Life-Threatening Career

Chapter 55: hospitalized


Early the next morning, three people were lying in a row in a spacious ward in the city hospital in the city center. One of them is still in a coma, while the other two are wrapped in white cloth, with cigarettes in their mouths, and chatting while blowing smoke rings. They are the three injured Wei Tianlong. Yi Dongwu was in a coma because of the bullet and severe wounds.

Just as the two of them were chatting, suddenly a woman walked in. The woman was dressed up in a model fashion, and the figure was very beautiful, and the makeup on her face was very good. She walked to Wei Tianlong's side with an anxious look, grabbed the cigarette in his hand, and stepped on the cigarette while still on the ground, saying: "You didn't smoke before, why did you suddenly smoke? When there is a wound on her body." You can tell from the woman's words that she is caring and worried about Wei Tianlong, and that expression completely betrayed her.

"Isn't this just being boring, I heard that smoking can relieve boredom, just try it." Wei Tianlong said like a kid who did something wrong, begging for mercy.

"Okay! Forgive you, I won't smoke a little bit later, this thing is not good for your health." The woman said, holding the apple beside the bed and peeling it.

"Oh, my dearest Miss Shiting, why do you care about our Long brother so much?" The woman is Huang Shiting. As soon as she heard that Wei Tianlong was injured and hospitalized, she immediately left the model training camp, and her clothes were too late. So he hurriedly left the training camp and went to the hospital. Wang Wei still had a cigarette in his hand, and said while looking at Huang Shiting with a smile on his face.

Huang Shiting suddenly blushed, "Where is there? And you, don't no one say you think you are a good person. You can't stop your mouth with this apple?" Huang Shiting said as she got up and took the peeled apple. Put it into Wang Wei's mouth.

Wei Tianlong looked at him and laughed, and Wang Wei winked Wei Tianlong's eyebrows for a while, as if saying,'You are so blessed to be a kid, you've gotten such a big beauty. 'And Wei Tianlong pretended not to see anything.

"The use of force was gunshot wounds plus knife wounds, why didn't the police intervene?" Wei Tianlong had some questions.

"Don't worry! It's not the first time we got a gunshot wound. The dean of this hospital is an old friend of President Huang, and nothing will happen." Hearing Wang Wei's words, I felt relieved. The TV set opposite their bed is reporting the news. The general content is that in the demolished houses in the east of the city, a group of gangsters fought, and finally some people detonated a bomb and died together. . . . . . After seeing this, the mass of flesh squeezed between the two eyebrows of Wei Tianlong suddenly stretched out, followed by more smiles on his face. Huang Shiting looked at these and didn't know what happened, but when he saw Wang Wei, he knew that it was probably related to them.

"Promise me not to do such dangerous things in the future, okay?" After hearing Huang Shiting's words, the defender Tianlong also knew that Huang Shiting should know the inside story. After all, her father is Huang Tianxiang, and she shouldn't see such a scene.

"Don't worry! There is no future." After saying this, Wei Tianlong thought to himself,'Then Wang Zhengdong has been solved by himself, where is the future? Unless Wang Zhengdong is resurrected again. '

Huang Shiting watched him as he was entangled like a mummy, feeling distressed for a while. She has been taking care of Wei Tianlong and Wang Wei. In the afternoon, Huang Tianxiang and several brothers in the gang came to visit Wei Tianlong. They knew that Wei Tianlong would be Shenghe's boss, so they all changed their slogans and called'Brother Long'. But the bosses of all the halls have arrived, but Sun Hu did not. After they exchanged greetings with Wei Tianlong for a while, they left the hospital one after another.

Huang Tianxiang said to Wei Tianlong: "Brother Wei, I will hold a meeting in the gang in three days and hold the authorization ceremony for you. Can you do it in three days? It could have been postponed, but you know, my body is racing against time. Ah, I feel more at ease when I go abroad earlier. I have arranged everything in Bangli and the group. He Min will help you when the time comes. I hope you can make the gang better and better..." Huang Tianxiang alone He and Wei Tianlong verbally handed over some things, but when they handed over, Wang Wei and Huang Shiting were forced to go out to bask in the sun. Huang Tianxiang left after the handover of the incision head, and Huang Shiting had been with Wei Tianlong for three days. This made Wang Wei very envious, because he had never seen Huang Shiting treat anyone so well. And Wei Tianlong was a little jealous in his heart.

Yi Dongwu finally woke up two days later, but he shouldn't talk more. However, Wei Tianlong and Wang Wei were in good health, and they had some stab wounds on their bodies, and they recovered quickly, so Wei Tianlong and Wang Wei went to the eldest brother's conferencing conference. But Yi Dongwu could only lie in the hospital obediently.