Library of Heaven’s Path

Chapter 90: Assessment hall


"you… "

It would be okay if he didn't listen to these words. After hearing these words, Wen Xue felt that her chest was bulging and her whole body was about to explode.

I tolerate the blatant accosting, and I tolerate the deliberate ink... If you want to gain favor, you must at least appear knowledgeable and knowledgeable!

That's good. You keep saying you want to test alchemy apprentices, but you don't even know what the test is about, and you don't know what books to read... Do you dare to ask more openly

"What's wrong? You don't know either? If you don't know, I'll ask someone else!"

Seeing her chest rising and falling like a ventilator, Zhang Xuan looked depressed.

Is this woman sick? If you know, tell me in detail. If you don’t know, forget it. Why did she get so startled that she felt like she had a convulsion

Seeing the other party's "Don't fool me if you don't understand" look, Wen Xue almost went crazy.

Okay, let you pretend, wait a while, I will make you look embarrassed!

"To assess an alchemist apprentice, you must remember the properties and characteristics of a hundred thousand kinds of medicine, as well as the history and origin of the alchemist..." Wen Xue explained, suppressing her anger.

An alchemist is a profession that deals with medicinal materials. If you don’t even know the medicinal materials and cannot identify them, how can you make an elixir

The continent is vast, and there are countless medicinal materials. Although one hundred thousand types may seem like a lot, they are actually only the most basic ones. Some alchemists have been dealing with medicinal materials all their lives, and many of them cannot be recognized, let alone Some apprentices.

"Just test these? It's very simple! Where are the books on these medicinal materials? I'm going to take a look now!" Zhang Xuan was stunned when he heard the explanation.

As long as there are books, the Library of Tiandao can form books, and the records enter his mind and become his knowledge.

If he only takes these tests, it will be very simple for him.

This is an ability countless times stronger than photographic memory.


Wen Xue's mouth twitched. If she hadn't worried that the other party was a customer and she was just a service staff, she would have taken action long ago.

Each medicinal material has different characteristics. When combined with other medicinal materials, it will produce various reactions. Memorizing a hundred thousand medicinal materials alone is terrifying, let alone these attributes. Even though she thinks she has a good memory, she has been able to remember it for several years. If you don’t remember it, it’s easy to get confused about the assessment!

He's a playboy who only knows how to pick up girls, but he actually says it's easy

Pretend, keep pretending, let's see how you end up later!

"There are books for sale where the apprentices are assessed. Come with me!"

She concluded in her heart that the other party was deliberately telling lies to attract her attention, and she was no longer so angry. She smiled coldly and walked forward first.

After a short time, I came to a spacious room with three big characters "Assessment Hall" written on it. A middle-aged man was sitting in front of the door, reading a book.

The assessment hall is a place where alchemy apprentices are assessed and no one is allowed to enter indiscriminately.

This middle-aged man also wanted to take the apprenticeship test, but he had been trying for twenty years without success. Like Wen Xue, he studied while working.

Not passing the exam for twenty years shows how difficult it is.

"Uncle Li!" Wen Xue stopped.

"You're here. Do you want to buy books or take exams?"

The middle-aged man named Uncle Li raised his head and smiled.

"It's not me, it's this gentleman. He said he wanted to test the alchemy apprentices!" Wen Xue sneered in her heart and pointed at Zhang Xuan.

Didn’t you say you want to take an assessment? I'll sign you up now, knowing nothing. I'll see how you end up after a while!

To assess apprentices, the alchemist personally sets the questions. Rushing over without knowing anything is tantamount to provoking and irritating the alchemist. Sometimes you cry...

"Do you want to take a test?"

The middle-aged man looked at Zhang Xuan and frowned.

I have studied for more than 20 years and still cannot pass the exam. This guy looks like he is only 18 or 19 years old. What is he taking the exam for

"Yes!" Zhang Xuan nodded.

Only by becoming an alchemy apprentice can you enter the Alchemist Guild's elementary library to read. I have no choice but to play alone!

If the two of them knew what he was thinking, they would definitely bleed to death on the spot.

We study every day and memorize every day, but we can’t do it even after spending years and decades. You haven’t read a single book, but you just want to take a test, and just have fun... Can you pretend to be realistic like this

"The registration fee of two thousand gold coins will be refunded to you if you pass. If you don't pass, there will be no refund! This is to prevent someone who doesn't know anything but comes to waste time!"

Seeing him confirm, the middle-aged man Uncle Li explained the registration rules.

"Okay!" Zhang Xuan casually took out two gold tickets worth one thousand and handed them over.

After gambling and plundering the liar Yang Mo, he is now worth a lot of money, two thousand gold coins is nothing.

"He is indeed a rich dandy!"

Seeing him casually taking out the money without any hesitation, Wen Xue further confirmed her judgment.

Two thousand gold coins, for them, would have taken a long time to save up. This guy just took it out just to get his attention. What is he if he isn't a playboy

It's a pity that no matter how much money is spent in the wrong direction, it will not only fail to achieve the desired effect, but will also turn into a joke!

"Yeah!" After taking the money, Uncle Li nodded and asked Zhang Xuan to fill in a form to record personal information. Then he said: "There happens to be a batch of assessments today, but in two hours, you can come over in two hours. That’s it!”

"Two hours?"

It would take an hour to walk here from school, so it was naturally impossible for him to go back. He looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Do you have any books for apprentice assessment? Can I read here for a while?"

"Want to sharpen your guns before the battle? Yes! There are all of them in that room. You can buy or read whatever you want! However, there are still two hours before you can think about reading, so it may be too late!"

Uncle Li pointed back.

Zhang Xuan looked around and saw a large row of books behind him, densely packed with more than a dozen bookshelves and tens of thousands of books.

"so much?"

No wonder it’s hard for apprentices to take the exam. Not to mention memorizing it, just reading these books will make me exhausted!

"I just want to take a look, no need to buy..." Zhang Xuan walked into the room.

For him, books don't cost money at all. He can just browse them and print them into the library to become his own knowledge. Why did he buy them

"It's quite bearable. I'm going to fight you today. Let's see how long you can keep pretending!"

Seeing that the other party saw so many books, he even pretended to walk in and said he wanted to take a look. Wen Xue did not leave and smiled coldly.

To be honest, I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people!

He obviously didn't know anything, but he confidently signed up for the assessment of alchemy apprentices. It was nothing more than that, and he openly said that he wanted to read a book...

If it weren't for pretense, anyone would feel frightened when seeing so many books, thinking it was an impossible task!

Close to tens of thousands of books... It took me a long time just to move them, and I still read them!

Since you are so shameless, I will just watch you act cool.

At worst, your salary will be deducted today, and you will be embarrassed!

In two hours, let’s see how you smooth things over!

Wen Xue was very angry with this guy and planned to fight with him.