Life-Threatening Career

Chapter 7: good memories


In the middle of the night, Wei Tianlong had everything ready, so he stayed alone in his tent and rested, waiting for the mission from the radio. It was extremely boring, because this kind of survival in the wild was like a special force like them. Eating is as simple as eating, and the only thing that worries him is the unknown and necessary task.

He felt that there was nothing to do for a while, so he took out a picture in his pocket that he was inseparable from. In that picture was a woman with a very bright smile, just a face in that picture, it looked so beautiful. Very delicate and beautiful, that is his girlfriend, Bai Xiaolu, the daughter of a powerful group boss in the city where he lives, and Wei Tianlong's long-time classmates, and his long-time lover.

He held the photo in his hand and smiled from the corner of his mouth. He still deeply remembered the origin of the photo. It was taken and given to him by Bai Xiaolu when he was participating in the selection of special forces. Did not tell Bai Xiaolu which military district he was in, because these were kept secret. In order to give him that picture, Bai Xiaolu looked for him for a few days, and almost fought with his selection officer. He has been deeply in love with Bai Xiaolu since he was in middle school, but because Bai Xiaolu is the daughter of a powerful CEO and his status is very different, he can only bury his love for Bai Xiaolu deeply in his heart. His body is weak and small, and he feels like he will fall when the wind blows.

He remembered that many boys like Bai Xiaolu very much, and many boys deliberately molested Bai Xiaolu because of her beauty. Whenever he sees Bai Xiaolu being wronged, he feels a pain in his heart, and he can’t wait to beat those up right away. The person who bullied Bai Xiaolu. However, every time he was strong, the result was a lot of scars. Bai Xiaolu personally treated him every time. Bai Xiaolu always blamed him, saying that if he didn’t have the ability, don’t be strong. Wei Tianlong at that time Just smiled foolishly.

From then on, Wei Tianlong got up very early every day, and he exercised with an old man in his neighbor. The old man saw that he was very persevering. Although he was a little thinner, it was also a good material for martial arts training. So he asked Wei Tianlong that he also had this willingness, so he accepted Wei Tianlong as an apprentice, but he accepted him, that old man. Wei Tianlong is not allowed to call him Master, and Wei Tianlong is also called to ensure that their relationship will never be revealed, and Wei Tianlong is not allowed to ask his name.

Two months later, Wei Tianlong began to change, and there was a "force" momentum in his mind. Even Bai Xiaolu noticed something wrong with him, but he couldn't say what was wrong for a while.

Wei Tianlong always expresses a certain temperament when he walks. Bai Xiaolu feels obsessed with it. But since ancient times, he has always been a beauty love hero. Wei Tianlong is weak in writing, so naturally he is not a hero. A little bit of goodwill, that feeling is not linked to love at all.

Wei Tianlong has always liked Bai Xiaolu silently. Bai Xiaolu's eyes are naturally very picky. He doesn't like any of the large groups of boys who chase him. If he talks about feelings, he only has a little bit of Wei Tianlong who is weak in writing. Good impression, but his imaginary lover is a tall, mighty and handsome person, and it seems that Wei Tianlong is indifferent at all.

So the good feelings belonged to the good feelings. He also only got closer to Wei Tianlong, but these didn't seem to affect the boys who wanted to take advantage of Bai Xiaolu. They didn't put Wei Tianlong in their eyes.

Wei Tianlong still clearly remembered that it was an afternoon in high school. Everyone was busy preparing for the college entrance examination. Several social gangsters suddenly broke into their classrooms, and those gangsters had beautiful hair. They grabbed Bai Xiaolu and walked out. Bai Xiaolu almost cried out of fright. Wei Tianlong still clearly remembered the desperate look in Bai Xiaolu's eyes when she looked at him.

Just after Bai Xiaolu was pulled out of the classroom by those punks, most of the people in the classroom were frightened and didn't realize what was going on. The boys who usually liked Bai Xiaolu sat blankly, most of them were frightened. Dumbfounded.

Wei Tianlong ran out quickly and stopped those people in the corridor of the school. Bai Xiaolu was so frightened that she cried out with tears. She saw that it was Wei Tianlong, and she was very grateful to him, but he understood Wei Tianlong. , He could not be the opponent of these people, so only one more person would be injured.

Wei Tianlong didn't know where the courage came from. He shouted loudly: "Let him go, we can talk about everything, otherwise you will die miserably."

What those little gangsters saw was a weak scholar with a height of one meter and seven meters, and they wanted to laugh in their hearts.

"Get out of here, or I'll make you lie here and you can't get up!" said a yellow-haired bastard with a smoke ring in his mouth.

Wei Tianlong really hated the feeling of others not putting himself in their eyes. He once swore that if someone looked down on him again, he would make people who look down on him die miserably. He didn't expect this oath to be in a group of people in the first place. The body of the gangster has been verified.

Those little gangsters are very ugly in appearance, almost all of them are wicked, which makes people very uncomfortable at first glance. When they stood there, Wei Tianlong could see that their stance was very lazy. It seemed that they were eating by brute force, and they had no real ability. Those little bastards' hands firmly grasped Bai Xiaolu, and "touched" Bai Xiaolu's body irregularly.

Wei Tianlong felt uncomfortable seeing this. Just when those punks almost ignored his existence, Wei Tianlong rushed towards the punks. Bai Xiaolu felt that his painful hands suddenly disappeared. She felt very strange. She looked at her side, those little gangsters were all lying on the ground, Wei Tianlong one by one interrupted the hands that had just been "messy" and "touching" on Bai Xiaolu's body, those little gangsters were crying and crying on the floor painfully. Bai Xiaolu couldn't believe everything in front of her for a while, and it was hard to believe that the seven or eight punks on the ground rolling in pain were the work of Wei Tianlong.