I looked a little embarrassed, my hair was cut short and tousled. Li Chuan stared at me and said, "Why, aren't you going to invite me in?"

"Of course," I said, "wait a minute, I have to find the key first."

The key is in the satchel, so I can't touch it no matter how I touch it. Annoyed, I squatted on the ground, poured out the packet, and poured out a lot of odds and ends: wallet, coins, lipstick, lip balm, napkins, small notes, sanitary napkins, half a pack of plums, chewing gum, half a pack of cigarettes, A lighter, a small mirror, a bottle of mineral water, two ballpoint pens, a pencil, a mobile phone... Just as I was looking for them, the lights went out again. This time it was Li Chuan who clapped his hands and turned on the lights.

I found the key and opened the door, and I turned on the light in the living room.

"Please come in."

Li Chuan came in dragging his suitcase, stood in the middle of the house, looked around, and took a deep breath.

That's right, my room is basically cleaned up once a month or two. There is a lot of dust on the ground, on the table, and on the bookshelf. I generally buy gray furniture in order to avoid being immediately spotted. There were some dirty clothes spread out on the sofa, the floor hadn't been mopped for a long time, there were some unpaired slippers, and a dirty sock.

I paved the sofa with my hands, pushed the dirty clothes to the sides, left a gap, and said to Li Chuan, "Please sit down."

Li Chuan did not sit down. I suddenly remembered that Li Chuan had said before that if his bone cancer recurred, he would probably be amputated again, so I couldn't help asking: "Li Chuan, your leg... is it true?"

He shook his head: "Not really."

"How much is left?" I was shocked and ran over to touch it.

"I'm just kidding you." He patted my head, "Of course it's true. I'm not that unlucky."

I breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the floor.

"Xiaoqiu, the house is too messy, I have to clean it up for you. Where is the mop? Where is the rag?" He pulled me up and let me sit on the sofa.


He entered the kitchen and backed out quickly, almost screaming: "Xiaoqiu, there are cockroaches in the kitchen."

"Are you afraid?"

"Are there any pesticides?"


Then I heard the sound of pipi slapping: "then we have to use manual labor."

Li Chuan grew up in a German-speaking area, and his living habits are very German-style, and he loves neatness very much. He tidied up the living room and spent an hour wiping the dust from every corner with a soft cloth. I mopped the floor three times. I was afraid that he would slip and fall. I asked for help, but he refused. Clothes are sorted and thrown into two laundry baskets.

When he took the mop, two cockroaches crawled out of it. He slapped him to death with a cane.

"Then what am I doing?"

He threw me a remote control: "Watch TV."

He went to tidy up the kitchen and washed the dishes I forgot to rinse at breakfast. Although the kitchen is small, it is relatively dirty. It took him two hours to clean it thoroughly.

"Xiaoqiu, every time you finish cooking, wash the bottom of the pot, otherwise it will be black."

I'm dizzy, the bottom of the pot is always black, and people still want the ashes of the pot. I'm too lazy to argue with him, anyway, he won't be able to live for a few days, and everything will be restored. He casually agreed: "Okay, okay."

After a long time, I haven't seen him come out of the kitchen, so I asked, "What are you doing? You haven't come out for so long?"

"Wash the tiles, the tiles are not white enough."

"This is hard work, but it is for the benefit of mankind, so take your time."

He scraped with a knife and brushed with a steel brush. Miserably tired.

Finally, as if finished, he asked again, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Didn't eat, what about you?"

"No. I've been waiting for you outside for a long time."

"Oh. Have you booked a hotel yet?"

"Can I live here?"

"What?" I jumped up, rushed to the kitchen and yelled at him, "Wang Lichuan, my place, you can come and live if you want!"

"Why are you so fierce?" He said, "Let me ask you, last time you went to Zurich, where did I let you live? Reciprocity, right? I have no other meaning, your illness is not cured, I come here , just want to take care of you for a while."

"What's none of your business? Did I ask you to take care of me?" I continued to yell, "My illness has been cured!"

"Is it worth getting so angry?" He pressed my shoulder, "Look at you, you said you were cured. When you got angry, your face turned pale, and there was no color at all. Sit down, sit down."

I sat down angrily, and he continued: "You used to take care of me. Last time you broke a bone, the doctor watched over you every day, and it wasn't my turn. This time I should have my share, right?"

