Life-Threatening Career

Chapter 41: opponents are a bit strong


Yi Dongwu saw Wei Tianlong pounce on him, so he pushed away the man who had been scolding him, and avoided Wei Tianlong's fierce punch. As the knife in that hand swung over to Wei Tianlong, Wei Tianlong evaded, and as he flew past, they just came and went like this. Wei Tianlong felt very happy. After leaving the army, he hadn't encountered such an opponent, and Yi Dongwu had a similar idea to Wei Tianlong. The people around you saw the two of them coming and going at a very fast speed, and the wonderful pictures in those movies were hard to compare with the scenes in front of them, because there were real people and real fists in front of them.

Suddenly, those people stayed there. When they recovered, the rich-faced man slammed the people next to him, saying, "Give me up." Those who were pushed were trembling, not daring to get involved in the fight between the two.

Wherever the two of them went, they only heard that the tables were broken one by one. The manager of the shop didn’t have to worry, because he knew that the person who caused the incident was the daughter of their boss, so the people in the shop All are holding a heart to watch the excitement.

The two seemed to fight more and more vigorously, and they played for a long time without a win. Huang Shiting was full of anxiety, fearing that Wei Tianlong would be injured by Yi Dawu's knife. In fact, Wei Tianlong should have a slight upper hand in terms of strength, but the knife in Yi Dongwu's hand made up for his shortcoming. The two of them were sweating profusely, and they didn't seem to want to stop at all. And the man with a rich face kept saying: "Kill him!"

"Stop!" Suddenly someone yelled. After hearing the sound, Yi moved with force and violently threw out Wei Tianlong. Then he stopped. Wei Tianlong watched him stop, and then stopped. , Both of them were panting with exhaustion. Everyone looked at the sound.

A person appeared in front of them. He was in his thirties. He was not very tall, but his muscles were very strong. Wearing a vest, some tattoos appeared on his hands, and he couldn't see what the tattoos were. Something, that man's face is a little old, and he has short hair. Seeing his appearance, it gives people a shuddering feeling.

The man waved his hand to make those people retreat, and then walked to Huang Shiting and said respectfully: "Miss, I'm sorry, this is my brother-in-law, who offended the young lady. Blame me!"

Huang Shiting knew that person, that person was Sun Hu, his father's brother, she never cared about what she did, so she didn't know, because that person often appeared in Huang Tianxiang's villa, so he knew Huang Shiting.

Before Wei Tianlong could even realize what was going on, Huang Shiting dragged him angrily and rushed out. The man with a rich face knew that he might be in trouble, so he lowered his head like a kid who did something wrong.

Huang Shiting looked at the knife on Wei Tianlong's back in the car, and was sure that she was relieved only after cutting her clothes. So carrying Wei Tianlong and headed to Wei Tianlong's residence. And the one named Sun Hu was a reprimand to his brother-in-law there. Originally, he arranged for his brother Yi Dawu to ensure the safety of the restaurant in that restaurant based on his prestige. This was a good one. He smashed his own restaurant. The damaged items in it cost a lot of money. , It seems that he has come out again.

The car was running, Wei Tianlong laughed suddenly, while Huang Shiting was driving, she didn't know what Wei Tianlong was laughing at.

"Have fun! It was a great fight. Today I finally ran into someone who was barely my opponent. And I finally understood one thing." Wei Tianlong said with a smile.

"What's the matter? Make you so happy?" Huang Shiting wanted to know the answer.

"It turns out that those beautiful beauties like men who are mighty, tall and handsome. In addition to being good-looking, they have another function."

"You said it all in one go!"

"It can also prevent'harassment'! Haha... No wonder no one likes my small body."

"Who said no one likes it?" Huang Shiting blushed and said.

Wei Tianlong seemed to have understood the meaning of the words, and Huang Shiting seemed to be suggesting something to him. So he closed his mouth immediately, twitched himself, and then whispered to himself: "You think too much, you don't know what you are? It's impossible for such a big beauty to like you, unless it's you. Dreaming." As he said, he twitched his mouth again.

Huang Shiting heard him whispering to herself, she couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect that a tough guy who is usually a little bit like a "wife" sometimes. Thinking about it, there was another burst of laughter. Wei Tianlong was completely confused by her laughter!