Library of Heaven’s Path

Chapter 91: Three rounds of exams


Zhang Xuan was single in his previous life. He had never been in love and could not guess what the girl was thinking. He did not know that in just ten minutes, he had already made the waiter Wen Xue extremely angry.

However, even if you know, it doesn't matter.

You are beautiful but cannot be used as food. The key point is that compared to Teacher Shen and Huang Yu, you are still far behind. Where do you get the confidence

At this moment, he had no time to care about this. He came to the first row of bookshelves in the room, picked up a dozen books, flipped through them, then put them down, and continued to take down another wave.

Wow! Wow!

The sound of turning books was endless, and each book was soon entered into the Tiandao Library.

While recording and reading, Zhang Xuan also saw that, just as the waiter said, it was indeed the most basic knowledge for alchemists, including the identification, detailed explanation, properties, classification of medicinal materials, and whether the combination of medicinal materials would produce any effects. conflict…

If I were to recite it, I would be exhausted and it would be difficult to complete it.

No wonder the alchemist has a noble status, and just memorizing these things requires more effort than ordinary people.

"What is he doing?"

Wen Xue, who had been waiting to see Zhang Xuan make a fool of himself, saw that he kept flipping through the book and had no intention of reading it. She blinked with a confused look on her face.

"Maybe I didn't find the book I wanted to read, so don't worry about him!"

The middle-aged man, Uncle Li, turned around and took a look, then picked up a book and handed it over: "You should also read it for a while. Time is precious. If you memorize one more lesson, you will pass the exam by accident!"

"Yes!" Wen Xue nodded, said no more, took the book and looked at it carefully.

Any profession requires hard work and cannot be achieved overnight, especially for alchemists.

When refining elixirs, there are often hundreds of medicinal materials in one elixir recipe. If you make a mistake, the medicine bought with countless gold coins will turn into waste. There is no need to be careless.

Soon, two hours passed.

Zhang Xuan also happened to finish flipping through the last few books and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"No wonder it's difficult to test famous teachers. Not to mention other things, just making an alchemy is so complicated!" sighed with emotion.

Teachers, transmitters of knowledge, are needed in all professions. Powerful famous teachers are proficient in various professions. In other words, famous teachers can not only teach people how to cultivate, but also give guidance on alchemy, weapon refining, formations, etc.

Because of this, he is respected and has become the leader of all professions.

Zhang Xuan originally thought that refining elixirs was very simple, as long as he had the recipe, followed the steps, and added the medicinal materials, but now it seems that is not the case at all.

Each medicinal material is of different years and has different properties. When combined with other medicinal materials, it will produce various changes. If you only know how to add medicinal materials, it is impossible to successfully refine it.

An alchemy is so complicated. A powerful master masters multiple professions. It's scary to think about it!

As soon as he walked out of the room, he saw Wen Xue standing not far away with a cold and arrogant face: "I didn't expect that I'm still here!"

"Do you care about my business here?"

Zhang Xuan looked over speechlessly.

I just want to take the alchemy apprenticeship test, so it won’t affect me if you’re here!

"Let you continue to pretend, you will cry later!" Wen Xue gritted her teeth.

"The assessment will start soon, go in!"

The middle-aged man waved his hand.

"Yeah!" Ignoring this self-righteous woman, Zhang Xuan walked into the room.

The room was not big, only dozens of square meters, and there were already several people sitting in it, all of them looking nervous.

After a while, an old man came over.

"He is the Tianxuan Kingdom Alchemist Guild, the only one-star intermediate alchemist, Senior Ouyang Cheng, who is also the president of the Tianxuan Kingdom Guild!"

"Yes! I thought it was Alchemist Duman, but I didn't expect it was him!"

"It's tragic. I heard that he is famous for being strict. There is no luck at all..."

Seeing this old man, several people sitting there looked like they were crying.

Alchemists, like famous teachers, have stars, with one star being the lowest.

Even so, compared to Tianxuan Kingdom, which doesn't even have a one-star famous teacher, having a one-star alchemist is pretty good.

Ignoring everyone's murmurs, the old man Ouyang Cheng walked into the room and looked around: "Everyone who can come here for the assessment must be somewhat confident!"

"Well… "

Everyone was a little embarrassed.

No one can claim to be 100% confident without passing the assessment.

"Since I'm here for the assessment, I'll make it clear that if I'm caught cheating, I'll be banned from the exam for life!" Ouyang Cheng waved his hand.

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

Seeing that they agreed, Ouyang Cheng nodded: "After explaining the rules, I will now talk about the content of the assessment. There are three levels to assess the alchemy apprentices! First, the test paper assessment! The test paper contains randomly selected knowledge about medicinal materials, and only the correct answer rate is Only if it is above 90 will it be considered passed!”

"The second round, time-limited identification! You are given certain medicinal materials, and within a limited time, you can determine what they are, what their effects and properties are! This requirement must be high, and it must be 100% correct to pass!"

"As for the third round, it's relatively simple. It tests your cultivation! You must reach the peak of the third level of the warrior's true energy realm! Why do you want to do this? It's very simple. The alchemist apprentice obeys the alchemist's orders. If your cultivation is too poor, I don’t have any strength, how can I carry the furnace and quickly separate the medicinal materials?”

Those who can come here for the assessment have been studying for I don’t know how many years and they know this process very clearly.

Only Zhang Xuan was a little stranger, but after listening to it, I understood.

It's very simple. As long as you answer it correctly, you can pass. It doesn't seem too difficult...

"Now that everyone understands, let's start with the first step. Answer and write the test paper. The time limit is one hour!"

After Ouyang Cheng finished speaking, he took out the test paper and took it down.

Zhang Xuan glanced at it and twitched the corner of his mouth.

There was a thick stack of test papers, with dozens of them.

Dozens of test papers? An hour

Why is this scene so similar to the previous life

I didn't expect to travel to another world, become a teacher, and have to go through exams...

I'm really drunk just thinking about it.

"Start answering!"

After finishing the test paper and ignoring everyone, Ouyang Cheng stood coldly on one side, with his hands behind his back, standing proudly.

Even if he didn't look at everyone, if someone really cheated, they would definitely be discovered on the spot and kicked out directly.

Zhang Xuan had no intention of cheating and looked down at the test paper.


Picking up the test paper, I whispered in my heart, my mind was shocked, and a book appeared.

After taking a look, Zhang Xuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

I saw the book written: Tianxuan Kingdom Alchemist Guild, Alchemy Apprentice Assessment Test Paper, cast by a craftsman from Baiyifang using wheat straw. Disadvantages: 1. The paper is too poor and should not be stored. It is easy to get insects. Second, it cannot contain ink very well and it is easy to scatter...

Your sister, what I want is the answer to the question, not the shortcomings of these papers!

Resisting the urge to vomit blood, Zhang Xuan ignored the test paper itself and focused on the questions above.