Library of Heaven’s Path

Chapter 156: Assessment of calligraphy and painting


As his fame increased, the famous teacher Zhang Xuan pretended to be, "Yang Xuan", became more relaxed.

Three million gold coins, even if there are many rich people in Tianxuan City, can take it out and give it away without any hesitation, it is not too much. If such a person does not encounter a problem that is difficult to solve, he will definitely not dare Disturbing the tranquility of a famous teacher.

After President Ouyang and Master Chen Xiao left, the courtyard became quiet again.

After resting all morning, no one came over. Zhang Xuan took off his disguise again and returned to the academy.

"Teacher, Miss Huang Yu is looking for you and is waiting in class..."

Before returning to class, Yuan Tao came to greet him.

"What does she want from me?"

Zhang Xuan was stunned, knowing that Yuan Tao couldn't answer either, so he stopped asking any more questions. When he returned to class, he saw Miss Huang Yu standing in the room, as quiet as a painting.

She was able to become a famous teacher's apprentice not just because she was the daughter of the president of the teachers' guild. This calm and quiet temperament made people naturally fond of her.

Sure enough, when she stood in the room, Zheng Yang, Yuan Tao and others glanced at her from time to time. Zhao Ya was so angry that she hit her head on the wall and wanted to kill someone.

There is no difference between this girl and Wang Ying, okay? Why don't you look at us secretly during class


"Master Zhang!"

Ignoring the thoughts of these little girls, Huang Yu's eyes lit up when he saw him coming back, and he hurried over.

"Does Miss Huang have anything to do with me?" Zhang Xuan was confused.

"Master Lu asked me to invite you over." Huang Yu clasped his fists.

"Is he going to take me to the palace library?" Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up.

Lu Chen had previously promised to take him to the palace library to search for the secret book of the Acupuncture Realm, but he gave up because His Majesty Shen Zhui was not in the royal city. Now he specifically asked Huang Yu to find him. Things should have progressed.

"Uh... no!" Huang Yu was a little embarrassed: "Master Lu wants to assess me and Bai Xun, and he plans to let you be the judge."

"Judges?" Zhang Xuan was stunned.

Huang Yu and Bai Xun both wanted Master Lu Chen's "Mo Xuan Tu". The latter gave the rule that whoever has a deeper study of calligraphy and painting will give it to him. Because of this, the two came to Zhang Xuan a few days ago. , I wanted some advice on calligraphy and painting, but I didn’t know anything about calligraphy and painting, so I had to talk a few random words. As a result, the two of them found a treasure and studied with concentration. Now it should be the final assessment.

"Yes, Master Lu knows that you have in-depth research on calligraphy and painting and can give the most pertinent judgment, so if you want me to invite you, you must go there..." Huang Yu said.

Zhang Xuan’s eyebrows jumped.

He doesn't even know what a paintbrush is, yet he still makes a fair judgment... Master Lu really thinks highly of him.

However, after receiving benefits from others and hoping to use them to gain access to the kingdom's library, it was naturally difficult to refuse.

In addition, Huang Yu opened her mouth and she helped a lot in the matter of Xuexin's torture.

"Okay, as long as you don't think I'm talking nonsense, when will we start?"

Nodding, Zhang Xuan responded.

"We originally agreed to start at noon, but you haven't been here... But if we go now, we should be able to make it in time." Huang Yu said.

"Noon?" Zhang Xuan was stunned.

He woke up early in the day and waited for a long time before wandering out. It was almost noon... He was testing today, and right now, he was a little too anxious!

"Yeah!" Huang Yu nodded.

"Okay!" Seeing that the other party looked like he had to be taken away, Zhang Xuan knew that it was useless to refuse, so he had to give the student a few words and followed him out of the academy.

"I know it's difficult to learn calligraphy and painting, and it doesn't seem to be easy to compete!"

Zhang Xuan couldn't help but ask on the way.

He had never heard of the calligraphy and painting competition and did not know the rules.

You can't let her and Bai Xun paint at the same time and then compare them.

Huang Yu was from the teachers' guild, and he was an apprentice of a famous teacher. Even if he didn't have any special training, he was definitely very good at it. As for Bai Xun... this guy who only knew how to compete in martial arts, it was really hard for him to figure out how the other person was holding a pen and painting.

"The assessment was set by Master Lu and Master Yuanyu. Neither Bai Xun nor I knew the news in advance, and we don't know exactly how the assessment will be conducted!" Huang Yu shook his head.

"Master of the original language?" Zhang Xuan looked over in confusion.

Isn't this guy a famous doctor in Tianxuan King City? What rules should be set for calligraphy and painting

"Master Yuan Yu is not only a master of medicine, but also has great achievements in calligraphy and painting. Even Master Lu is full of praise for him. A painting of "River Birds", in which the Qingjiang River diverts water, is lifelike. Painting on a boat actually attracts birds. It screams endlessly and becomes a good story."

Huang Yu's eyes shone with admiration.

"So powerful?" Zhang Xuan clicked his tongue.

He had heard about Master Yuan Yu ever since he accepted Wang Ying. He always thought he was just a doctor. He never dreamed that he could be so good at calligraphy and painting.

Being able to attract real birds when painting is enough to demonstrate his skill. Even if he is not as good as Master Lu Chen, he is certainly not far behind.

"Yes, Master Lu not only invited you this time, he also invited him, saying that only three people can be the judge," Huang Yu said.

