Life-Threatening Career

Chapter 107


"Oh, Tingting, this is Miss Linghu Xiaoxian!" Wei Tianlong said to Linghu Xiaoxian again:

"This is Huang Shiting!"

Speaking of Wei Tianlong, she took Huang Shiting out, and Linghu Xiaoxian quickly followed out.

"Where does Miss Linghu live? I really admire Miss Linghu's skill and gambling skills."

"Where and where, this is not, these bastards have ruined this girl's Yaxing."

"Farewell, see you on the cruise ship in a few days!" They said goodbye to each other. When Huang Shiting heard that they would see each other again, she felt very uncomfortable, but she didn't feel good about it.

"Brother Long, are you really planning to go to that cruise ship?" Wang Wei asked.

"Why? Can't you go?"

"No, I heard that this is the last time that cruise ship is going to gamble at sea, because the owner of that cruise ship is going to auction off that cruise ship."

"Oh?" Defender Tianlong was startled when he heard Wang Wei's words, and many thoughts came to his mind.

They got into a black sedan, Yi Dongwu sat in the front row, Wei Tianlong and Wang Wei sat in the back. Wei Tianlong was whispering something quietly in Wang Wei's ear, and Wang Wei nodded his head from time to time.

"What are you talking about, the two men are still biting their ears and rubbing their temples, are they disgusting?" Huang Shiting whispered.

"Oh, I said my dearest eldest lady, you won't even eat my jealousy!"

"Fuck you!" Huang Shiting gave Wang Wei a punch. There was a burst of laughter.

Shenghe headquarters, He Min is summoning all the accountants. All the accumulated funds were transferred out. And constantly acquiring those companies that were forced to go bankrupt by Qin Hao and Zheng Shaobai. He Min felt very busy for a while.

After he suddenly received a call from Wang Wei, he stopped the company's acquisition and concentrated a large amount of funds. He also borrowed several hundred million yuan from the bank. From time to time, a large number of capable personnel are sent to Macau.

A few days later, Wei Tianlong ordered to use force to accompany Huang Shiting out shopping. Of course, Huang Shiting was very reluctant, but he knew that Wei Tianlong's would not let her go for a certain reason. If he insists on going, it will only cause Wei Tianlong to resent him. Now Wei Tianlong sent the most trusted brother around him to play with him, saying that it was playing, but in fact it was for him to protect himself. This fully shows that Wei Tianlong attaches great importance to himself.

On this day, Wang Wei summoned the secret hall personnel who followed secretly. Although most of them were assigned to Qin Hao, the few who came were among the elite. He arranged something for these people, and these people left after hearing this.

After dressing up, Wei Tianlong and Wang Wei headed for the cruise ship. That is a symmetrical folding cruise ship. It is the only cruise ship with leading technology in the world today. Because that cruise ship is twice as large as the general giant cruise ship. It is equivalent to two cruise ships combined together. From a distance, it looks like two giant cruise ships lined up side by side. The gambling equipment inside are the most luxurious in the world. It's like a small paradise inside. There are all kinds of services. As long as you go in, you are sure that you don't want to come out again.

"Brother Long, you really plan to have that cruise ship."

"Of course, believe it or not, this will give us unexpected surprises in the future!"

They met Linghu Xiaoxian when they boarded the cruise ship.

"I thought you weren't coming!" Linghu Xiaoxian seemed to be looking forward to seeing Wei Tianlong.

"I can see a beautiful woman like you, isn't it our loss not to come?" Wei Tianlong said half-jokingly, making Linghu Xiaoxian giggled.

"Okay, less poor, let's go in!"

Wang Wei carried a small box in his hand. Linghu Xiaoxian was empty-handed.

"Why didn't you bring anything?" Wei Tianlong asked curiously.

"Then what should I bring?" Linghu Xiaoxian asked rhetorically.

"Such as cosmetics, money or something!"

"This girl is naturally beautiful, what kind of cosmetics do I want? As for money, have you forgotten that there is a credit card now? It is so stupid!" Linghu Xiaoxian said Wei Tianlong with a smile on his face.

After going through some security checks, they finally entered the cruise ship. There is already a crowd of people inside, and many people have begun to gamble happily. Wei Tianlong motioned to Wang Wei. Wang Wei nodded and changed a lot of chips. As many people continued to walk in. They all looked at Wang Wei and nodded and walked around.