Li Chuan’s Past

Chapter 6


When we walked to the girl's building, we were both stunned. A big lock in front of the door.

"Oops!" I gasped involuntarily. According to regulations, the lights of the girls' building are turned off at ten o'clock every night, and the doors are locked at twelve o'clock. However, as far as I know, after several times of collective bribery by the girls, the uncle who guards the door has always turned a blind eye. He goes to bed early and is too lazy to get up and lock the door, so he often stays open all night.

The door is made of glass, no matter how I knock, no one will answer.

Then, I said to Li Chuan, "Can you hold the bag for me? You can go to the cafe and bring it to me sometime."

He took my schoolbag and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Climb in from the outside."


I returned the coat to him. "This building is easy to climb. The window sills are long and low for sunlight, and there are balconies." After that, I stepped on the window sill on the first floor, and reached out to hook the railing of the balcony on the second floor.

"Which floor do you live on?"

"not tall."

"Which floor?" He reached out and grabbed my leg.

"Fourth floor. Look, the bedroom window is open."

"Xie Xiaoqiu, come down."

It turned out that he knew my name was Xie Xiaoqiu. Waiters in cafes are equipped with badges. Everyone writes English name, only I use Chinese.

I ignored him, but he grabbed my leg tightly. Then, he pulled hard, I couldn't stand still, so I had to jump down, he hugged me, and let go of his hand quickly.

"You dare to climb such a tall building, what if something happens?" He growled.

I was in his arms for only a second, and I suddenly lost my mind and had countless reveries.

"Then what should I do? Sleep on the street?"

"You can stay in a hotel. The hotel is open twenty-four hours."

"Good idea." My eyes lit up, "I know there is another place that is open 24 hours a day and doesn't cost money: - the train station. Could you please take me to the train station?"

"The train station is so noisy, can you still take the exam tomorrow?"

"The train station is not noisy, I am not afraid of noise."

He looked at me with a head as big as a bucket. I thought for a while and said: "Speaking of quietness, there is a park outside the campus that is quite quiet, and there are many chairs to sleep on."

"You think this is a field, and you can sleep if you want? Do you know how unsafe Beijing is?"

"It's just one night, don't make such a fuss, okay?" I walked out of the school. Halfway through, he said, "If you don't mind, you can stay in my apartment for one night, I have spare rooms."

"But... I don't know you." I stopped and looked at him. Although he seemed kind and treated me well, I was still wary.

"Do you have a cell phone?"


"Here's my phone, call the police and give them my license plate number. Tell them if you go missing, that's where you can find me."

I smiled and said, "Student Li Chuan, I'll go with you. You have a car and a house. In a place like Beijing, I think you are more likely to disappear than me."

"That's a good point. Be good when you should be good, and be good when you should be good.—This is a smart child."

He opened the door, made a gesture of please, I jumped in the car, and he buckled up my seat belt. I like to let him buckle his seat belt, and I like his whole upper body to bend down, so that I can see the back of his head at the closest distance.

It was three o'clock in the morning. The car drove fast in the dark, and twenty minutes later, it drove into the underground garage of a high-rise building. The night air was cold and I was still wearing his coat. He parked the car, took his cane and bag, jumped out of the car, and opened the door for me.

I said, "I can open the door myself. Let me open it myself later, okay?"

He said, "Not good."

"You don't have to be so particular about me, do you?"

"If you are used to having men treat you like this, you will marry a better man in the future."

I got out of the car and walked with him to the lobby on the first floor. There were two rows of elevator doors in front of me. I counted and there were ten of them. We walked to the elevator closest to the garage, he pulled out the electronic key, and with a beep, the elevator door opened automatically. There is an antique wooden sign next to the elevator: "Private elevator, please do not trespass."

I walked in with him, and the elevator showed that there were fifty-nine floors, and the red light of the "H" on the top suddenly turned on. The elevator went up silently.

"What's H?" I asked.

"The highest level, enthouse."

"Do you like living high?"

"The higher the quieter."

"Will it bother your family?"

"I live alone."

His apartment is quietly luxurious, with light green curtains, light white wallpaper, and a set of light gray sofas in the living room. Every piece of furniture is as clean as a museum exhibit.

"Do you need to take off your shoes?" Very clean hardwood floors, spotless.


A pair of elbow crutches hang on the left wall of the entrance. I entered the living room, stood beside the sofa, and found a pair of the same crutches beside the armrest of the sofa. Then I asked the question only an idiot would ask: "Do you need two crutches at home?"

He didn't answer, and an unpredictable expression flashed across his face. After a while, he said: "Do you want to sleep now, or do you want to drink something before going to bed? There are juices, beer, mineral water, milk, soy milk, and ice cream in the refrigerator." When he said these words, his expression was cold, as if he was still in bed. Depressed by the question just now.

"No thanks. I'm going to sleep now."

"There are four rooms, which one do you like?"

"Don't give customers so many choices."

"follow me."

He took me into one of them. I asked, "Is there a place to take a shower?"

"There's a bathroom inside." He pointed me in the direction of the bathroom and was about to exit the room. I turned around and called softly: "Li Chuan." He looked at me. "Thank you for taking me in."

"Good night."

