Life: A Black and White Film

Chapter 35: The Infernal Hell (3)


The bonfire popped, and sawdust with sparks was blown by the wind, which almost caught her hair, and was blocked by the back of his hand. After a few thunderstorms, Wen Han looked up at the sky, and there was the moon. It should not rain, and the wind was so strong.

But the sound of thunder managed to wake up all the peacocks in the grass shed. In the middle of the night, a few blue peacocks walked out slowly, three steps at a time, and a few females surrounded a male peacock. They looked at them mortals from a distance and arrogantly.

Wen Han hugged his knees and looked at these peacocks, which were raised even more finely than the little masters in the manor. After all, they were the national bird of India. She looked at the blue feathers below the neck of the blue peacock under the firelight, and remembered that day when he was half-squatting to tease the peacock, as if he was familiar with this animal.

"Have you been to India before?" It was a very innocuous subject, he thought.

"I have been to many places," he said casually, "Ajanta Grottoes, Palace of Winds, Amritsar Golden Temple, Amber Fort, Minakshi... and the deserts, beaches, and Gobi here. Many places." This was the first time Cheng Muyun told her about his past experience.

Even if it's just a place name, it's like a black and white picture, laid out in front of her.

His fingers stroked her tied hair, and with a little force, he broke it up, letting her long black hair slide down: "I have raised peacocks for half a year."

No wonder... so bullying the peacock.

That was ten years ago.

Cheng Muyun at that time and now are completely two people. It should be said that the "he" Wen Han saw when he was seduced in Nepal was the epitome of Cheng Muyun ten years ago. He has been living in a gray area since he was a child, and he did too much evil in his youth. In order to make himself more comfortable, he began to observe the precepts from the age of fifteen. Later, because of the torture of an old monk's soul, he finally came to his senses.

Later, he self-reported himself, purely self-punishment.

In prison, he met Fu Yiming.

At that time, Fu Yiming was an "undercover agent" who stayed in the cell to investigate cases.

In the darkest prison in Moscow, Cheng Muyun watched Fu Yiming and the detained drug lord "calling brothers and sisters", and found an amazing smuggling route entrenched in the long border. It was also Cheng Muyun who rescued Fu Yiming when Fu Yiming's identity was detected and he was almost silenced.

"Are you interested?" At that time, the injured Fu Yiming arranged for Cheng Muyun's early release from prison, "I need someone to help me continue the investigation, I can't, I want to avoid suspicion, there is my sister there." Fu Yiming When this request was made, it was already clear that Cheng Muyun's identity, background and personal connections before he was imprisoned could help accomplish this task.

So Fu Yiming begged him for help.

Later, Cheng Muyun agreed.

Promise to help Fu Yiming investigate the case, on the premise that Fu Yiming's action team will be handed over to him, and the whole line will cooperate for a period of three years. Three years later, the case was solved as scheduled, and the other party launched a frantic revenge to purge the underground action team specializing in transnational cases.

In that cruel "cleaning", Cheng Muyun was also one of the people who was killed, and it was countless brothers who used their lives to save him and send him to a safe place.

Before he left, it was his family who forced him to swear that he would be in any country, do whatever he wanted, spend his life and enjoy life, that is, he would never return to Moscow for the rest of his life. That city was too dangerous for Cheng Muyun.

He did swear, of course, to God.

This is the first half of his life.

Cheng Muyun picked up a small pebble, weighed it, and popped it out suddenly. In the darkness, a male peacock chirped suddenly, and immediately opened the full screen, staring at Cheng Muyun.

"Dear, do you know what these wild peacocks like to eat in India?" Cheng Muyun stood up and looked down at the male peacock in the cold wind. He lowered his voice and told her an interesting fact in Russian, "Yes A young, feared cobra."

There are always so many unexpected facts about nature.

You think cobras are the most dangerous thing, and peacocks are noble and beautiful, so you wouldn't imagine that one of the peacock's favorite foods turned out to be young cobras.

Just like when Cheng Muyun took over the action team, everyone thought that he had a complicated and dirty background, a dangerous person who would bring disaster to the whole group, but in the end it was one or several backgrounds in this group. The innocent betrayed everyone.

In this world, how can it be black and white, and why is it either this or the other

Who is the brother and who is the enemy, if it were so easy to distinguish, there would not be so much blood and bones in vain, and there would not be a soul that could not escape from the 100,000-fold Tibetan vows.


In the early morning, the two of them were on the second floor of the small building, sleeping together on the bed. After he closed his eyes for a long time, Wen Han quietly opened his eyes and looked at him a few times.

A new day, the sun shines in, making last night and yesterday fade away.

