Library of Heaven’s Path

Chapter 151: Treating Du Miaoxuan


"Teacher, this marksmanship..."

Entering the room, Zheng Yang couldn't bear it anymore.

"I just created this spear technique, and I will read the training method to you now!"

Zhang Xuan recited the exercises once.

"This this… "

After listening to the formula, Zheng Yang was stunned.

This marksmanship is so brilliant. Compared with the marksmanship I have learned before, it is simply rubbish.

I used to think that this set of marksmanship was crooked and the posture was not good-looking, but it turned out that was not the case at all.

This move emphasizes the meaning rather than the form. It can be used to be ugly or extremely gorgeous. Although there is only one move, it is better than countless spear techniques. It is ever-changing and infinitely powerful.

"Okay, I have completely taught you this set of marksmanship. You are not allowed to pass it on to anyone without my permission!" Zhang Xuan said.

"Yes!" Zheng Yang prostrated himself and kowtowed several times solemnly.

Having been immersed in marksmanship for many years, he naturally knows how precious this set of marksmanship is, and he also understands what kind of bloody chaos it will bring if it is leaked.

"Although this marksmanship is simple, it is the basis of all marksmanship. There are still more than ten days left. I hope you can make a big breakthrough. Don't let me down for all my hard work!"

Zhang Xuan explained.

"Teacher, don't worry!" Zheng Yang looked firm, then raised his head: "Teacher, I wonder what the name of this marksmanship is?"

"Name? I haven't chosen it yet. If you think about it, just pick one!" Zhang Xuan waved his hand.

Although he named the Tiandao Spear Technique himself, it was just a general term. The moves still had to have names. He was too lazy to think of them, so he let the student think of them.

"Yes!" Knowing the teacher's nature, Zheng Yang resisted the shock of almost fainting and walked out.

He left and Zhang Xuan rubbed his brows.

Wang Ying and Liu Yang will definitely improve by leaps and bounds after solving hidden physical dangers. Yuan Tao and Zhao Ya will definitely make faster progress by activating their physiques. Only Zheng Yang is slightly weaker than everyone else. However, now that he has this spear technique, who will be the winner in more than ten days? It’s really unknown whether it will be better.

After calling a few students over and giving some instructions, Zhang Xuan left the academy.

… … … … …

"You said... Du Miaoxuan has been kneeling at the door for a day?"

"Although Du Miaoxuan failed to compete for the head of the family due to a serious illness, he is still the number one person. He knelt at the door for a day... Could it be that the other party is really a famous teacher?"

"If it's true, we really guessed wrong before..."

Zhang Xuan left the mansion to learn and teach marksmanship, and the entire Tianxuan King's City was already in a state of excitement.

If many people didn't believe what happened to Ling Tianyu before, Du Miaoxuan knelt at the door for a day, which made them shaken.

The elder of the Du family, one of the four great families, who once competed for the head of the family, knelt at someone else's door. I am afraid that only a famous teacher could have such courage.

"Go over and check out the situation!"

"What on earth is going on? If you really want to be sure that you are a famous teacher, the best thing to do is seize the time to make friends with him!"

As the news spread, countless powerful and powerful families could no longer hold back and sent people to inquire about the news. Even some of the family heads in charge and the leaders of the party came in person.

Luo Chong is one of them.

He is the president of the Tianxuan King City's Weapon Refiner Guild, and is a solid mid-level one-star Weapon Refiner.

The highest level weapon refining master in Tianxuan Kingdom.

Even His Majesty Shen Zhui has to spend a lot of money to buy the weapons he refines. Countless dignitaries want them but they can't get them. Every time he refines a weapon, countless people are after it and sell it to sky-high prices.

Originally, with his status and status, even if a famous teacher came over, he would not be involved, and there would be no need to please or make friends with him.

After all, although the weapon refiner is not as good as a famous teacher, he is still at the top of the ninth-level professions and has his own dignity and status.

But...he still came.

Because others don't know, only he knows that recently, when refining weapons, he has never been able to be as calm as water, and the things he refines often collapse in the last step and become waste.

The various steps of refining the weapon were no different from before. I thought it was a matter of physical strength and energy, and I spent several days recuperating on this, but in the end... there was no change at all.

The top weapon refiner in the Tianxuan Kingdom is dignified, but he is unable to refine the weapon... Once word spreads, not only will his status be affected, I am afraid that his former opponents and enemies will also catch wind of it and make him fall into the clouds.

Therefore, when I heard that a famous teacher had arrived in the city, I couldn't help it anymore and quietly came over to see if it was true.

If it is true, no matter how costly it is, the problem must be clarified and solved.

"It's indeed Du Miaoxuan!"

Standing at a corner of the street and looking at the middle-aged man kneeling in the middle of the road not far away, Luo Chong recognized him.

The most famous elder of the Du family was not known to many in the entire Tianxuan City hierarchy. He had specifically asked him to refine a sword, so he could still be recognized at a glance even though he was far away.

"This guy has always been cautious. For him to be so willing to kneel down, the people in this mansion will definitely be able to help him solve the problem, and... make him convinced!"

After just one glance, Luo Chong made a judgment in his heart.

If the people in the yard don't have a high enough status to help him solve the problem, Du Miaoxuan will kneel down like this, which is equivalent to a slap in the face, and he will never do it.


Just as he was making random guesses, the door of the mansion creaked open, and a fat butler walked out.

