Library of Heaven’s Path

Chapter 115: The Collapse of Alchemist Bai Ming (Part 1)



"Only Master Bai Ming has such strength, and he can successfully refine the acupoint moistening pill under such circumstances!"

"The point-moistening pill is difficult to refine, and Master Bai Ming's method is even more complicated. I have never seen it before, but I want to see what shortcomings this Zhang Xuan can tell!"

"Hey, let's wait for the good show!"

Seeing Alchemist Bai Ming refining the acupuncture pill, many alchemists all laughed.

The higher the level of the elixir, the more complicated the alchemy technique becomes. The Moistening Point Pill is not weak among the first-grade elixirs, and the refining technique is extremely cumbersome. Even these people cannot confirm the errors in the technique. An apprentice How could it be possible to tell

"Okay, now that the elixir is made, please tell me the name of the technique and its shortcomings!"

With a cold smile, Alchemist Bai Ming calmed his breathing and waved his big hand.

Relying on the clues and information I got from nowhere, I want to succeed in the elixir debate. Just dream!

Without real talent and practical knowledge, there is no way to correctly point out the mistakes in alchemy and make yourself admired!

"Are you sure you want me to tell you?" Zhang Xuan looked strange again.

"Don't pretend to be a fool here. If you can't explain it, just admit defeat!" Alchemist Bai Ming snorted coldly.

"Oh well!"

Zhang Xuan shook his head, put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly in the middle of the room.

"The alchemy technique you used is called. Legend has it that it was created by a two-star alchemist named Feng Xuan. The medicinal materials are put in in a special order. The same as the mountain peaks, one layer after another, one wave after another. The same is true for controlling the flames. In this order, the power is sometimes greater and then less. This way of refining the elixir can fully integrate the effects of the medicine and make it easy to make the elixir! But the flaw is also very obvious, that is, it is very difficult to improve the level of the elixir!"

"So, even though your three moistening pills are successful, they are only the lowest level pills. It is almost impossible to achieve fullness. This kind of pill refining technique is only suitable for mass production by low-level alchemists. To be honest, it is slightly better. There are many alchemists who don’t know how to learn, because it’s like shackles on the way forward. No matter how many times you practice, you can’t improve the quality of the elixir even one cent, so what’s the use of learning?”

"Unless... I feel that I have no potential to tap, then I will give up on myself!" Zhang Xuan smiled slightly and looked over meaningfully: "Alchemist Bai Ming, am I right?"


Hearing what the other party said, Bai Ming gritted his teeth and his face turned red and white.

As the helmsman of the Bai family, he is also a one-star alchemist with a respected status. However, in the other party's words, he actually became... a low-level alchemist... with no potential left to explore...

However, he couldn't refute it.

The shortcomings of Qianfeng Shou are exactly the same as what the other party said. Although it is easy to refine the acupuncture pill, it can no longer make progress.

"Don't be proud, there's no point in saying this. You have to tell me about the mistake I made in the alchemy just now to win!" Bai Ming exhaled and suppressed his anger.

"All right!"

Zhang Xuan didn't waste any time, took two steps forward and came to the alchemy furnace: "Then I'll start with the basics first!"

"Anyone who is an alchemist knows that if you want to refine good elixirs, you must have strong control over the flames and the alchemy furnace. Just now, Alchemist Bai Ming picked up the medicinal materials and started refining. How much does he know about this furnace? ?Where's the fire?"

"You don't need to refute me and say that the regulations of these alchemy furnaces are similar, so there is no need to worry too much. I can tell you clearly that the same medicinal materials, the same furnace fire, the same alchemy furnace, the elixirs produced are different, just because With this slight difference, or even a little carelessness, the refined elixir may be reduced by one level!"

Gently sliding his fingers over the alchemy furnace, Zhang Xuan continued: "If you don't believe it, I'll tell you now."

"This alchemy furnace is seven feet three inches high and three feet two inches wide. It was refined seven years and three months ago by the Sanmo craftsmen of Shijingfang. It has refined a total of 147 times of elixirs, including one grade of eighty elixirs. Eight times, fifty-nine times lower than the first-grade elixir! During the transportation process, it withstood three impacts, and there were a total of thirteen fine marks on the whole cauldron. When refining ordinary elixirs, it is harmless, but it will cause the potency to dissipate. Yi, the vitality collapsed, which caused the medicine to be insufficient and the level to be lowered when the elixir was formed!"

"This cauldron is more than an inch thick. To fully penetrate the heat, it takes one stick of incense and thirty-four breaths. The thickness of the left and right cauldron walls is slightly different, with a difference of three hairs. Don't underestimate this thickness. The same flame Under normal circumstances, there will be a 5% difference in heat between the two sides, so adding medicinal materials to the left and right positions will make the medicinal effects of Penghuacao and Du* in the Point Moistening Pill completely different!"

"real or fake?"

"There are so many explanations for a furnace?"

Hearing Zhang Xuan in the middle talking eloquently, many alchemists below opened their mouths and were about to go crazy.

Although they also knew that different alchemy furnaces produced different levels of elixirs, they never imagined that one alchemy furnace could have so many explanations.


This is the cauldron that the Alchemist Guild just moved in for this alchemy debate. How does he know such details? Even where it was refined, the thickness and size of the furnace, how many times the elixir has been refined... everything is clear

Damn, this is too outrageous!

You can tell this at a glance, are you... a monster

"After talking about the furnace, let me talk about the furnace fire!"

Ignoring everyone's surprise, Zhang Xuan pointed at the flames under the cauldron: "This is the hottest place where it burns. It can melt steel into juice. With the warrior's true energy, the size of the fire can be easily controlled, thus Control the temperature.”

"But... the flames and the medicinal materials are not in direct contact. The medicine we refine is made into pills inside the cauldron. We must control how much of the external flames pass through the cauldron wall and remain in the cauldron."

"Tiandu coal is the best coal for alchemy. Not only does it have a high flame temperature, but it also has strong penetrating power. Ordinary coal only retains 37% of the heat through an inch or so of the tripod wall, and this kind of Coal can retain 46%! Only by knowing this rule can we determine how high the temperature the medicinal materials inside can withstand, and how long it will take for the medicinal materials to be fully integrated and create the highest quality elixir!"

"Of course, these are just the most basic things for an alchemist, and they are not considered shortcomings. I am just introducing them casually!"

Zhang Xuan smiled and looked to one side: "However, I still want to ask Alchemist Bai Ming, before refining the elixir, did you pay attention to these..."

Alchemist Bai Ming felt his scalp numb and almost fainted.

Pay attention, pay attention to your sister!

I just make a pill at random. These things are so complicated, how do I... know

Moreover, even if you want to pay attention, there is nothing you can do. Is it possible to find a ruler to measure the furnace cauldron first, and then test the temperature of the furnace fire little by little

If this is really the case, after two or three days, you still need to practice some wool elixir