Life After Marrying My Love Rival

Chapter 98: Episode 6 Parallel Worlds (3)


The girl's heart was publicly executed, and she was still facing her younger brothers. Ye Mei was shy and embarrassed, looking at the three young boys with burning eyes in front of her, and didn't know how to speak.

Shen Du sat next to Ye Nanqi, resting his elbows on his chin, and said with a smile: "Sister, if you are embarrassed to talk to uncles and aunts, please tell us."

Zhao Sheng came over to join in the fun, trying to hug Ye Nanqi, but was slapped away by Shen Du.

The child looked at him in a daze, without paying much attention, squatting aside and said: "Don't look at me as young, I actually understand emotional problems, sister..."

Ye Nanqi gave them both a cold look.

Ye Mei has a good temper, and she can't resist children, so she couldn't help Zhao Sheng and Shen Du's soft-spoken words, and said a few more words. After a while, Mother Ye called her to take care of the younger sister, and ran away as if to run away.

The three teenagers gathered together and muttered.

"He went to the Academy of Fine Arts, called Tan Yi, a talented young artist... Hey, that sounds amazing."

"It's very close to my sister's school. I met when I went to the Academy of Fine Arts. I sent my sister a portrait to pursue? It sounds a little romantic, an artist." Shen Du hooked Ye Nanqi's shoulder, "My mother is also a painter. "

Ye Nanqi gritted his teeth, feeling uneasy: "What's so good or not... No, I can't let it go. I'm going to have a look after the high school entrance examination."

Shen Du approached him and smiled: "Are you jealous?"

Zhao Sheng also smiled and said, "Nan Qi, are you still clinging to your sister at this age?"

Ye Nanqi beat them up when he caught them.

The day before the exam, the three of them enjoyed the cool air in the Shen family's backyard. Speaking of temporary small goals, Ye Nanqi and Shen Du are both the key ones in the city.

Zhao Sheng was originally in high spirits, but after searching for a good score, he immediately withered away.

Ye Nanqi could only pat him on the back comfortingly: "You still have a year left, maybe within a year you will suddenly get through the two veins of Ren and Du and realize the true meaning of learning. By the way, you grew up in the United States, English is your strong point, how much did you do in the last monthly test?"

His original intention was to inspire Zhao Sheng, but the young man looked into the distance with a guilty conscience and didn't have the nerve to speak out.

Shen Du was eating watermelon next to him. Hearing this, he spat out the watermelon seeds with a sneer, and said leisurely, "Eighty-nine, one point short of passing. You may not believe it, but Mr. Zhao was congenitally mentally retarded. It’s okay, once you write it, it will be revealed.”

Ye Nanqi: "..."

Zhao Sheng squatted on the ground and drew circles.

Ye Nanqi: "Maybe... maybe."

There are no words of comfort.

Ye Nanqi and Shen Du's examination room were not in the same place. When they set off, the young master took the special car for a long time. Ye Nanqi was riding a bicycle and bumped fists with him. When he was about to leave, Shen Du stopped him again and got out of the car He ran over and took off a jade pendant from his neck.

"Amulet." Without hesitation, he raised his hand and hung it around Ye Nanqi's neck, "Don't fail, if you don't get into No. 1 Middle School, I'll make everyone laugh at you every day."

Ye Nanqi was speechless: "You haven't passed the second term of middle school yet? Well, you didn't pass the exam and I will make Zhao Sheng laugh at you."

As he said that, he took out a strange-shaped yellow talisman from his pocket: " mother went to the temple to ask for it, and it is said that it was consecrated. Reciprocity, do you want it?"

Shen Du snatched it away with his hands, as if he was afraid that he would go back on his word, he put it into his arms, raised his chin: "Let's go, don't embarrass our yard."

The high school entrance examination was no pressure for the two of them. After the examination, Ye Nanqi's first move was to go to the school of the suspicious person who was suspected of being his future brother-in-law.

Knowing his plan, Shen Du handed in the papers ahead of time, hurriedly followed, and dragged his family along with an extra Zhao Sheng.

The three of them stared at the bus stop. Ye Nanqi couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Can you two stop following me? I'm going shopping with the children?"

Shen Du said: "Let me tell you a secret. My parents reported my birth year wrong, and they didn't bother to change it. In fact, you are only one year older than me, and you are only two years older according to the household registration book. Why are you pretending to be an adult? Worrying about you?" It was sold by someone, just come and take a look.”

Zhao Sheng nodded.

