Life-Threatening Career

Chapter 24: substitutions


Wang Zhengqiang looked straight at Wei Tianlong with cold light in his eyes. It seemed that he wanted to kill Wei Tianlong with that vision.

"What's wrong? What do you say? During the period when my brother was arrested by you, do you know how many business we lost? Our loss is so great that you can't imagine it. We can't lose it in vain. Well, I didn’t expect to be a great beauty, so I would make my brothers cheaper and ask her to pay you back some debt, but her cry is pretty horrible. Haha..." Wang Zhengqiang said and watched. To the brothers standing in the building, those people also laughed for a while, and the laughter completely angered Wei Tianlong.

Wei Tianlong thought: "When I change back to Bai Xiaolu, I want you all to die." Wei Tianlong worked hard to calm the anger in his heart, and his face suddenly changed from anger to dull.

Seeing Wei Tianlong's ability to control emotions, Wang Zhengqiang felt that Wei Tianlong's ability must be very strong. How could ordinary people catch his brother? He originally wanted to use the rape of Bai Xiaolu to provoke Wei Tianlong, because when a person is angry, the line of defense is the weakest. But Wang Zhengqiang knew that this idea was completely invalid for Wei Tianlong. Because Wei Tianlong's ability to control emotions far exceeded his imagination.

Wei Tianlong said to Wang Zhengqiang: "I have brought the people, how do I exchange them now?"

"How do you want to exchange it?" Wang Zhengqiang asked back.

"We each escorted people and exchanged them outside the forest. Is that okay?" Wei Tianlong said.

Wang Zhengqiang suddenly laughed, and he said: "Actually, to be honest, I want to kill you this time, so do you think I will agree with your proposal? Since you can catch my brother, it means that you are not easy. Well, I tell my people to exit this villa, and give you one minute of preparation time, and my people will come in and kill you, or you don’t want to go out today, you can’t go anyway. I’ll give you three seconds Zhong thinks about the time, and if I disagree, I will kill this woman first, and then kill you."

While talking, Wang Zhengqiang drew a gun from his waist, and he pulled the bolt, the voice was very crisp. He "forced" the gun on Bai Xiaolu's head and counted: "One, two..."

"Wait" Wei Tianlong shouted: "I agree, but how can I believe that you will not shoot us before you go out?"

"Then it depends on my mood and your guts!" Wang Zhengqiang beckoned everyone in the room to withdraw. He walked in front of Wei Tianlong, pulled Wang Zhengdong and walked out. Wei Tianlong also had to admire Wang Zhengqiang's courage.

Wei Tianlong ran to Bai Xiaolu quickly, he was holding Bai Xiaolu, and Bai Xiaolu seemed to not recognize him, and just cried blindly. Seeing Bai Xiaolu's scratched face and the torn clothes, Wei Tianlong felt very distressed and annoyed.

Just when Wei Tianlong was thinking about killing all the bastards, a group of people armed with all kinds of fully automatic and semi-automatic submachine guns rushed in with a burst of fierce "shooting". Wei Tianlong quickly picked up Bai Xiaolu and turned towards Hiding behind a large pillar. The bullets of those guns were all concentrated in one direction, so that Wei Tianlong could hardly reach out his head.

Wei Tianlong felt those people leaning towards him while "shooting". He knew in his heart that Bai Xiaolu and him would become hornet's nests when those people approached. Bai Xiaolu screamed at that moment with her head in her arms. It is normal for a rich lady like her to be scared when she has seen this situation.

Just when those people were changing bullets, Wei Tianlong suddenly jumped out and shot a few shots at those people. A few of those people fell on the spot. Following another burst of bullets "fired" at Wei Tianlong. Just when Wei Tianlong was hit by a bullet and couldn't stretch out his head, he was finished thinking about it.

Suddenly, there were gunshots outside, and the people in the building were all startled. The bullets that "fired" at Wei Tianlong were obviously much less.

Wei Tianlong took advantage of this moment of free time and he jumped out towards those people. There were only a few shots in the air. After those shots were shot, the guns suddenly ran out of bullets. Those people didn't give him time to change bullets at all. He was another crazy burst of "shooting".

At that critical moment, Wei Tianlong jumped directly into the crowd. Those guns can easily injure their own people at short distances, so those people gave up shooting and fisted with Wei Tianlong. Wei Tianlong took a dagger and it was a "chaotic" stabbing. Wei Tianlong was in those People are like entering the realm of no one, but those people have been in the road for a long time, and they should have been fighting for a long time. The actual combat experience is very rich. Although Wei Tianlong is not very difficult to fight, he still suffers a lot. Minor injuries.

Just when Wei Tianlong was killing him full of hatred, a group of people broke in.

Under the shouts of those people, those who fought Wei Tianlong put down their weapons. Wei Tianlong saw that Liu Dayong was leading the team, and some border guards followed Liu Dayong. Wei Tianlong knew he was saved, but he was very reluctant. He hated himself why he didn't kill all those people before Liu Dayong came. It is also to blame for the inexplicable anger in his heart after seeing Bai Xiaolu, that anger attacked his heart so that his ability to fight was greatly reduced compared to usual.