Library of Heaven’s Path

Chapter 149: Teach marksmanship


"Okay, as long as you don't default on your debt." Zhang Xuan smiled and agreed directly.

"Teacher Zhang… "

Hearing that he actually made this decision, Zhao Ya and others all looked anxious.

Are you kidding me

Although their cultivation has improved a lot in the past few days, it is impossible to fight against a teacher...

If you agree directly, isn't this waiting to admit defeat

"Since you are so confident, well, should they go together or fight one by one?"

Zhou Tian looked over with a smile.

Zhang Xuan only has five students in total. Even if his cultivation level is lowered, he is still no match for him in a wheel battle.

"Wagon battle? You are overthinking it. With your strength, any student from me can defeat you!" Zhang Xuan shook his head.

"you… "

Seeing the other party's contempt, Zhou Tian's face turned very ugly.

Too lazy to pay attention to this guy, Zhang Xuan looked at Zhao Ya and others.

When he saw it, everyone felt nervous.

They can't win the battle stage, so they challenge the teacher...

"You guys didn't fight just now, so asking you to challenge Teacher Zhou is really... overkill, Zheng Yang, it's you!" Zhang Xuan looked around and pointed.

Hearing this, everyone around them was stunned.

Brother, can you pretend to be realistic like this

Even if you really want to pretend, you have to be realistic, right

This Zheng Yang, let’s not talk about his lack of strength. He just had a big battle and his physical strength has been almost exhausted. You didn’t realize that he can’t even lift a gun. Now if you ask him to kill a chicken, I’m afraid he won’t even be able to kill it. And let him and Battle on Sunday

And also... overkill

What a waste of money!

Looking at this guy's appearance, even if Zhou Tian doesn't take action, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on for long and will fall on his own...

Not only did everyone have weird expressions, but even Zheng Yang's mouth twitched.

"Teacher, I..."

He was going crazy.

Is Teacher Zhang kidding

I know very well how much he weighs. Now, any student can't resist him, and he still wants to fight Teacher Zhou Tian... Not to mention that he has suppressed his cultivation to the first level of a warrior. Even if he suppresses it to nothing... he still can't defeat him!

Just as he was about to tell Teacher Zhang about his physical condition, before he finished speaking, he heard the other party's faint voice: "Don't be happy, it's not too late to be happy after defeating this Teacher Zhou!"


So happy!

I'm about to cry, can't you see

Zheng Yang's body was shaking and he felt like he would faint at any time.

"Looking for death..."

Seeing this scene, Zhou Tian thought that Zhang Xuan was deliberately embarrassing him, and the corners of his mouth twitched angrily, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Before the battle, I taught him a new marksmanship move. Teacher Zhou should be fine, right?"

Ignoring the weird expressions of the people around him, Zhang Xuan looked at Zhou Tian.

"I'm afraid it's too late to think about buying a ring just before I get married!" Zhou Tian snorted.

"It doesn't matter whether it's late or not, as long as I can beat you!" Zhang Xuan smiled faintly and came to Zheng Yang: "Come, the teacher will teach you a spear technique, watch it carefully and learn it hard!"

After speaking, he took the spear from the opponent's hand, shook his palm, and stabbed it out crookedly.

This move seems to have no rules and is extremely random. It doesn't look like a move at all. It seems like it was thrust out casually, just for fun.

"This guy... isn't here to make fun of me, is he?"

"What the hell is this called marksmanship? Bring a boar over and let it see a sow in heat. Can the marksmanship be better than this?"

"I've seen people cheating on their fathers and mothers. This is the first time I've seen people cheating on students. Zheng Yang is probably doomed!"

"With a teacher like this, no matter how great he is, he will still be defeated..."

Zhang Xuan taught him face to face, without hiding anything. Everyone saw clearly the appearance of his move, and everyone felt that they could not wrap their heads around it.

Is this also called marksmanship

Even if it is used as a fire stick to pick out the flames, it is several times more sophisticated than this trick...

"Have you learned it?"

Ignoring everyone's comments, Zhang Xuan looked at Zheng Yang.


Zheng Yang cried.

Do you need to learn this trick

He held a gun for the first time since he was six years old... His tricks are much more powerful than this...

"Okay, now that you've learned it, let's defeat Teacher Zhou!"

Zhang Xuan nodded and patted Zheng Yang with his palm.

After hearing his explanation, Zheng Yang was about to cry when he felt Teacher Zhang's palm contact with his shoulder, and a strong surge of true energy surged along his meridians instantly.

This zhenqi is unparalleled and extremely pure. Wherever it goes, the previously blocked meridians in the body are broken open. It is like the body has broken some kind of shackles in an instant. Just like taking a big tonic pill, the whole body's fatigue disappears. Exhausted, the whole person regained his energy.

Fatigue, like serious illness, is also caused by blockage of meridians. These blockages are nothing at all under the pure Qi of Zhang Xuanjing.

"Don't resist, follow the direction of my Qi movement and adjust your breathing!"

While I was wondering, Teacher Zhang's voice message rang in my ears.

Knowing that the teacher could not harm him, Zheng Yang hurriedly concentrated and adjusted his breathing.

Click! Click! Click!

The true energy that entered the body immediately circulated in a special way along the meridians. For a moment, Zheng Yang felt as if he had turned into a spear that could pierce the sky at any time.

"This is... the internal energy movement method of marksmanship?"

