Life-Threatening Career

Chapter 46: meetings


When Wei Tianlong arrived, his mind was still in the clouds. He couldn't figure out why he had killed people, so why could he still come out beautifully? Are all the laws just empty decorations? He was only "confused" by Huang Tianxiang's saying, "There is someone above me".

"Don’t be puzzled, brother, now you can understand something. In fact, what He Min told you is that it really exists. There are black and white in this society, and the state is ruled on the bright side. It’s very ordered, and there are dark forces in the underground. Everything you see that works very normally, in fact, is more or less related to the underworld. Do you know Taiwan? Taiwan is a typical underworld "government". Just look at us What’s your understanding? Having said so much, and let you meet so much, I hope your unwavering and stubborn thinking in the army has changed. If you figure it out, or if you want to be in this society He has a certain prestige, I hope you will come to my residence tomorrow and continue to discuss your next work." Huang Tianxiang finished speaking and the car arrived at Wei Tianlong's residence.

What Wei Tianlong wants to know now is what happened to Huang Shiting? So he asked Huang Tianxiang, "How is Tingting?"

Huang Tianxiang frowned suddenly. Hearing Wei Tianlong called Huang Shiting so affectionate, he seemed to understand something, and he seemed more certain that Wei Tianlong would go to his residence the next day.

"She's okay, she was just a little frightened. I hope that you will come to my residence tomorrow not only to see Tingting." Then she closed the car window and left.

Wei Tianlong returned to the villa. He thought about it all night, but couldn't sleep.

When he was in the army, he was very disobedient, and his "sex" personality was rebellious. Now he has seen some dark sides of society, and his position has begun to waver. He thought to himself: "If you enter the underworld, you will never be able to turn over. But he immediately laughed at his idea. Killing people can solve it. Is it a matter of a sentence to be able to turn over at that time?"

Wei Tianlong decided to go on and made all the mistakes. He could only make mistakes again and again, so he decided to go to Huang Tianxiang's residence the next day, and he would go to see how Huang Shiting was going.

When Wei Tianlong appeared at Huang Tianxiang's residence the next day, there were too many people there beyond his imagination. Huang Tianxiang saw him come with a smile on his face, and after he took him to the place by himself, Huang Tianxiang asked, "Decided to continue?"

Wei Tianlong glanced at Huang Tianxiang, then he nodded.

So Huang Tianxiang asked everyone to sit down on the first floor of the villa, and there were so many people sitting in the living room without the feeling of being crowded. Wei Tianlong sat down next to Huang Tianxiang, and he had seen most of the people in front of him. When he was in Beijing, Huang Tianxiang even let these people fly over to introduce him. Only now did he know that sitting in front of him were all the bosses of the gang, Wei Dashan from Xingtang, Zheng Xiaobai from Hutang, and Sun Hu from Baotang. . . . . . Some of these people look rude, while others look gentle, but they all have their own backgrounds.

"Okay, now I will introduce our new member, Sheng and the next boss." Huang Tianxiang said loudly.

Wei Tianlong and everyone present thought that he had misheard. Huang Tianxiang saw that everyone in front of him hadn't reacted yet, so he added it again. Those people seemed to be very dissatisfied with Huang Tianxiang's decision.

"Originally, I was only in charge of the white face. After the boss was stabbed to death more than ten years ago, according to his will, whoever can avenge him should be the boss, right?" Huang Tianxiang asked.

"The boss did say that when he was dying." The group of people said loudly.

"But no one has ever been able to avenge the boss, so I just managed our gang on behalf of the boss. Recently, my body has gradually weakened, and I want to quit and go abroad to cultivate, but there has been no suitable one. The boss is a candidate, so I have survived until today. Not long ago, I found a person who has the ability to avenge the boss. I also found out that the boss’s enemy is coming to this city to discuss a big business recently. This is a rare opportunity. So I have gathered all the brothers here to let everyone witness." Huang Tianxiang said after lighting a cigarette.

Everyone knew in their hearts that it wasn't that there was no chance to avenge the boss, and no one didn't want to take the position of the boss, but the opponent was too powerful. After finding the opponent several times, they let the opponent escape, and he also caught a lot of brothers. I thought that there was a fire in my heart, but there was nothing to do.

Huang Tianxiang vomited a smoke ring and said, "That person is Wei Tianlong." The people present did not believe it, and were very dissatisfied, because the people in front of them seemed to be unable to beat them, so what would he take to avenge the boss? What

"I'm not convinced, if he can't report it? What should I do?" Wei Tianlong, the person who stood up, has seen him. His name is Sun Hu. He is the head of the gang catering industry. All problems in the catering industry managed by the gang are caused by He came to manage, of course, when the drug business was under investigation.