Life: A Black and White Film

Chapter 4: The Bodhisattva (1)


There was an arm tightly imprisoning her, she couldn't push it away, she couldn't push it away at all, she was sweating all over with anxiety.

Suddenly, it was as if there was huge brute force, pushing the man away.

She sat up abruptly from the bed, gasping for breath, and there was only darkness in front of her. There was no moonlight outside the window, and it was dark, as if it was still raining.

Nepal is indeed the rainy season in August.

From morning to night, the rain continued to pour without stopping.

The sound of the rain falling on the window made it seem that the night was very cold, very cold. The watch at the bedside is a fluorescent pointer, showing the time at twelve o'clock.

Waking up after two hours of sleep? Wen Han was a little irritable, pushed open the window, and suddenly his cheeks were wet from the rain, so he hurriedly closed the window again. During such a time of opening and closing, she saw the shadow of a man walking along the dilapidated and narrow stone road calmly. When she looked down, the figure also raised his head, as if he was looking at the third and fourth floors.

It's him

Wen Han took a step back.

No, shouldn't hide, he can't see himself.

The outside of the window is obviously brighter than the inside of the room, how could it be possible to see here? Wen Han comforted himself and quietly glanced out the window again. There was no one left, he should have returned to the hotel. Didn't you go to buy coffee? Why didn't you come back in two hours? She was puzzled, but suddenly awakened, and she showed extraordinary concern for this man.

Wen Han warned himself not to pay such attention to him anymore.

But there was still a doubt lingering in her heart, she returned to the bed, lifted the quilt, and wanted to try to sleep again. I heard the clear footsteps of men's boots, approached here, and then there was a knock on the door. Is it the knock on the door next door? Sure enough, Agassi's voice was soon heard, smiling happily and said: "What? Drink? Okay." "Okay, no problem, I'll call some more friends, and... Thank you for your coffee."

The man's footsteps faded away.

Soon, Agassi came knocking on her door and asked her to go downstairs with him, and revel in the whole night with the tourists who were destined to get together here: "The rainy night in Nepal is so suitable for this kind of activity." Agassi said. . Wen Han couldn't find the connection between "Nepal rainy night" and "all-night carnival", but she couldn't refuse. The charm of the proprietress, the little fox, was so great that more than a dozen guests from the entire fourth floor of the inn were invited.

Fortunately, what made her feel at ease was that Wang Wenhao and Rum also came downstairs to pick her up.

After all, she was walking with a male companion, so she could be a little more at ease. At least, she thought that the man would not easily provoke her again. She changed into an ankle-length dress and deliberately chose a small mid-sleeve top with a neat neckline. After a long delay, she finally went downstairs with Wang Wenhao. The whole first floor is already lively, and someone is playing Russian songs on the accordion.

It was Rum who went downstairs first.

He sat in the middle of the small bar, happily singing Russian love songs to the drunken-eyed proprietress.

At the end of the song, the proprietress laughed in a low voice and clapped her hands, but looked at Cheng Muyun, who was lying on the soft couch smoking a hookah: "Yun, do you want to try it?" The latter laughed, but did not refuse.

Rum watched him play a song, but he didn't get any favor. Instead, the man in the corner, who was leaning on the couch and spitting out a faint smoke, attracted all the attention of this glamorous proprietress, and was a little unhappy.

Cheng Muyun looked at the accordion in Rum's hand: "Speaking of which, I haven't touched it for a long time."

"Did you learn it before becoming a monk?" A girl asked curiously, apparently she was also attracted by Cheng Muyun's experience of becoming a monk, "What did you do before that?"

"Me?" Cheng Muyun whispered two words, "Smuggling."

The crowd burst into laughter.

Everyone knows that he is a monk who has returned to the secular world, so it is only a joke. Some men even pursued Cheng Muyun's topic in order to attract the attention of some girls, and continued to say: "You know, I often make clothes hangers of gold, which are really clothes hangers, and the ones that hang clothes are brought into India. If you have to pay more fines, you will not be found, but you will make money."

The proprietress clapped her hands: "Huh? The joke is enough." Everyone continued to laugh and chatted about what they had seen along the way, as well as the bad weather in Nepal for the past two weeks.

The girl who asked the question just now had her eyes fluttering and circled around Cheng Muyun. This is the goal of many women here tonight. Aventure in Nepal, this man is too suitable.

Wen Han picked an unobtrusive corner and sat down.

