Life-Threatening Career

Chapter 95: go back


"Well, we will go back tomorrow to see the injured brother and the family of the brother who is going to pacify the dead brother. So tomorrow we will go back, and I will ask He Min to send you some managerial talents to help you." Wei Tianlong looked at Lin Zhenshan and said. But Yi Dongwu heard Wei Tianlong explain that Tian was going back, so he chased after Lin Xiaoyue.

Wei Dashan was a little reluctant to leave. Here in Lin Zhenshan, there are many free beauties who spend the night with him every night. Who doesn't like this kind of life! Although he looked unwilling, it was a matter of time before he went back, so they had nothing to complain about.

When each went back to sleep, Wei Dashan gave Lin Zhenshan a wink. Lin Zhenshan knew what he meant. These were all seen by Qin Hao, but he didn't know what it meant. Both Wei Dashan and Lin Zhenshan looked at Qin Hao and laughed.

In the middle of the night, Lin Zhenshan took a few beauties into Wei Dashan's room. Wei Dashan couldn't wait a long time ago, and he couldn't wait for Lin Zhenshan to close the door, so he rushed forward and kissed those beautiful women forcibly. Lin Zhenshan knocked on Qin Hao's door with a few beautiful beauties.

"Brother, enjoy it slowly!" Lin Zhenshan left after speaking. Qin Hao seemed to want to say something, but Lin Zhenshan didn't give him a chance to speak. Regardless of him, since it was a good thing that was delivered to the door, it would betray Lin Zhenshan's kindness if he didn't make good use of it. So Qin Hao stretched out his arms around the two beautiful women's slender waists, and Qin Hao kicked the door shut. Lin Zhenshan later heard Yi Dongwu say that Wei Tianlong did not dislike this thing. After all, these are human natures, but Wei Tianlong's taste is rather strange. The women he wanted to play with were all he liked and won. He feels very tasteless like these women who don't need to fight, so he doesn't like it anymore.

Since he was leaving the next day, Wei Dashan had not seen such a beautiful beauty in Shenghe headquarters. These should be beautiful models that Lin Zhenshan dug from all over the place at high prices. Wei Dashan was afraid that he would never get such a superb beauty to play again after he returned, so he tried his best tonight, playing wave after wave, until he finally fell asleep with exhaustion. But their crazy screams made Wei Tianlong never close his eyes. He has been thinking, brothers like this thing, then it means that there are many people who are willing to pay a high price to play. If you build a place of entertainment like a "brothel", you can not only use it for your brothers to have fun, but you can also use these to win over those officials. In order to achieve the purpose of consolidating one's own background.

But he thought about it all night and didn't think of any suitable strategy. So this idea was shelved in the bottom of his heart, and he would still use this plan if he had the opportunity in the future.

Early the next morning, they took the ticket that Lin Zhenshan had booked for them and was escorted to the airport by Lin Zhenshan.

Wei Dashan looked dissatisfied, and Qin Hao might have been very tired last night, so he always felt very listless.

"Brother, come back again when I have a chance, I will be ready for you all the time for good products." Lin Zhenshan saw Wei Dashan's thoughts, so he comforted him.

"Oh, it's a pity that Xiaowei didn't enjoy such a good thing. It's a pity!" His words completely exceeded Lin Zhenshan's expectations. Unexpectedly, Wei Dashan was still so loyal. After having fun, he still thought of his brother. It's no wonder that Wang Wei and Wei Dashan get along very well in the first place, the reason is that they are both wandering among the flowers. Usually, as long as anyone has any interesting things, they will ask the other party to enjoy it. This time, Wang Wei was training his brothers in the distant mountains, so there was no such opportunity.

"Xiaowei and the others should be almost trained, right?" Wei Tianlong suddenly turned his head and asked Qin Hao.