Life-Threatening Career

Chapter 9: new tasks


In the middle of the night, a call from Captain Liu Dayong came from the wireless headset.

"Attention to all units! The field survival training is cancelled. Please throw away everything except weapons and quickly return to the forest pass by helicopter!" Every team member in the forest heard Liu Dayong's voice through their headsets. They knew it was urgent. This was the first time I called, and there must be some emergency, so they ran out of the forest one by one.

In the command center of the army headquarters, Wei Tianlong and several of his comrades were sitting in front of a big screen, but it was obvious that not all of Wei Tianlong’s comrades came. There were only five people coming from Wei Tianlong, but they were all the best five. .

A man in his forties was holding a screen pointing stick in his hand to explain to Wei Tianlong and his party. That person is not unfamiliar to them, because almost every task is given by him, and he is Wei Tianlong. Zheng Fuqiang, the supreme commander of the troop.

Pictures of several people were displayed on the screen. Zheng Fuqiang pointed to one of them and said, "This is the general contact person for the entire Asian drug trade. He is Wang Zhengdong, 32 years old, Chinese, Vietnamese nationality, because he has a scar on his face. So nicknamed "Scar", almost half of all drugs in Asia come from him.

Zheng Fuqiang pointed to another person and said: "This is Ke Yongqiang. He is 41 years old and his nationality is unknown. He is a salesman of drugs and arms in Asia. He has three brothers. His eldest brother is the largest drug lord in Asia, and his second brother is a man. The arms dealer, relying on the influence of his two brothers in Asia to sell drugs everywhere, he was extremely arrogant. We have undercovered and arrested him many times, but all failed."

"This time they will secretly discuss the expansion of drug sales and distribution with several neighboring countries in China and several gang bosses in China at this place on the China-Myanmar border." Zheng Fuqiang pointed to the screen on the China-Myanmar border. A virgin forest continued: "I know that this forest is their base for secret meetings, so this forest is full of their secret eyeliners. Those people are terrorists who kill people without blinking. The situation is very complicated, but wait. Such an opportunity is not easy, because these people usually hide very secretly, so they cannot escape this time. Their meeting time is tomorrow afternoon. If you miss this opportunity, you don’t know when you have to wait. Okay. , There is so much information!"

After the commander gave the order, Liu Dayong quickly gave his final words: "Our mission is very dangerous this time, but it must be completed. There should not be too many people. Five will do. The requirements are fast, ruthless, and accurate! All the team members use code names. Weapons and equipment are all on the plane, act now!"

When Wei Tianlong received the order, he quickly ran towards the military helicopter. On the plane, Wei Tianlong and his comrades received their own equipment and painted each other's camouflage oil.

"Tianying, this pretty girl is the person of your dreams!" asked Wei Tianlong from a teammate who was a bit bigger than Wei Tianlong. In fact, Wei Tianlong’s figure is only small compared to those of the burly men in the army. After several years of training, he is no longer the weak image that Bai Xiaolu had in high school. Now he is full of muscles and extremely fast. Extremely accurate, although all of his comrades in arms are taller and taller than him, but the real sign is that no one is his opponent. He once fought against eight comrades in a joke, and the result was a tie.

After hearing the question from his teammate, he quickly put away the photo in his hand, smiled at the teammate who asked him, and answered.

The five of them in this line are the best in the team, so their other teammates affectionately called: "Five days!" namely Skyhawk, Sirius, Tianma, Tiangu, and Tianhu.

Obviously, Tianying is Wei Tianlong!