"Good night."

I took a quick shower and everything in the bathroom was brand new. I got into the quilt in my nightgown and tried hard to sleep, but I couldn't fall asleep. So I opened my schoolbag, took out the textbook, and reviewed the words one last time. I am tired and excited, especially in this strange environment. After reading the vocabulary, I read the text and grammar again. After another hour like this, I finally felt a little sleepy, and suddenly felt thirsty, so I sneaked into the kitchen to drink water.

The night is very deep. The light in the living room is dim, is he asleep? I walk barefoot to the kitchen, turn around a wall, and suddenly find the refrigerator door open. He was standing in front of the refrigerator, bending over to grab the contents.

I froze, almost horrified. He was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt over a pair of football shorts, and he had a long right leg, as long and muscular as a Greek boy in a statue. He has no left leg. The left leg just disappeared from the root.

"Hi." I greeted lightly.

He stood up, turned around and saw me with no expression on his face.

"I want to... drink some water." My voice was trembling: "Mine—mine—"

"mineral water?"

I nod. He put the milk bottle back on the table, then bent down to get my mineral water. With just one leg alone, he actually stood very firmly without any shaking, as if he had practiced martial arts.

"Not asleep yet?" He handed me mineral water.

"Can't sleep."

"I have a good sleeping pill, do you want to try it?"

"Oh... no, I'm afraid I'll oversleep."

He starts to drink milk.

"Do you like milk very much?"

"Yeah. I have to get up in the middle of the night to drink milk. I can't get rid of the habit of my infancy."

"What if you travel far and there is no milk where you live?"

"I will go out to buy, and I will buy it no matter how far I travel."

"Nervous." I chuckled, trying my best to hide my surprise.

"Could you please come to my bedroom and get my crutches?" he said.

Only then did I realize that he didn't have a cane with him. The kitchen is far from his bedroom.

"How did you get here without a cane?" I couldn't help being curious.

"I jumped," he said, "but I'm ashamed to jump in front of you."

I handed him the crutches, and then complimented him with my arms crossed: "You have good balance, really."

"I do yoga every day."

Seeing his empty trouser legs for no reason, my heart tightened quietly, feeling sorry for him and feeling sorry for him.

"Is it a car accident?" I suddenly asked.

"It happened a long time ago." Seeing the expression on his face, he obviously didn't want to say more.

"Good night," I said.

"What time is the exam tomorrow?"

"Nine in the morning."

"If I don't wake up, please wake me up and I'll see you off."


"Good night," he said.

I lay on the bed blankly, thinking wildly, and never fell asleep again. I got up at 6:30, washed up, put my bag on my back, couldn't bear to wake him up, and left quietly by myself.

I left him a note: "Li Chuan, I'm going back to school. Don't send me off. I disturbed you too much last night. You should sleep a little longer. If I can see you again after the exam, I invite you Eat. Definitely! Xiaoqiu."

The morning air was as cold as the night. I took the elevator down, and the security guard in the lobby looked at me strangely.

"Morning!" I said.


"Miss, do you want me to get the car out of the garage for you?" he asked.

"Huh? I didn't drive."


"By the way, what's the name of this building?" I asked suddenly.

"Miss doesn't know? This is Longjing Garden." He smiled strangely.

"If I go to S Normal University, how can I take the bus?"

"That's a bit far. But there is a subway to the right when you go out."

"Thank you, I know how to get there with the subway."

He continued to eye me suspiciously. I suddenly realized what he meant by "Miss".

I didn't know there were such cool streets in Beijing. I shivered against the wind, and was about to turn right, when suddenly someone shouted from behind: "Miss, where are you going?"

Apart from Li Chuan, colleagues in the coffee shop, and classmates in the dormitory, I don't know anyone in Beijing. When I look back, I have to admit that Li Chuan is by no means the only handsome man in Beijing.

It was a fashionable young man with raised hair and an ambiguous smile in the corner of his eyes. He wore a huge jade ring on his index finger, and a golden necklace hung around his neck.

"You're—" I didn't know him.

He had apparently come out of this building as well.

"I saw you coming out of Li Chuan's elevator, you must be Li Chuan's friend, right?"

Why should I answer him.

He stretched out his hand and said, "I'm also Li Chuan's friend. Ji Huan, Huan of Duke Huan of Qi."

For Li Chuan's friends, it was different. I shook his hand, and he handed me a business card that read: "Designed by Godly Couple." Below is his name, phone number, and fax number. office address.

I said, "What did Mr. Ji design?"

"Li Chuan designs buildings, and I design clothes."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. It's a pity that we can't talk too much. I have an exam and I have to catch a bus." I waved goodbye.

Someone had already driven the car for him and handed him the keys.

"Where is the exam? I'll send you off."

"Thank you. No, I'll go by myself."

"Have you had breakfast yet?" Why are you so mother-in-law.

"have eaten."

"The subway station is over there, just another red light."

"I've seen it, thank you."

"Do you like this building?" He pointed to the building. From the outside, the shape is a bit weird, layered on top of each other, like an open peacock.

"Okay... I don't know much about architecture."

"It was designed by Li Chuan."


"Good luck!"

"Have a good day." I said.