Life-Threatening Career

Chapter 3: To save people


"Yes! But it will alarm the people upstairs." The sniper returned.

"What's the situation on the seventh floor?"

"The reflection of the glass and the complex structure inside the building make it impossible to understand!" the sniper replied.

"The first team determines the number and location of the gangsters in the building, and the second team attacks at any time, and the snipers always pay attention to the situation in the building." Liu Dayong said into the headset.

On the roof of the building, two ropes were thrown down along the sides of the large glass window. The people in the building did not notice. The two team members slipped down with the ropes, and they stopped at the glass window. On both sides, two miniature cameras are installed on the window, and two monitors in a car in front of the building are showing the situation inside the building.

At this moment, a bomb was dropped upstairs and exploded into a piece in front of the building. The bomb was extremely powerful and lethal.

Suddenly a voice came from Liu Dayong's earphones: "Be careful, the gangster has heavy weapons in his hands!"

Suddenly upstairs shouted: "You only have the last three minutes!" While talking, a gangster took a hostage and swayed in front of the glass window. These are all displayed one by one on the monitor in the car.

The negotiator downstairs is using a megaphone to negotiate with the culprits in order to ease their emotions and gain time to rescue the hostages.

Liu Dayong suddenly said: "Enable plan b!"

"The first team receives it, the second team receives it!" A voice came from the headset, short and clear.

"Headquarters, please determine the number and specific location of the culprits!" Liu Dayong called the headquarters.

"There are currently five gangsters that can be observed in the building. Three of them are watching the hostages. The hostages are in the office in the building. Those gangsters are hiding behind the hostages. They can only judge the number roughly. Two of them are watching around the window. The movement in front of the building, they are escorting a hostage in their hands." Liu Dayong and each team member's headsets passed the specific location of the culprit one by one.

Liu Dayong thought to himself: "These gangsters are really cunning, they actually use this method to guard against our snipers!"

The gangster upstairs now shouted out again: "You only have less than a minute now."

Liu Dayong said: "Does the first team understand the location of the culprits?"

Back in the headset: "Understood!"

"Does the second team understand?"


Now listen to my order: "One squad attacked the two bandits standing by the window, the second squad attacked the three bandits next to the hostages, and the sniper killed the target on the sixth floor. Please answer when you receive the order!"

"The first team receives it, the second team receives it, and the sniper receives it."

"Okay! I'll start taking action after tens of seconds." Liu Dayong began to count down.

"Ten, nine, eight... Three, two, one action."

Just after an order was given, with a gunshot, suddenly the glass window broke open, and two people broke into the window. At the same time, the door facing the office broke open, and a group of people broke in.

Three gangsters fell down after a few shots. The other two eyes were quick and fast. When they saw two dark shadows on the glass window, they hid behind a wall in the office at a very fast speed, holding a hostage and a large amount of explosives in their hands.

Liu Dayong saw that the two players who entered through the window missed. He was very shocked because he knew his players. Their skills can almost be said to have reached the top of the world. In the past countless battles, those scenes They are all many times more difficult than today’s unawareness. They all completed the task one by one, but today they missed it. There are two reasons: "One is that his team members are too careless, and the other is that the opponent is too powerful." But no matter what. Whichever reason is unfavorable.

Liu Dayong signaled the team members to evacuate the hostages in the building, and the guns of the others were aimed at the direction of the two gangsters.

"Damn! This is what you "forced" Lao Tzu, the big deal will die together!" the gangster behind the wall shouted.

Liu Dayong motioned for the team members to slowly approach the past. Suddenly a gun was stretched out from behind the wall and banged at them. The gun stopped after a while. Every team member knew it. With their familiarity with guns, they concluded that the two gangsters had no bullets. Reassure and lean forward boldly.