Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 49


After the wedding, Li Chuan insisted on taking me to travel in Europe. Given his physical condition, I strongly disagree. We live in Kunming as always and go to Switzerland to see a doctor every six months.

When we first entered the Swiss customs in the name of husband and wife, Li Chuan solemnly handed over a red book to the customs officer. The man studied for a long time and asked, "Sir, what is your ID?"

"This is."

"Why are there all Chinese characters on it?" Dazed, the foreigner actually knows what Chinese characters are.

"This is the marriage certificate." Li Chuan said, "My wife is holding the passport."

The foreigner chuckled: "What are you doing with the marriage certificate?"

"Because the marriage certificate is my most important document, even more important than the passport." Li Chuan said seriously.

"Pfft—" the customs officer couldn't help laughing, "dang" and stamped our marriage certificate, "I wish you a happy wedding!"

After passing the customs, Li Chuan carefully kept the marriage certificate. I said, "Li Chuan, teasing the customs will not affect you well. Let's not play next time."

"Why don't you play? Play every time."