At this moment, no matter how stupid Zheng Yang was, he understood what was going on.

Whether it is marksmanship or martial arts, there are not only tricks, but the most important thing is the method of inner breath movement.

Only when the inner breath is correct can the marksmanship be activated and exert its strongest power. Otherwise, the so-called tricks are only a little fancy at best and have almost no power.

Although Zheng Yang had never been exposed to any powerful marksmanship, he had been with guns since he was a child, and his marksmanship had already been integrated into his bones. As soon as this inner breath method was formed in his body, he immediately understood that it was better than all the marksmanship he had learned or even seen. Much smarter!

The trick just now seems ordinary, and even a fool can learn it, but when paired with this set of mental methods, it is to simplify the complex and it is clever but not laborious!

"There are such powerful tricks in the world..."

For a moment, his face was full of dementia and he couldn't believe it.

This move can no longer be described as mysterious, it is simply unimaginable.

While I was getting excited, Teacher Zhang's voice sounded in my ears again.

"Don't hesitate, quickly familiarize yourself with the inner flow method, and then match it well with your marksmanship!"


Knowing that Teacher Zhang was teaching him superb marksmanship, Zheng Yang stopped thinking and concentrated on understanding the movement of his body and mind.

Every martial skill has a special method of inner breath movement. The practitioner has to open up the blocked meridians little by little, just like paving the way. This is extremely troublesome and requires a lot of energy.

Take the current Zheng Yang as an example. His cultivation level is no higher than the warrior level 1 Gathering Breath Realm. He only has inner breath in his body and has not even formed the true energy. If he wants to learn this trick to open up the circulation channel of inner breath, he will not be able to do it without a year or two of effort. possible.

However, things are different now.

Teacher Zhang's zhenqi is extremely pure. Wherever it goes, all the blocked areas in the body are smoothed out. In less than two breaths, a smooth circulation is created, and the inner breath is flowing freely without any restrictions.

"Is this...done?"

With his inner breath flowing smoothly, Zheng Yang immediately understood that he had mastered this set of marksmanship completely, as if he had been immersed in it for several years.

"Okay, this true energy will stay in your body for now. You can continue to pretend that you have no strength. When fighting Zhou Tian, be sure to hit with one hit!"

Zhang Xuan's voice continued to come.

Knowing what he meant, Zheng Yang nodded secretly, wondering at the same time... Why could Teacher Zhang's Qi stay in his body without conflict

The martial arts practiced by warriors are different, and the attributes of Qi are also different. Therefore, if one person's Qi enters another person's body, not to mention that it cannot help a breakthrough, it can easily conflict and lead to obsession.

When Teacher Zhang's energy entered his body, there was no conflict or contradiction at all, which made him a little incredible.

However, he also knew that this was not the time to think about this, so he "struggled" and held his fist: "Teacher Zhou, come on!"

After saying that, he wandered towards the division battle platform.

Seeing that he was about to be blown by the wind at any time, everyone watching the excitement looked at each other.

Damn, are you serious

After learning the marksmanship that a pig can perform, and having a body that can faint at any time, how to fight...

Zhou Tian also twitched, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

Fell into a trap.

This guy must have planned to abandon this student a long time ago and deliberately embarrass himself.

He taught me a trick that can't even kill a chicken, and used it against me... Doesn't it mean that I am not even as good as a chicken

"Zhang Xuan, you are cruel!"

Thinking that the opponent was deliberately humiliating himself, Zhou Tian gritted his teeth and jumped onto the competition stage.

"I hope Teacher Zhou will show mercy..."

Pretending to be weak, Zheng Yang struggled to lift the spear.

Seeing him making such a simple move, he was so exhausted that he was sweating profusely, and everyone was speechless.

No one has challenged the division battle platform for many years. I didn’t expect that the first challenge would be so weird.

When word got out, it would really shock the world and make ghosts and gods cry.

"Teacher... How about I take Zheng Yang's place?"

Zhao Ya couldn't help but said.

"Just watch!" Zhang Xuan didn't explain.

Seeing the teacher's confident look, Zhao Ya was filled with doubts, but she didn't dare to ask any more questions and looked towards the stage again.

"Show mercy? If you want to blame, blame it on you, Teacher Zhang!"

Guessing Zhang Xuan's intention, Zhou Tian felt angry.

"Then... the student would be rude!"

Zheng Yang knew that if he didn't take action, the other party wouldn't be able to take action first due to his status, so he didn't waste any time, flicked his spear, and stabbed straight through.

The tip of the spear was crooked and seemed to have no strength at all.

It was the rubbish trick Zhang Xuan taught just now.


Seeing that this guy really dared to use it, Zhou Tian became even more angry. With a cold snort, he suppressed his cultivation to the warrior's first-level concentration state without using weapons, and faced him with his palm.

Bare hands versus spear!

Even so, no one in the audience was optimistic about Zheng Yang, thinking that this guy would definitely be unlucky.

"It's this time..."

Seeing that the other party was indeed contemptuous, he rushed forward with bare hands. Zheng Yang's eyes lit up, and the zhenqi retained in Zhang Xuan's body suddenly aroused, and his whole appearance changed instantly. If he was a docile sheep just now, now he has changed. Become a ferocious tiger.


A spear gleam pierced straight out and pierced Zhou Tian's chest.


His pupils shrank, and Zhou Tianhan's hair suddenly exploded.