It's fine if you don't mention the fracture, but when I mention it, I get even angrier: "How do you know I don't have another man?"

He was startled, knowing it was a scam, and smiled again: "Call the translation agency, and your colleague answered it. She said that you are very difficult, and you don't have a boyfriend until now. No one will take care of you when you are sick. You My younger brother left after a few days."

I said angrily: "Never mind, who is such a gossip? Why does this person tell you everything?"

Frankly speaking, I didn't expect that I would step into the ranks of leftover women so soon. Except for the boss, there are all young people in the translation agency. Everyone calls me "Sister Qiu". It sounds like a respectful title for business elites, but I always feel that there is a bit of irony behind it. In fact, one of the important reasons why I came to Kunming was to escape from Aisong. He came back from California and called me many times. He also lied about a meeting and came to Kunming to see me in person. Seeing that I have not been active or expressed my position for a long time, I have nothing to say.

"I said I was your uncle overseas. Both of your parents died, so I am your important elder. Besides, the half box of condoms in the bathroom is still from Zurich. It's been three years, and you don't want to throw it away."

"I keep them as rubber gloves. Wear one on each finger when washing dirty things."

He laughed and broke a glass with a bang.


After cleaning the living room and kitchen, the cleanliness of the house is comparable to that of a five-star hotel.

I was too busy at noon, and I didn't have time to eat. By the time I felt hungry, it was already four o'clock. I ran to the street opposite the translation agency, bought a boxed lunch and ate it. After all the good dishes were picked out, only pig ears and chicken nuggets were left. I ate them hungrily, and my heart still burns to this day.

The bathroom is the cleanest place in the house, as I'm personally picky about it. Li Chuan only cleaned it for less than ten minutes. He came out and asked me: "Is there any food in the refrigerator? I'm hungry and I'm going to cook."

"No food. There are instant noodles, all kinds of brands. There are Korean flavors."

He was just about to answer when he heard a knock on the door.

We opened the door together, it was Grandma Guan from the opposite door. Grandma Guan is probably in her sixties and lives with her son and granddaughter. We have a good relationship with neighbors. She was holding a big bowl in her hand, and she was a little surprised when she saw Li Chuan.

"Grandma Guan!"

"Hey Xiaoqiu, you just got back from the hospital?"


"I heard it was stomach bleeding, are you okay?"

"It's okay, thank you for still thinking about it."

"You have a bad stomach, so don't eat indiscriminately. You young people know how to work. You can't pay attention to your health. I made you a bowl of meat porridge with broken vegetables in it. You can eat it for a few days first." Porridge, we will eat rice when the stomach is better. Uh—this is it?"

I didn't know how to introduce Li Chuan, so I said, "Well... this elder brother is surnamed Wang, and he is a part-time worker I hired. He is here to help me clean."

"Oh, Comrade Wang, I'm sorry to trouble you."

We exchanged a few words, I took the porridge, thanked me, went back to the house, shared a bowl of Li Chuan, and drank it all in one go.

Grandma's porridge is so delicious.

Li Chuan looked at me enjoying myself, and asked with a wry smile, "Are you always eating at the other person's food?"

"Well... I have tutored her granddaughter in English a few times, not many times. It is far less than the number of Cengfan."

After eating, Li Chuan went to wash the dishes, and I sat foolishly in the living room watching TV. The nonsensical variety shows made me yawn.

I felt that when I saw Li Chuan after all these years, I was not excited or excited, and I was already dull.

"Let me help you take a bath." Li Chuan said.

I was led into the bathroom by him, I looked at him, sighed, and said, "The bathtub is slippery, be careful."

"Then hold me up."

I wrapped my arms around him gently and put my head on his chest. He still wears the one I gave him to ward off evil spirits, and the jade color is more moist. I bite evil spirits into my mouth, salty.

Li Chuan washed my hair carefully, washed it over and over again, and washed the back of my ears for me.

"How many days have you not washed?" he asked me.

"I don't remember." I continued to yawn.



"sleep early."

When we came to the bedroom, the quilt was not folded, and it was still the same as when we woke up in the morning. Li Chuan sat on it and quickly pulled me out: "The bed is not clean."

"No, it was cleaned up yesterday."

"Cookie crumbs and potato chips on top."

He went to find the sheets.

"Why don't you change all the quilt covers and pillowcases too." I pointed to him.

