Life: A Black and White Film

Chapter 43: Buddha to Buddha (3)


Wen Han's brain is completely blank, lying on the ground, looking at the collapsed ruins.

All the men around her who were screaming in horror and holding her down no longer existed, and her whole body was brutally hollowed out with her hands, her internal organs, blood, and everything no longer existed...

The group of elephants also seemed to be startled, and the elephant drivers took the opportunity to trap their own elephants one by one, scolding and cursing, to calm the angry Indian elephants. It was slowly taken away from the scene, leaving behind a daunting ruin.

Wen Han had been unconscious for a long time, and no one could pull her, she just lay on the ground, sobbing in a low voice, suppressed, tightly closed her eyes, unwilling to believe in all these disasters.

Just now, Cheng Muyun was still flirting with her irresponsibly.

Brazenly speaking of all the passion that tonight's due—

"Wenhan," someone wanted to pick her up from the dirty ground, "Wenhan..."

Wen Han trembled all over, and raised his head out of focus.

The enlarged sun hat and the equally tearful face stimulated her infinitely. Cheng Jiayi, it's Cheng Jiayi—

In the continuous screams all around,

Wen Han, who was still out of his body just now, suddenly pounced on him, knocking Cheng Jiayi over and pressing him into the soil.

She cursed in Russian, cursing Cheng Jiayi like a devil.

The sudden disaster has made all the VIPs and servants panic, and now, the conflict between the two female guests has also shocked the VIPs.

Those priests barely pulled away Wen Han, who had completely collapsed.

Wen Han's chest heaved violently, his eyes were blurred, he kept shaking his head, grabbed the hand of one of the Indian men, clasped it tightly, and said vaguely in English: "It was her, it was she who killed Cheng Muyun, it was her, is her… "

The crowd stared blankly.

Cheng Jiayi tightened his torn clothes and smiled awkwardly: "I think she may have misunderstood me. Her brother's life is unknown, and I am her brother's girlfriend, I am willing to be responsible for her, please ask her Leave it to me, okay?"

"... Of course, we will of course leave Miss Wen Han to the people closest to her to take care of her," several Indian men looked at each other again, and one of them said, "It's just, it seems that Miss Wen Han is emotionally unstable, are you sure, Can you handle her now?"

"Of course, her emotions are only temporary—"

"No," Wen Han pushed away the Indian man who was supporting him, "I am not Cheng Muyun's sister, she is, she is Cheng Muyun's cousin. I am Cheng Muyun's girlfriend! You don't know my surname is Wen, his surname is Cheng?!"

Everyone looked at Wen Han sympathetically.

Of course they knew that Wen Han was Cheng Muyun's half-sister, and Cheng Muyun had already explained the difference in surnames.

Wen Han looked at everyone helplessly, no one here knew the real relationship between her and Cheng Muyun...

She stepped back, hit the table, and finally stopped, shaking her head with tears in her eyes: "I'm not going, I'm going to stay here, I'm going to wait for you to clear the rubble... I'm not going."

Cheng Jiayi hurriedly stepped forward to support her: "Of course, we're not leaving, we're all waiting..."

"Don't touch me!" Wen Han pushed her away again.

It was an embarrassing scene.

The man encountered an accident, and the man's sister and girlfriend would have a conflict at this time... Several priests couldn't bear it, pulled the two of them away, and persuaded in a low voice. Said that the police had arrived, and everyone was cleaning up the accident scene, and asked them to wait patiently.

At this moment, there was a sudden burst of cheers near the ruins.

Wen Han immediately looked there, someone was shouting something in Hindi.

I don't understand, I don't understand at all.

Wen Han nervously pulled the Indian man who persuaded him: "What are they talking about? Is it Cheng Muyun? Did you find it?!" The man was happy, and then looked at her with regret and sadness: "It's my brother, I Big brother was rescued."

"..." Wen Hanxin fell to the ground again.

