Life After Marrying My Love Rival

Chapter 97: Episode 6 Parallel Worlds (2)


When he entered the second year of middle school, Shen Du's second year of middle school came together with the rebellion period.

Specifically, to expand his territory, he led Ye Nanqi across the compound, mingling with a group of three generations of red. During their "dating", Ye Nanqi was reading a vocabulary book or a novel by the side, wondering why the kid had to bring himself when he was making a fuss.

It wasn't until Shen Du was caught and scolded by his mother that he went home.

Ganqing is trying to pull him to sit down so that Shen's mother can't scold him too much.

The Shen family is a scholarly family, and Father Shen doesn't practice corporal punishment, scolding is useless, so he just punished him to face the wall and think about his mistakes.

You can't be idle when you face the wall and think about your mistakes. When you miss dinner, you have to copy the family law.

Ye Nanqi was eating slowly at home when he received a text message from Shen Du. Even if the young master was starving and begging for help, his tone was arrogant, asking Ye Nanqi to secretly deliver food to him.

Ye Nanqi didn't bother to talk to him.

Although the university is in City A, Ye Mei is busy with her studies and comes back several times a month. When her sister is away, her younger sister Ye Wan harasses Ye Nanqi.

Ye Nanqi ran around in the yard with his little sister in his arms, put her down when he had played enough, and opened his hands to let her walk towards him. Ye Wan ran very fast, and threw herself into his arms with a smile, her small face full of jade and snow could see her teeth but not her eyes.

Ye Nanqi saw something in her purse with sharp eyes, and reached out to touch it: "Wan Wan, who gave you the chocolate and toffee?"

Ye Wan was only five years old, and Ye's mother was afraid that it would be bad for her to eat too much candy, so she was usually very strict, and she would not let her daughter crawl around with a bag of candies. Ye Wan shrank into Ye Nanqi's arms, left a few milky kisses on his face, smiled flatteringly, and said in a small voice: "Brother Shen Du gave it... Brother, don't tell mom, okay? Wan It's half of you."

As he spoke, he reluctantly took out half of it and handed it to him.

Ye Nanqi took it with a smile: "Wanwan can't eat too much candy, my brother will keep it for you, and I will return one if you are obedient. Wanwan is an obedient child, right?"

Ye Wan nodded.

Ye Nanqi carried candy in his bag, carried Ye Wan back to Mother Ye, and went back to the house to do homework.

No. 1 Middle School used to have evening self-study from the first to the third year of junior high school. Last year, the school did not know who to report to. The first and second grades of junior high school were cancelled.

It was getting dark when I finished my homework, Ye Nanqi stretched himself out, stole a little girl's candy to eat, it tasted good, and opened the window to blow some air. The window of his room was facing Shen's study, the window was not open, but the light was still on.

The children of the Shen family are still growing...

Ye Nanqi thought for a while, went downstairs and sneaked into the kitchen, found a food box and packed some leftover food for tonight, thinking that if Shen Du disliked him, he would throw him off the second floor.

After packing the food, Ye Nanqi climbed over the wall and entered Shen's house with the lunch box.

After copying half of the family law, Shen Du threw away his pen and read happily, thinking that Ye Nanqi was not loyal enough.

He was growing up, and soon he was hungry, and was about to sneak out to find something to eat, when there was a knock on the study window. When the window was opened in the past, Ye Nanqi jumped in from the window.

Shen Du's eyes lit up.

It's not how beautiful the scene of the beautiful boy entering through the window is, but the smell of rice. Ye Nanqi handed the food box to his arms, put his hands in his pockets, leaned against the window, and said, "My dad's braised pork, how dare you dislike me and throw you downstairs."

Shen Du didn't pick anything, sat on the floor with chopsticks and started to gobble it up, saying vaguely: "This uncle's cooking is delicious... Well, it's even better than my aunt's cooking."

If you are hungry, of course you can eat anything.

Ye Nanqi watched him finish his meal, handed him a napkin, took the lunch box over, and was about to return the same way, when he remembered something, he turned around and said, "Don't call me next time you do such a bad thing."

Shen Du murmured twice, not knowing whether to agree or not.

After climbing over the wall and returning home, Ye Nanqi caught Ye's mother just as soon as he put down the lunch box.

Mother Ye's eyes were sharp, and she found that her son was hiding a hand intentionally. She grabbed it and took a look. She was very distressed: "What happened?"

He was inexperienced when he climbed up to the study room, and accidentally scratched a large piece of skin on his hand, which is still bleeding.

Ye Nanqi didn't dare to say, he hesitated for a while, and Mother Ye asked again: "Where did you go with the lunch box?"

"... Didn't there be a cat in the compound that gave birth to kittens?" Ye Nanqi calmed down and lied unhurriedly, "I just went to see it, the road was dark, and I accidentally fell down."

Mother Ye looked skeptical: "Cats still eat braised pork?"

"Cats will eat anything." Ye Nanqi patted his mother on the back, coquettishly, "Mom, my hands hurt so much, please give me some medicine."

Mother Ye's focus was immediately shifted, she cleaned up her son's scratches and prescribed medicine, and tried to coax him to sleep. Ye Nanqi couldn't take it anymore: "Mom, I'm fourteen years old, not four, go and coax Wanwan."

Only then did Mama Ye turn her head and leave.

The next day, Ye Nanqi bit a bag of milk and habitually went to wake Shen Du up to go to school, and saw that Shen Du got up early for the first time. This early is relative, Shen's father has gone to the company long ago, Shen's mother is also going outside to sketch, Shen Du sits at the table, implicitly expressing that he has not eaten all night and is very hungry.

Shen's mother was obviously distressed.

Ye Nanqi was shocked by his shamelessness, and greeted Shen's mother, pretending that he didn't see Shen Du.

