Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 50: Spoiler Bookstore


I finished writing "The Past of Li Chuan" in my spare time. One day after it was published, I was invited to a bookstore to sign books.

Although Li Chuan has read the first few chapters of this book, he admits frankly: First, he knows only limited Chinese characters, and he is too lazy to look them up in the dictionary, so he basically doesn't understand much. Second, the part he understood made him blush so much that he refused to read any further...

"Then do you mind if the title of the book is "The Past of Li Chuan"? It seems like you are... um... gone?"

"do not mind."

"Why don't I give the male protagonist another name, not Li Chuan."

"It doesn't matter."

No, Li Chuan always pays attention to privacy, I am puzzled.

"Why doesn't it matter?"

"If you ask my dad, he will tell you that the word 'Li' is not written that way. The official name in my passport is Wei's pinyin, and the word 'Li Chuan' was originally created by you."

"What? What?" I jumped up! After a long time, I have been married for a year, and I even misspelled my husband's Chinese name!

"Yeah," Li Chuan said with a smile, "the first time you wrote these two characters was when you first lived in Longjing. You left me a note and said, 'Li Chuan, I'm going back to school. , don’t send me.’ That’s what it says on it, three points of water. To be honest, I didn’t know the word at the time, and it’s in simplified Chinese, so I went to look it up in the dictionary.”

"Then which word 'Li' are you?"

"Hey, I won't tell you, this is a trick for the rest of my life."

When I went to the bookstore, Li Chuan also went. Because I told him I was afraid of seeing readers. Li Chuan said that he would accompany me, and he would quietly sit at a distance and cover me.

I was dressed very formally that day, and I sat there solemnly signing. There were quite a lot of people in the bookstore, but I signed it within ten minutes. Looking up, there was another long queue in front of me, and everyone in the queue was holding a copy of "Li Chuan's Past". Strange, I am the author, why no one asked me to sign it

I asked one of the girls who looked like a high school student: "Excuse me... are you waiting for the author's signature?"

The man glanced at me, nodded, and shook his head again.

I quickly smiled at her: "That... I... am the author, really, it's true."

She shook my hand very politely, opened the book, and asked me to sign it. Then ignore me and continue queuing.

Embarrassed. I stand on tiptoe and look forward, the line has been lined up to the door, endlessly long.

"Excuse me, what does this team do?" I asked politely.

"We are waiting for Brother Li Chuan's signature."

Alas! Putting the cart before the horse, I was dumbfounded.

I walked along the long line to the end, and sure enough, I saw Li Chuan sitting at a table signing for a little girl. While signing, he said, "I hope you don't mind me signing in English. My Chinese is not good enough." Okay, I'm afraid you will laugh at me."

The little girl's face was flushed, and she smiled foolishly, with tears in her eyes: "No, no, brother Li Chuan, seeing you alive and well, I'm so happy for you!"

"Hmm... Did your 'adult' beat me to death in the book?"

A group of girls surrounded him, nodding desperately: "Yes, yes, that's right, our tears are all shed!"

"Brother Li Chuan, may I ask if you really only have one leg?" Another girl asked timidly.

"Yeah," Li Chuan said with a good-tempered expression, "Want to come over and confirm it?" Just as he was speaking, he saw me and lowered his head: "Oops!" Then he raised his head and said to everyone, "The author is here , please give me face and ask her to sign, okay?"

"Okay, okay!" Everyone finally surrounded me.

After leaving the bookstore, at a quiet street corner, Li Chuan suddenly stopped me.

He took out a classic-style wooden letter from his bag, opened it, and took out a booklet twice as thick as my book. The booklet looks far more delicate than my book, it is bound like a book, but it is the size of a picture album. He kissed me, and he handed the brochure into my hand: "Today is our birthday, and this is your birthday present."

On the cover of the book it says:

"Letters to Xiaoqiu" (letter to Xiaoqiu)

Turning to the first page, I saw a letter in Chinese:

"Hi Lichuan,

The results of the midterm exam came out. I did well in the exam, and even scored 86 points in the worst intensive reading test. How do you like it? At noon, An An and I went to a small shop at the North Gate to eat beef ramen. I put a lot of cilantro. It tastes so good. In the evening, I go to evening self-study and bring a cup of strong tea. I finished reading the last "Dragon Babu" there. Yes, I don't study hard and want to take a rest. Xiaoqiu. "

Below is his reply, my translation.

"Hi Xiaoqiu, I'm so proud of you for doing so well in the exam. Is the beef ramen at the North Gate the one we've been to? I still remember you saying that the beef soup there is white, clear and clear, with a fragrant color Chun. I’m sorry, Xiaoqiu. On the day we parted, I couldn’t say anything, so I could only run away quickly. At that time, I really felt like a coward. I took one of your pillows with you. Smell. Now I am in the hospital and I still sleep on it, as if you are still with me. My operation is scheduled for tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning. The family all went to church and prayed for me. Fortunately, you are not here and don't know , I don’t need to see you sad. No matter what, you will wish me good luck, right? I love you, Li Chuan.”

I flipped through from the beginning to the end, from halfway through, my email was over, and he continued to write, a long monologue, in English and Chinese.

I watched him silently, deeply moved.

He touched my face and said softly: "I actually replied to every letter you wrote. I didn't have the strength to type, so I quietly recorded it in the tape recorder. Later, you didn't write to me again, and I still I often write. I didn’t tell René, but it’s become a habit.” He put my hand on his chest and continued, “I originally planned to entrust these letters to René in my will. If one day, I Whatever happens, or will die soon, René will send you these letters to let you know that in this world, someone once loved you deeply."

I held the thick booklet in my arms, and smiled narrowly: "Did you never think that if something happened to me, it would probably be because of you. If I was really going to die, it would probably be because of you." Are you mad at me?"

Li Chuan stared at me with deep and focused eyes, as if looking for his shadow in my pupils: "Xiaoqiu, after the operation, I dare not look at myself. I never take pictures, and there is no full-length mirror at home. I always thought that beautiful things Gone from me forever, and all that awaits me is death and decay. Isn't it? If you hold a hammer in your hand, everything looks like a nail. But," he had sunshine and raindrops in his eyes , "I saw the long-lost beauty in you. In your eyes, I am so cute."