Zhang Xuan nodded.

Since there are two real calligraphy and painting masters in charge, I can just make up the numbers. When the time comes, I can just follow the crowd, so I don’t need to be so nervous.

Anyway, he knows nothing about calligraphy and painting. It was thanks to the library that he restrained Master Lu last time. After a while, he will have to talk less to avoid revealing his flaws.

The two of them talked while walking, and soon they came to Master Lu Chen's mansion again.

Before they even arrived, the housekeeper, Uncle Cheng, came up to him and said, "Master Zhang, Miss Huang, why are you here? Master Yuanyu said he was going to visit someone in the afternoon, so he can't wait."

"I went out and made Miss Huang wait for a long time." Zhang Xuan felt a little embarrassed.

The other party had made a reservation for noon, but unfortunately he had been away from the college in the past few days, so it was difficult to find him, so the time was wasted.

"Please!" After hearing what he said, the uncle didn't dare to say anything more and greeted the two of them to move forward.

With my own courtyard, I have a different feeling when I return here again.

Although it is simple and elegant, the decoration is extremely exquisite in details. Compared with the rented mansion, it is far worse and not on the same level at all.

Of course, if the rented mansion was really decorated by a famous artist, it would definitely not look like that. The place where a businessman lives would naturally not be comparable to that of a master of calligraphy and painting.

Following Cheng Bo, he soon arrived at the living room. When he looked up, he saw Master Lu Chen and an old man sitting opposite each other, drinking tea. The extremely flamboyant Bai Xun was hiding to one side, with an anxious look on his face. Looking around, when he saw the two of them, he was immediately overjoyed and came to greet them.

"Master Zhang, you are here..."

Zhang Xuan nodded and looked at the master of the original language who was famous in Wangcheng.

He looks sixty or seventy years old, with a snow-white beard. Although he is not young, his eyes are bright and energetic, giving people a sense of energy. He is worthy of being a doctor. At such a young age, he still has such spirit. He is indeed famous. There is no false scholar.

"Little brother, you are here."

Master Lu Chen stood up with a smile.

"Master Lu Chen!" Zhang Xuan cupped his fists.

"Well, come, let me introduce you. This is the master of Yuanyu, who is also my best friend and a master of calligraphy and painting." Lu Chen smiled and introduced to both parties: "Yuanyu, this is the little brother Zhang Xuan that I mentioned to you. , although he is young, his attainments in calligraphy and painting are probably not inferior to those of you and me."

"Master is overly praised. I just... casually... learned casually." Zhang Xuan said hurriedly.

The last time I came here to see Master Lu's paintings, it was because he had a powerful cheating device. If I really let him observe it, he wouldn't be able to figure it out in three years.

"There is no age in learning, and those who have mastered it are their teachers. If you can see Lu Chen's [Summer and Autumn Pictures] and [Chixiong Xiaotian] and point out the problems, your eyesight is very good. There are fewer and fewer young people like this." .”

The master of primitive language spoke.

The voice is calm and clear, giving people a light warmth.

It seemed that he heard what Lu Chen said about Zhang Xuan and looked over with curiosity.

"That's ridiculous..." Zhang Xuan clasped his fists again.

He didn't know the names of the two paintings from last time until now.

If Lu Chen and Yuan Yu knew what he was thinking, they would definitely vomit blood on the spot.

When calligraphers and painters paint, they will leave their names and various inscriptions and handwritings on them. After they disappear with time, they can also be remembered throughout the ages and resound to future generations.

Because of this, when he looked at the two paintings, there were names on them, but they were in special fonts favored by calligraphers and painters, and they were very sloppy, so he couldn't recognize them.

Even calligraphy and painting apprentices can understand the fonts, but he doesn't recognize them, and he doesn't even know that they are the names of paintings... To compare to a master at this level... He really has the shame to admit it...

A few people exchanged some polite words.

I have to say that this master of primitive language is quite easy to get along with. Others would definitely feel contempt when seeing Zhang Xuan at such a young age. Instead of him, he showed admiration.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's get started!"

Master Lu Chen stroked his beard.


Huang Yu and Bai Xun nodded at the same time.

"There is only one copy of Mo Xuan's painting, and it can only be given to one of you, so I made this assessment. Firstly, I don't want to give famous paintings to people who don't know how to calligraphy and painting. Secondly, I also want to hone you and make you quit. Beware of arrogance and impatience, especially Bai Xun.”

Master Lu Chen looked at the two of them and said calmly.

With his status, although he cherishes Mo Xuan Tu, he will definitely give it to the junior if he asks. The reason why the assessment is set is to let the two of them get in touch with calligraphy and painting more and learn more.

He loved calligraphy and painting all his life, and even threw all his youth into it. Seeing that there was no successor, he was naturally a little anxious. Huang Yu and Bai Xun came to ask for help, so they took the opportunity to make rules and let them study hard. Maybe they can succeed in the future. Pass the calligraphy and painting over.

In his words, everyone practices martial arts, and there are fewer and fewer young people who like calligraphy and painting. If there is no further action, I am afraid that this profession will be lost.

Just doing this can also have the effect of sharpening Bai Xun. This guy has an impatient temper and likes to use his fists to solve problems. Learning more calligraphy and painting can cultivate his sentiment and make his temper more stable. Otherwise, how will he inherit this impatient character in the future? To take the throne and fight for the royal family