What a son, why is it so difficult to serve.

Sure enough, he changed all the sheets into a set of white sheets, and it was clean now.

I got under the quilt, Li Chuan hugged me tightly and kissed my face. I stared at him blankly, unmoved.

After a while, I said, "Li Chuan, I'm going to sleep."

He stroked me tenderly, and said softly: " don't even know this, do you?"

"No. After following you for so many years, my IQ has become like a fruit fly."

In the middle of the night, Li Chuan cried in my arms and said, "I'm sorry, Xiao Qiu, I was wrong. I have delayed you for too many years."

When he woke up the next day, Li Chuan had already woken up. He went to buy breakfast.

He said it would be a while before he could eat himself. He still has to take that bone-strengthening drug.

I went to work at 8:30, and he drove me all the way to the door of the unit, and then handed me a small bag with several boxes in it: "Your Lunch."

I took it and asked, "There is no food in the refrigerator, how did you do it?"

"The vegetable market opened very early. I went out to buy vegetables and asked the grandma next door how to make the porridge. I hope you like it."


I went to work, Li Chuan came home, he said he would continue to do the cleaning. I kind of wanted to ask how long he would stay here, but Li Chuan always came and left whenever he wanted, it was useless to ask, so he stopped asking.

Li Chuan called me at noon and asked, "Did you eat lunch?"

"Eat, eat early."

"Are you hot?"

"It's not hot, do you need it?"

"Why don't you need heat? You're a fruit fly." He got angry and hung up the phone.

I opened a few lunch boxes for lunch, and my colleagues were shocked. Two dishes and one porridge, one meat and one vegetarian, as well as fruit salad and snacks. I was a little surprised by Li Chuan's craftsmanship.

After get off work at 5:30, I went out with my colleagues, and Li Chuan was waiting for me at the door.

He shook hands with my colleague, introduced himself, half-jokingly: "Hi, I'm Wang Lichuan, and I'm Miss Xie's part-time worker. I'm responsible for cleaning, cooking and pick-up."

I am embarrassed. Because Li Chuan was dressed in suits and leather shoes, well-dressed, everyone thought that someone was going to make a movie here today when he stopped there.

Li Chuan drove me home and dinner was already on the table. Three dishes and one soup, I still have to drink porridge.

"Look, in this way, is life regular?"

"Yes." I nodded quickly.

After dinner, he took my hand and went out for a walk, saying, "Why are your legs still a little lame?"

It took a year for the steel plate on my leg to be removed, and the doctor said it was healing well. I still like sports and insist on cycling to and from get off work every day.

"I don't think so. No one told me."

"A little bit, really, a little bit."

"That's disability."

"I'll take you to Switzerland for surgery."

"I'm not going anywhere."

Back in the house, he took a small basket containing chocolates and a large bag of biscuits he made, and pulled me to knock on the door of the opposite house.

He returned the bowl to Grandma Guan, handed her the basket of gifts, and gave her two more red envelopes, thanked her solemnly, and said, "Grandma, Xiaoqiu is thanks to you for taking care of me when I was away. This is for your granddaughter." Please accept a little greeting gift."

"Oh, you are too polite. I don't need two red envelopes, I actually only have one granddaughter."

"The other red envelope is for you, it's not a tribute, let's buy some clothes to wear."

Grandma accepted it happily, and at the end, she asked: "Mr. Wang, you look rich in this outfit, aren't you a part-time worker?"

"Yes I am."

"Then how much do you charge for an hour?"

"I... Obligate."

Grandma finally understood what was going on, smiled, and said, "Xiaoqiu is so lucky."

"It's not that she is lucky, but I am." Li Chuan corrected with a smile.

We went back to the house hand in hand, and Li Chuan handed me a piece of paper.

I saw that there were ten math problems on it.

"I'll give you ten minutes, can you finish it?"

"Why, I forgot all about mathematics."

"You are a champion of the college entrance examination in the old city."

"All right."

He pressed the watch, I took the pen, and it was done in five minutes. Li Chuan glanced at the answer and said, "IQ is fine, I don't know what went wrong. Why do you look a little silly."

I took the remote control, turned on the TV, and continued watching TV.

Li Chuan hugged me, and I just nestled in his arms and watched a romantic drama, crying a lot. In the evening, we went to bed early, and Li Chuan treated me graciously, and we returned to our previous sweetness.

