Life-Threatening Career

Chapter 49: began to act


What appeared in front of them was some low and dilapidated buildings. Because the "government" wanted to plan here, almost everyone moved out, but among the low buildings was a three-story building that was very conspicuous because of that. Some cooking smoke came out of it. From the smoke, it can be concluded that there was someone inside.

Wei Tianlong took out a miniature telescope to observe. The three-story building was surrounded by some very broken small buildings, which could hardly accommodate people. However, he clearly saw that some people in the surrounding small buildings were poking their heads out and looking around. It's a watchman. There are people coming down from time to time upstairs, and there should be a lot of people who want to come to the building.

Wei Tianlong handed the telescope to Yi Dongwu.

"See the two guards in the broken house in front of and behind that building?" Yi Dawu nodded after hearing Wei Tianlong's prompt.

"Before the action at night, you two "touch" to solve them first to prevent us from being surrounded. But guns are not allowed, and try not to disturb the people inside." After hearing Wei Tianlong's arrangement, they both clicked. nod.

The sun slowly fell to the bottom of the mountain that day, and the sky gradually darkened. There was some light in the small three-story building from time to time, and those lights should be firelights.

Wei Tianlong said again: "I will use force to solve the guardian and I will go straight in. I will kill anyone and solve it with a short knife; and Wang Wei will stay outside to prevent the people inside from escaping." Wei Tianlong has taught Yi Dawu the sword technique. So he made such an arrangement.

The three of them quietly "touched" them while it was dark. After Wang Wei and Yi Dongwu quietly eliminated the two guards, Wei Tianlong discovered that Wang Wei's skills were not weak. His speed and sensitivity are much better than Yiwuwu, but his strength is not as good as Yiwuwu. In real actual combat, strength and endurance are the most important, so Wei Tianlong feels that his arrangements are in place.

Just after the two guards were resolved, Wei Tianlong and Yi Dongwu suddenly rushed into the three-story building. The first floor of the building was very dark. Several people were sitting there with cigarettes in their mouths. It would be difficult for Wei Tianlong and Yi Dongwu to find anyone if it weren't for the flames of their cigarette butts.

After seeing the two figures flashing in, those people thought they were guards outside, so they said: "tmd, you guys are going to change after just being outside for a while?" After talking for a long time, there was no guard Tianlong and Yi Dongwu at all. To answer them, just to "touch" those people in the dark.

After the few people finished speaking, no one answered, knowing that something was wrong, so they all drew their guns from their waists, and they shot fiercely towards the dark place, and they didn’t know the current Wei Tianlong and Yi Dongwu. Already standing in front of them, Wei Tianlong and Yi Dongwu flicked their hands with a few slaps, and those few people fell down, and they didn't know how they died until they died. Wei Tianlong and Yi Dongwu knew in their hearts that those people were more complicated than they thought, at least the other party had guns. Yi Dongwu knew in his heart that these people must be supported by someone, or if the investigation is very tight now, it is difficult to bring guns in.

When the people upstairs heard the gunshots downstairs, they knew that someone was coming, so they were all on guard upstairs. Wei Tianlong and Yi Dongwu knew in their hearts that it was a bit difficult to attack now, because they were sent from the upstairs. With the faint light coming down, he and Yi Dongwu found that there was only one spiral staircase going up to the second floor, and it was very narrow, and the staircase was still some length. As long as someone stood at the end of the staircase with a gun, they could stop them from going up.

He and Yi Dongwu drew their guns, leaning against the wall under the spiral staircase, and throwing a few shots at the upper floor from time to time, in order to probe the reality of the upper floor. Unexpectedly, after they fired two shots, a burst of bullets slammed downstairs. The bullets were dense and it seemed very difficult to attack.

Just when they seemed unable to do anything, Wei Tianlong saw the few people who had fallen in the pool of blood, so his eyes lit up, reminding Yi Wuwu, he pointed to the dead man on the ground, and made a shield gesture. Yi Dongwu patted his head suddenly, and thought to himself: "Why didn't you think of it?"

When he said that, he carried a person, and because of the burly, he carried that person as if he hadn't carried him. He blocked the man in front and rushed towards the upper floor, and Wei Tianlong followed him closely. In an instant, the flesh shield was beaten to blood. The people upstairs seemed to feel anxious, so they threw a grenade toward the stairs, and the grenade crashed into the stairwell.