Shen Du is laying down the red carpet in advance for the next mistake. Just pretending is useless, punishing the family law is a matter of principle, Shen's mother has never been a loving mother, she doesn't care how Shen's father punishes his son.

When cycling to school, Ye Nanqi felt something was wrong, looked back at Shen Du, and asked doubtfully, "Have you grown taller?"

Shen Du bit the straw of milk, and groaned as he stepped on the height-increasing shoes he bought secretly.

Ye Nanqi turned his head, frowned and warned: "Don't spill the milk, I'll throw you into the river on my back."

Shen Du casually nodded, and when Ye Nanqi turned his head, he wanted to pour the milk on his back.

Smelling the faint fragrance of his body, he was still reluctant.

Ye Nanqi's warning not to drag him into the water was ignored. Within two days, Shen Du still dragged him when he went to fight.

Children are strange creatures, the more emotional they are, the better. It's just such a toss, Shen's father and Shen's mother both had headaches, punishing Shen Du twice a day for not allowing him to eat dinner, copying the family law, it was useless.

Every time he was fined, Ye Nanqi would secretly climb the wall with a lunch box in his pocket to deliver the meal.

During the mid-term, the Shen family welcomed a guest, Shen Du's cousin.

This cousin grew up abroad and didn't learn anything well. He went out to pick up girls with his classmates when he was a teenager. His leg was almost broken by his grandfather, and he was sent back crying and howling. His name was Zhao Sheng.

The process of being sent back was not decent. Zhao Sheng didn't say much, and he was sobbing and choking while crying with Shen Du. Home's little beauty.

The Ye family has good genes. Both siblings are very good-looking. Ye Nanqi is handsome and handsome. He is often teased by others. The most annoying thing is that people call him a beauty. Before he could speak, Shen Du slapped Zhao Sheng on the head first, and said angrily, "My family!"

Ye Nanqi also gave him a kick: "Beautiful fart. Return yours? It's not big or small!"

Due to Zhao Sheng's sudden joining, the two-person trip turned into a three-person trip. Fortunately, Zhao Sheng has no temper and is easy to get along with. He got into a ball with the people in the compound within a few days.

The Zhao family was also near the Shen family, so the adults told the three children to go to and from get out of class together, and the Zhao family specially imitated the Shen family, not to spoil the children, and there was no car to pick them up when they went to school. As a result, the three of them were dumbfounded when they went to class on the first day. The bicycle that Papa Ye repaired could carry two people. It is not easy to carry three people.

Ye Nanqi wanted to leave Shen Du and slip alone, but Shen Du thumped him, fell to the ground and was crushed, almost vomiting blood.

So the threesome turned into Ye Nanqi carrying Shen Du, riding slowly while watching Zhao Sheng run.

Zhao Sheng: "..." Something seems wrong.

Specifically what was wrong, Zhao Sheng hadn't thought about it yet, Shen Du threw him the bicycle he bought the year before last that was said to be more expensive than a motorcycle.

Then she continued to sit happily behind Ye Nanqi, hugging his waist and drinking milk.

Ye Nanqi: "..." There seems to be something wrong.

In the blink of an eye, the third year of junior high school is here, and while the schoolwork is getting heavy, the unavoidable late self-study is also coming.

Shen Du and Ye Nanqi were separated by a class, and they slipped away faster than anyone else after class. Before the teacher finished uttering the word "lesson" when the get out of class was over, Shen Du had already rushed to the door of Ye Nanqi's class.

Wait for Ye Nanqi to come out, complain a few words about his dawdling, and then pick up Zhao Sheng who was almost forgotten.

Ye Nanqi felt that Zhao Sheng was sent as a gift from those banners on the street.

Ye Nanqi's grades have always been in the top three in the grade, and although Shen Du is a little skinny, his grades have always been in the top of the grade.

Comrade Zhao Shengxiao, who came to "study abroad", is still in the second year of junior high school, but his family has already begun to worry about his senior high school entrance examination. Any child who has been dying at the bottom of the grade will be worried.

Ye Nanqi and Shen Du simply took turns teaching him the questions.

Zhao Sheng is very motivated to study, but his comprehension is really not good enough.

Ye Nanqi taught that the smile gradually disappeared, and Shen Du wanted to airlift him back to the United States.

Before the senior high school entrance examination, Ye Mei came home on vacation, she seemed to be worried, and she was a little absent-minded when checking Ye Nanqi's homework.

Ye Nanqi and his sister had a good relationship, and he could tell at a glance that she had something on his mind. After dinner, he sat in the backyard talking with Ye Mei, his eyes were sharp: "Sister, are you in a relationship?"

Ye Mei was slightly taken aback, and no longer concealed when she was spotted, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she said softly, "No, I haven't agreed yet."

I didn’t promise to look at you and I like it—

In Ye Nanqi's heart, no one is worthy of his sister, so he asked sourly, "What kind of person is he?"

Ye Mei blinked: "A student who learns painting... he is very nice."

Ye Nanqi also blinked: "How good is it?"

Ye Mei coughed lightly: "Brother, you are still young, why ask this?"

"I have to check for you, sister, you are so deceiving." Ye Nanqi said, oops, and pointed to the flowers opposite, "Someone eavesdropped on us."

Ye Mei was startled and looked over nervously.

Ye Nanqi was happy: "Look, you believe everything I say, don't be deceived..."

Before he could finish speaking, the tall flowers moved, and Shen Du and Zhao Sheng stood up with shy faces, bearing the petals and grass clippings on their heads.

Zhao Sheng scratched his head embarrassingly: "... Then what, hello sister, I'm Nan Qi's friend... We came to play with him."

Ye Mei's face was already blushing: "..."

Ye Nanqi silently turned his head: "..."