Ye Nanqi couldn't get rid of the two pieces of brown candy, so he had no choice but to admit his failure and led the two of them into the car.

The three of them crowded the bus and headed to the university town. On the way, Zhao Sheng had a whim and touched his mobile phone to search for the anti-fraud guide for scumbags.

"Slick tongue, not too good-looking ones. Smile at everyone, not too warm. And..."

Zhao Sheng muttered, and couldn't help but look at the glib Shen Du and Ye Nanqi who smiled at everyone.

Noticing the difference in his gaze, the two of them stared back together, causing him to look away immediately and change the subject: "Let's just go there, can we find someone?"

Ye Nanqi said: "Isn't he quite famous, just ask people on the way."

The three crispy radishes were silent again. After getting off the car near the university town, the three of them asked for directions to the Academy of Fine Arts, wandered in, and looked around curiously.

Turning around, Ye Nanqi stopped a student and asked about Tan Yi's situation.

Ye Nanqi is sixteen years old. As he grows older, his appearance becomes more refined and handsome, and his temperament is quite gentle. Standing aside, he looks like a tall and straight poplar, which makes people feel good. The stopped girl stared at the three beautiful boys in front of her without hesitation, and said with a smile: "You are also senior Tan Yi's fans? The senior didn't spend much time in school before, and often went out to sketch, but recently he was chasing a girl. He has grown a lot, and now we go to the studio, maybe we can meet him."

Ye Nanqi was not in a hurry to meet people, and continued to ask: "Sister, what kind of person is Senior Tan Yi?"

The girl thought for a while: "First of all, he is very handsome... He is very talented and gentle with others. He will answer patiently when you ask him questions, but it is actually not easy to approach. I have asked my seniors several times. I was declined. This is the first time I saw a senior chasing someone... Although that girl is very beautiful."

Ye Nanqi admired her sister since she was a child, thinking that my sister is more than just beautiful.

Asked where Tan Yi often went, Zhao Sheng was gearing up for a big fight.

When they arrived at the place, Tan Yi was indeed there.

There is also Ye Mei.

Ye Nanqi raised his hand to let the two of them calm down.

Tan Yi is young and talented, and polite to outsiders, but blushes frequently in front of Ye Mei, and his mouth is stupid. The method he pursues looks romantic, but it is actually the only way he can think of.

Draw what Ye Mei looks like in his heart.

The two seem to get along very easily, and Ye Mei often laughs.

Ye Nanqi stared at it for a while, without saying a word, and walked back with the two of them.

Zhao Sheng was a little confused: "That's it? Aren't we going up?"

Shen Du reached out his hand to zip up his mouth, hooked Ye Nanqi's shoulder and said, "Come and see tomorrow."

The three of them squatted for half a month, and saw Tan Yi when Ye Mei was present and when he was not.

The onlooker's point of view can always see more clearly, and in the end he has to lose.

Can't fault it.

Ye Nanqi said sourly: "Then let him pursue my sister... My sister has grown up too, it's time to let go."

Shen Du handed the half-eaten cake to his mouth: "Nan Xiaoqi, wake up, my sister is four years older than you."

Ye Nanqi bit his mouth unconsciously, only to realize that it was Shen Du who gnawed on it, and Shen Du also realized it. The two of them looked at each other with heat on their faces.

Neither spit it out nor eat it, Ye Nanqi and him looked at each other for a moment, and finally ate it with a strange mood. He wiped the cream from the corners of his lips, and talked about other topics as if nothing had happened.

Zhao Sheng was short-sighted, didn't notice anything, and continued to answer the conversation cheerfully. Shen Du stared at Ye Nanqi in a daze for a while, replaying the scene just now over and over again in his mind.

Ye Nanqi's fingers were long and slender, like the hands of a pianist.

The lips are red and beautifully shaped.

The white cream stuck to the corner of his lips, and he stretched out his hand to wipe it away...

Feeling hot and hot for no reason, Shen Du took a deep breath, ate the remaining half of the small cake, and didn't make a sound after that.

That night he dreamed of those slender hands, and that red lips... Struggling in an ambiguous and hot dream, when he woke up, his body was wet.

Fifteen-year-old Shen Du blushed on the bed and sneaked into the bathroom to wash his underwear.

It's probably because the two of them have no fate, and they are not in the same class as the freshman class in high school.

Shen Du was very unhappy.

Shen's mother laughed and said: "I don't know who was muttering about Nan Qi troubles every day, but now they are clinging to them and don't want to let go?"