"Our master lets you in!"

Sun Qiang waved his hand.

"Thank you, Butler Sun, for your kind words..." Du Miaoxuan stood up excitedly.

"Let's go!"

Sun Qiang didn't waste any words. He led the way, several people entered the courtyard, and the door of the mansion was tightly closed again.


"Du Miaoxuan has gone in. You should be able to understand by looking at his behavior when he comes out after a while!"

"Yeah, just keep waiting..."

The many powerful informants hiding around him were not in a hurry to leave when they saw him entering the mansion, and they continued to focus their attention on him one by one.

Luo Chong was not in a hurry and waited quietly.

… … … … … …

"It's me who can't see Mount Tai. Please ask Master Yang to atone for my sin!"

As soon as he entered the room, Du Miaoxuan lost his previous doubts and pride and knelt down directly on the ground.

"Get up!"

Zhang Xuan waved his hand.

After returning from the academy, he found a secluded place, disguised himself as "Yang Xuan" again, and returned to the mansion.

After walking for a long time, he also wiped out this guy's arrogance, and then let Sun Qiang come in.

"Please Master Yang, please save me regardless of previous suspicions!" Du Miaoxuan did not get up, but continued to kneel on the ground.

"Since I let you in, I will naturally take action. Get up!" Zhang Xuan said calmly.

After hearing this, Du Miaoxuan's face lit up and he stood up hurriedly.

Du Yuan, who was following behind, also had his eyes lit up, and he was also a little confused.

Didn't my father suffer from a serious illness before? Is it possible that this famous teacher in front of me can even cure the diseases he had in the past

"You know why I called you a beast before!"

Zhang Xuan looked over.

"I know!" Du Miaoxuan responded.

Sun Qiang and Du Yuan couldn't help but nod.

Previously, Master Yang only took one look and called Elder Du a beast. He thought he was insulting him, but now it seems that it may not be that simple.

However, what puzzled them was, what on earth could make him call him a beast? Not only was he not angry at all, but he was also full of excitement

However, they didn't wonder for too long before Zhang Xuan's voice rang out.

"Ten years ago, everyone knew that you were ill and your cultivation had plummeted. But in fact, if I read it correctly, you... integrated the blood of the Snow Wolf Beast into your body in an attempt to exchange blood!"

"Doing this will cause the body to be poisoned by the wolf beast. Every noon, the whole body will be covered with white hair, becoming neither human nor beast, looking like an animal. Am I right?"

"Yes, what Master Yang said is absolutely correct!"

Du Miaoxuan nodded quickly.

Although he had said that he was a beast before, so he knew that the other party must have seen the symptoms, but what he said now was accurate, and he was still shocked.

As expected of a truly famous teacher, his eyesight is astonishing. This is a problem that even the master of the original language has not noticed.

"this… "

"The blood of a snow wolf beast? White hair all over its body?"

After hearing Zhang Xuan's words, Sun Qiang, Du Yuan and others understood what was going on.

Especially the latter, his body couldn't help but tremble.

No wonder his father had the habit of drinking herbal tea at noon every day without seeing anyone. He originally thought it was developed by his father over the years, but he never dreamed that this was the reason.

Every afternoon white hair grows all over his body... He was afraid of being seen, so he hid on purpose!

A person is covered with hair... What is he but a beast

No wonder when Master Yang said it, his father not only did not refute, but also knelt directly outside the door... The root cause is here.

"Snow Wolf Beast is a seventh-level savage beast. Its strength is equivalent to the seventh-level Tongxuan realm of a warrior. It is covered in white hair and is as fast as the wind. Its blood is one of the main materials for refining [Tongxuan Pill]. It has the ability to dredge meridians and improve The role of cultivation. You must have read some secret books to exchange blood with the Snow Wolf Beast, and mistakenly thought that once you succeed, your cultivation will definitely improve!"

Ignoring everyone's shock, Zhang Xuan continued.

"Yes!" Du Miaoxuan smiled bitterly and nodded quickly.

It was exactly the same as Master Yang said. He had indeed read the records in a secret book and believed that as long as the blood exchange was successful, he would definitely be able to enter the Tongxuan realm and become a seventh-level warrior master.

Who would have thought that it would become the beginning of a nightmare.

The whole body is covered with white hair every day, and you can imagine the pain you endure even if it only lasts for about half an hour.

To be able to persist for ten years is only because of his mental toughness, otherwise, he would definitely have committed suicide long ago.

"I was young and didn't know whether it was true or false, so I believed it rashly... I hope Master Yang can save me!" Du Miaoxuan said, cupping his fists.

Now that I think about it, there was really something wrong with my brain back then.

I accidentally obtained an ancient book and thought it was a treasure. I went deep into the barren land and used many methods to hunt down a snow wolf beast in exchange for blood. I thought I had achieved great success and directly took over as the leader of the clan. I never imagined that I would become the leader of the clan. This is the result.

What's wrong with your brain

"Don't tell the truth? That secret book of yours... is real!" Zhang Xuan said.

"Really?" Du Miaoxuan wanted to say something else. Hearing this, his whole body was shocked: "How is this possible? If it is true, how could I become like this..."

If what the secret book said was true, how could I have been a human and a ghost for so many years

How could it be possible that his cultivation had regressed from the acupuncture point realm to the Dali realm, and never recovered from the fall