Halfway through the teasing, there was a soft rustling sound from under the bed, and Li Chuan sighed towards the ceiling: "Xiaoqiu, besides cockroaches, there are also mice here?"

"Well, there are two, probably husband and wife. I even fed them biscuits. Strange, why did I only hear about one of them today?"

"Oops." Li Chuan hurriedly covered my eyes with his hands.

"You caught one? Killed it?"

"During the day..." Someone dared not continue.

"Li Chuan, you have no conscience. The one under the bed must be singing."

"What song are you singing?"

"Ask what love is in the world, and teach life and death..."

"It sings its own song, let's continue with ours."

The next day, Li Chuan still sent me to work, and still gave me a lot of lunch boxes. This time, a note was pasted on each lunch box:

"I am No. 1 meat porridge, please warm it up for a minute."

"I'm Eggplant No. 2, please warm it up for forty-five seconds."

"I am No. 3 braised fish nuggets, please warm up for thirty seconds."

"I'm Fruit Salad No. 4, eat it raw, don't need to heat it up."

The female colleagues were envious. Said that Li Chuan treated the translation agency as a kindergarten.

When Li Chuan came to pick him up after get off work, they all said, "Xiaoqiu, your parents are here."

As far as I know, Li Chuan has been served by others since he was a child, and he has never served others. When Li Chuan does this every day, I wonder how long this young man can last.

When he still does this every day after a whole year, I have a sense of happiness, a gorgeous kind.

Of course, my happiness never lasted. I don't have much hope for Li Chuan's return this time either.

I just passed a year of hopeless affection with him. It feels good. This year, Li Chuan had no job and did not draw a single picture. Doesn't do anything but cook for me, drive to and from get off work, walk with me, watch movies.

It's just that, in my small apartment, it's not very convenient for Li Chuan to move around.

Finally one day, I said to him: "Li Chuan, we don't live here anymore. Let's find a bigger house."

He immediately picked up the pen and said, "What are you looking for? I'll draw one for you. Tell me what you want."

"Bigger ones."

"Is that the requirement?" Depressed.

"Hmm. More security in the bathroom."

"Any other requests?"


Two days later, Li Chuan designed a two-story white house, hand-painted various patterns, and showed me one by one.

"Isn't it too delicate?" I frowned, "Which company is willing to do this for you alone?"

"For example, my own company?"

"Oh...then you'll be tired. You're not in good health, so you can't be busy with this."

"Not tired, not tired." He said happily.

"No, you still have to cook for me."

"That's true." He pondered, then went to the bedroom to make a phone call, and came back to tell me: "My brother said that he came to find someone to build it for me, on the condition that he and René have to design part of the room."

"Okay, I have no objection."

"I have an opinion," he thought for a while, his eyes lit up, "I asked them to design the basement."

"What a waste of talent. Alas."

After another three months, Li Chuan was still working as a part-time worker every day, and he was in charge of three meals a day. My housework is only watching TV and reading. Occasionally rinse the bowl, but he said it was not clean, so he rinsed it again.

Our house is in a community near the mountain. There are many houses in it, and ours is the most beautiful one. After the construction was completed, Li Chuan took me to visit. On the way back, he asked me if I liked it, and I said:

"I like upstairs and upstairs! I like the garden too!"

"Where is your favorite?"

"… basement."

Li Chuan said with a bitter face: "It's over, I've been hit... I have to settle the score with my brother."

I think I have to comfort him.

That day, the sky was bright and clear, and the wind was smooth.

I asked him, "Li Chuan, is the weather good today?"


"Today, isn't it a good day?"


"Then today, how about we go to apply for a marriage certificate?"

I was stunned and stopped talking.

After a while, he said in embarrassment: "... Do you have to get married? Can't you just live like this? It's not that I don't want to, but I'm afraid that if you don't live long, you will become a widow again—"

"Be serious." I said with a straight face.


"What does 'um' mean?"

"'Um' means, if you must get married, I'm fine with that."

"Is it just that sloppy? No kneeling on one leg or anything?" It's not fair, why am I always at a disadvantage. He will say it in the future, and I was the one who rushed to marry him.

"He only has one leg... why don't you sympathize with me."

Drag him into the Civil Affairs Bureau. The person who went through the marriage formalities was an old lady, very kind.

"Do you have all the documents? Do you have any photos?"

