Life-Threatening Career

Chapter 229: ending


The knife in Wang Zhengqiang's hand struck Wei Tianlong in several directions. Really, I really don't know which way is the real sword when I look at it with my eyes.

Just when those knives were about to slash Wei Tianlong's body, he obviously felt gusts of yin wind blowing around his body.

"Dang..." With a sharp collision, the knife in Wang Zhengqiang's hand suddenly flew out. Wei Tian's longan was swift in his hand, and his hand raised the knife and fell. Wang Zhengqiang suddenly felt cold in his neck, and the strength on his body instantly seemed to have evaporated. Suddenly his eyes went dark, and his body fell stubbornly.

"Faster with me? I am." Wei Tianlong pulled off Wang Zhengqiang's clothes, ran to the other end of the forest, and disappeared into the night. Behind his back, all that was left were the sound of gunshots and shouts that were gradually disappearing.

Three months later, at the headquarters of Shenghe, a group of people were sitting there, all of them looked very anxious and seemed very uncomfortable.

Those are the backbone of Shenghe's elite, Zheng Shaobai sat in the middle, and everyone sat up in a circle. The smoke in the room suffocated the air with oxygen. All were silent.

"It would be great if Long Brother was here."

"You wouldn't do anything without Brother Long?"

"It wouldn't work without Brother Long."

"Then what else do you need?"

"Stop arguing and shut up."

Seeing the crowd arguing noisily, Qin Hao yelled.

"Now we are not arguing, but to solve the immediate problem first."

"This Meilingzi always thinks about annexing us. She is a little devil who dares to have this appetite. It's so irritating." Wei Dashan patted the table, and the wrinkles all over his face were piled up with anger.

"During Brother Long’s absence, we almost lost all the underworld business. Xiao Min was about to be unable to stand it anymore. Without the protection of the underworld, even if the business on the white road were on the right track, it would be just a shelf. How much actual profit." Qin Hao said lowly.

"After Brother Long came back, how do we explain it? We don't know what is going on with Brother Long now, whether it is life or death." Wang Wei said.

"He will be fine." The women said almost in unison.

"Hurry up and think of a way, wait, wait until the bastard surrounds us, then we will have nothing." Wei Dashan looked at Zheng Shaobai.

Zheng Shaobai was expressionless, he was just playing with an ancient coin in his hand.

"You are talking, hey...hey..." Wei Dashan became a little angry.

"The big drug lord Chen Zixiong was caught by the Chinese police and will be executed on the Sino-Vietnamese border recently to intimidate his subordinates." Zheng Shaobai said.

"You said something useful, what does it have to do with us?" Yi Dongwu and He Min asked, while the rest of them looked at Zheng Shaobai.

Qin Hao laughed suddenly, and everyone looked at him again.

"Hey, you two are crazy? Why are you laughing for a while and silent for a while." Linghu Xiaoxian said.

Qin Hao ignored them, just staring at Zheng Shaobai.

"Shao Bai. Your trick is poisonous enough, but I don't know why we are going to save that drug lord." Qin Hao was puzzled.

"What? We are going to save the drug lord Chen Zixiong? We are all in danger, what power do we have to save him? If you want to have that idleness, let's get rid of this Japanese bitch before talking." Wei Dashan said angrily.

"Tell you, didn't you find out? Why isn't Lan Mei here? His team is also gone, don't you think it's weird?"

"You mean, you deliberately gave that Japanese bitch to our sites and businesses? You are a traitor." Linghu Xiaoxian cursed.

"This is Long Ge's order."

"What? Brother Long is back?" Everyone screamed in surprise.

Xiao Nanya and Linghu Xiaoxian jumped up suddenly.

"Where is it? Where is Brother Long?" everyone exclaimed.

"Hush... Brother Long is afraid that you will ruin the plan, so I told me not to tell you. It seems that Brother Long's decision is correct. Brother Long said, I will meet with you in a while, and he will bring you A big surprise."

Everyone fell silent, but it was still difficult to conceal their inner excitement.

"Okay, everyone, let's start work. I'll give orders. Qin Hao will leave immediately, go to Beijing, and meet Huang Yuetai, which is the old department of Huang Tianxiang's boss. After contacting him, he will organize the brothers and deal with the Longqing Gang and Shankou on the spot. All Japanese businesses under the group were cleaned up. Ren Xiaotian and Yi Dongwu organized all the brothers to retreat three days later, and five days later they organized the brothers to take back all the lost places. Bai Liu and the giant brought some backbone brothers to meet Lan Mei and Long Ge ."

"Brother Long?" The giant's fat face suddenly smiled.

A group of policemen escorted Chen Zixiong on the border between China and Vietnam. Chen Zixiong's head was covered by a black pocket, but he could still be seen from his body. In a few days, he will be executed on the Sino-Vietnamese border.

"Brother Long, why should we save him?" Lan Mei asked.

"He saved me. Of course, I have other intentions. After a while, our territory will expand to half of China. By that time, our people will have to eat. What should we use to support it? We have to rely on him. "Wei Tianlong said grinningly while sitting in front of a villa.

"Our territory will expand? The fact now is that we are about to perish."

"Ah... It's so familiar here." This is the place where he first met Xiao Nanya, and he still vaguely felt the smell of the perfume. In fact, I just told Lan Mei so many reasons, which seems to be very sufficient, but this time is the thing he is most reluctant to do, because this time he is facing the team led by Liu Dayong, Sirius, Tianma, Tiangu, and Tian. fox. He is very reluctant to be enemies with these good brothers who have lived and died together, so he designed this. Let Lan Mei lead the team to attract them, he went to rescue Chen Zixiong alone.

"Xiaomei, it's up to you." Wei Tianlong stood up as he said, took a 88-style sniper rifle and left.

"Go." Lan Mei gave an order, and a group of well-equipped people behind her disappeared in the bush in a while.

The duel with special forces was the first time in their career. They waited in that jungle, waiting for the bait of their prey.

At this moment, almost all explosions occurred in the Yamaguchi group's field. The police seized a lot of sea, loin, ice, poison, etc. from their place. Qin Hao and Huang Yuetai quickly occupied the Yamaguchi group's territory with their people, but Xiang Fei also quickly seized it at this time.

Whether their duel ended, Mei Lingzi was caught by Wang Wei in the chaos. Xiang Fei's forces have also grown. Shenghe's reputation is admired by many gangs in China. What follows is how Wei Tianlong became a professional killer, how Shenghe went to the top, and the face-to-face confrontation between Shenghe and the Longqing Gang. The duel between Lanmei Team and the Ninja Killer Group.

Lan Mei and the special forces duel. Did Wei Tianlong rescue Chen Zixiong? All in all, looking forward to "Death 2", thank you readers and friends for your support, Wubi qq: 302855252, Wubi thanks all friends.

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