"He was lucky and escaped before the collapse! Miss Wen Han, don't worry, there is hope!" The Indian man had an undisguised surprise on his face because his brother was rescued.

Her legs were weak and she couldn't stand, slumped on a sun lounger.

Soon, dozens of Indian police officers appeared, as well as the criminal police who took Cheng Muyun away from Xiaopolou that day. The site was quickly sealed off, and more professional rescue teams continued to dig the rubble.

Cheng Jia also tried to explain to Wen Han several times, and he just said that to complete Cheng Muyun's explanation. Because Cheng Muyun has been trying to cover up Wen Han's identity... Wen Han refused to talk, didn't want to look at Cheng Jiayi, and didn't want to look at it more.

Her face was stained with tears and mud, and a well-meaning servant handed her a hot towel. When the hot and humid towel was pressed against her entire face, tears could not stop flowing out again.

It was getting dark soon.

A pair of dirty boots stood in front of Wen Han: "Miss Wen Han."

She looked up in the night wind, saw Meng Liangchuan crouching down, and whispered to herself, "It's almost finished, because Cheng Muyun and Fu Yiming have special identities, so you can't see the scene and the corpse for the time being."

"Corpse..." Wen Han opened his lips, his voice hoarse, "Corpse?"

"Yes, there are only corpses down there."

Her heart was beating rapidly, and cold sweat began to come out of her back.

The world was spinning, and I could only close my eyes.

No, it can't be... She clenched her hand tightly, pressing her nails deep into her palm.

Cheng Muyun will definitely not die.

She didn't believe that he would die. Maybe she was stimulated by the rage of the group image just now, and she would be afraid, but now, even if she thinks about it, she will be afraid now, but she doesn't believe that he will die.

That man will not die here, he will not die, not anywhere!

Wen Han immediately opened his eyes and grabbed Meng Liangchuan's collar: "I don't believe what you said, you're lying to me, right? Meng Liangchuan, you lied to me—"

"Miss Wen Han!" Meng Liangchuan clenched Wen Han's hand tightly and stared into her eyes: "At this time, if you don't believe me, who else can you believe? Tell me, who else do you dare to believe? Wen, you don't even have a passport or luggage, you only have Cheng Muyun here. You must trust me, only I can send you back to Moscow safely!"

Yes, all her belongings are lost in Nepal...

Nothing at all.

There was nothing to prove her identity.

At this time, she is an illegal immigrant, and anyone's words are more convincing than her. Perhaps the Interpol surrounding the scene knew her profile well.


Wen Han thought of that morning, Cheng Muyun was taken away by them with live ammunition.

As if no one could believe it, she was at a loss and looked at Meng Liangchuan: "He's not dead, right?"

Meng Liangchuan shook his head: "There are corpses."

"He's not dead, right?" Wen Han bit his lip.

Meng Liangchuan continued to shake his head: "I can't make any judgments."

"He's not dead, right?!" Wen Han lost control, his shoulders trembled slightly, trembling uncontrollably. Meng Liangchuan narrowed his eyes and did not answer.

He had to admit that this was also his conjecture. A person so deep in Cheng Muyun's city would not die anywhere so easily. If you want him to die, anyone who harms him will have to pay for the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

But... the corpse does exist.

Behind him, the servants who were responsible for cleaning were all driven away, and the place was completely blocked by the police.

The elephant group's rage may be an accident, but the bamboo platform exploded first, which stimulated the elephant group even more. Exploding something like this is 100% not an accident.

The officer who interrogated Cheng Muyun that day squatted at the scene, frowning at the 18,000 bamboo shards that had been trampled to a pulp.

It really is a hell group.

It turns out that the two team leaders will die on the same day in the explosion and the attack of the elephant group...

The official got up, clapped his hands, and walked to the nearest person under the white cloth tent.

Meng Liangchuan saw the officer coming, got up, and saluted.

