Life-Threatening Career

Chapter 58: pairs entered the Leopard Hall


At noon that day, Wang Wei came to Wei Tianlong's residence to discuss with him what to do tonight.

"Should Yi Dongwu also participate?" Wang Wei asked while looking at Wei Tianlong.

"It's better not. One is that his body has not fully recovered; the other is that Sun Hu once saved him, he may not be able to do it, so, there are not too many people, just the two of us." Wei Tianlong said after taking a sip of tea. .

"Can the two of us do it?" Wang Wei still has lingering fears because of being surrounded last time.

"Don't worry, I have already asked about the use of force. He told me Sun Hu's situation. The two of us should be fine. Are you afraid?" Wei Tianlong asked suddenly with a little doubt.

"I'm not afraid of being tricked, but being able to fight side by side with you, Long Brother, I think is a very honorable thing for me. I think people who fight for this kind of opportunity in the future will line up in a long line!" After speaking, both of them laughed loudly, and the voice echoed in the villa.

In the middle of the night, everything in the city remained the same, but there were a lot more people at the entrance of the Baotang in Shenghe. The reason was that Sun Hu received the news that Wei Tianlong would come to his entrance this evening. The news was passed on by Wei Tianlong deliberately. Sun Hu also knew that Wei Tianlong's arrival would definitely be detrimental to him, but he couldn't do anything on the surface, so he had to ambush in secret.

Wei Tianlong and Wang Wei appeared at the entrance of Shenghe Leopard Hall. Sun Hu, who was nervous when he heard that Wei Tianlong was coming, saw that only Wei Tianlong and Wang Wei were coming. The person he sent out said Sheng. There was no movement from the other halls, and his hanging heart reluctantly let go.

Both Wei Tianlong and Wang Wei walked into the hall of the Leopard Hall with smiles. They smiled brighter when they saw Sun Hu's face. Sun Hu was wearing a short robe and coat, standing in the middle of the living room at the entrance of the hall. After seeing the expressions of the two in front of him, he was very puzzled. Which one is Wei Tianlong singing? He was stunned there for a moment.

"I said, Sun Hu, do you have any rules? Shenghe's eldest brother came to your site in person. It doesn't matter if you don't greet him personally, you still have such an attitude." Wang Wei suddenly retracted the smile on his face. It said with an unpleasant expression on it.

"Brother Long, please come in, come and have tea." Sun Hu suddenly reacted, but the boss came to the hall to inspect this incident and it did not happen after he became the hall master of the hall, so the boss's moment came. It is normal for him to be at a loss. This also reflects the degree of looseness in the victory and the gang.

Sun Hu’s hall is in a small three-story villa in the eastern suburbs of the city. There are not many things in the hall at ordinary times, and he can barely handle it in this small villa. After Sun Hu came back to his senses, Wei Tianlong let Wei Tianlong sit at the head of the living room on the first floor, where Wang Wei and him sat down casually. Wei Tianlong took a sip of the tea in his hand and looked around at the furnishings in the room. But Sun Hu's face was very plain, and he tried his best to use this plainness to conceal his inner irritability.

"Palace Master Sun is living a prosperous life!" He looked around at everything in the house and looked at the thick and large cigars Sun Hu's people had brought him, and said to Sun Hu without looking back.

"Brother Long has talked about it. In fact, the past few years have not been as good as one year in Bangli. The brothers have lived very poorly. I also hope that under the leadership of the boss, the brothers will be rich!" Sun Hu said something stingy but also I could hear him trembling a little.

"You are very poor, right? Then why do you have so many things to support others to deal with us?" Wei Tianlong suddenly smashed the teacup in his hand to the ground, his eyes widened, and he stared at Sun Hu stubbornly. The thief had a guilty conscience. Now that Wei Tianlong asks this question, Sun Hu also knows that the matter has been "exposed". He only hates Wang Zhengdong for betraying him.

"Don't hate him, think about yourself. It's not like him betraying others, and the betrayer is your boss." After hearing Wei Tianlong's words, Sun Hu knew that Wei Tianlong had seen through his mind. The matter has been "revealed", and it is meaningless to say more. Now that Wei Tianlong already knows, then the showdown will be a matter of time. Sun Hu also smashed the tea cup in his hand, and a lot of people ran down on the second floor of the villa. Most of them were holding mountain knives and some hidden knives, and very few people used guns. It seems that most of the guns in his hand were sent to Wang Zhengdong.

"Oh, I'm really prepared, it seems to be real!" Wang Wei looked at this posture, and immediately stood up, "touching" his back with his hands. Originally, Wei Tianlong didn't fully believe that Sun Hu betrayed them. He didn't rule out that it was Wang Zhengdong's scheme to cause them infighting. This was also the reason why they didn't directly kill them. But now that they see this, they understand it all in their hearts.