This proprietress is really sentimental. At night, she removed the sofas on the first floor and added a lot of low-style couches. Many people gathered at the proprietress and Cheng Muyun's place, and she sat here quietly. In the midst of laughter, Cheng Muyun really took the accordion thrown by Rum, stood up swaying, hung it on his shoulders, and tried to pull it twice.

Everyone thought he was just playing, but unexpectedly, they heard a very smooth and enthusiastic tone.

The sound of the accordion is always romantic and unrestrained, like a Russian man.

Many people have not heard this song, but Wen Han, who was born in Moscow, happened to have heard this song. I still heard it on the vinyl record. Although the name is "Unfortunate Man", the tune is very lazy, especially when a man sings a unique way to lie on the window sill after being drunk, blowing the night wind and half-reciting and half-singing. the mood of your loved one.

Cheng Muyun's voice is not so rough, and when he sings, the ending is more gorgeous.

He played the accordion and walked through the hookah smoke exhaled by the people around him, his eyes drooping and frivolous at times. When Cheng Muyun walked slowly in front of her, stopped, squatted down, continued to play the accordion to her, and there was a particularly sexy sigh in his singing.

All began to chuckle, applaud, and whistle.

Everyone just thought that this was a man's strong affection for the beauty who suddenly appeared. Wen Han looked away and looked at the copper bell at the door, avoiding his eyes as much as possible.

"He sings well," Wang Wenhao put his hand on Wen Han's shoulder and whispered to her, "The accordion is also very good."

Wen Han responded nervously.

After the song was sung, Cheng Muyun suddenly said in Chinese, "You are so beautiful tonight."

Wen Han's face changed a bit, but Wang Wenhao was much calmer than her, and instead said to Cheng Muyun, "Thank you for appreciating my female companion so much." Cheng Muyun's misty eyes followed Wen Han: "You're welcome."

Wen Han's eyes drooped, staring at her fingers, she scribbled a few commonly used formulas on the table. Calm down, calm down.

Someone behind him laughed, and a man said, "I know why this monk is still vulgar. He can't forget the vulgar desires of the world."

"That's right, maybe he's a romantic monk in the temple."

Even the proprietress who was drinking didn't forget to tease: "No, he is still vulgar because this mortal woman can't bear him."

Some people laughed, some made trouble, and more women entangled Cheng Muyun with their eyes.

There are also people watching from the sidelines, such as Wang Wenhao.

Some people are more jealous, such as rum.

He is indeed rosemary, rich, and people fall. Let everyone fall into it easily.

The candle is burning fiercely.

The light smoke of the hookah, and more and more ambiguous actions of men and women, filled this exotic night with confusion. Wang Wenhao seemed to feel that she couldn't sit still more and more, so he made an excuse to accompany her back to the third floor after three o'clock. Downstairs is still enthusiastic music and laughter, but it is extraordinarily quiet here.

"I don't think you're feeling well today?" Wang Wenhao took the key from her hand and opened the door for her. Wen Han was uneasy: "Some, maybe... I'm not accustomed to the soil and water."

Wang Wenhao laughed.

She wanted to turn on the light, but the latter had already held her hand.

Wang Wenhao's palm was extremely hot. She retracted her hand and felt him approaching. The warm breath was ambiguous, as if she was about to kiss her, but she still kept a gentle distance. Wen Han didn't dare to move, hesitated for a few seconds, and hurriedly took a half step back, but Wang Wenhao had already noticed her distraction, as if inspired, his arms circled around her back.

"I'm sleepy." Wen Han said embarrassedly.

"Okay," Wang Wenhao said softly, "good night."

A shadow appeared.

Cheng Muyun came up, he was wearing black military boots with hard soles, and the sound of stepping on the wooden floor was loud. Wen Han and Wang Wenhao turned back at the same time.

"Sorry," Cheng Muyun slightly retracted his chin, his eyes circled halfway around the two of them, "I'm the one who disturbed the two of you."

Wen Han looked back awkwardly.

She deliberately ignored him and said softly to Wang Wenhao, "Good night."

Then I heard his footsteps and continued to walk up.

She entered the door, closed the door, leaned her back against the wooden door, listened to Wang Wenhao's footsteps away, and exhaled softly.

The night was always filled with music and laughter on the ground floor.

The rain didn't stop from late night to early morning, but it was getting bigger and bigger.

At dawn, Wen Han woke up.