Cheng Jia also stood up because her identity was exposed by Cheng Muyun. At this time, she had nothing to hide, and saluted this non-direct superior symbolically.

Only Wen Han was still sitting curled up on the white sun lounger, motionless.

She was unaware of everything that was going on in front of her, only one consciousness: he wasn't dead.

"Miss Wen Han," the officer cleared his throat, "we have all your information, here, in India, you are illegal entry. Of course, considering your special status, we will not pursue you in this matter Responsibility. Please cooperate with my subordinates and Mr. Chen Yuan to do some necessary inspections, and then Mr. Chen Yuan will be responsible for sending you back to Moscow."

Wen Han slowly raised his eyes.

Shadows overlap one after another, with their backs to the lights used to illuminate the searchlights in the distant ruins, and everyone is sunk in dark outlines.

Whether it is this official, Chen Yuan, Cheng Jiayi, or even Meng Liangchuan...

Cheng Muyun, tell me,

what do you want me to do? what can I do for you

She thought in confusion, in the official voice of the official again, she was helped by one of the female special police officers who had been monitoring Cheng Muyun. Following the crowd, they got into an ordinary off-road vehicle. After she took her seat, the black curtain on the window was lowered.

On her left is Meng Liangchuan, and in front of her are Chen Yuan and Cheng Jiayi.

The car was bumpy and drove for a long time. On the way, because of the bumps, the curtain was opened a corner. She saw a familiar scene under the moonlight, a field of sunflowers. Cheng Muyun was in this place that day, telling her that he loved her. If he could do it again, he would be willing to live for her.

Soon, the car stopped.

Wen Han has never been to this dilapidated small yard. Last time, she was thrown into the sunflower field by Fu Yiming and waited the whole way.

She looked around, and many people with guns were watching her in silence.

This reminded her of the first time she saw someone other than Cheng Muyun outside the cottage. He was wrapped in white gauze, sitting on the boulder, standing or standing on both sides, one by one black shadows stretched to her feet. At that time, when she stepped on the boulder, she felt like she was walking into a world she didn't know.

"Miss Wen Han," Chen Yuan raised his hand and pointed to the door, "Please come in."

Wen Han stopped and looked at Chen Yuan without saying a word.

Chen Yuan repeated again: "Please come in."

"Are you in pain? Do this?" Wen Han asked him in Russian softly.

Chen Yuan looked back at her expressionlessly, and repeated for the third time, "Please come in."

Cheng Muyun once put down his words to all the team members. Chen Yuan knew very well that the information he received was the same as the information of the unidentified members of the Moscow Action Team who were still hidden in the dark: to treat Cheng Muyun's wife the same way. , treat this Miss Wen Han.

Therefore, even if Wen Han was punching and kicking Chen Yuan now, he would not dare to fight back.

Even if you dare, you have to consider how those companions who don't show affection and only recognize the patriarch will react.

Wen Han walked in.

Following behind her were Meng Liangchuan and Cheng Jiayi.

The three chairs in front of him were all empty, and Chen Yuan pointed to the one among them: "Miss Wen Han, please take a seat and ask questions on a routine basis," and then looked at the other two, "And you."

Meng Liangchuan hummed out of his nose: "It's really weird. The last time Boss Cheng was interrogated, I was going to be interrogated at the same time. This time, I will accompany the woman who asked him."

The official in charge of the interrogation last time, this time it was a jury, sat in the far corner and coughed twice: "Lao Meng, cooperate, this time it's not that serious."

Cheng Jia also sat down without any extra words.

The door was closed, three interrogators, three people being interrogated, and a recorder.

This time, it is Chen Yuan who is in charge of questioning and judging.

Chen Yuan didn't seem to know the three of them, so he sat down and put on his glasses: "Three, because what happened just now was caused by human beings, and the two leaders of the Moscow action team also died at the scene. The interrogation and the two of them had the most contact.

