Life-Threatening Career

Chapter 23: back to the old place


Since there are two days to go, Wei Tianlong went back and prepared something. In order to achieve the effect of "bewildering" and "confuse" the opponent, the superior asked Wei Tianlong to bring some simple weapons and wear plain clothes, and he had a bug installed on his body. And a miniature camera in order to grasp the culprit’s movements and timely actions, and Wei Tianlong's casual dressing can also ease the culprit’s nervousness.

Wei Tianlong was wearing a brand-name suit, which was given to him by Bai Xiaolu, and simply carrying a pistol and two magazines, he escorted Wang Zhengdong to the destination in a helicopter. Soon after he flew away, the military headquarters was busy deploying all follow-up actions.

Wei Tianlong was very anxious. He didn't know if Bai Xiaolu suffered. Bai Xiaolu's delicate skin and tender flesh might not be able to stand the life of being kidnapped. Beijing is so far from Yunnan, how did the gangster kidnap her? Wei Tianlong's head was like a pot to be exploded, and he couldn't think of any clues. He could only pray that those gangsters who did not blink did not do anything to Bai Xiaolu, and hoped to rescue Bai Xiaolu soon.

The helicopter stopped at a border station outside the forest, and Wei Tianlong escorted Wang Zhengdong towards the forest.

Wang Zhengdong deserves to be a gangster. From the day he was arrested, he has kept a smile on his face and said nothing. If there is no scar on his face, he looks like a kind old man.

In the forest, Wang Zhengdong’s younger brother Wang Zhengqiang arranged a lot of people inside. When Wei Tianlong was in the first level, those people wanted to search, but Wei Tianlong knew in his heart that if he handed over the weapon obediently, he would talk about exchanging hostage . Wei Tianlong put the spear on Wang Zhengdong's neck and "forced" it hard, and those people let him pass.

Wang Zhengdong didn't seem to feel scared at all, he still had a smile on his face. He knew that his brother would not be so stupid and would not be able to lose his own business if he couldn't save people. He was very relieved.

Wang Zhengdong said suddenly: "I'll make a bet with you."

Wei Tianlong said: "What are you betting on?"

Wang Zhengdong replied: "Betting I can leave safely."

Wei Tianlong said: "What if you lose?"

Wang Zhengdong said: "If I lose, I will pay for my life, and if you lose, you have to help me accomplish something. I'll talk about it later."

Wei Tianlong thought that no one would know what happened in the future, and he would not suffer any losses, so he agreed.

When Wei Tianlong appeared in front of the villa again, the people around him held various guns at him. Wei Tianlong also knew in his heart that as long as Wang Zhengdong was in his hands, those people wouldn't dare to do anything to themselves.

Wei Tianlong walked towards the villa, and suddenly a person appeared on the second floor of the villa. That person looked very young. The hair covering his eyebrows and the face made Wei Tianlong think of the handsome guy in the idol drama. The man had a serious face and was about the same size as Wei Tianlong.

The man didn't seem to pay attention to the arrival of Wei Tianlong. He shouted to Wang Zhengdong: "Brother, you have suffered, bear with me for a while, my brother will take you out of here."

Wang Zhengdong looked at the man and said with a smile: "Zhengqiang, brother told you to run so far, brother..." Wang Zhengdong said halfway through his words and said nothing.

The handsome young man was Wang Zhengqiang. He shook his head to the people below, and they all stepped aside and gave way. Wei Tianlong escorted Wang Zhengdong into that road. Wei Tianlong never expected that he would return to this place in such a short time. The fierce battle here when Wang Zhengdong was arrested last time is still vivid, just like what happened yesterday.

After Wei Tianlong walked into the first floor, he saw Wang Zhengqiang standing on the second floor. Wang Zhengqiang beckoned Wei Tianlong with a hand, indicating that Wei Tianlong should go upstairs.

Wei Tianlong escorted Wang Zhengdong to the second floor slowly, and Wei Tianlong walked slowly observing the distribution and structure of the people in this building. But when he went up to the second floor, he found that the living room had been remodeled and became very spacious and luxurious. Wang Zhengqiang was sitting on the innermost sofa. He was holding a thick cigar in one hand and looking at Wei Tianlong. The cigar did not seem to match his face very well.

Wang Zhengqiang suddenly asked in very deep words: "Did you arrest my brother?"

Wei Tianlong replied quickly: "Isn't it? Don't talk nonsense, where is my woman?"

Wang Zhengqiang nodded to the person in the corner. After a while, the two of them escorted a woman out. It was better to say it was dragging, because the woman's feet didn't move at all.

Wei Tianlong glanced intently. The woman's hair was messy, her clothes were pulled very messy, and her eyes were dull. Wei Tianlong yelled, "Xiaolu." But the woman just lowered her head and sat on the ground softly, as if she hadn't heard Wei Tianlong's cry.

"What did you do to her?" Wei Tianlong suddenly raised his head and looked at Wang Zhengqiang.

At this moment, Wang Zhengqiang's face suddenly smiled. The two small dimples on his face made that face look very cute, as if he was like a scholar who could only read books. How did he feel about words like murder and arson None of them are right, maybe because of his face, he seems to have some prestige in front of the brothers.