Looking obliquely from the angle of his chin, she could see his thick eyelashes covered there quietly, confused, and she would even be afraid that those eyes would not be opened again.

How could there be such an ominous premonition.

Wen Han moved his body, his palm slipped over his waist, and his thumb was buckled on his belt, as if this would make him feel more at ease, he pulled him.

Cheng Muyun finally smiled, and the gentle Russian slipped out from under the tip of his tongue: "Baby, are you missing my body?" He opened his eyes, slid his hand down to hold her thigh, and put her on his own waist, "Come."

"I'm afraid to hear you speak Russian."

"What? Does my Russian make you uncomfortable?" he chuckled.

She reached her lips and pressed it down again: "No, it's very charming."

Frightening? Yes, but now this time will be the sound of nature again.

His eyes were like a spell, making her lose her ability to resist.

Cheng Muyun, this name is still a mystery to her, maybe he will never tell her all the dark things he has experienced, the tortuous roads he has walked, and the vicious people he has met. But there is no doubt that from the very beginning, she could not avoid him.

"When you first arrived in China, was your Chinese good?"

"This is a very embarrassing question, dear, can you imagine a monk in a grey robe reciting the Ksitigarbha Prayer Sutra over and over again in Russian?"

Wen Han smiled uncomfortably.

It seems that he will never speak Chinese to her again. Since last night, it has become more and more frequent. Until now, it seems that the man who was flipping through the book on the train has disappeared. Comes in a hurry, appears, and disappears.

Does this represent a decision he is making, or is he just too sad to die of two close friends and remember his days in Moscow

Cheng Muyun seemed to see through her thoughts, and sat up directly with her in his arms, the tip of his tongue slipped from her collarbone to her earlobe: "I remember, the paint used for you this time is a bit special, it is estimated that in a few months, the Henna Tattoo on your body will be It's also clear that if you don't mind the trouble, find a master to tattoo you according to my pattern. Trust me, you won't be able to find someone with better craftsmanship than me in Moscow."

Wen Han agreed, thinking of what he said three months later, send himself back.

"Here, Henna Tattoo is a good thing to bring good luck and good luck. Women will do it on important days, such as engagement, marriage," his palm slid down her chest and pressed against her abdomen, "Pregnant 7 month, and childbirth."

Every word he said hit her heart one by one.

"Shouldn't..." Not get pregnant.

"No," Cheng Muyun told her with certainty, "Trust me, I won't leave you any trouble, and I won't let you suffer any suffering that you shouldn't inherit."

It is not a lucky thing to have Cheng Muyun's children. The fate of being vengeful, purged, and exploited is not for her.

Wen Han's eyes were slightly turbulent.

She remembered the wish she made to the Buddha after she donated wood money for burning the body of a dying Indian old man by the Ganges River.

It turned out that whether he fell in love with himself or not, it would not change the ending.

Cheng Muyun suddenly changed the subject and asked her if she was tired of the mushy food in India and wanted to eat some Western food or something. Before Wen Han could keep up with his rhythm, he turned over and got out of bed, as if the hug and kiss between the two did not exist, he left the wooden bed that had been warm for a short time just now, and put on his black hiking shoes. With his shirt and mountaineering jacket, he touched his short hair, which was a bit thorny.

She rubbed her hair, then lay back on the bed that was still warm on his body, and muttered, "What did you say, you just got up?"

Cheng Muyun tilted his head, smiled, and walked downstairs with ease.

However, Wen Han didn't know that she was still waiting for the man who brought back breakfast to leave the building, and she was facing SWAT police with live ammunition, both from India and from other countries. They were all going to go upstairs with guns. After arresting someone, it was a surprise to see the main lord coming down by himself.

Meng Liangchuan stood among those people, quite helpless, and whispered that he wanted to have a few words with Cheng Muyun. Among those people were Meng Liangchuan's good friends, so they were considered accommodating.

Meng Liangchuan came over and wanted to wrap his arms around Cheng Muyun's shoulders. He stretched out his hand and found that he was too tall, so he cleared his throat and retracted his hand: "This place is no better than Nepal, with me holding you down, and a person dies for no reason, the investigation still needs to be done. Yes. Especially... your status is so special."

In any case, this kind of unofficial "ghost hunting" behavior is a murder if it really causes people to die.

In case of innocent lives, there is more to be explained.

Cheng Muyun didn't speak, it was the default.

"Your ears are so good, I'm afraid they will go up and start and scare your woman," Meng Liangchuan said, thought for a while, and asked in a low voice, "Tell me the truth, Zhuang Yan didn't kill you, right? Really, don't care which country's laws, you have to pay for your life, Cheng Muyun."