Because this case is very special, the interrogation of you can only be handed over to me, not the local police, I hope you understand. After the interrogation, someone will take you back to where you were supposed to go, and your identities will not be revealed. Until this matter comes to light, you will completely clear all suspicions. Of course, you can continue your normal life during this period, and no one will disturb you.

Hope I made it clear. "

Cheng Jiayi and Meng Liangchuan both knew this was the procedure and nodded calmly.

Only Wen Han was still uneasy, stirring his fingers tightly.

Chen Yuan pointed at Cheng Jiayi with his pen: "What is your relationship with Cheng Muyun?"

Cheng Jiayi's eyes were red and his voice was hoarse: "I am his cousin. Ten years ago, before the Moscow operation group was brutally purged, I just finished my undercover work and joined the operation group, and then I also knew my The cousin is the interim leader of the Moscow operations team."

Chen Yuan nodded: "Very young undercover, you should have just grown up at that time."

"Yes," Cheng Jiayi said softly, "I was turned against by Zhou Kece and became an undercover agent."

Everyone was surprised.

Chen Yuan: "What's your relationship with Zhou Ke who was shot?"


Chen Yuan nodded: "Why did you come to Nepal."

"Six months ago, after Cheng Muyun entered Nepal, he gave me news and asked me to come to the border between Nepal and India to continue investigating the case. That case only destroyed the smuggling channel on the border of Russia and Mongolia. Cheng Muyun said that he has now mastered the information on the border between India and Nepal. Smuggling channel."

Meng Liangchuan couldn't help whistling.

Chen Yuan was surprised: "What are you doing?"

Meng Liangchuan coughed: "I just feel that the quality of your team is really high. This young lady's answer is no different from your original answer."

Chen Yuan frowned unhappily.

Meng Liangchuan shrugged: "I didn't intend to interrupt you, keep asking."

Chen Yuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Cheng Jiayi again: "Why did you come to Nepal later?"

Cheng Jia also replied: "Because Cheng Muyun said the clues were broken, he asked me to go back to Moscow. But I was very close to him when we were young, and we hadn't seen each other for ten years, so I followed him. Also... Zhou Ke's death made me very sad. Sad, but also to India to relax."

Wen Han looked at Cheng Jiayi in surprise, she was lying.

But no one doubted.

In this room, at this moment, there is no extra sound except for someone typing on the keyboard.

Chen Yuan took a sip: "Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Cheng Jiayi."

He looked at Meng Liangchuan who made a strange noise just now: "My question to you is very simple, your relationship with Miss Wen Han?"

Meng Liangchuan smiled: "I have nothing to do with her, and I haven't said a few words. She is an ordinary person who came to Nepal to travel. She was kidnapped by Cheng Muyun, um... brought to India. Anyway, she has nothing to do with me. "


Everyone except Chen Yuan was a little surprised, which was different from the information they got.

According to the data, this Miss Wen Han and Cheng Muyun fell in love at first sight, and they voluntarily went from Nepal to India with him. Is it a romantic love journey

The person in charge of typing also weighed the word "kidnapping" for a long time and recorded it truthfully.

Chen Yuan nodded.

Finally, he looked at Wen Han, who had always put his hands on his thighs and stirred the entanglement with his fingers.

For this girl, the information here is very complete, and there is nothing to interrogate.

She was the least likely person to create this man-made explosion.

"Miss Wen Han, we just need you to answer the question under the polygraph. Once we confirm that the information you know is not enough to threaten the Moscow operation team, you will be temporarily free."

"Ask whatever you want," Wen Han said, "but you must find the inner ghost."

The room was quiet for a moment.

It was dead silence.

The officials and recorders of the last interrogation, as well as everyone in the room, except Wen Han, all fell silent.

This girl must not know that in this position last time, Cheng Muyun personally refuted everyone, and the content of the refutation was:

There are no insiders in the Moscow Action Group, and he has not dealt with anyone privately.