Life: A Black and White Film

Chapter 27: Bodhisattva lowered his eyebrows (1)


Meng Liangchuan was sitting in the corner of a small cafe by the river bank. In front of him was the police officer who cooperated with him during the sweep of the valley base and the time of Zhou Ke's death, and handed him an envelope.

Meng Liangchuan took out, only two pieces of tissue paper.

The first photo is a black and white print, a recent photo of Cheng Muyun.

The second one has the short words:

Ten years ago, Cheng Muyun smashed the route of an international smuggling group from Mongolia to Russia after three years of dormancy, confiscating thousands of Buddhist treasures such as Buddha statues and relics. Of the 79 people under his command, 13 died in the line of duty (no specific information).

Cheng Muyun officially withdrew after the case and disappeared without a trace.

His replacement was Fu Yiming (Fu Ming), but he did not take over the entire team list of Cheng Muyun.

Meng Liangchuan weighed the paper in his hand: "Let me sort out my thoughts."

He thought for a few minutes and took a sip of Indian Chai: "Six months ago, smuggler Wang Wenhao received a mission to come to Nepal to exchange a batch of goods. Cheng Muyun also got this information and came to Nepal first, waiting for the rabbit. Half a year later, he also Just a month ago, Wang Wenhao and a few ordinary friends entered Nepal from India, met Cheng Muyun and me, and were finally robbed of the goods."

"Didn't you deliver the goods to the coffee plantation for him? Didn't you see what it was?"

"I didn't see it," Meng Liangchuan continued to sip milk tea slowly, "because I don't think Cheng Muyun's focus is on this product. He stole the product so that Wang Wenhao could spread the news to the smuggling line, telling them that the product was gone. It was stolen by Cheng Muyun."

Therefore, until it was confirmed that Wang Wenhao had successfully spread the news, Meng Liangchuan detained Wang Wenhao and his party in Kathmandu according to Cheng Muyun's plan.

"What about after the news gets out?" the police officer asked back.

"Wait for someone to hunt him down," Meng Liangchuan affirmed, "that smuggling group was destroyed by Cheng Muyun back then, and he must have wanted to drink his blood and eat his flesh. The hatred ten years ago, plus this time Hate, new hatred and old hatred, I will definitely want to kill him and get back the goods this time."

"But what is he trying to set himself on fire? Want to come out again? Continue to fight the smuggling group?"

"No, since he has quit, he will not come out again according to his behavior," Meng Liangchuan drank Chai in one gulp: "He wants to clear the door and end what happened ten years ago."

"Clear the portal? What portal? Are there traitors around him?" The policeman was surprised.

Meng Liangchuan said: "After I gave him his ashes yesterday, he told me that he came back this time to pay homage to his brothers ten years ago. He also said that if he died, let me not trust anyone around him, except Wen Han. It's obviously saying that there is an inner ghost around him."

The policeman frowned: "Assuming that he really has this insider by his side, he must have received the online task: kill Cheng Muyun and get back the goods that were lost in Nepal."


That's fine.

Yep, that's fine.

The more Meng Liangchuan analyzed, the more sober he became. He took out a color photo with a picture under the coffee bushes during the day: "Look, this is the person who went to the plantation today."

The police leaned over and saw a happy scene. Cheng Muyun held a handful of coffee beans and smiled at the girl beside him, a boy and two men stood beside him.

Meng Liangchuan pointed at the faces one by one and told each other: "Zhou Zhou, Fu Ming, Xiaozhuang, Chen Yuan. One of these four people must be an inner ghost, and the other is an undercover agent who is monitored by his superiors."

"In these four people? How do you know?" The police did not understand this logic.

"Look at what's written on this document," Meng Liangchuan picked up the previous piece of paper, "he had 79 people under his command, and 13 people who died in the line of duty had no specific information until they died. This is the rule of his group, except for Cheng Muyun himself, Everyone is invisible. But these four people were exposed on the same day, which can only mean that Cheng Muyun was most suspicious of these four people. If they were exposed, even if he himself died, other brothers would continue to investigate. "

The police made two "oh oh", and suddenly slapped the table: "No, Meng Liangchuan, we can all guess this, what if the inner ghost senses danger and runs away?"

"It's too late to run, since they appeared in the coffee plantation, they can't run." Meng Liangchuan's eyes were deep, "In addition to the 13 ghosts and the dead Zhou Ke, there are 61 people staring at each of them in the dark, No one can run away."

Since the inner ghost received the news from Cheng Muyun and asked him to go to the coffee plantation, even if he guessed that it was a trap, he had to go.

Otherwise, it is tantamount to directly acknowledging their own identity. "

Cheng Muyun.

This person's world is just as he said, without mercy and forgiveness, he will repay the betrayer tenfold, and he will use a hundredfold to tell the other side what "evil has evil retribution" to the wicked. One of his Chinese police friends died in a smuggling base in Nepal, and he completely exposed the base to the police's sight.

He is indeed more severe than the eighteenth hell to the wicked.

13 lives ten years ago, and Zhou Ke, a total of 14 brothers' lives, how could he let that ghost go.

