Life-Threatening Career

Chapter 50: memories of the past


After long-term training in the army, Wei Tianlong was familiar with that voice. There was a bit of horror on his face. He knew the power of that thing was very powerful. When he heard the sound of the grenade hitting the wall just not far from him, he slammed forward and quickly grabbed the grenade that was still flying in the air and moved towards it. The upstairs was thrown back again. The people upstairs never thought that there would be such a show. After hearing a grenade explosion upstairs, Yi Dongwu and him also rushed to the second floor. After a burst of "chaotic" guns and "shooting", they hid each other in the bunker.

There are only some steel frame structures on the second floor. There is nothing but the large pillars supporting the building, so it looks very empty. A fire in the middle is burning, but due to the hot weather, that The fire is only used for light and cooking. After they went up to the second floor, they looked for bunkers after a burst of shooting, and the bunkers were the big pillars. Wei Tianlong heard those people panic, and someone called out from time to time: "Protect the boss!"

Wei Tianlong used the light of the fire to see a few corpses on the ground. He thought it was the one thrown back by him, and some were killed quickly when he and Yi Dongwu rushed up.

There are quite a few people judging each other from the voices of those people, and the boss they said should be Wang Zhengdong. When he came up, he saw a person being supported up to the third floor, and the one who was guarded up to the third floor should be Wang Zhengdong. .

"Wang Zhengdong, remember me? Today is your death date." Wei Tianlong shouted to the upper floor. The current Yi Dongwu was not far away from Wei Tianlong. After Wei Tianlong finished speaking, he found that Yi Dongwu's face was a little pale. He pressed his abdomen with his hand, thinking he was shot in the abdomen. This is also normal. He is big and he is not very flexible and fast when hiding. It should be the gun among the "chaotic" guns when he rushed up.

"It's okay, brother?" Wei Tianlong asked worriedly.

"Don't worry! I won't be okay if I don't kill them all." Yi Dongwu smiled suddenly.

At this moment, someone upstairs said loudly: "I know you, you are Skyhawk, you let me escape last time, now you regret it? Haha..." There was a burst of laughter upstairs. , But the slightest can't conceal the person's surprise after hearing Wei Tianlong's voice. Wei Tianlong could hear Wang Zhengdong's voice.

"Remember our agreement?" Wang Zhengdong asked suddenly.

"What agreement?" Wei Tianlong's mind went blank, as if he had forgotten that he had an agreement with Wang Zhengdong.

"It's true that nobles have forgotten things. We didn't agree, did you promise me one thing last time as long as I can escape safely?" Wang Zhengdong's voice was very calm, as if he was not afraid of Wei Tianlong at all.

"You don't want me to let you go?" Wei Tianlong sneered.

"I know, you were fired by the police, but it was arranged by my brother. Do you think we couldn't kill you last time? That was a demonstration to your special forces, so I'm not sure if you can kill me now. Very skeptical." Wang Zhengdong's words were very calm, and he seemed to be confident.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Wei Tianlong suddenly wanted to know what he wanted to do.

"I just want the grievances between us to be resolved tonight. No matter who we win today, I hope that the grievances between us will no longer exist tonight. You will not fail to agree?" Wang Zhengdong brought it again. Asked in a somewhat provocative tone.

Wei Tianlong was funny thinking about it, what kind of condition is this? Killing Wang Zhengdong was like a nail in his heart.

"You don't want me to let your brother go?" Wei Tianlong suddenly wanted to laugh.

"Of course, I also think about you. You are not his opponent. I respect you as a man to say that. If you win tonight, I hope you don't find him. Of course, you have to find him and me. No way. The elder brother doesn't want him to be threatened." Wei Tianlong seemed to feel that Wang Zhengdong's dialogue with him was a conspiracy.

At this time, several gunshots outside awakened Wei Tianlong. He suddenly understood that Wang Zhengdong said so much to him to delay time and let people go outside and give them a pincer. Fortunately, Wang Wei was arranged outside, or he was really deceived.

While talking, Wei Tianlong made a pounce and several rolls on the ground to reach the stairway to the third floor. The people behind the pillar at the stairway never expected that people would have such a fast speed and hid on the pillar. Yi Dongwu behind also saw everything in front of him, and he was also stunned by Wei Tianlong's speed. Just when those people couldn't believe that the fast rolling in front of them was a human, they were already dead by Wei Tianlong's knife, and they heard the sound of blood flowing out of those who fell. Those people didn't know what kind of knife they were killed by the ghost gate.