Library of Heaven’s Path

Chapter 101: Zhao Ya was moved


The young lady is determined to become a disciple, and Yao Han has conducted a detailed investigation on this Zhang Xuan in the past few days.

This teacher Zhang is known as a genius. He reached the peak of the third level of martial arts realm at the age of sixteen. Unfortunately, that was the end of it. After that, he was trapped here without any movement, and the genius became a waste.

When he was eighteen years old, he passed the teacher qualification examination and became the youngest teacher in Hongtian College. He was famous at that time and became a good story, attracting the jealousy of many teachers.

I thought that this youngest teacher would be able to teach good grades and soar into the sky. Unexpectedly, the reality was cruel. A man went crazy and made trouble. The students who had previously enrolled dropped out of class one after another and became alone. The final teacher evaluation was even more complicated. I got zero points, and my reputation became worse and worse.

The youngest teacher of Hongtian Academy once became a joke and the biggest waste.

These messages were conclusive. I thought that the young lady was just confused for a moment. As long as she was properly enlightened, she would be able to find her way back and see the true face of this useless teacher!

At this moment, when he heard that he got full marks in the first item of the apprenticeship assessment, his deep-rooted thoughts couldn't help but be shaken.

Alchemists not only have a deep understanding of medicines, but also know a lot about the human body. Otherwise, it would be impossible to prepare elixirs for practitioners.

How could a person who could score perfect marks in the first level of alchemy apprenticeship teach students to such an extent that they went crazy

"The theory is good, but it is useless without practice. The second test is time-limited identification. If you identify even one of the ten medicinal materials wrongly, you will not be able to pass the test..."

Wen Xue hummed from one side.

She was still a little resentful towards this Zhang Xuan. She thought he was a playboy who deliberately attracted her attention, but he turned out to be a real and capable person, which made her blushing and afraid to face him.

Before he finished speaking, he saw two people walking over.

It was Sun Tao and Qian Wenman, two of the three people who had passed the first assessment.

"How's it going? Did you pass the exam?"

Wen Xue greeted him.

Apprentices are frequently assessed and have known each other for a long time.

"No!" They both shook their heads at the same time.

Although I was unwilling to accept it, I was convinced of the defeat.

It's okay not to be convinced. He got perfect marks in the first test, and in the second test, he could even see the mistakes of a real alchemist... His ability was beyond their imagination.

"Then... where's that Zhang Xuan?"

After hearing that none of them passed the second item, Wen Xue couldn't help but ask again.

"He... passed and is now an alchemy apprentice!" Sun Tao said.

"Alchemy apprentice?" Wen Xue's delicate body swayed.

When she was chatting with the other party before, it was obvious that this guy didn't know anything about medicines and the like. He even had no idea what an alchemist was... She thought that his registration for the assessment was a joke, but she was still full of disdain. , the result... Not only did he pass the first level, he also passed the remaining two levels in a row and became an alchemy apprentice!

The slap in the face was so painful.

I have studied hard for so many years, but I can’t even pass the first level...

People become apprentices just by taking the assessment casually...

He even shamelessly laughed at the other party...

Where does the confidence come from

"Then... when will Teacher Zhang Xuan come out?" Zhao Ya couldn't help but ask after looking around but not seeing Zhang Xuan's shadow.

She was not as surprised as Wen Xue. In her mind, Teacher Zhang was omnipotent. He was just an alchemy apprentice and should be nothing.

"He went to the library and planned to conduct an alchemy debate tomorrow afternoon to assess the official alchemist!" Sun Tao said while still not believing it.

How brave is it to debate elixirs just after becoming an alchemy apprentice

"Testing the official alchemist?" Wen Xue staggered, her eyes were so wide open that she almost fainted.

"The official alchemist test will be held tomorrow afternoon?"

This is not true, is it!

Why is it like a joke

And... what the hell is Bendan

"Alchemy debate is a method of testing alchemy masters. You have to debate with ten official alchemists and defeat them all!" Seeing everyone's doubts, Sun Tao explained: "This kind of assessment is better than alchemy masters." It’s harder, and the punishment for failure is greater!”

Having said this, I couldn't help but shake my head.

"I have read about alchemy defense in books. It is many times more difficult than the alchemy test. You must be better than ten official alchemists in knowledge and practice! It is especially difficult!" Li Shuqiang suppressed the shock in his heart and nodded. , and at the same time full of doubts: "He became an alchemy apprentice at a young age and has plenty of time. Why is he so anxious to debate alchemy? He can learn alchemy step by step, because once he fails, the consequences will be unbearable!"

He became an alchemy apprentice when he was less than 20 years old. This kind of achievement ranks high even in the history of Tianxuan Kingdom Alchemist Guild for hundreds or thousands of years. You can definitely wait a few years to learn alchemy well and then take the exam. Why do you have to take the risk to argue

You must know that the difficulty of elixir identification is several times that of refining elixir, and it is difficult for anyone to succeed.

"I don't know either. It seems that they are looking for books about special physiques! And only those who are real alchemists have the right to read such books!" Sun Tao thought for a moment and recalled the conversation between Zhang Xuan, Ouyang Cheng and others just now: " Oh, I seem to have said something about half a month, something seems to be urging me, I must become an alchemist within half a month and find these books!"

"Half a month? Special physique?"

Wen Xue and others on one side heard this inexplicably, while Zhao Ya's face turned pale and her delicate body kept shaking.

She has a special constitution of pure yin.

Teacher Zhang told her this.

Half a month, isn't that the day of the freshman competition? Just half a month ago... Could it be that Teacher Zhang was trying to help her improve her temperament and improve her strength

If the special physique is not activated, it will not be able to exert its true power!

It must be!

Clenching her fists, Zhao Ya resisted the shock in her heart and looked at Uncle Li: "Senior, you just said that you will be severely punished if you fail to defend the pill. What is the punishment?"

"This... I'm not sure either!" Uncle Li shook his head.

He had only read about Bendan in books, but didn't know about punishment.

"Oh, I know this. I heard it from Master Ouyang just now!" Sun Tao thought for a while and said: "There are three in total. First, each of the alchemists who are assessed will be compensated at least one hundred thousand gold coins. Ten of them will be one One million gold coins! Second, bear the burden of a hundred killing sticks! Third, you will not be allowed to take another test within ten years!"

"One million gold coins? One hundred killer sticks? Not allowed to take the exam again for ten years?"

Zhao Ya's delicate body kept trembling.

This punishment is too severe!

In order to help himself get excited, Teacher Zhang even took such risks...

Teacher... thank you!

I, Zhao Ya, cannot repay this kindness even if my body is broken to pieces!

Tears instantly flowed down from her white jade face, and Zhao Ya could no longer hold them back. Biquge launches new website t