Shen Du wanted to refute with confidence, but unfortunately he couldn't get angry, so he walked to the backyard to pick up a handful of pebbles, went to the study and opened the window, and threw them one after another, hitting Ye Nanqi's window.

Ye Nanqi was lying on the bed reading a book. Fearing that the window would be smashed, he jumped down to open the window, but a stone hit him right between his eyebrows.

Shen Du wanted to laugh at first, but when he saw Ye Nanqi falling straight down, he couldn't laugh immediately, his face changed, and he ran downstairs to Ye's house, then went upstairs and entered Ye Nanqi's house.

When I opened the door, I was hit by a small stone.

Ye Nanqi sat cross-legged on the ground, smiling slyly.

Shen Du rubbed the center of his eyebrows, not angry, and leaned in front of Ye Nanqi: "Did it hurt you just now?"

"Nonsense." Ye Nanqi's brows were red, and he rubbed his brows and stared at him.

Shen Du pursed his lips: "Then hit me a few more times."

"I paid you back just now." Ye Nanqi looked at his face in surprise, "Are you a masochist?"

"No." Shen Du's face was serious, "Hit me a few more times, let me learn a lesson, I can't do this next time."

Ye Nanqi was taken aback for a moment, and raised his hand to press his head for a while: "Come on, Zhao Sheng will have a companion if you are fooled. I can't see him with his tail up. He's cheap."

Shen Du glanced at him, thinking that when your tail is raised...

After thinking for a while, I could only think of the word "cute".

High school is not as easy as junior high school. No. 1 middle school is the key point, and it is stricter. Ye Nanqi and Shen Du were separated from each other in junior high school, and they could still find time to eat lunch together. High school couldn’t, they raced against time to eat and study, and slow down will be late.

Except for going out every morning and studying together in the evening, the two of them couldn't touch each other at all.

Shen Du's reluctance escalated into dissatisfaction, and even wanted to ask his father to transfer the two of them into the same class.

In the end, he still didn't speak. He keenly realized that there was something wrong with the way he looked at Ye Nanqi and the way he thought about him.

Something that was clearly about to come out, but was blocked by an invisible fog, made Shen Du irritated.

I was irritable when I saw Ye Nanqi, and I was also irritable when I couldn't see him.

Ye Nanqi didn't have this self-consciousness, he didn't know that he was annoying.

In his eyes, Shen Du is half a younger brother, who just needs a beating.

Passed the first year of high school peacefully, and the second year of high school was divided into arts and sciences. Ye Nanqi and Shen Du chose science together. After the exam, they were divided into classes, and the two finally got together in the same class.

Shen Du was so happy that he could hold Ye Nanqi in circles.

And Comrade Zhao Shengxiao, who took the senior high school entrance examination, lived up to expectations, and got the lowest score in the exam. The members of the Zhao family sighed and spent money to stuff him into No. 1 Middle School, hoping that he would be infected a little bit and get closer to Zhu Zhehong in the siege of Xueba.

Zhao Sheng said with a mournful face: "I don't have any ideals. I just want to talk about cross talk in the future. What school should I go to?"

Shen Du and Ye Nanqi thought about it, avoided the point, and chose to applaud his ideal.

Shen Du was annoyed by Ye Nanqi for a whole year, and was thrown to the army during the summer vacation after the first year of high school. He didn't see Ye Nanqi, and finally the two of them were in the same class. When they went up, they dragged him to occupy the table, and quickly confirmed The relationship between the two at the same table for the next two years.

Although they still saw each other almost every day in the first year of high school, the contact was not as much as before. When Ye Nanqi and Shen Du sat together, he suddenly realized that Shen Du's stature had grown extremely fast this year, and he was already taller than him.

Ye Nanqi thought for a while, then asked suspiciously and subtly: "Shen Du, are you wearing height increasing shoes today?"

Shen Du flicked his forehead, said with a smile: "That's all in the past, admit that you are shorter than me now."

Ye Nanqi looked at him twice, shook his head and remained silent.

The start of school is a painful curse for many students, but it is a good sign for Shen Du.

He can be woken up by Ye Nanqi every day, and then sit on the back of the bicycle with his arms around Ye Nanqi's waist, quietly enjoying the solitude of the two of them. Now at school, they can still sit together, and when they turn their heads, they can see Ye Nanqi's beautiful side face.

This happiness didn't last long, and it broke in a burst of booing whistles.

The girl in the next class who had a crush on Ye Nanqi for a long time came to deliver love letters in full view.