The room was hot and humid because of the non-stop rain. Wen Han thought of what the proprietress had mentioned, because the proprietress herself hates the rainy season in Nepal, so she specially added a dryer in the laundry room on the fifth floor, which is also one of the features of this inn.

Here, the dryer is a luxury.

Although she only slept for more than two hours, she had a splitting headache, but she couldn't sleep any longer. She simply took the sports trousers, hiking clothes, and a few pieces of clothes suitable for machine washing out of the room and walked to the laundry room on the fifth floor.

At five in the morning, the hilarity was over.

She was able to wash and dry the clothes while the rest of the residents were sleeping.

There are two washing machines. They are very old. Not only are they small in capacity, but they also do not have automatic water inlet pipes. You need to turn on the faucet to fill up with water, and then turn on the switch. Wen Han stuffed all the clothes he was holding in his arms, and had already stuffed the drum to the fullest.

She turned the switch on the faucet and watched as water kept pouring out of the sink in the washing machine.

"Should it turn?" she murmured.

"It would be safer to lose one piece," a voice answered her from behind, "this is my experience."

Wen Han trembled.

The morning wind, mixed with the rain, wafted in from the window.

She took a half step back, dodging the rain, trying to find another good opening remark and say hello to the uninvited guest behind her. Before he could think of the words in his head, his waist suddenly tightened and he was hooked to a thick chest.

She opened her eyes and covered her mouth.

Both arms were caught, twisted behind him, and easily imprisoned by one of his hands. He squeezed her whole body into the corner of the laundry room.

The water burst into the ears.

"When you kissed someone last night," Cheng Muyun asked softly, "Did you think of me? Have you ever compared in your heart, who would you prefer to kiss you?"

Last night she didn't at all—

... Even if there is a good night kiss, what does it have to do with him

"If there is a sofa or grass here now, I will push you up without hesitation," Cheng Muyun's voice was like a warm murmur on the bed, "I couldn't control this thought from the first time I saw you."

She wanted to avoid his gaze.


His eyes clearly saw the deepest part of her consciousness at a glance.

"I've been thinking about you for the past two hours or so," he said softly.

She lowered her eyes, feeling his long legs against hers.

The hand on the nose and mouth slowly moved away.

Cheng Muyun whispered in Russian in her ear: "Don't bark."

She was so frightened just now that she wanted to call someone, but now, at this time, she actually... did not expect to call out for help.

When Wen Han realized this, he couldn't even believe it.

She gasped slightly, trying her best not to look at him: "What excuse are you making this time..."

"There's no excuse," his breath fell on her face, "I want you."

She also met some immediate and enthusiastic suitors in Moscow.

Even if you are forced into a corner, you will resolutely avoid it.

But this man.

She has been trying her best to disgust herself, the man she avoided, just at the moment she was kissed by him forcefully, she suddenly realized that she did not subconsciously feel disgusted with kissing him...

Love at first sight

She doesn't admit it.

But there is clearly a strange vortex between the two, attracting each other.

When she was chaotically calming herself, his eyes clearly saw the deepest part of her consciousness at a glance.

He stopped talking, blocked hers firmly with his lips, and began to unbutton her clothes one by one.

Wen Han was shocked...

"You are catering to me physically, and you yearn for me more than your graceful friend," Cheng Muyun's voice created an irresistible vortex for her in this corner of the laundry room, "Just as I long for You too."

Because of such excessive intimacy, she became soft and impetuous, dizzy and weak.

It shouldn't be.

not like this.

She closed her eyes.

Cheng Muyun's kiss became a little softer, gently moving from under her tongue to the most sensitive upper part of her mouth, sliding there repeatedly with the tip of her tongue. Her body began to tremble slowly, unable to control her body's reaction, she raised her chest slightly...

I don't know when the sound of water started and changed.

The drum in the washer was so full that water was so full it even started to come out of the pipes on the side of the washer.

He suddenly let go of her.

Wen Han's legs were a little soft, and he slowly leaned against the wall. He couldn't believe his reaction, and hurriedly tied his shirt.

Cheng Muyun turned off the faucet, put a plastic drain pipe into the cement pool, wiped his hands on his pants, walked up to her, squatted down, and fastened her buttons one by one: "I swear , never go back to Russia, and you, should go back to Moscow soon, we won't have any contact. Anything that happens between you and me in the next few days is just an affair in Nepal," he pointed. Holding up her face, let the face flushed from the passion just now face him, "Would you like to?"