I took out a few books from my bag: "This is my household registration book and ID card. He is a foreigner, and here are his passport and residence permit. Here are the photocopies, and three recent two-inch bareheaded photos." The group photo is not recent, it was ten years ago. I pulled the papers out, and there was a sense of conspiracy.

The aunt checked our documents, and seeing that Li Chuan had been silent, she asked me, "Can't he speak Chinese?"

"Yes...he is so excited that he can't speak." I took his arm and made an intimate gesture.

"He is Swiss, and we need him to issue a notarization of the "Marital Status Certificate" to prove that he has no spouse now." The aunt is very familiar with the business.

Li Chuan and I were dumbfounded.

"Let's say it, you don't want to come, but you want to come." He looked at me seriously, "Now, are you in trouble?"

"Li Chuan, you already have a wife, right?" I went crazy.

"How dare I?"

He took out his cell phone and dialed.

"Brother, I need a notarized copy of a document. "Marital Status Certificate."

"What do you say it is for

"hurry up.

"that is it."

After the four sentences were finished, he hung up the line and said to me, "My brother is going to do it today. He will fly tonight and arrive in Kunming tomorrow."

"Okay, the efficiency is quite high." I gave my aunt a box of Swiss chocolates: "Auntie, we will come back tomorrow."

The next day, I went to work as usual, and in the afternoon, we held hands and went to the Civil Affairs Bureau. Li Chuan said that both René and Ji Chuan had already arrived, and they would be waiting for us at the Civil Affairs Bureau with the Marriage Status Certificate. When I got to the gate, I saw them, all dressed in formal dresses. Li Chuan and I were only wearing everyday clothes.

I was a little depressed, so I said to Li Chuan: "We should dress more formally, what do you think?"

"No need. The two of us are a handsome man and a beautiful woman wherever we go."

Everyone hugged each other, René and Ji Chuan congratulated us. Li Chuan and I went in and got a marriage certificate. When I came out, I suddenly found a lot of people standing at the door, old and young, men and women, and foreigners. All in formal dress. Everyone looked at us with excited eyes.

I looked back at Li Chuan, and found that Li Chuan was also stunned.

Then, there were two mixed-race high school girls inside, suddenly screaming in unison: "Alex! Xiaoqiu! e love you!"

Li Chuan nodded to them, took my hand and said, "Xiaoqiu, let me introduce my family and relatives."

My legs were trembling a little, there were more than thirty people in front of me. I asked him in a low voice: "So many... all of them?"

"It's halfway here... the main thing is here."

"This is grandpa and grandma." A very kind old man and old lady said, "Your scarf was knitted by grandma. Grandma has five grandchildren, and she knits a scarf for each grandson's daughter-in-law. Even René There is one. Hehe."

Li Chuan's grandmother is French, hugged me and said a lot of French, and then kissed me endlessly.

"This is grandpa, grandma, and dad."

I already knew Li Chuan's grandfather. The old man laughed a few times and said, "So Annie is Xiaoqiu! It's over, I offended her as soon as we met. It doesn't matter, grandpa will play with you in Zurich." Don't stare at Li Chuan, when it comes to playing, I know how to play with the number of the Wang family." Li Chuan's father is also tall and thin, and it can be seen that he was handsome when he was young. Grandma is not tall, she is a bit fat, her silver hair is slightly curly, cheerful and capable. The old grandma held my hand and kept saying, "Such a good and beautiful daughter, Li Chuan is thanks to having you all these years, Li Chuan is really lucky."

Li Chuan introduced one by one: "This is uncle, aunt, uncle... this is my cousin, niece..."

Everyone came up to congratulate me and give me hugs.

Then, I heard a young man running towards me with a backpack on his back: "Sister! Sister!"

Ah... Xiaodong! !

"Xiaodong, why are you here?"

"Someone called the office of our department and said that he bought a plane ticket for me and asked me to come to your wedding. —I don't understand his Chinese well, so I thought it was my brother-in-law."

I patted his head and said, "That's not brother-in-law, it's René."

Li Chuan smiled and came over to shake hands with him: "You are Xiaodong, and I am Li Chuan. Your sister always mentions you, so we finally met."

Immediately afterwards, another taxi came, and the four people who got out of it were familiar to both Li Chuan and me.

We hurried over and shouted: "Aunt! Uncle! Cousin! Cousin-in-law!"