Library of Heaven’s Path

Chapter 93: Mark test papers


In his previous life, when he was in middle school, he also experienced that he liked a girl and deliberately showed it in front of her, even going against her on purpose, just to attract her attention!

This woman has always been against me since she arrived, and I'm afraid it will be the same.

Otherwise, why do you have this attitude

Hey, you said you're not ugly either. You must be pursued by many men. Why are you pestering me

Zhang Xuan felt extremely melancholy.

Being chased doesn't seem to be a good thing.

Alexander, the time traveler!

"Giving up?"

Wen Xue staggered, feeling like a mouthful of blood was about to spit out, and she was going crazy.

It's obvious that you deliberately attracted my attention and please me, okay

When did I deliberately cause trouble for you

Your sister!

Please explain to me, what is that pity look in your eyes? Why should I give up

No matter what, I am a beautiful woman and loved by countless people. Why can’t I get married and I have to find you

The teeth were clattering, and Wen Xue's face kept twitching, as if it was about to explode.

Just when she couldn't bear it any longer and planned to take action against this self-righteous guy, she saw the young man shaking his head with a sigh, walked to a stool on the side and sat down.

The clouds are light and the wind is gentle, not taking away a single cloud.

"Okay, Wen Xue, this is the entrance to the assessment hall. If the alchemist sees it, it will be difficult to take the assessment again in the future!"

Uncle Li spoke.

"Yes!" After hearing this, Wen Xue had to suppress her anger and sat down.

This is the entrance to the assessment hall. Master alchemists often appear. If they see you getting angry and fighting, it will definitely leave a bad impression. It will be difficult for the apprentices to pass the assessment next time.

"You're lucky, the results will come out in a while, let's see how I teach you a lesson!"

Giving this self-righteous guy a cold look, Wen Xue gritted her teeth deep in her heart.

Too lazy to pay attention to the woman who had a "secret crush" on him, Zhang Xuan sat on the stool and carefully sorted out the knowledge he had learned in his mind.

A lot of information about medicinal materials has been summarized by countless ancestors, and there are not many mistakes. Zhang Xuan will find out the mistakes and study them carefully.

His consciousness was immersed in the Tiandao Library. On the assessment side, it was finally time and everyone handed in their test papers.

"Waiting outside the door. If you pass the assessment, you will be notified of the next assessment!"

Ouyang Cheng waved his hand, drove everyone out, picked up the ink pen, and started correcting the test papers one by one.

He changed his mind, his brows raised, his face gloomy and ugly.

"Brother Ouyang, how are you? Can anyone pass this assessment? I just need an apprentice!"

Just when he had just finished changing it, a middle-aged man strode over.

There is another one-star alchemist in the Alchemist Guild, Du Man.

"Passed? Look at these, the answers are nonsense! If I recruit you as an apprentice, I'm afraid that the Alchemist Guild will be shamed!"

With a flick of the ink pen, Ouyang Cheng picked up a stack of corrected test papers and said angrily.

"Let me see!"

Alchemist Du Man came to the table and opened the newly corrected test paper. He only looked at it for a while and frowned.

In their opinion, the content of the assessment was not too difficult, but the answers were a mess, and even many common medicinal properties were wrongly written!

If such a person is allowed to become an apprentice, it will indeed lose the reputation of the Alchemist Guild.

"Huh? What's going on with this test paper? Brother Ouyang didn't change it?"

After flipping through seven or eight copies in a row, but no one was satisfied, Alchemist Duman's eyes suddenly fell on a paper lump on the table.

There is no trace of ink on it, so it has obviously not been corrected.

"It's definitely worse if it's written by a dandy. You don't need to read it to know that it won't pass. Instead of getting angry, it's better not to change it..."

Thinking of the guy who was writing so hard just now, Ouyang Cheng felt even worse.

For a guy who only wrote for half an hour before handing in the paper, it was inevitable that he would fail, and he needed to make corrections!

What's going on? In the previous few assessments, three or four were able to pass the first item. But this time it was better. After a long period of correction, only two were able to pass the first item, and the rest were all a mess!

"Dandy? I'll see what kind of answer you can get without even looking at it, and then you'll be judged to have failed..."

Du Man shook his head with a smile and opened the test paper.


His eyes fell on the test paper, followed by an exclamation.

Wow! Wow!

Then there was the sound of flipping through the test papers. The more Du Man looked through the papers, the more surprised he became. His originally indifferent expression became more and more solemn.

"What's wrong? Is this guy's answer too unbelievable?" Seeing his expression, Ouyang Cheng snorted: "Some dudes who don't know anything sneak in for the assessment just because they have money. They simply don't care about the Alchemist Guild." Take it into consideration…”

"No...Brother Ouyang, take a look..."

Hearing the other party's angry words, Du Man quickly interrupted and handed over the test paper.

"What's so good about it? Anyway, if you don't pass, that's..."

After muttering, Ouyang Cheng lowered his head and looked over. Just like Du Man just now, his eyes widened and he couldn't help but uttered: "Oh?"

Turning to the second page: "Huh?"

Turning to the third page: "Huh?"

Turn to page four: "Damn!"

There are various expressions on the face, and the hands are turning backwards without stopping.

Soon, all the dozens of test papers were flipped through. Ouyang Cheng's eyes almost fell to the ground, and he looked over in disbelief: "How is this possible? There is not... not a single mistake?"

"Yes! There is not a single mistake. There are several places where we deliberately left difficult questions. Even if I answer, I will probably fall into a trap and make mistakes..."

Du Man also couldn't believe it.

The reason why they are so confident about this test paper is because some of the above test questions are very remote. Even they, the real alchemists, cannot know the correct answers without careful recall and consideration, or even reading the information.

But now, this test paper is not only clearly written, but also... there are no mistakes at all!

How can this be

"There is not a single mistake... How could Brother Ouyang decide that he will definitely not be able to pass?"

After the shock, Du Man couldn't help but ask.

The answer is so good. The Alchemist Guild of Tianxuan Kingdom has never appeared in the history of such a genius. Brother Ouyang in front of me actually refused to pass without even looking at it. It is too arbitrary!

"I..." Ouyang Cheng's face turned red and he was speechless for a long time.

He has always been known for his seriousness and prudence, which has been admired by countless people, but today...

The slap in the face was so painful.

I obviously saw that this kid took half an hour to write the test paper, and he didn't lose his mind at all. How come... everything is correct

Not even he can achieve this speed!

Could it be that this boy's research on medicine has surpassed his own

Saying that a person whose knowledge of medicine is better than mine is a dandy and cannot pass

Damn it, don’t be so stupid!

Ouyang Cheng felt stiff all over, as if he was constipated.