Library of Heaven’s Path

Chapter 116: The collapse of Alchemist Bai Ming (Part 2)


Bai Ming felt depressed in his heart, but he knew it and couldn't answer.

Before making an elixir, check the furnace and the fire. This is the most basic thing. Even if an apprentice can memorize it, it is obviously a big mistake to make an elixir by yourself.

In the words of Zhang Xuan's previous life, if you don't fasten your seat belt before driving, don't look at the tires and the surroundings of the car body, and just put it into gear, even if there is an accident, there will be no reason to argue.

Bai Ming is in this state now. He is being taught a lesson by an apprentice in public. He obviously can't stand down, but he can't refute. You can imagine the depression in his heart.

"I told you about the cauldron and the fire, let's take a look at the fusion of medicinal materials!"

Knowing that the other party could not answer, Zhang Xuan was too lazy to continue asking, and came to the shelf holding medicinal materials: "Acupoint Moistening Pill requires a total of forty-seven kinds of medicines. Among so many medicines, some have similar properties, some have conflicting properties, and there is no control over it. The previous conflict could easily make the elixir useless!"

"Let me tell you the order of Alchemist Bai first!"

"He was the first one to put in the machini grass! The mahogany cabbage is smooth and smooth and resistant to high temperatures. Its medicinal power needs to be quenched by fire before it can be extracted. The first one to put it into the furnace can be exposed to heat earlier and stimulate its medicinal properties. , this is right. But... the mistake is that he put in the rhinoplasty, and after seven breaths, he put in the second medicinal ingredient, palm split flower!"

"The Rhizoctonia paniculata he took, if I read it correctly, is only half a year old. The medicinal power is not strong. It is basically concentrated on the leaves and has not penetrated into the meridians. This kind of medicine will lose its potency when exposed to heat. Normally, it would take four breaths to put it into the Palm Split Flower, but he postponed it until the seventh, causing the medicine to lose 13% of its effectiveness, failure!"

"The Palm Split Flower is five years old and has relatively strong medicinal power. When refining, it should be slowly lowered against the left side of the cauldron. The falling process takes about one and a half breaths. During this time, the hot cauldron can bring out the medicinal effect. , better integrated with Tongxincao. And Alchemist Bai Ming directly threw the medicinal materials in, causing it to lose the opportunity to contact the furnace in advance. The medicinal effect was not fully exerted, and it lost 14%. It failed!"

"The medicinal properties of these two medicinal materials are slightly conflicting. Then he should put the neutralizing flamboyant grass in, but he put in the violent attribute alone. Because the two medicinal properties conflicted, he lost 11% again, failed!"

"It has unique yang attributes and is naturally hot. After entering the hot furnace, it is the right way to immediately add cool grass to neutralize it. However, Alchemist Bai Ming added Anemarrhena. The medicinal properties of Anemarrhena are compatible with any medicine. It is the best choice to neutralize all drugs, but precisely because of this, the Yang attribute of Du* is completely resolved, resulting in the effect of Moistening Point Pill being greatly reduced, and it fails!"

"… fail!"

"… fail!"

"… fail!"

Zhang Xuan spoke faster and faster, like a machine gun. Every word was well-founded and well-founded. Every failure made him want to hit Alchemist Bai Ming in the face with a giant hammer, making his face become paler and his body more... It's an involuntary tremor.

Refining alchemy is not a child's play. The same medicinal materials have different effects in different years. It involves various combinations and the integration of furnaces, etc. It is complicated and complicated. It is just a moistening pill. If I want to explain it in detail, I don't have three days to do it. I can’t finish it!

Because of this, the Alchemist profession ranks high among the top nine professions.

"He... everything he said is right!"

"You can remember the order in which Alchemist Bai Ming put the forty-seven medicinal materials after just one glance at the alchemy. What kind of memory is this?"

"Remembering the order is nothing, the key is... you can tell the age of each medicinal plant at a glance, how to mix it to better exert the effect of the medicine... Or is it just a human?"

"Listening to what he said, there are too many things that need to be combined to make an elixir. No wonder my elixirs are never perfect or even elixir-shaped. I see..."

After hearing Zhang Xuan's words, everyone was speechless. They were all dumbfounded as if they had been hit in the head.

Damn it!

This is called alchemy!

We were wasting medicinal materials and insulting the profession of alchemist!

It is foreseeable that if he really uses his method to refine elixirs, the elixirs will definitely be upgraded to a higher level. Perfection and elixir patterns are no longer a dream!

This is no longer a theory accessible to first-level alchemists, but something that only higher-level alchemists can master.

Everyone was surprised. Alchemist Bai Ming on one side wanted to die.

Listening to what the other party said, he was a complete failure. He was not refining elixirs, he was simply refining shit!

The key is... At least the shit refining is not wasted, and after he finished practicing the elixir, it was equivalent to wasting all the medicinal materials...


His chest became more and more depressed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He had always thought that he was very talented in alchemy and was a truly brilliant alchemist. After hearing the other party's words, he realized that his level was not even as good as that of a child!

He was very confident before, but after listening to the other party's continuous talk, his self-confidence lost. Now, he may not even dare to get closer to the alchemy furnace.

The body was trembling. Alchemist Bai Ming, who was so high-spirited just now and wanted to cause trouble for Zhang Xuan, became increasingly ugly, as if he was possessed.

After a moment, he gritted his teeth.

"Yeah, with my level, what kind of elixir can I make? It's just a waste of natural resources and a waste of medicinal materials! From today on, I understand that if I don't refine a single elixir, if I violate this oath, I will be punished by heaven and earth!"

An oath sounded.


"Aren't you going to make alchemy again?"

"Alchemist Bai Ming..."

After hearing the oath he swore, everyone was stunned, and each one of them trembled involuntarily, with a feeling of sadness in their hearts.

A dignified alchemist who vowed not to refine alchemy would be like bidding farewell to the world of elixirs. A lifetime of hard work would have been wasted.

And the reason why this happened turned out to be just an alchemy apprentice who pointed out the shortcomings of his alchemy!

"Is he too reckless..."

An alchemist couldn't help but said.

"What would happen if you were the first to be blamed?" Another alchemist couldn't help but ask.

"I..." The first alchemist paused, unable to say a word.

The other party was right. If it was him instead of Alchemist Bai Ming who refined the elixir just now, he found out that his methods and actions were useless and all his efforts were useless. I am afraid that the confidence that he had persisted for many years would collapse in an instant!

Once this kind of confidence is lost, even if you want to make alchemy in the future, you will have no choice. Rather than that, it is better to just swear not to make alchemy again!

Alchemy is not fried beans, it is not a child's play, state of mind, technique, self-confidence... all are indispensable. If you lose your self-confidence, what else can you call an alchemist

"Just by pointing out the shortcomings, a veteran alchemist loses confidence and never dares to make alchemy again..."

This thought came to everyone's mind at the same time, and they looked at Zhang Xuan again, their hearts twitching.

No wonder he made it clear from the beginning that he didn't want to talk about the flaws in alchemy. I originally thought that he couldn't see it and deliberately used his strengths to make up for his weaknesses. Now I know... people don't know, but they know too much and are afraid to tell them. You are so shocked that you feel ashamed!

Brother, we just want to ask, are you an alchemy apprentice, or are we