This is his "family law".

A picture appeared in front of Meng Liangchuan.

In the hall full of oil lamps, the Vajra Arhats standing on both sides silently looked down at the four people in the hall:

Zhou Zhou, Fu Ming, Xiao Zhuang, Chen Yuan.


After dinner, someone built a white shed in the coffee garden.

Cheng Muyun once rescued their eldest son from the kidnappers, and he was naturally a VIP, so he was treated like this, surrounded by servants, and played cards with a few old friends who hadn't spoken well for many years.

Wen Han looked at the liveliness in the white shed under the tree from a distance, and decided to walk around casually. She walked north around the drain of the coffee plantation, and soon, she heard lively music.

Intrigued, she got closer, stood in the coffee bushes, and saw the gorgeous flower stand erected in front of the workers' houses.

"It's a wedding." In the darkness, the arm behind her rested on her shoulder.

Her body froze, her heart jumped irregularly, but she didn't look back. Until his hand slid down her back, from her waist to the front, and his palm pressed against her belly.

The burning palm reminded her that he was her man.

"Didn't you ask me to be with you?" He said in a low voice, "What? Repented again."

In the bright spot, there was a teenage girl in a bridal suit, led by a dark and rough-skinned Indian groom in her thirties or forties, walking forward without any smile on her face amid the lively music. Wen Han had heard that because of the low status of Indian women, poor people in India often marry off girls early.

In Moscow, there are more women than men, and they often marry unhappily.

"Yes, I regret it," she whispered. "Is it alright?"

This kind of day and night watching him flirt with other women every day, and the torture of her, maybe he doesn't understand at all.

"It's totally fine, I said earlier," the man behind her released her, "this should be a pleasant thing for us all. If you feel unpleasant, I won't force you." He left after saying that. After a few steps, I returned to the coffee bush.

Wen Han bit his lower lip, insisting not to turn his head back to take a look.

The night wind was a little cool, after all, it was already November. A little Indian boy ran past her feet, stretched out his hand, secretly picked a few coffee cherries, stuffed them into her palm, and said softly, "Eating one will make you happy." Could even such a small child see her unhappy? So Cheng Muyun didn't care at all, or deliberately ignored—

Behind him, there were footsteps, very subtle.

He is back

"Hello, Miss Wen Han."

not him.

Wen Han turned around in surprise, it was Fu Ming, her originally fluctuating eyes slowly calmed down, covering up her loss.

"I really want to chat with you, it's rare to meet a woman related to Cheng Muyun," obviously, this person is also a straightforward person, "As a thank you for satisfying my curiosity, I can answer any questions you have about him. "

Wen Han pursed his lips and was a little nervous, but thinking that he didn't know anything at all, he relaxed: "I don't know what you are curious about, the truth is, I don't know anything." It doesn't matter, just be careful when answering .

She secretly admonished herself.

"Really? He won't tell you anything?" Fu Ming asked rhetorically, even speaking fluent Russian.

"Really." She replied softly.

This was the first time she had spoken to someone other than him in the most familiar language since being kidnapped by him.

Fu Ming remained silent for a while.

"Has he ever had other female...friends before?" she asked first.

"Really? Not really. The concept is vague, but it's dead."

Wen Han was startled.

"He was killed by him," Fu Ming added flatly, "Miss Wen Han, don't be afraid, he shouldn't treat you like this. That woman was later prosecuted for more than 100 murder cases, and you are not the same person. "More than a hundred murders? Usually only very big drug lords, or people in the underworld, have this amazing number of indictments.

She also often reads the news, so it's not that she doesn't understand anything.

"You know, we can't help ourselves, and the things we have experienced are all kinds of strange, but I still admire him very much," Fu Ming frowned slightly, "I am more emotional, and I can't be like him, without blinking my eyes. Watching people carry out executions, if it were me, would definitely feel uncomfortable." this his past

Being Fu Ming said so easily.

Fu Ming looked at her strangely: "Is there any other problem?"

"You said a lot of information in one question, and I suddenly don't know what to ask." Wen Han murmured softly.

"Later, he became a monk for ten years," Fu Ming looked at her with a smile. "You said, is it because he can't forget that woman, or for something else? Miss Wen Han?"

"I don't know... I don't know him."

"Miss Wen Han, how many men have you had?" It was he who came to ask her a question.

"...Can I not answer this question?"

"Yes, of course," Fu Ming smiled. "Moscow girls are often affectionate. These are your little secrets. If you don't want to share it, I won't force it. By the way, how many Chinese blood do you have?"

"A quarter," she replied.

Fu Ming looked at her up and down: "Our Chinese genes are really strong, can only a quarter of it make you have such an oriental charm?"

After speaking, he picked a few coffee cherries in the bushes and lowered his voice: "The question I want the most is a bit private, but I've been really curious over the years, why does Cheng Muyun miss him so many women? He's in bed. Is it really that unforgettable for women?"

"… "

"Oh, sorry, it's too personal. Then, the last question, if Cheng Muyun leaves you one day, will you be in pain?"