Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 51: Spoiler Christmas


One Christmas Eve many years later. Li Chuan and I sat on the sofa and watched TV.

In the dead of night, Li Chuan suddenly asked, "Do you still remember the day we met?"

"Remember, I remember very clearly!"

"Then I'll test you, whether you have a better memory or mine."

"My, when I was young, it was the time when my memory was at its strongest, and I could recite a hundred words a day."

"That day," Li Chuan said, "when you poured coffee on me, what kind of music was playing in the coffee shop?"

"...Let me see. Well, it's music from the radio." Bullshit.

"What music is on the radio?"

“… pop songs.”

"Which one?"

"Yeah." I said, "Yeah."

"Does the man sing or the woman sing?"

"Female, it must be female. Faye Wong. The most popular person at that time was Faye Wong, and the radio station played Faye Wong's songs every day."

"Which song is Faye Wong?"

"...a vulnerable woman."


"No? Hey, Li Chuan, if you don't understand Chinese, just admit it. It's Faye Wong, she's singing the song 'A Woman That's Easily Hurt', and then, I'll bring you coffee, I still remember that line, stay Looking at your kiss overnight, I can't feel how real you are. I think it's already dusk on your face, and there are still tears on your face."

"Your imagination is really rich."



"what is that?"

"Rhapsody in lue."

"It's that jazz-style song with a bit of a decadent sound?"

"What do you mean by the sound of the wind?"

"This allusion is too deep, translated into English, it is Decadent music."


"Okay. No wonder you play this song every birthday, I still think it's weird!"

"For so many years, I have been trying to arouse your memory, but you just can't remember it once. Depressed!" said the distressed person.

"It was my first part-time job that day, so I was very nervous! I was only busy remembering the menu and learning the cash register, and didn't pay attention to the music. If you ask others, I will remember everything else."

"Remember everything else, really?"

"Of course! That day is also very important to me."

"Then let me ask you, what color was my tie that day?"



"No? Impossible! I remember it well, Brown."

"Did you pour the coffee on me?"


"What color is the coffee?"

"Coffee color."

"And what color is my tie?"


"It's really... elm..."

"What did you say?"


"Not brown?"

"No. Of course, the coffee turns brown when spilled. I'm asking about the color before that."

"I don't remember, just tell me."

"I won't tell you, just think about it slowly." He was a little frustrated.

"Ask something simpler... I can't make me fail, husband."

"Okay, let me ask you a simple one. What was on my hand that day."

"Which hand?"

"Left hand."

"You have... definitely no wedding ring on your finger."


"It seems... there is no big bag."


"No gloves."

"Not wearing it."

"You're using a computer, so you must not have a pencil with you."


"Then what do you have?"

"Did you not remember, or did you not notice at all?"

"… Did not notice."

"I had a white Bundy on my finger. I cut my finger that day when I was sharpening a pencil."

"Okay. I'm failing."

"Why did you fail? It means that you didn't notice me at all."

"It's really wronged. I didn't notice that you would spill coffee on you? The problem is, I only noticed your face at the time."

"Okay. Then I will take a question about my face. You must answer it. If you can't answer it, you will divorce your wife."

"You ask, you ask. As long as it is a question on your face, I can definitely answer it."



"Did I smile at you that day?"

"Absolutely yes. Never smiled. You kept a straight face."


"You're definitely not smiling."

"Of course I didn't smile when the coffee was spilled. But when I looked up at you, I smiled."


"Yes. You wouldn't spill the coffee on me if I didn't smile."

"The corner of your mouth seems to be bent, not clear."

"Student Xie Xiaoqiu, that's just laughing. You're not right at all. You got zero points. How can you be punished?"

I said loudly: "Wait, you can't just test me, I also want to test you, maybe you get zero points too."

He ate a mouthful of popcorn and said, "You take the exam, I'm sure I'll get a perfect score."

"What clothes did I wear that day?"

"Black T-shirt, dark green apron. Black pants, black shoes."

"My hairstyle..."

"Ponytail, green elastic, and two blue glass beads on it."

"Did you wear lipstick?"

"Painted, cherry, right?"

"The first thing I said to you was..."

"Let's jump around and burn, snake!" He imitated my accent, female voice, very similar. I jumped up and screwed him.

"Oh! Oh!" he cried, "domestic violence again! You were so gentle before."

"The few questions just now are basic questions, and the next one will start to ask difficult questions."

"Just ask. Just don't pinch me."

"That day, besides work clothes, what other clothes did I wear?" I deliberately made things difficult for him, because I changed my work clothes within ten minutes after I entered the door that day. It is impossible for Li Chuan to notice this.

"You're wearing a pink sweater. A skintight kind. A backpack with a bunch of keys hanging from it. A string of beads hanging from the chest, in any color. Underneath is a green plaid miniskirt and white sneakers. Like the little girl next door who is in the second grade of junior high school."

This time it was my turn to be shocked: "How do you know such details?"

"You straightened your skirt against the window of a car, and pulled out a mirror to cut your hair. You grinned at the mirror to see if your teeth were white, and you pulled your cheeks to make them redder. Your hair was a bit messy, You poured some mineral water into your palms and smoothed out the hairs on the top of your head. Then, with your back to the car, you reached into the sweater to adjust the corset inside. In order to see your back clearly, you even put someone else’s car The mirror twisted."

I stared at him blankly, dumbfounded.

"Anyway, although you didn't realize it, you've already flirted with me and made fun of me." Li Chuan's pornographic vocabulary is very rich, including classical, modern and post-modern.

" are talking nonsense!" I became angry from embarrassment.

"Because my car windows are the kind that block the light, I can't see the people inside from the outside in the evening. I was sitting in the car at the time, and I was too scared to come out because I was afraid of embarrassing you."

"Wang Lichuan! How dare you peep!"

"Oh! Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to... I'm terribly sorry!"